Marisa—and I know this may not be reaching you directly, but rather a member of the team—still, I hope this makes its way to you—
After a few months past the completion of EPM now, and meeting you—I can truly say what an incredible experience it was. Without hyperbole, I think it is one of the top three most remarkable and influential experiences I have ever had in my life.
And I’ve had a lot of incredible experiences.
More will follow soon.
But this email for now, is just to say, with a full heart and happy tears…
Thank you.
Austin :’)
I've been 'working' to launch some kind of online course for over a year. I've joined other programs and never seem to be able to finish. I wasn't sure what to do to build an audience so I'd be able to fill a group. I joined EPM and began looking at my idea in a whole new way. I've really been trusting the process and allowing my product to come together. I thought I signed up to launch an online course. What it's evolved into, even this early in the process, is so much better! I'm creating a virtual retreat that will allow me to get deep insights into my audience's struggles while I support them in a transformation that get them out of that pain. I'm feeling very excited about what I've been creating in EPM.
I've been 'working' to launch some kind of online course for over a year. I've joined other programs and never seem to be able to finish. I wasn't sure what to do to build an audience so I'd be able to fill a group. I joined EPM and have been trusting the process. As much as I've resisted this in the past, I realize talking to people 1-1 (Chatterboxing) is giving me more insights than I could get any other way. So far, I've only had 2 enrollment conversations and already gained insight that has me iterating my way to awesome! I'm super excited about my program and know I will see this through, even if the final version looks different than what I have now.
What's been the biggest change in your business?
Actually making an offer to someone.
How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel inspired to keep moving forward. I'm actually talking to people about my program and sharing that I'm doing this to make money... as a result, I'm getting support from people in my life I never expected to be so supportive.
What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
When I feel confused and chaotic, I'm on the verge of a clarity breakthrough.
What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have an opportunity to earn money doing what I love and making a difference in the lives of others.
The pandemic reinforced my need to be prepared for any emergency, particularly food security. I came across Marissa's EPM course and it was a rocket ride through 12 weeks of learning how to put a course together. This was quite thorough, although I could have benefited from a few extra weeks to be able to take in what I was learning. It was too fast for me but I still got a lot out of the program. My Crisis Cuisine course wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, and I couldn't get excited over it, but in the past few days, I've put Ainslee to work using different criteria and I'm now more excited and closer to what I was thinking. I moved my course out to March to dovetail the new aspects into the program. I'm much happier and excited about what I'm creating.
The pandemic reinforced my need to be prepared for any emergency, particularly food security. I came across Marissa's EPM course and it was a rocket ride through 12 weeks of learning how to put a course together. This was quite thorough, although I could have benefited from a few extra weeks to be able to take in what I was learning. It was too fast for me but I still got a lot out of the program. My Crisis Cuisine course wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, and I couldn't get excited over it, but in the past few days, I've put Ainslee to work using different criteria and I'm now more excited and closer to what I was thinking. I moved my course out to March to dovetail the new aspects into the program. I'm much happier and excited about what I'm creating. I'm chatterboxing with more conviction and people are confirming my idea with their excitement. I'm on my way.
Pivoting to include a short, topical Bible study on being prepared, along with the face-to-face webinar on prepping food and household supplies I'm just beginning so I can only add that it's created in me a desire to help women and gain a sense of "I can do this" attitude. What I learned can be replicated over and over - so cool! I can create products that can earn money very quickly
I wish you could make Ainslee a subscription product for EPM graduates
I was having problems creating an online course for single mothers . I joined EMP and I learned so much about how to clarify my niche and course mission and how to do rapid product creation so that I could get my product to market faster and connect with my ideal clients quicker to find out what they need and how I can provide that for them.
Trough doing the EPM flight deck I was able to get my online course mapped out and dialled in and became much more competent and confident in learning about the process.
What's been the biggest change in your business?
That I was able to overcome my procrastination and perfectionism and get momentum reaching my goals
How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has taught me so much and been an amazing journey
What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I have had so many takeaways. But one huge takeaway for me was that it was possible to earn while I learn and that it was not necessary to finish my entire course before beginning to sell it. I also learned how important the experience product components are and why for my customers . It was also the experience product of EPM that kept me engaged and having momentum to be able to complete the flight deck in EPM .(which is different to many other online courses that I have not been able to complete )The experience product meant that I not only learned a lot from the EPM course but I also thoroughly enjoyed the process
What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
It is now possible for me to see a future for myself running an online business creating experience product courses.This means that I'll know how to iterate my way to awesome improving my online courses more and more and will eventually be able to give up my day job teaching (which I have wanted to do for a long time)
I was having trouble overthinking my online course creation, I wasn’t sure where to begin. I joined EPM and got all the resources I needed to get focused and get unblocked. I graduated and now have a clear product and offering and will be launching my course with confidence, not to mention all of the resources I need to market my product.
My confidence as a product creator is much higher than when I began. I feel equipped with the right knowledge to create a successful online program and meet the needs of my audience. As a solopreneur, I feel more confident that I can create revenue streams online that will help support my family with resources and my mission to help women in their careers. How to approach a concept and get clear on the goals and structure in order to attract my ideal clients and launch without hesitation. The possibilities are endless! Now I have frameworks and guides to creating any experience product I desire.
"I was witnessing new parents struggling to determine normal newborn characteristics vs when to seek medical advice, I wasn’t sure what to do as this seemed to be a common issue when taking care of my pediatric patients. I created Navigating Newborns and gave parents
a 4 week bootcamp with the practical skills to navigate those first 30 Days, so when symptoms arise, they are prepared with clear action steps, providing comfort for both themselves and their baby.
I was able to finish the Minimum Viable Product track only due to the points, the emails, the coaching calls and the Milestones tracking document. Those 4 tools made me have the desire to put the effort.
I followed the chat and conversation first via text messages, then in a video call, and then with one email explaining the program, it was only after that I announced it also publicly.
It was unexpected to have my course idea to be changed to a one-to-one approach, however now that I am teaching it to one individual, I am able to make some updates and corrections. I was planning to have a website and email provider and many other things before trying to sell anything, still to my surprise I was able to enjoy a first sale thanks to EPM and Marisa.
Not applicable
Mentality to have the minimum viable steps Realizing how gamification motivates action The detailed way of teaching of Marisa, which is incredible deep and insightful To supercharge my program, one step at a time
After many years as a psychologist, I found I wanted to find a way to help parents and children on a larger scale. I first thought I could accomplish this by writing a book(s). As it turns out, even if you finish writing your book and publish it yourself, you are then faced with the reality that you really don't have a clue how to market it. I felt the book was still an important part of my mission, but I needed a way to adapt the material it covered in a way that could be helpful to many more folks. Then, I discovered Marissa! Although it may have taken me longer than most to begin to master the technological issues of the EPM program, I'm beginning to feel more comfortable and confident. So, when your coach says "just follow the program", you should listen. Marissa has this all laid out in a step-by-step format, and with the recent incorporation of Ainslee, it really is a matter of just doing one thing at a time. I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity, and for the wonderful folks who run EPM! I plan to have the basics of my Experience Product in place in January to begin onboarding customers, and my schedule is to launch the program by February.
Just completing the MVP and graduating, so far.
What's been the biggest change in your business?
Well, the technology has certainly been a challenge. But, beyond that, just knowing how to put all the information and procedures together is a daunting task, although these two issues are not really changes to my business. As an aside, I do still work part time, and going through the process of creating my program has helped gain a somewhat different perspective on what I do. I'm now more aware of the different elements of teaching values, and how the steps of the process relate to one another.
How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
To be learning a process as complicated as this (and dare I say demanding) at my age, is so exciting! When I listen to so many parents tell me they just don't know what to do about this or that issue they are having with their children, I am filled with hope that I will soon be able to offer them some nuts-and-bolts approaches that might just turn their lives around. I can see the end result and the impact it could have, and it's so thrilling!
What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Really, if I can do this, anyone can. The program is so well designed, if you follow it, I don't see how you can't see at least some level of success.
What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
If I do succeed at establishing my brand in this field, it could mean financial security for my family, as well as the sense of accomplishment from being able to help large numbers of human beings with their struggles.
The awareness that I need to test, refine, continue to "chatterbox", and market my way to success. I am SO grateful for the lifetime access to the platform. Why? Because it takes the pressure off of trying to create under a time frame, allowing for more testing, learning, content transfer and a reliable place to create all my programs. THANK YOU!! That the skills I've developed are solid and make a difference, I will market with purpose! More client engagement, and the possibility of creating a legacy product (s) that my daughter can run and benefit from.
"After 13 years of building a thriving practice as an executive leadership coach, I was forced to close doors and give it all up at the end of 2022 to take an indefinite leave of absence to focus on my health. A rare and incurable stem cell disorder that I had been managing in the background since 2015 took a harrowing turn that set me on a path to multiple organ impairment and shutdown. As I grieved the loss of my purpose and business, I also grieved the loss of feeling and movement on the left side of my body, the loss of a pain-free moment, the loss of stability replaced by perpetual dizziness, the loss of the ability to walk, and ultimately the loss of my total independence and ability to contribute to my family, community and humanity in ways I'd always known.
I'd lost a future but slowly I was able to regain the present and as my body continued to search for new ways of healing, I began to search for new ways of being. I had come to terms with the fact that my health prevented me from sustaining my previous 1:1 and team work practice, and while I knew with absolute clarity that the way forward now meant executing on a long-held vision to deliver online product experiences, every attempt to begin made me evermore conscious of my incompetence in this space. Designing face to face learning experiences and programs just did not translate online. I was 100% guilty of trying to build jet planes incapable of flight.
In my health space of living with a rare and incurable disease, the most exhausting thing is that because my condition is so unique I have had to become my own doctor at the same time that I am the patient. I've become used to doing this in my business too, so joining EPM and feeling the immense relief of having a structure and step by step process to realise my vision was a revelation! It was the first time I've ever felt fully held by a process, a team and and experience and what that translates to in reality is a KNOWING that even if it takes me a little longer because of my health, I absolutely will bring my experience products to market and once again be part of making the world just a little bit better. Thank you Marisa...the gift of EPM goes so far beyond the delivery of a world class training."
What's been the biggest change in your business?
Sustaining my health enough to meet the demands of my clients
How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has given me a map, a process, the structures and skills to help me find a way to lead and operate my business in alignment with my health limitations rather than at odds with them.
What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
MVP mindset....I'm wired to see the entire universe and all its inter-connections which makes me very inclined to want to build jet planes that for various reasons never get off the ground. MVP is a game changer.
What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can re-create the next chapter of my business online that simply would not have been possible without it.