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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Michele Newport

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Seeing how quickly this process can be implemented by so many people. It is a credit to your teaching.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Well, although it appeared at a time when I had literally blocked my time out for other high priority actions in preparation for branding and re-launching my work, even just getting through the videos and hundreds of pages of worksheets I managed to, really helped me acknowledge the principles I have always lived by in all the courses and trainings I have created to date. So going through this process has helped me to rekindle even deeper levels of trust in all that I know really does work and gave me great inspiration and more ideas for future technology based methodologies for applying these principles far more thoroughly, in virtually run trainings as well.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I’ll tell you in 6 months once I’ve done my BETA, website and revise your training in FULL. I am planning to schedule in redoing it in order, like I like to when doing someone’s training for the first time because I simply did not get through it this first run. I started well but missed all the coaching calls and the last half of the main training too really.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Again, I’ll need to send you this once I do the next round. I promise I will. My word is solid. I say this because my business has not actually ‘changed’ in any tangible way yet because I’ve not yet managed to action all the delegation I am planning etc. Also, because it is not really EPM that has helped me make the money for my Beta programs because I sold those pretty much by mid-December, before I had done much of the course. But I feel certain that the value of EPM will come shining through once I use it to fine-tune my next level launches. It will definitely help me Fast-track so many aspects and also help with the delegation process too which is very exciting! So after that, I will give you the kind of testimonial that will make you proud!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Just knowing it is the beginning of many more to come!! You have really nailed the principles beautifully I feel Marissa. Thank you so much for creating the EPM structure and packaged wisdom! One thing I have been particularly excited about for a while now and actually it is the core reason I knew I needed to buy the EPM product in the first place, is a World Synergy Summit project I that I envisioned 2 years ago now as the perfect next evolution/extension of my work to date. So I had already then started brainstorming for bringing as much of the kind of experiences I have always done in my live trainings in to the virtual arena. So this is what excites me most moving forward.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I also have 5 more master students(Japanese) who have booked in for my first ‘Group’ beta test of this core Identity Matrix process and I have tentatively said I will offer that in May/June. And I have a half day intro Program to my work that really helps people to start auctioning daily habits that shift the needle for their health and well-being that I have designed (but not yet fully completed) by request and am launching on tour in Japan in April. Lastly, I just wanted to say that I do realise I haven’t been able to provide you with an ideal testimonial in the form that is practical and useful to you, but I always keep my word – not always confident in the ‘timing’ but I always come through in the end, so please just know that I will be in touch when I can honestly give you one in that format! I am also beginning the journey with Heroic too so will be in touch anyway… All the best to you and your lovely team and I look forward to meeting you in person at 2019 EPM live! RE: Pic upload below: I haven’t finished my branding yet so would rather not send a photo in yet thanks.

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Mayuko Okai

I'd left my career a couple months prior and was searching for direction in starting up my own business. I had no experience and had no idea where to start. A friend told me about EPM.

EPM gave me lots of direction, motivation, and handholding. Throughout the program, I was thinking there's no way I would have been able to figure all of this out in this short amount of time.

Near the end of the program, I didn't think I would get any sales. But I was still happy that I created a program and got so much farther than I imagined. So I was almost OK with it.....

The last day of my campaign I made 2 sales!! I couldn't believe it! It was such a confidence booster. I sold after I gave free sessions so the clients knew what they were going in for - even better.

I now feel a lot more comfortable about selling and marketing. I also know that people want my service. So grateful!!!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That I cant shy away from SELLING

How did EPM help you become successful?
It gave me the right tools, motivation, lots of hand holding

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I left my career last year without a plan. I knew I wanted to start a business but didn't know where to begin. EPM gave me step by step guidance, motivation, and community to push me towards success. Making sales was a huge confidence booster. Now I know that I can do so much more in the future.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I didn't even have a business idea when I signed up. So having designed, launched, and making 2 sales is a big deal!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Now I have a framework to work with. I'm excited about how this product will turn out at the end of the BETA so that I can create a full on version at a higher price point in the near future.

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Joanne Pearce

Before EPM I was wanting to create an online program and I didn't have a clue where to begin. I was getting so frustrated trying different programs which didn't give me what I needed at all and as a result I was beginning to lose hope. Life as I knew it had fallen apart on a major scale and I was somewhat reluctant to hand over money, yet again, for something that may not be what I was looking for.

I watched the introductory videos Marisa sent out and something about her message gave me hope and I had a very strong sense that she had what I was looking for. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass on a leap of faith and it was the best thing I could have done. I knew from the moment I logged in I had made the right decision.

Every step of the way, the Experience Product Masterclass team of Coaches and Marisa herself gave us guidance and structure. I was stuck initially on choosing my niche market and as I learned in the program this is a very important decision. Having this piece alone was a tremendous breakthrough. It took about a week of reviewing some of the material to assist me in making this decision. Once that was established a big shift took place within me. I now had clarity on the direction I wanted to go in and this changed everything..

I am a Life Coach, a Consultant with Proctor Gallagher Institute and I've been a National Educator in the Spa industry where I did quite a bit of educating usually through live events. I wanted to take the reach I experienced back then and leverage myself through my own program which I've been teaching for over 10 years on some level, working in small groups or 1:1. I came to understand very quickly that there is a definite way to build an online product properly and it takes lots of planning, and lots of strategies to get it right. It is both an art and a science and Marisa has masterfully woven both into the course content.

The Experience Product Masterclass helped me to get very clear how I want to work and that I can have a bright future creating online programs. I have all the pieces I need to do it over and over again. My Niche market is a broad one and includes Health and Wellness and Personal Development. Looking forward I am thrilled to launch my first Experience Masterclass Product and many others that compliment the first one. I'm at a stage in life where I've done a lot of working away from home being on the road and I'm looking very forward to this new chapter in my life in writing programs.

What I accomplished in the 10 weeks that the class ran for was more than I could have imagined doing in half a year. It was a complete roadmap from start to finish and no details were left out of the program. I was also in need of a website and I'm thrilled that there is an opportunity to set up a fabulous site with Heroic and an online school with Thinkific . I'm working to get both of those set up. Without Marisa's program I don't know if I would have ever gotten to where I am now, never mind in 10 weeks. This program was truly incredible and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I couldn't have asked for anything more or better. Thank you Marisa and thank you to Coach Mike and all the EPM team. This was exactly what I needed!!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

My biggest takeaway was the incredible order and structure involved to create a product properly. There are so many components involved and each segment is important. There is so much involved and I never would have figured it out on this level alone. Thank you!

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM brought clarity where there was confusion. It laid out the complete foundation on how to do this with a no fail attitude and as a result I hit my goal. The guidance and Coaching from everyone was extraordinary, the system was exceptional and I'm so glad I took a leap of faith and joined the program!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

EPM has given me hope again. I wanted to create something online and was getting more and more confused trying different programs that weren't what I needed. Now I feel confident in moving forward and I can create as many programs as I like with the EPM formula! This will open up a whole new income stream while impacting the lives of many.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

The biggest challenge in my business before EPM was not understanding how to get from where I was to create an online program. I wasn't earning anything from anything other than one on one coaching and now it is looking very exciting with the potential although I chose to do a small group for the first run and earned $2485.00 for the first run.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am sooo excited to launch my product using the EPM formula which will enable me to work with more people than I have been able to work with in the past. I'm also excited about adding on additional modules or "part 2" etc for continued learning.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

The EPM program went beyond my expectations. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I can't say enough about the Professionalism, quality of information and I loved the option to use Heroic and Thinkific. I didn't have a site which was a stuck point and now I'm building a site too.

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Jennifer Brown

Before EPM, I would sit at home alone with my computer attempting to put together the "perfect program". And the thought of marketing before something was finished would have made me extremely anxious. With the in-depth support and resources that make up the EPM program, I was inspired to take action in a way, and at a speed, that I wouldn't have dreamt possible before. I was capable of so much more than I believed, and it was helpful to be held in a container of a supportive community, with great coaches cheering me on to mission accomplished. Now I have the confidence to move forward in my business, rather than getting in my own way and feeling stuck in an isolated creation cave. I now understand the value of engagement with my audience before, during, and after program creation, and I understand that with each iteration, it just gets better and better, which means now is the perfect time to start.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Throw out the idea of perfection and that things need to be perfect before you offer it. We learn from the people that we work with and it only gets better and better as we iterate to success.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Supportive community and system with checkpoints to stay on track.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
More confidence to show up as myself in my business and to claim my value. EPM also gave me the opportunity to dive into my own superpower and to connect to my core gifts and, with Marisa's assistance, put words to it that I hadn't been able to do before.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Realizing the value of what I have to offer now and to be excited to offer that rather than putting it off for one day when it is "perfect".

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I feel I have the tools to be able to provide value to more people, and to feel authentically aligned with my business. I'm excited about the possibility of the supportive community I can create as I move from 1:1 to groups.

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Jill Currie

When I started I only had a vague idea of what I wanted to create - a series of simple exercises that allow people to get out of the stress response and feel confident and in control again. What I found in my research is a more nuanced way of looking at stress and ways that address it at the root cause. How to create this product is very much a work in progress. But after going through E PM I know that it is critical to determine upfront what your potential clients are looking to solve so the product addresses this concern. My first step needs to be connecting with my potential audience to determine what they are looking for. This has been a major shift for me, but I am so grateful to have it laid out so clearly. This course is by far the best I have seen on marketing. Thanks so much so all the great insight. It really is up to me now to make it work for me.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I learned so much. My entire perspective has changed. I had only a vague idea of what I wanted to create, and in doing research for it I made some dramatic findings. Essentially I am having to go back to the drawing board. My ultimate product will no doubt be better for it. I originally saw my product as solving my issues with stress and I envisioned my consumers as being similar to me. EPM made it clear that you need to get to know your consumers and what they want; you can't just assume that you already know. So I really need to run a Chatterbox campaign. I am not good with social media, so this might take a lot of work for me. My entire thought process has changed and I feel that I have much better potential to create a product that others would be willing to buy. The course was outstanding and I come away with a better idea of what it will take to find success, so thanks for that.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM has given a solid foundation on what I need to do if I want to create a program that helps others, which I view as a success.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Success in creating a sellable product would help me improve my financial situation. More importantly, being able to help others achieve their goals would improve my feelings of self worth.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I have a better idea of what I want my product to address. What I need to do now is figure out how it relates to what consumers are looking for.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Creating a truly experiencified product that can help people process stress in a way that will benefit them.

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Lynda Buitrago

In 2017, I was struggling in my functional nutrition practice for five out of the past six years. My Master’s program didn’t teach us a thing about marketing or running a practice. I joined a small clinic and hoped for the best. I read all the business websites, blogs, books, etc., I could get my hands on, but it felt like I was drinking from the firehose of entrepreneurial knowledge, and it was super overwhelming. I’d start down one path after another, only to abandon it before I’d gotten anywhere. One year I got lucky and I found one star client who did all the services I had to offer. If I had just two of them, I would have reached six figures!

At the end of 2017, I was tired of the ups and (mostly) downs and I was all fired up to start all over again and strike out completely on my own instead of as a contractor in someone else’s clinic. I spent November and December visioning my business, my life, and my best self. I was inspired! I was ready!

Then in January 2018, my dear Dad took a turn for the worse in his 10-year battle with cancer. After a valiant effort to stay with his beloved family, on February 3, he passed away.

My 100-year-old Grandma, who was like my second mom, took the news of her son’s death hard. A few days later, my sister and I became her full-time caretakers after she had the first of a few strokes.

The next day, my Mom left town to be at her own mother’s bedside. Nine days later, my other Grandma “crossed the rainbow bridge.” My two grandmothers had been friends for 75 years! My husband stayed in town to support us even though his father went into the hospital with a brain hemorrhage (he pulled through and is still with us). All this and February wasn’t even over yet.

Over the first three months of being Grandma’s nurse at home, I lost the few steady clients I had. She was finally admitted into a nursing home, and I went there a few times a week to supervise her care. So we could sleep again at night, but my mind was so not in business mode.

It wasn’t until then (in April) that I could even think about doing my parents’ taxes and making all the final financial arrangements after Dad’s departure. Then there was attending and planning all the funerals.

During all of this, my husband’s mother was struggling with dementia. In August, just 5 days shy of her 101st birthday, my paternal Grandma joined her son in the afterlife. Two weeks later, my husband’s mother joined the growing family party in the Infinite.

Just one more funeral to plan and one more to attend. I felt like maybe the rip tides that kept pulling me under every time I caught my breath were finally over. This all would have been tough enough even without the specter of poverty looming over our heads since I only made four figures in 2018 and my husband had a lean year, too.

I was determined but also desperate and almost completely broke. Somehow, Marisa’s EPM program appeared in my inbox from a JV partner and I was drawn to watch the entire promo video series. I was convinced this is what I needed, but I hesitated. Was this the way I should spend my last $2000 of credit? At the last minute, I went for it.

I dove into the lessons and stayed up late every night that first week. Bad idea. I made one sale for $297 in November, before the flu knocked me down for a week. Just when I thought I was fine, some other weird bug took residence in my body and for 3 weeks I struggled through the EPM lessons. Finally in the last week I had to give in and stay in bed and focus 100% on healing. For someone who normally doesn’t get sick, this was not only frustrating, it was alarming. I started to wonder if my subconscious was doing this to me, as if I really were so afraid of success that I decided to make myself ill.

In the home stretch at the end of January, I made one 1:1 sale for $1794 and I’m claiming this toward Mission Accomplished because this is someone who wanted to work with me on an even deeper level after learning what I had to offer during our discovery call. I wasn’t expecting a Hail Mary play in the end, but it happened!

I wouldn’t be here without Marisa and her wonderful team. I’m still planning to market some more during February and to begin the course in mid-March so I’ll have more than two students. I’m more than happy with the results and I would recommend EPM to anyone who’s struggling with their business! Thank you so much!

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Carolyn Messere

The moment I heard about the Experience Product Masterclass, I knew I had to do it. It was like Marisa was whispering into my ear, through all the marketing she did, this is the future. This is how everything you do from here on out will change.
When I first started, it was my intention to create a one day virtual intensive for physicians who love their job, but are frustrated with the bureaucracy. I had experienced this personally, and had done a lot of work to create a happier, more fulfilling career. And it went along beautifully, I kept up in class, I did all the homework, I outlined and designed and wrote.

And then I got stuck. I couldn't decide on a logo. I spent a week trying to figure it out. This, of course, wasn't really where I was stuck. I was stuck because I had stopped really wanting to do the virtual intensive. I had fallen so in love with the idea of experience products themselves that I began to see that I wanted to do more than just a weekend intensive.

I happened to be talking to a health coach who was putting together a 12 module course for health coaches, to help them understand hormone balance better (a complicated, technical problem). She had just lost her copywriter after 2 modules, and she was looking for someone else to take over. We started talking about ways she could experiencify the course, and she asked me if I would just do it for her - she didn't have time. Next thing I knew, cha-ching, I had a $12,000 contract to complete the course using the experiencify techniques!

And then I was talking to a client I was doing some editing for. He wanted a new platform, a more exciting website, a more interactive marketing process for his work. And he hired me to create it for him, again using the techniques I learned in the EPM. Cha-ching, another $1400!

And lastly, a woman reached out to me after being referred by a previous client to help her with her sales page. Using the incredible copywriting techniques I learned in this course, I negotiated to re-write her entire sales page and her Facebook ads. Cha-ching, another $150!

So, I might still do the Intensive, but I've been a little too busy with these other experience products to get it completely off the ground. There's always January!

So, mission accomplished - in a completely unexpected way!

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Nihal Kaur

Before EPM we'd had 4 launches -the first two were exceptional launches based on discovery sessions: 13 participants in each program with a 60% conversion rate - where I spoke with every prospective client personally. It was great, except I was exhausted and bottlnecking our process. Then we had two leveraged launches where I was largely removed from the sales process - and our results were very disappointing. We realized that we needed our message to be alot more clear, relevant and urgent for people to want to work with us, if we weren't going to rely on my charisma. People would tell me, "I'm doing this because of who you are, but I don't really know what I just bought."

Thanks to EPM, I'm communicating to the heart of my potential clients - I know because they're telling me. I'm getting fan mail back every time I send an email to my list and my email open rate has risen from 15% to 28%. Finally my product outcome is a tangeable result my community knows they need and want.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Biggest takeaway - how to expertly position my offer with my why. Now every time I open my mouth about my services, I connect with the heart of my potential client first.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Clarifying my messaging through EPM has made a major difference in my list responsiveness. My open rate has increased and I am getting consistent fan mail each time I send a message to my list. I've never had responsiveness like this before a launch. I am excited to see the results of this campaign, because my community is hungry for what I'm about to share.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have much more confidence in my message clarity. For the first time I am so specific when discussing my services that people want to buy what I'm offering, not just because they like me, but because they want the tangible result.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My email open rate has risen from 15%-21% to 26%-28%. My community is more engaged in the value I'm providing, and they've given me great feedback for my upcoming products.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I can't wait to launch this baby next week and see how our event fills.

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Lisa Duerre

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Clear missions and engagement steps make for a much better experience and word of mouth referrals

How did EPM help you become successful?

Showed me how to bring more of me into the process and got me to think strategically about the experience from pre-game to post-game.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Proud Word of mouth referrals Two new clients as a result of the retreat. Thank you!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I have two high ticket clients as a result of their experience. It was an easy yes from them both. Increased traffic and likes on my social medial posts from attendees as well. More visable and more engaging since EPM.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

So many ideas from low hanging fruit to much larger group coaching program ideas.

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Kalen Hammann

OK, Marisa, this catapults you into the ranks of the major thought leaders of history. I'm serious! This is a civilization-changing series of insights. A whole new model for how "educators" will structure education so people will learn quickly, easily, and happily anywhere people need to learn ANYTHING (and which, by the way, because of your clear SEQUENCE of positive experiences to structure in and negative experiences to structure out, goes way beyond "experiential education"). Brilliant!

Do you know Jane McGonnegal's work on taking the principles that make video games work and building them in to society?

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