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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Jatupol Pincharoen

Your Graduation Story
My journey started with a few product ideas that I was contemplating on for a while.
I have done almost nothing to those ideas until I found Experience Product Masterclass by chance and I decided to accept the mission from Marisa.
In the past 10 weeks, I can finally choose the most sensible product idea, understand how to create and market an Experience Product, and deliver engaging sessions to my beta customers.
Even though I haven’t reached the $2000 goal yet, I’ve made progress in my product development more than I ever thought possible.

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Pamela Moss

I found out that people were purchasing my "Transform Your Money Story" self-study course -- and then they weren't doing it! This really bothered me. I was not OK with taking their money (especially when they clearly had issues with money!) while they didn't get the transformation they paid for. I wasn't sure what to do to help them consume the course they'd purchased. There had to be a better way...

Then I saw Marisa's Experience Product Masterclass. I knew her approach would solve my problem, and ensure that all of my students could be successful. So I signed up.

What I actually did during EPM was design a whole new course, "From Playing Small to Answering the Call," which compliments Transform Your Money Story and my other programs.

The mission of From Playing Small to Answering the Call is to "unleash your confidence and clarity about your purposeful work, create an offering that is truly inspired, and follow a very clear, simple pathway to wonderful clients and earning more than ever before — in 90 days or less."

I reached EPM's "mission accomplished" goal (earn at least $1997 during the program) with the first person I talked to about Answer the Call, when an old friend signed up and paid the $2500 tuition in full. (Actually a wealthy friend paid for her; she couldn't afford it on her own.)

Then a former client signed up, with a creative variation on the $3000 payment plan: after her downpayment, she's paying me a percentage of her earnings until she's paid up. As I talked to more people, I started to realize that the Lights who really want and need my program simply cannot pay what I was charging... much less the $5000 I planned to charge eventually.

So I stopped. I stopped marketing and trying to enroll people, and instead got quiet, waiting for clarity about how to proceed. What came really surprised me: realized that I need to change my whole biz model of only having high ticket offerings and working with a small number of people.

I can't fulfill my soul purpose mission that way! If I'm going to light up the Lights, heal the Healers and serve the Servants around the world -- especially millenials -- my work has to reach many more people. And that means it has to be quite affordable!

So I'm taking care of the two people who enrolled in my program by working with them 1:1. Then I'm going to dramatically lower the prices on all my group programs, and market them in some new ways to reach a much wider audience.

A wise friend helped me uncover the big vision for my biz in this new model: Take all 4 courses I've developed and offer them as 'experiencified' programs over the course of this year. 3. Make it easy, and host each one in a private Facebook group with all the videos and materials right there in units. (Three of them are courses I've already taught & recorded; the last one -- the new one, Answer the Call -- will be recorded live.)

Add some tweaks to enhance 'experiencification', and weekly Facebook Lives for coaching and feedback to supplement the recordings and materials... Turns out all 4 course flow into each other: it's an epic journey of awakening, healing and transformation!

Next year I'll do the same thing, plus add in my Soul Alignment System trainings for guaranteed transformation (3 levels, including certification) -- a natural next step after Answer the Call. And I'll always work with a few private VIP clients... Then just keep doing all that... I'm very excited about this new clarity!

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Marjorie Saulson

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I have launched my course under various names 3 previous times with limited success. This is the first time that I have enjoyed true clarity around the mission and results my course promises. In addition, creating the Bird's Eye View was incredibly helpful in creating a step-by-step process that I can easily share with prospective clients, using either the Chatterbox Campaign, or one of the other excellent marketing campaigns provided.

The range and depth of the topics covered were exceptional; and I know that I will be mining the gold in them for a long time to come.

I particularly appreciate that I will have continued access to the entire course, and recordings of all the calls; as I am sure that I will learn as much, if not more, in the subsequent times that I access the material.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The crucial importance of engagement with people through the entire process of promotion and delivery of one's product.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me to make my course much more inter-active, even without the Xperiencify platform.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have much more faith in my ability to create a profitable business that provides excellent service to people in my ideal audience.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My course is much more interactive than the prior times I offered it.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
It will provide the firm foundation upon which to build the success of my business.

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Your Graduation Story
I'm ready to launch on Valentine's Day! Started with nothing and now I'm ready to rock it, with skills and confidence.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The systems and ways to keep people engaged

How did EPM help you become successful?
How to get to the revenue goals for Beta

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have taken other classes but this I will actually finish and succeed

What has been the biggest change in your business?
From nothing to something I can be proud of

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Starting with a beta, going to a course, then a membership site and eventually travel experiences

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Twila Heiselman

Before EPM I was broke and feeling very broken. I've built a multi-million dollar business before, but the past 5 years - since transititioning to coaching/consulting - it's been drier than a bone. I was feeling like I didn't even know how to make money anymore. And my bank account was a reflection of that belief.

Thank God above for EPM because all of that has changed. Through the program and working with my coach I was able to regain my confidence and momentum. I now have a clear idea of who I am and what I actually do for my customers, and I'm able to speak to it like no one's business!

Best part, I made more money in 10 weeks of being in EPM than I have in the past 10 months trying to figure it all out on my own. For the first time in a long time, I'm excited about the future!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

I learned so much through EPM. My biggest takeaway was gaining even more clarity about who I am, what I offer, and the value I bring to the table.

How did EPM help you become successful?

I realized that I was never creating experiences for my customers. Getting them results, yes. Giving them an experience, no. By learning how to properly put programs and products together as an experience will help me get a better rate of return customers. That in itself is a game changer!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It re-boosted my confidence in ways I can't even express. I now KNOW that I can put together killer programs and the market messaging that is needed to sell. Before EPM I had gone over 9 months without any income. 2019 is looking bright!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before EPM I was losing my confidence. In 2010 I built a multi-million dollar business, but since selling that business and becoming a coach, I've been lucky to make $20,000 a year.

The blow to my ego and my confidence has been devastating to say the least. So much so that I lost who I am and the value I bring to the world. EPM gave that all back to me. My shit is awesome and deserves to be out there in the world!!

I deserve to be out there in the world! The clarity and focus I gained in EPM will catapult my success for all the years to come. Plus, I already made more in 10 weeks than I did in 10 months last year!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

That it's a launching pad...for my business re-start and continued growth. It's a system (if you will) that I can apply to every offer I create from this point forward that will hook, land, and serve my customers in the best way.

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Amore Vera

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Following a solid methodology, I create a defined structure advancing consistently in various fronts and embedding experiences along the way.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It shifted simultaneously my entrepreneurial "Mind Set" and my entrepreneurial "modus operandi." A
How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
The satisfaction of arriving to Mission Accomplished in the exact time, manner and amount that I set myself up to do initially is HUGE! I finally overcame paralysis, procrastination, and more than anything "fear of giving birth" to my new creations (as my shaman said).

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Me! I feel more of a business woman that I have ever before. I feel more confident and competent in my business creations. Creating a "program package" and "getting well paid" for all of it...Feels so good! Now I have this cellular memory deep into my bones. And I know I can replicate it in the future.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have a proven method...or rather an "infallible formula" to create "any product" I want
in the future. Is that empowering or what?

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Recently, Marisa, you said that it doesn't matter how many projects you start but how many you finish" Somehow that resonated deep in my consciousness and it was a kind of "marching order" to my mind to move into action. And so I did! Like this, you gave us SO many gems of wisdom -business wise, mindset wise, personally wise, soul wise, best-practices wise. And that is the most precious of the generous gifts you gave us! An "integral transformation!" a "simultaneous advancement in all fronts!" Only then we can really grow personally and as entrepreneurs. In our life and in our business! Now I know it cannot be otherwise. And I promise to myself that I will do the same with my clients and students! And I promise it to you, for I know you will be so happy! Because your deeply care for all and each one of us! Thank you, Marisa, from my heart & soul!

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Your Graduation Story
While I did not hit mission accomplished, this course has taken me farther than anything else I have invested in, in taking my online course forward. The best part of the course is easily the live coaching and feedback given by both Marisa and the other coaches. The milestone doc and the weekly coaching calls made it so easy to keep moving forward past so many hurdles that would normally have gotten us stuck.

I think everyone who is serious about creating an online business should take this course. I am so glad for the lifetime access because I am going to be coming back to it again and again.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Helping someone take action is a lot more important than giving them more information. That's what I am going to focus on in my course.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I am so many, many steps ahead of where I was in the last two years that I have been trying to get this business off the ground

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am a lot more confident about my business being successful. There are still pieces missing, but I can finally see the deadline.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I have a clear step by step plan for what I need to do, and I am not living in fog anymore, stuck by choices. Iterate your way to awesome right? :)

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Making this a part of my lead generation process and stand out that way in the industry!

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Samantha Abrahams

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Push through the fear and self-doubt! One of the biggest obstacles I have had along the way is feeling so illiterate and damn near inept when it comes to social media and technology, but I have learned if I just set aside the the “I can’t” in my head and follow my heart I can learn what I need to learn in time.

It has been important to me to remind myself that I am creating my product for joy! I am creating my product to serve those I can help. The BIGGEST take away is that it’s not about my’s about the people I can serve!

How did EPM help you become successful?

It helped me take action after action after action, instead of thinking, ruminating, planning and re-planning about what action I should be taking and when. Even when I was the most panicked when I fell waaaaaaaaay behind during the Bird’s Eye View, I just let plugging along and used the break weeks (THANK GOD!!) to catch up...and well, I caught up!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I have not yet launched my Sales Campaign, but I have confidence that I can do this for the first time...EVER! I made my first 2-minute video...EVER...over the weekend! This is huge for me! I was SO terrified, simply of recording...myself!

Now, this first video has nothing to do with my experience product (as far as I know) but I know it was an important breakthrough for me to be able to transition to offering more of the work I hope to through an online platform and I really feel like this will open many new opportunities for me in the future.

Better yet, I feel my passion and inspiration has returned. I have always loved my work, but I feel excited to be creating again. I have been waiting to do THIS work that I am still in the process of creating for well over a decade, and I beleive I was more depressed about NOT doing it and burdened by the fears I had that never would be able to do it.

Now I can see that it was really starting to bring me down way more than I realized. I was stifling my own spirit and didn’t know how to get out of my own way. I needed help and giving myself the gift of EPM was just the help that I needed and more.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

So, technically speaking I have not sold my Experience Product...yet. But I did exceed my Stretch goal by $2225. I also had another goal to work with a minimum of 10 new 1:1 clients. If you look below at the attached photo, the heart on the left explains it all.

When I started EPM, I posted these goals on my bathroom wall so I would see them first thing every single morning. So, the crazy thing is that I got 13 new clients since then AND I made $5225 from those new clients alone.

Again, that is BEFORE launching my Sales Campaign and BEFORE selling any of Experience Product. EPM has just helped me to think differently about my business and gain the confidence I actually really need to believe in myself, not only as a genuinely caring person but as a business person.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Creating Inner Compass Experience and sharing it with the people that i can really help with it! And continuing the journey. I can’t wait to see where it will lead me!!

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Bob Frissell

I was having problems marketing myself. Marketing was completely new to me, previously, all my clients came to me as a result of a best-selling book I had written. However, that well began to dry up about 3-4 years ago. I tried other programs, only to get lost in the confusion of it all., I wasn’t sure what to do, it all seemed so overwhelming..

I joined EPM because everything Marisa said about it in her promos rang true to me. I learned more about marketing and about putting myself out there than I ever believed possible in such a short amount of time. I am only a beginner, however, I have much more to learn. Having made $8700 so far, lets me know that I'm on the right track.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Clarity replaced confusion in a number of ways, especially when it comes to marketing myself

How did EPM help you become successful?
I am learning how to be more effective in my strategy sessions, as well as learning how to market myself in general

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am gaining in confidence with respect to my ability to generate clients

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I was making around $2000/month. Now I have made $8700 in 3 weeks

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Being able to create my ideal clients with more confidence

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Long Zhang

Your Graduation Story
The biggest lesson I learned from EPM is marketing technique. I am a technology expertise in Data science. I have not reached mission accomplished but I am developing a roadmap to reach the mission in the future by using all the marketing techniques I learned. I created my experience product birds’ eye view and I will published a series of training classes. The second lesson I learned is to failure forward and it’s a bridge to true success so I keep my momentum to move forward for something much bigger than I initially plan. Last but not least, I got inspired by Marisa and her passion, enthusiasm and energy. The quotes she used in EPM become my true fuel to reach new horizons.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Marketing technique

How did EPM help you become successful?
Creating a biggest picture, marketing techniques for getting client, changed my mindset about doing marketing, and inspiration.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Take action and get things done is better than perfection

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Getting started with right direction

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Help people live to their fullest

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