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Kirsten Muldoon's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kirsten Muldoon

"After 13 years of building a thriving practice as an executive leadership coach, I was forced to close doors and give it all up at the end of 2022 to take an indefinite leave of absence to focus on my health. A rare and incurable stem cell disorder that I had been managing in the background since 2015 took a harrowing turn that set me on a path to multiple organ impairment and shutdown. As I grieved the loss of my purpose and business, I also grieved the loss of feeling and movement on the left side of my body, the loss of a pain-free moment, the loss of stability replaced by perpetual dizziness, the loss of the ability to walk, and ultimately the loss of my total independence and ability to contribute to my family, community and humanity in ways I'd always known.

I'd lost a future but slowly I was able to regain the present and as my body continued to search for new ways of healing, I began to search for new ways of being. I had come to terms with the fact that my health prevented me from sustaining my previous 1:1 and team work practice, and while I knew with absolute clarity that the way forward now meant executing on a long-held vision to deliver online product experiences, every attempt to begin made me evermore conscious of my incompetence in this space. Designing face to face learning experiences and programs just did not translate online. I was 100% guilty of trying to build jet planes incapable of flight.

In my health space of living with a rare and incurable disease, the most exhausting thing is that because my condition is so unique I have had to become my own doctor at the same time that I am the patient. I've become used to doing this in my business too, so joining EPM and feeling the immense relief of having a structure and step by step process to realise my vision was a revelation! It was the first time I've ever felt fully held by a process, a team and and experience and what that translates to in reality is a KNOWING that even if it takes me a little longer because of my health, I absolutely will bring my experience products to market and once again be part of making the world just a little bit better. Thank you Marisa...the gift of EPM goes so far beyond the delivery of a world class training."

What's been the biggest change in your business?
Sustaining my health enough to meet the demands of my clients

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has given me a map, a process, the structures and skills to help me find a way to lead and operate my business in alignment with my health limitations rather than at odds with them.

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
MVP mindset....I'm wired to see the entire universe and all its inter-connections which makes me very inclined to want to build jet planes that for various reasons never get off the ground. MVP is a game changer.

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can re-create the next chapter of my business online that simply would not have been possible without it.