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Chonta Haynes's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Chonta Haynes

Your Graduation Story
I came to EPM with great expectation. The on-boarding and enthusiasm is infectious. There was a lot of material but it was broken down into bite size pieces. Depending on how you define success, I was either successful or not yet. I gobbled up every video, coaching call and really went all in. If completing all modules including the overachiever track and ranking high on the leaderboard constitutes success... well I did that. If being confident in what you have to offer and knowing you have the goods... well I did that. If being teachable and standing ready to pivot to attain not only impact and influence in the lives of others but also to gain income... well I was ready but the income hasn't come yet. Will it eventually... YES!. Is it just around the corner... I'm not sure.

The feeling of being lost in a sea of a multitude of people all grabbing for the boat of success is what I began feeling prior to the second laser coach-a-thon. I voiced a concern of disappointment and too many vying for a coveted spot of personal attention to help make that pivot. Don't get me wrong, my individual coach offered plenty of suggestions which I took and adjusted. I believe that when you sell someone on yourself then giving them a substitute, if you don't achieve success, still produces a let down. Because I realize that morale is important, I didn't try to infect others with my disappointment. Mathematically the number of people in the program and the limited number of spots to get help from the creator is what increases the deflating of the balloon.

The mission and the guarantee is what got me. I didn't make it ... yet.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The information was useful. Research is essential. Not having to have it perfect before offering the product.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I know more about marketing but not successful yet.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
N/A yet

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I have an online course available and set up a workshop which if filled will not only impact lives but bring in income as well.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?