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496 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2023

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Danielle Friend (class of 2023)

I was having a problem developing a business program, I was frustrated and didn't know what to do because every class I had taken before only focused on course building. I joined the Experience Master Program and I learned there was so much more to building a successful program and finding the right clients. During the EPM course I was able to plan out every step of building and launching a 1:1 coaching program.

I was having a problem with how to find clients to enroll in my 1:1 coaching program because everything I had been taught in other programs focused on lead magnets and funnels and all of the techie stuff. During EPM, I discovered that marketing can be completely organic, and you don't need all kinds of fancy tech to get started. Although I have not made a sale yet, I did launch my program, and the knowledge I acquired during this course will continue to help me build my dream business full of my ideal avatar clients.

It has taught me the process and importance of finding my niche and one true client avatar and how to take that information and develop a product or program from beginning to end. Although I have not made a sale yet, I did launch my program, and the knowledge I acquired during this course will continue to help me build my dream business full of my ideal avatar clients. You can start small and imperfect and keep iterating. Done is better than perfect. I have developed a complete coaching program to serve my future clients

Coach Ed was great and really helped my narrow my niche and client avatar down. He supported me through my journey and always had positive comments when I nailed one of my milestones.

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Jacqueline Phelan (class of 2023)

I was having a challenge knowing how to create an online course and wasn't sure what the steps were. I joined EPM and learned the steps. I am following the steps to create my course.

Your GRADUATION Story What's been the biggest change in your business?
I was having a challenge knowing how to create an online course and wasn't sure what the steps were. I joined EPM and learned the steps. I am following the steps to create my course. Discipline and collegues

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Launching faith and fashion concept

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James Jones (class of 2023)

"I was very frustrated with an online course I was attempting to complete. They advertised ""no technical skills required"". I guess they don't consider using computers and learning new software ""technical."" That was my problem area and I could get no help. I was just told to ""go to the Facebook group, someone will answer your questions. That never happened. So, I went elsewhere to find my answers. I started watching Utube videos on ""how to"" channels. I decided that once I figured out how to do this stuff, I was going to create my own course and aim it at seniors like me who didn't know all these programs. I would include all the steps, not throw out comments when presenting the course like ""I'm not going to cover that, any 10-year-old can do that.""

I found Marisa's course and thought this would be a way to learn to write online courses. So I signed up for the EPM course. I soon realized that this is an entirely new way of doing things. Little did I know all the information I would receive would cover so many areas that I knew little or nothing about. The coaching was great. I never heard things like ""any 10-year-old can do that"" I was given straight-up solutions so I could move on. I learned about how psychology was used to get people interested. I knew there was a lot of that in advertising but did not know how to us it myself. I learned how AI is being used now in content creation. I learned there were limits to the usage of AI as it is not always a cut-and-paste job. It is a tool to be used, just like any other tool you would to complete a project.

When it came to the bumps in the road, my biggest one is marketing. They prefer what they refer to as chatterboxing, meaning talking to anyone and everyone about your product. My biggest problem is that I have been living isolated for many years. I have no friends, All my long time friends have died, mostly from illnesses related to just old age. I left the USA to return to the Philippines where I have lived for many years out of the past 55 years. But, even here all my old friends are gone. On top of that, I decided to move to a completely different part of the Philippines on a different island where I knew no one. My only contacts with anyone on this island were Utubers I follow and had left comments on their channels before, I had been interviewed by one of them for their channel content. So, I contacted him. I needed an address for a shipment from Marisa. He let me borrow his. I was still looking for a place to rent. He wanted to do a followup interview which I agreed to. But I ask if I could mention my new program and company I had set up and was getting ready to launch. He agreed. This was my first time talking about my course. As it turned out, he was interested. So this generated my first ""conversation"" in the chatterboxing program. I feel I am very close to closing my first sale. I'm still in the closing phase and hope to be successful. Although this first course is not the one I plan on creating in the future, it is a subject I know well and have taught in classrooms in the past. This is just a new updated version. This course has been the key to my onward movement toward my new company goals. "

It is much closer to becoming operational. Up to now it has just been a legally formed shell. Mentally, it has given me new direction, new energy, no ways to get down the road. I just have to keep doing what I need to do and I will reach my goals. It puts me back in the drivers seat with my life. It filled my tank with new ideas and ways to get things done.

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Kimberly Wardell (class of 2023)

I was having so much self-doubt in this decision that I made- to take a leap of faith and start my own coaching practice. Nearly 2 years of schooling taught me so much in the coaching arena, but I had no idea how to run the business side of things. I wasn’t sure what to do but I knew if I didn't figure it out soon, I would be forced to go back to the world of working for someone else. I joined Experience Product Masterclass in the hopes that all I needed would be in one this program. It was my last resort. I say last resort because all of my schooling and countless webinars would have been for not as I was depleting all of my savings and the rubber needed to meet that pavement or I was done. I learned so much! Wait, I don't want to use past tense, I am learning so much. Though I am graduating, there is still so much for me to do in this program. like all of the Super Charge modules! I discovered that progress over progression is something we should all incorporate into our lives. It takes a lot of the stress away and, I found I was much more creative when I just did it....I just put pen to paper (or keystroke to screen) and just did it. I was so stressed about launching my product. What if nobody buys it, what if nobody cares, what if I'm not good enough....but here's the thing...I will never know if I don't put it out there right? This is all a part of life, taking a risk. If I don't do it I will never know the reward. That became exciting to me. Excitement over fear. Faith over fear. SO here we go, it's launch time!! 3-2-1- take off!! (insert visual of launch pad and paper airplane taking off) I am so grateful that I took this leap, and that I opened myself up to this program. I know that I will take these lessons and this new found confidence in myself far beyond this. The world seemed to open up to me. Thanks to Marisa and all of her crew!

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David Fisher (class of 2023)

Having meticulously documented that I could grow a year's supply of food on a 35'x40' plot in an enjoyable hour a day of gardening, I wanted to teach a course about how to do it. I had started with the usual content-only approach when Sonia Ricotti, who was teaching a course my wife was taking, sent her a link to Marisa's three webinars on EPM. Watching those, I could see that this was a far likelier route to success than the usual one, so I signed up, even though it was a financial stretch. Since I had already done a lot of thinking and planning on this course, it was mainly a matter of adapting my plans to Marisa's fabulously comprehensive instruction on how do it in a way that I never would have accomplished on my own. All I had to do was view the videos, do the assignments, and overcome lingering doubts and fears to complete the journey. Which I did, with the result that I had signed up my first three customers by January 28 by chatter-boxing only a few friends.

My first sale was to two friends (married) who I thought would be interested in my overall goal of not just teaching a self-sufficiency gardening course, but embarking on a mission to establish a national garden food system as an alternative to the enormously inefficient and destructive industrial food system. This 25-minute Power Point presentation was also my intended introductory lesson of the course I wanted to teach. Lo and behold, they were so inspired they declared on the spot that they wanted to take the course, which surprised me. So instead of taking 50 chats to get that first sale (actually first two), it took just one. Several more potential customers are currently in process, so I expect to get to 5 or 6 (my limit) by the course launch date of Feb 15.

Yes, three sales proves my idea on a minute scale, but the real proof will come when I've sold the course to 50 people (my goal for the Spring 2025 iteration), which I'll be working on as I learn from teaching nine months of the Zoom and field course this year. (The 2025 course will be all online.) Then to hundreds, thousands, and eventually millions in order to realize my vision of establishing that garden food system, which basically I've been working on for the last 60 years or so.

I haven't yet reached the whole lot more status on the scale you're referring to, as I'm just starting the course. But when I do get to it, my WHOLE LOT MORE, as I alluded to above, will be much bigger: selling the course (or future iterations thereof) to a large proportion of the population, my overall goal being to galvanize 60% of the U.S. and world food supply by gardens, by 2050 or sooner. Mark my words, I will do it. The time is right, as there is currently considerable interest in food gardens, and the need is great, as a series of national and global food shocks loom on the ever-closer horizon, which industrial food has zero chance of being able to handle. By contrast, I've shown that self sufficiency gardens are effective and feasible from the individual to massive scales. LYM's Momentum program appears to be a good way to move forward once I get this version of the course solidly on its feet.

Changing my mindset from that of an academic to that of a business-minded person. I honestly don't see how I could have successfully moved from where I was to implementing my vision without EPM. I would have floundered for years, I'm sure. Marisa's course came along at absolutely the right time. Presto! Magic! After having taught at the college level for 37 years, I can now see that the future of effective teaching is far more of the EPM style and far less of the "sage on the stage" style that I used. As I mentioned above, the path is now open to getting the word out to those who need it on a very practical level. This is the next giant step to getting where I want to go.

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Rucha Bhatt (class of 2023)

My challenge has been trying to get clear as to why I haven't been able to sell any of my previous offers. While I had an idea, I got more clarity from going through this program. Because I was unclear and frustrated. I am also clear on what my next steps are. My next steps are to locate where my audience is and get in front of them to validate my offer. I learned my audience is not on facebook or linked-in as those groups don't allow any kind of promotion or commenting/hinting about one's product. In other words, very strict rules. Furthermore, they were not talking about the problem I solve in those groups. They were speaking very generally about career. I did find my target market on Reddit, however. But, I'm not allowed to promote in there as I got kicked out of one of those groups. But did get 20 people on my email list from Reddit from the survey. So that was a win. I have connected with someone recently who shares the same audience as I do and I will be getting in front of his audience. And that is win # 2 ! I'll see how things unfold from there.

What's been the biggest change in your business?
Clarity. I know my next steps.

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
All of the tools and teachings have impacted me in making my product better, concise

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Create an offer people want and it solves an urgent problem. If they don't perceive it as urgent they won't pay. The offer has to be something tangible and that they understand.
I know what direction to go.

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Kelly-Anne Lauzon (class of 2023)

I was having this challenge not know EXACTLY what my program was going to be about because the parents I spoke to wanted three different things he wrapped into one . At this point I wasn’t sure what to do and what my niche would be . I joined EPM and it was truely at first . Something didn’t click as I was in overwhelm with all the material and technology. I stepped back for about two weeks and then went back . To my surprise I discovered that I was in flow . All the dots somehow started to connect and the I began to understand the concepts . I realized that it’s okay to step back and get your grounding BUT I also didn’t give up . I realized just how resilient I am . I worked my way through all those modules and I was in fire . My coach Missy was helping me to dive deeper and giving great insight . I finished the program and her now I am happy to say that I graduated but more importantly I understand the process now and what it takes systematically to get a program out there . Get it out there but follow the process . Thank you Marisa / Missy and the entire team at Live Your Message .

"I was having this challenge if I could get my program out there quickly but confidently when I was new at all of this . I joined EPM and I learned to pace myself and to believe in the process that Marisa was guiding us through . I didn’t overwhelm myself but set achievable daily goals . When I did this I achieved these goals and the few days I didn’t I gave myself grace . I learned how to schedule and measure my progress without being hard on myself . The result that I got was that I accomplished the mission and I couldn’t be happier and more proud of myself .

My problem in the past was to connect with total strangers as I ha don clue what to say and started with the wrong opening sentences. Once I joined EPM I became more knowledgeable and confident as to what to say and how best to connect and sell. I was able to create such a great connection with folks that enabled me to sign up 5 people now and still 2.5 weeks to go before my workshop. I will use the workshop to connect further and upsell to my course.

I learned to pace myself instead of giving myself an overwhelming amount to do and I give myself grace It’s made me feel like a Success Story ! Have mentors that align with you . Marisa structured things and explained things in the way my brain was able to comprehend and retain . It’s possible to make it even better

Thank you Live Your Message Team

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Kathleen Meyer (class of 2023)

I didn't know how to go about making an online course and now I know a little more about that.

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
How to market and host a course

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Creating needed education that is accessible.

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Gabriele Cursons (class of 2023)

My problem in the past was to connect with total strangers as I ha don clue what to say and started with the wrong opening sentences. Once I joined EPM I became more knowledgeable and confident as to what to say and how best to connect and sell. I was able to create such a great connection with folks that enabled me to sign up 5 people now and still 2.5 weeks to go before my workshop. I will use the workshop to connect further and upsell to my course.

Taking my business from a dream state to the real possibility of success. EPM has been incredibly inspiring and stimulating. It brought a swing into my step knowing that I can reach my ideal clients and truly help them and feel worthy of the income I will earn. I have taken a few courses in the past years to try to get my coaching business off the ground from finding the ideal client to managing the business. EPM is the first course where I felt fully stimulated and supported on all fronts. From the course material and layout to the worksheets and audited milestone docs plus all the extra bonuses that help round out the business. But most importantly I could not have done this without the incredible coaching from Marisa and team. That is one aspect that has been missing from all the other courses and yet it is such a vital part to succeeding. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am reaching out to potential clients with full confidence. I am creating an online coaching/teaching course with a similar structure to EPM to be of utmost support to my clients and therefore their success.

"EPM came at the right time. Although I was struggling financially and exchange rates were not in my favour I have not regretted buying into EPM. 2024 will be my best year.

I liked how EPM is structured and how I was supported by coaches and the use of magic Ainslee. But it is an intense course with some tight deadlines that can put intense pressure on a person if solely focused on the money back guarantee. All I can say is, don't focus on the money back guarantee. Focus on the whole experience of EPM and your MVP and work with the coaches and enjoy the ride. You'll keep your sanity while creating a beautiful product that will take flight."

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KIrsten Kell (class of 2023)

I had created an online course and after 6 months I only had one sale. I had been posting on social media for 6 months and it wasn't getting me any sales or even many followers. It seemed like I really needed more support in how to market. I joined EPM to get more support and information about creating and selling online courses. The structure of the program with the flexibility of recorded trainings and the support of live coaching fit well in my very full life. The money back guarantee and the milestone tracking sheets really helped me stay on track and get back on track when I lost focus. I still find I get overwhelmed at times and I tell myself to just work on the next lesson for now. I am still working on chatterboxing and need to improve on going from a chat to a sales conversation. I am listening to the fast track lessons and the bonus calls now to learn about how to better utilize social media. That is another area where I need to pick one platform, relisten to the training and start applying the teaching and strategies. One step done and now on to the next one.

What's been the biggest change in your business?
I have more structure and organization around what I need to do at any moment in my business.

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
I've learned a lot and felt very challenged to grow.

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
creating a marketing plan and following it

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have 2 products to sell or I can use my first product as a bonus. I have increased confidence, knowledge, and experience around creating, launching and selling and experience product.

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