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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Robyn Unwin

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I've done a lot of online courses with varying degrees of completion and success. I've always been a bit of a 'fringe player' though, and never fully jumped into an online community.. But there was something about Marisa's intelligent, encouraging approach, backed up by a serious team of business leaders that helped me to commit and go all-in this time. I booked every single call and training into my calendar and didn't skip ANY of them. I made friends in the Facebook group and in our coaching calls and didn't hold back on asking questions or offering feedback to my 'group-mates'. I totally got into the achievement and gamification part of the program and simply followed the process, hit my milestones and played hard in the community and my coaching pod. I've always been overly perfectionist at the risk of not getting my courses out there, but with the way the coaches kept us moving along I designed and delivered my Video Branding Bootcamp in 6 weeks using Marisa's Bird's Eye View template. I hit Mission Accomplished just a few weeks into the course, but the main achievement was that I was having fun in my business again. Adding Heroic and Xperiencify to my toolkit was the game-changer, and thanks to the support from Marisa, Don and Murray, I'm getting my online business set up, handling the tech, and excited instead of terrified to launch. I didn't know I could develop such great friendships online and even though we're from countries all over the world, I feel like I'm part of a kind and connected community. I can't wait to meet all these great people in person at M2M. This was easily the most fun I've ever had with an online course, and I feel like it's just the beginning of my Experience Product journey : )

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The framework for taking my business delivery online, the community and relationships, and tackling a lot of the tech challenges I've encountered when designing and delivering online programs. In the weekly tech calls, Don just cut through all the researching nonsense I often get into and gently pushed me into DOing, rather than endlessly spinning in tech minutiae. The 'iterate your way to awesome' approach was my mantra, and I know that I'd still be trying to perfect my course rather than deliver it, if I hadn't taken EPM.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The coaching, group support and gamification strategies for getting and keeping us in the game were epic - I've never engaged with an online program this deeply, and therefore never really experienced the value of an online course this much. But I was in from the first ka-ching : ) There was such authenticity, genuine enthusiasm and integrity from the leadership team that I just leaned in to their coaching, experience and expertise. I saved myself a year's worth of spinning in indecision by taking EPM #grateful

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I've enjoyed a lot of success in my documentary business over the last 5 years, but I was working with mostly corporate clients and losing my passion for it. I wasn't having as much fun and my creativity was circling the drain. At the time I found EPM I was planning to wind things down and move towards semi-retirement over the next year or two. But seeing how I could introduce gamification into my business lit something up inside me and rekindled my creativity. Now I've got my second wind and am excited about ramping up my business, but this time with an online delivery. I really wasn't ready to retire anyway!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I've always loved teaching film production in person, but I also wanted to travel in the winter, and so had made the decision to wind down my company. I'd considered creating an online course, but I've been disappointed with the lack of traction my students made when I delivered digital trainings in the past. Now with Xperiencify and learning how to design, deliver and market my courses I have a platform to deliver my courses in a way that will work for my clients, help them get real results . AND I've found a way to run my business from anywhere in the world!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I've launched and just finished delivering my 5 Day Video Branding Challenge with excellent engagement and results, so I'm excited to deliver my Video Branding Bootcamp starting this Monday; creating more Experience Products (thanks to Marisa's encouragement in the final call, I've already started creating my one-to-one coaching program), getting even more involved in this community, going to M2M in March, and hitting my stretch financial target this year with my Business 2.0!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I felt confident that I would get value from this course when I signed up - the elegance of the delivery, the intelligence of the content and the quality of the coaching team were evident from the start. But what I didn't expect or see coming was to feel as loved, supported and encouraged throughout this course by Marisa and the EPM team. There's a vibe here that I've never experienced before in an online community and I'm beyond grateful that I said Yes to this opportunity. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this work : )

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Chonta Haynes

Your Graduation Story
I came to EPM with great expectation. The on-boarding and enthusiasm is infectious. There was a lot of material but it was broken down into bite size pieces. Depending on how you define success, I was either successful or not yet. I gobbled up every video, coaching call and really went all in. If completing all modules including the overachiever track and ranking high on the leaderboard constitutes success... well I did that. If being confident in what you have to offer and knowing you have the goods... well I did that. If being teachable and standing ready to pivot to attain not only impact and influence in the lives of others but also to gain income... well I was ready but the income hasn't come yet. Will it eventually... YES!. Is it just around the corner... I'm not sure.

The feeling of being lost in a sea of a multitude of people all grabbing for the boat of success is what I began feeling prior to the second laser coach-a-thon. I voiced a concern of disappointment and too many vying for a coveted spot of personal attention to help make that pivot. Don't get me wrong, my individual coach offered plenty of suggestions which I took and adjusted. I believe that when you sell someone on yourself then giving them a substitute, if you don't achieve success, still produces a let down. Because I realize that morale is important, I didn't try to infect others with my disappointment. Mathematically the number of people in the program and the limited number of spots to get help from the creator is what increases the deflating of the balloon.

The mission and the guarantee is what got me. I didn't make it ... yet.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The information was useful. Research is essential. Not having to have it perfect before offering the product.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I know more about marketing but not successful yet.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
N/A yet

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I have an online course available and set up a workshop which if filled will not only impact lives but bring in income as well.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

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Dean Strickler

I spent the first 9 months of 2018 researching, testing and masterminding the perfect online education platform business for learning guitar. I had several ideas on how to create systems and tools to help guitar players improve 10X faster and experience more enjoyment in the process. The vision was there, I just wasn’t exactly sure how I was going to “logistically’ deliver on the promise I had committed to paper.

Then I get an email from my friend Ryan Levesque. He’s making me aware of the EPM launch that is taking place that week. I start following the launch, watching the videos and learning all about this unique platform. Is this exactly what I’m looking for?

I ultimately decided to take the plunge, and after just 10 minutes in the member’s area, I realized that I just discovered the solution to my logistics problem. Week after week (as the content is rolled out) I realize that this is exactly what my guitar playing customers need to actually get the “result” they are looking for. That “information” is NOT a value proposition, that an Experience Product is what delivers those results.

The coaching calls have been amazing. Having to actually “do the work” along the way is a game-changer. The gamification keeps you “in the game”. Now that the 10 weeks are up, I’m ready to launch my MVP and I’m confident that I’ll be able to deliver on the promise I spent the better part of a year preparing to share with the world.

Well done Marisa and the entire EPM Team!!

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Your Mission Accomplished Story
Before EPM program, my product was just an idea, just a thought into my mind. Now it's a dream that come true in just 10 weeks. The EPM program has boosted me to action, and has showed me step by step what I have to do and how to do it. I still haven’t complete my product, and I still haven’t launched it by the way I’m planning to do. But I have already pre sale to 5 of my 1:1 clients I already have in just one day. I have just speak to them about my new product, that is still under development, I have sent them my freebie by e-mail and they was so excited about this, and boom....they just made an order. I have sold something that still doesn't exist. And I was so afraid about this. My clients have ordered my product that will be ready, probably few months later. At this moment I’m not launching my product yet, because I’m afraid that the interest will be so big, and I’ll be under pressure. And I don’t want to be. I't my decision to postpone the launching. So, I continue with the development of my product, and I have already a lot of new ideas for my next products.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Before EPM program, my product was just an idea, just a thought into my mind. Now it's a dream that come true in just 10 weeks. The program has boosted me to action, and has showed me step by step what I have to do and how to do it.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The EPM has organized me, has activate me, has simplify the procedure I was planning to follow in the beginning.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
The EPM has change my life forever. First of all whatever I have made for my product, i have made it by myself (website, sales page, freebie, logo, ect.). This experience has opened a new professional horizons for me, not only on my profession. With all of these knowledge, I have saved a lot of money I had to spent to different specialists to help me to create my product. Now I can do almost all by myself, so this gives me independence and power.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The EPM marketing strategies are so effective. I have changed completely the way I was offering my services. Also I’m not afraid to charge more for what I’m doing. I have increased the prices of my services forever, and this made me feel nice and complete.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
There is no limit. I'm so exited that i can do it again and again , and every next time the procedure will be easier and more perfect.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you EPM, Thank you Marisa. You have changed my life forever, and you have opened my mind to new dreams and ideas.

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Your Graduation Story
Interesting to learn and practice on specific project (product) how experiencified marketing online methods work and how all the various pieces fit together to create educational products that sell , engage and create results for their clients.

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Becky Miksic

I had been wanting to create an online course for a couple of years because I really wanted to have a low cost option for families who could not afford my services. I finally just threw a course together, finishing things minutes before each live class. I don't think one single student finished the program. So when I heard Marisa talk about her EPM program I knew I needed it.

I got my money's worth within the first module because I learned that in order for my students to be successful I needed to choose just ONE main objective for the course and I needed to take a few clients through the program before turning it into a 1:few program.

When Marisa talked about creating a map of my client's journey at M2M Live I realized I needed that in order to clarify my process to myself and my clients. Ultimately it was the overall client journey that got me to mission accomplished. I broke my therapy program into 6 steps and wrote an objective for each step.

This helped me recognize that a current client really needed to accomplish one more goal before moving on to a maintenance program and when I shared my 6 steps with my client and explained why I thought we needed to take a step back she was in agreement. She purchased a 12 week program package for $997.00

The email campaign I used in EPM to my tiny list of 38 generate 2 free consultations. One of the consultations was with a family I worked with previous who already trusted me.

Again, when I presented my 6 steps and explained why they were at step 2 and what needed to be accomplished before moving on they said it made sense and they purchased a $1,997.00 product package!!!

This is changing how I run my business and I can already see that it is going to get better results for my clients as well as generate more income for me! What a win-win!!!

Thanks so much Marisa!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

I have to list 2 #1 Take some current clients through the process that I plan to turn into a 1:few program before creating the 1:few program. #2 Client Journey. This is changing everything for me! I realize that most parents want to jump to step 4 in my 6 step/program process (which I just developed in EPM).

Setting it up in a bird's eye view and writing an objective for each step really helped me recognize that each step is essential and it has also made sense to my clients. This is going to lead to families doing more sessions and getting better results!

How did EPM help you become successful?

I actually made my $1997.00 NOT from my Experience Product but instead from creating the bird's eye view of the client journey and selling a package for step 2. My EPM product was step 1.

EPM helped me accept I need to shift to a package model for my services, raise my rates and incorporate frequent consultations in my programs to support the in-person work. EPM also got me to send an email campaign that ultimately generated the sale. The most important parts of this were providing value in each email and having a firm deadline.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I see how I can better serve my clients and make more money at the same time.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I'm excited to duplicate the process for each step in my client journey.

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Gabriel Vidal

Your Mission Accomplished Story
After 5 years of more of trying to find another way to do business, finding and implementing the knowledge acquired at EPM is showing how THIS is that new way of doing business we were looking for (we just started the launch yesterday, so still not hard facts to show, but

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The product creation methodology AND the way to communicate my product

How did EPM help you become successful?
Work in progress - NA for now

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Our communication and the way to present our product

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
The success of the new program - for next week intro workshop we already have 7 people enrolled in advanced (in 20h)

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Really grateful for the experience and the knowledge received

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Barb Inman

Your Graduation Story
Thank you so much Marisa, Coach Jennifer, and the whole EPM team. I've always wanted my own business and just couldn't see a viable way to do it. I signed up for course after course and just never finished the courses. I did make a few half hearted attempts at a business, but it wasn't my passion, and of course they failed.

I thought I needed more experience. I thought I had to teach what I currently do for a living. I thought I had to spend a lot of money on advertising. I thought I needed to become a certified life coach. Really, I just thought I wasn't good enough to help people by teaching them what I've learned over the last few years in my spiritual journey. In EPM I've learned that all those things were straight-up wrong. I can do this and it's going to be awesome!

Even though I have decided to slow down due to the really overwhelming transitions in my life right now, I know I have the tools to succeed. I also continue to plug away at a slower and steady pace toward my goal. I am so excited to really do this! JesusChill is going to change lives. I am going to do my bit to make the world a better place.

This is what I was meant to do. And now I will do it.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Not to make everything so complicated, and done is better than perfect

How did EPM help you become successful?
Gave me exactly the tools I need. I learned a lot of things I'd never heard before.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am a lot more confident in my ability to really make a difference.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I'm doing it!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Seeing the real change in people's lives.

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Brad Perry

I'm an idea man. That's the problem, too many ideas, not enough action. With this blueprint, I now have the ability to go through my list of ideas, pull out the best ones and create a profitable plan.

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Lana Svieta

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I struggle to identify my niche for almost 9 month at least. EPM helped me identify my niche in the first few week by giving me information, structure and coaching support. I reached mission accomplished earlier by using what I learned and my previous professional experience helping another company create their Happiness and Stress Reduction Science and AI based Program and Bot

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