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2958 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Terre Britton

Everything about your course is amazing! Your impressive and masterful depth of knowledge, the engaging and challenging yet easily consumable course structure, the many wonderful surprises in your fun, unique, and personable delivery with all of our student success-milestones punctuated by resounding cha-ching! You have successfully crafted a road to product-creation mastery and I'm so grateful to be traveling on your MVP path!

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Austin Diamond

Marisa—and I know this may not be reaching you directly, but rather a member of the team—still, I hope this makes its way to you—

After a few months past the completion of EPM now, and meeting you—I can truly say what an incredible experience it was. Without hyperbole, I think it is one of the top three most remarkable and influential experiences I have ever had in my life.

And I’ve had a lot of incredible experiences.

More will follow soon.

But this email for now, is just to say, with a full heart and happy tears…

Thank you.

Austin :’)

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Davina Detrik

My husband & business partner Galen and I are both dentists who had just made two life choices:

The first was to engineer and deliver an info product to other dentists, teaching them about our revolutionary business model. The second was to no longer tolerate a crappy nights sleep and buy a new mattress.

No more than a day after these decisions were made, I got a message in my inbox… it claimed that info products were a thing of the past; the future is an experience!! I LOVED the message.

Now that I had a spunky woman telling me we could apply this to the info course we had decided to create, I HAD to know more. I signed up for the webinar. When it ended, I knew using the Experience Product Master Class was going to be the secret sauce we needed to launch our course in a big, bold way.

I had also just ordered our mattress, which was the same cost as the investment for EPMC. Our budget would only allow for one. So I called the mattress company and cancelled the order, then immediately invested in EPMC. I believed that if I did exactly as Marisa said, it would be worth it. I wasn't wrong.

I was forever the bright, shiny-object girl, and that hadn't worked out too well for me. It was time to change the way I did things, all chips in.

As a company, we committed to implementing everything Marisa taught. As she puts it, "close your escape hatch." Because the program was only 8 weeks, honoring that commitment was doable, even for me.

Being an excitable person, I love learning. The problem is that I love learning so much, I often forget to implement. Marisa shifted this mentality too. She set up a system within EPM that gave us points for every action we took! This was a complete game changer for our business: not only were we learning, but we had a system to make things happen.

EXECUTION became the new name of the game.

We started by creating the mission statement for our experience product: “Dentists will learn, sell, deliver, and market their first direct resin veneer smile transformation and make back their course investment within 12 weeks.”
Then we got super clear on exactly how we were going to get our tribe to mission accomplished and began marketing through Facebook, pre-existing dental relationships and seriously bold asks.

One of those bold asks turned into a partnership with one of the largest, most reputable dental companies in the world! They love our experience product almost as much as we do and have backed us fully! They’re coining it, “The Future of Dental Continuing Education.” That shift and rapid change in our reality only happened because we asked with clarity and with purpose.

Watching how Marisa, Murray, and the LYM Team delivered EPM was an education in and of itself as well. They over-delivered at every stage, setting the standard for blowing expectations out of the water. We knew we wanted to create that for our tribe too.

Within the 8 week EPM, we worked insanely hard, often clocking 16-20 hour days. We built a website with no design background using Heroik; we designed and built virtual modules for our THRIVExperience Masterclass; we got on the phone with complete strangers (even internationally) and had sales conversations; we committed, got comfortable being uncomfortable, and accomplished what we’d never accomplished before. All said and done, we generated $47,413.46 in revenue through our new product in just a few short weeks, and our launch still has 2 weeks to decision day on December 6th!

Oh and yes, we were able to get our new mattress too!

EPM has drastically changed the way we think about commitment… it’s proven to us that a “burning the ships” mentality is terribly essential to extracting the best parts of yourself you didn't know existed. EPM has also given us the confidence to show up unapologetically, as the new face of dentistry. We’re receiving loads of attention for being trail blazers in our industry, and it all traces back to choosing experience over education. Nothing about our lives looks like it did a short 8 weeks ago.

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Elaine Gibson

Mission Accomplished! $13,000!!! Celebrating surpassing my target goal of $8,000 by reaching $10,000?? 2 new private 4 months clients. Using the conversations and trainings and the group has not launched yet. So much to work in going through the Extraordinary program.

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D’vorah Lansky

Yeah - I did it!!!! I spent weeks and weeks debating and deliberating about what product I should bring to market and my target audience was changing. My awesome coach Samara pinned me to the wall, lovingly, and suggested that I stop vacillating and just pick a product to run with as I could always use the strategies in future products.

My experience product is called, "Get Heard, Get Seen, Get Sales." It is a 4 week hands-on program that focuses on teaching authors how to get comfortable and gain experience in online speaking.

One of the biggest joys of this program is to see how much interaction and how many deep friendships have been made between the participants. I believe that many of these friendships will continue to grow into the future.

To promote the program I primarily crafted an email campaign and offered killer bonuses. My previous course was promoted via six, two hour webinars, over the course of two months. The interesting thing is, we had the exact same number of registrations (53) in that program as in this new experience program - and I'll tell you it was a whole lot easier sending out 5 emails than it was to conduct six webinars, each one requiring 1/2 dozen follow up emails.

I believe that Marisa has discovered the secret sauce and I'm SO glad she's shared it with us.

Here are my numbers...

A. 53 people enrolled in the level one of the course yielding: $4,553 in sales.

B. Two people enrolled at level two, yielding: $4,697 in sales


My sales goal - big step goal - was $12,500 and I am well on my way. THANK YOU Marisa, Samara, and Team!

My biggest takeaway from this program is the incredible power of infusing FUN into the mix. Being part of the joy and fun that Marisa and the coaches experienced while giving so much has helped me become a better teacher and coach.

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Ashby Underwood

17 years experience in yoga. Doing online programs for 2 years. $1000 client immediately. From Naive and Nervous, to New Horizons! I arrived on the scene to EPM with total baggage around my 17 year career as a yoga teacher and massage therapist, with a dead list of subscribers but a budding 1:1 practice.

What I have to offer, my experience, my insight, my talent are all at their peak, and I am truly ready to get my message out. I have been investing in programs for about 2 years, hoping to give myself a degree in online marketing.

When I first heard Marisa's voice on an evergreen webinar, I was immediately excited. I bought her program Message to Money which fell short of my expectations, however Marisa & Murray stood behind their product and won my trust. When Call to Adventure was launched I jumped on it. The interaction and engagement level of CTA resonated with me so deeply, I wanted to re-create it.

When Experience Product Masterclass was born, I started a journey to create not only a program, or product, but a more meaningful business. See, what I have learned is that if you don't have a way to communicate with the people that you are meant to help, then stifle begets stagnation. And that's where I was, for sure.

What I have learned here at EPM is the Art of Revealing. I am an introvert, that is why I chose to work in the "introspective" healing arts. But messages don't live when kept inside you. They need to breathe, just like a living being. Marisa has taught us how to exchange with others, reciprocal and relevant communication.

SO. Mission Accomplish-ing. In Progress. Status: Hell Yeah, I've got this! This program has been a total jam! Out of all of the training calls, coaching calls, and laser coaching calls, I have only missed one! And I have gained confidence, so much so that I manifested my first $1000 package client!

Last night I had a dream, literally, where I fell into a peaceful, blissed out deep dive into my psyche. And in this dream...integration arrived! I saw the light: my business was creating itself out of the needs of my people.

So....I woke up this morning and created a product, a coaching program, fast-action, let-me-follow-that-up-with-a freebie, product. Not the BIG BIG Product. The one I was working on through the course that, honestly, had me a little choked.

I launched a 3-Week Source Your Self-Care into 2017 Coaching Package with only 4 Seats Open. (A coaching program that can easily lead into the BIG BIG program by Jan called Deeply Nourished). I did so without fear of rejection (well, it's trying to stick it's head up a little). I did so with curiosity to see what my list wants. And I did so, knowing that if this list was truly "dead", then I can create another list, or another, or another.

What I learned is that my momentum is not defined by any one experience. And I learned to be confident in my revealing my vulnerability, my "im-perfectionism", and my honesty. I learned that I am NOT my business, which sure does take the pressure off. And as we speak, emails are flowing into inboxes with my offer! And I know what to do next. No more naive and nervous. Thank you for everything.

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Lizete Morais

I can not tell you the leaps and bounds I am making through your program. After spending easily over 100K, in the last 2 years, learning how to market my presence online with the likes of Lisa Sasevich, Callan Rush, Eben Pagan … I have never ever made such progress and had such confidence that I can really do this. You are changing lives sweety! I just wanted you to know that. You are changing my life! I know that you want us to focus on 1 product, but my other products and process are getting a boost from this training too. I can't help to start applying some of these core concepts to my other brands too. It's making total sense why what I was doing was either not compelling enough, not complete enough and not selling! This is the BEST €2000.00 I have ever spent, TRULY!!! You know … I almost didn't do it.

Thankfully I have a six figure business that I've grown over the last 4 years through word of mouth alone in corporate businesses and with all the training I've done, I haven't made a single dollar on the net. Not 1! Either there were too many other pieces missing or it was so exhausting I couldn't complete the product. But that's all about to change! I would love to join you in Marina del Rey but I'm already giving training those days and they were booked for 6 months already. Wishing you every success and thank you, thank you, thank you … for all you have done! Big Love, Lizete

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Dr Maharaja Sivasubramanian

My goal in repeating the whole program was with the intent of how do I breakthrough to the next level. Yes, I have hit it, and now my target is to go to the next level. which also includes maintaining my growth at a more consistent level than as a one-off factor. And that is what I have been able to achieve big time. The mindset is set, the momentum created, and now it is all about keeping the flow.

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Carol Walsh

When I came across Marisa's program I was skeptical. I have taken sooo many programs that promise they'll put me on the path to 6 or 7 figures and all they did was take my hard earned money. I was either inundated with information that was confusing and overwheming or received NO results from their "proven methods." I've wanted to create a 1:Few program for the last 2 years and each time I tried on my own (or with these other so called experts) they were epic fails. So, I was done.

Enter Marissa and the Experience Product Masterclass.

The first thing that intrigued me about her program was the $2,000 product creation guarantee. I've never seen that before. The other thing I noticed was that Marisa wasn't promoting the "make 7 figures fast" crap, she was talking about how to serve your clients and customers with the highest form of integreity and value. She focused on identifying my zone of genius so that I could be wanted and needed by my tribe. That it was time I "lived my message." I was moved by her genuiness, her no BS attitude, and her committment to MY success.

Even with all of that I was still a bit skeptical (having been burned in the past), but the gurantee got me over the edge, so I signed up. And boy I'm over the moon glad I did.

The Experience Product Masterclass is hands down THE BEST PROGRAM on the market! I was hooked from the first XP point I earned. I found the program engaging and it's the FIRST program I fully participated in from beginning to end. The Facebook community was fun and supportive. The EPMer's helped me to fine tune my work, and the EPM coaching team were the best cheerleaders someone going through the rigor of creating an online program could have. Add to that end, having my own private coach within this program provided the perfect formual for success.

In 10 weeks I created an amazing product, fine tuned my message, and made over $6,000 launch (well over the $2,000 Marisa promised) launcing my product!! I see now it's easy when you have the right tools to bring out your brilliance and share it with world. I learned so much about myself, my superpowers and how I could serve my clients in ways no one else out there can do. The marketing (I learned 6 different campaigns) and branding skills (created my own logo, sales page and branded materials) I've learned, along with the XP course design methodology, is better than anything I could have received in a MBA program. Even though I learned 6 different marketing campaigns I only needed to use a couple to get me to mission accomplished. In addition the extra $6K+ in my pocket, my email list grew by almost 200. That's 200 interested and potentially new buying tribe members because I was able to craft the right message that music to MY tribes ears.

Thank you Marisa. Because of you and this program, after being in business for 4 years, I FINALLY see myself as a true, viable, and successful business owner. This program not only changed me and my's going to help me change the lives of my clients!

My course JUST opened and her's what one raving new fan had to say as a result building an experience product:

"You are one-of-kind Carol!!! You leave no stone unturned! I have never worked with a coach/consultant that matches your detailed approach. I am not giving compliments just to give them, but you are AMAZING!!! I told my husband this is going to be so life changing for me!! Exactly what I need!! And your energy is through the roof! :-) Love it! Qiana"

Mission Accomplished!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Give them something they want. It was a big aha to create something that wasn't just fluff but provided value. To make sure that even with personal development it has to meet those most basic and important needs people have.

How did EPM help you become successful?
This program was beautifully mapped out to move me from one stage to the next and each previous training prepared me for the next level. It also gently pushed me out of my comfort zone but I felt like there was enough support to make it easy to do that.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I can't believe I can say that I had a $6,000 launch!! That has boosted my belief (and confidence) in my business and myself that I can truly build a business that will not only sustain me but position me to build a 6 to 7-figures business.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Communicating my message in a way that will make people want to buy. Trained as an academic and lawyer it was heard for me to write in a way for people to hear. But this program helped me think deeply about my business and myself, what I offer and how to articulate that. I received SOOO much positive feedback on my sales page and emails that it was not only clear but impactful!!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Iterating to awesome!! I plan to keep tweaking it and improving it and rolling it out every year (or maybe 2x a year) to really position this program as he premier program of it's kind. It's nice to know that I've created a money generator and now I can build on it!!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I had to save the best for last. The added coaching sessions have been amazing and Coach Domonique in particular was a key factor in my success. Having her to bounce ideas off of, to let me know if I was on track or not clearly showing my passion, and reinforcing that I had something of value to offer, was soooo helpful. I had to get up at 5am for our coaching calls, but I never missed one because her wisdom was worth it!

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Joyce Dias

Chatterboxing to Beyond Mission goals

Sometimes you do it, sometimes they do it.

Mission accomplished: $83,500 so far (Client#1 - $53,500, Client#2 -$30,000)

Lunch with a client coming up on Feb 9th: Guess who got me the connection... Client #1 through a referral, because they are already beginning to see the value in my early engagement with them... it's called chatterboxing via referrals!

My web page is not ready, my emails are messy, time is of the essence in everything I do, my contract is simple and straightforward... I am so a work in progress. None of my ducks are in a row, but By God, they are turning into beautiful swans right before my eyes.

Just start taking action folks, however clumsy and unprepared you feel you are. Open your mouth and don't be afraid to chat. Be sure you are talking to your targeted qualified audience/prospects.

Step aside Houston, we ain't got a Problem.

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