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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Janae Bower

My heart and my desire for my business flat lined. Too many heartbreaks while trying for 14 years to get my lucky break with my products stopped me from taking any action for months. I felt dead inside as I ran out of money, time (as my three boys are now all in school full-time) and all excuses that I created around sales and marketing. I had to make a pivotal decision to either finish strong or be finished.

A sign of life fluttered in my heart when I heard about Marisa’s Experience Product Masterclass. She broke the barrier from her flat-lined product sales to skyrocketing them with her new experience products. Could this happen to me? It felt like this could be divine intervention because it was exactly what I needed and it was launching on my birthday.

My mom made the decision for me by gifting me with this class for my birthday in hopes that I would once again give birth to my dreams. As my heart beat with hope and hands trembled with fear, I hit the register button.

From the moment I entered the EPM race, I wholeheartedly committed to SPRINT toward mission accomplished and do my best NO MATTER WHAT. As this class finishes, I’ll be 1/3 of the way FINISHED with DELIVERING my first experience product hosted on a membership site!

I’ve trained hard for 8 weeks with many set-backs along the way, but with the help of Marisa’s expertise, my success coach Kataka’s encouragement and the EPM team and members support, I am proud of these gold-medal moments on my way to mission accomplished:

- Going from zero (no marketing to my email list for a year) to superhero (by the end of the year I’ll have created 100 marketing, sales and content videos in just one quarter).

- Getting over my artistic tendency to create what I love over and over again to developing a product that my audience really needs based on the “give them what they want campaign.”

- Designing a valuable freebie on my time-bending formula that is a magnet for opt-ins.

- Sprinting ahead of the class’s schedule to market and launch on Nov. 9 so that I could finish delivering my experience product, a 45-day Breakthru to Inspired U Sprint (to achieve your #1 goal), before the holidays.

- Breaking through the resistance of wanting to quit due to only having a week to market and sell, competing with the political races during the final days of my launch and all the other fears and excuses that resurfaced.

- Getting over the hurdle of disappointment from trying so hard, yet only reaching ½ of the financial goal ($1K) for my first run at this.

- Iterating my way to awesome by already designing my next marketing campaign using what I learned from EPM and relaunching another product I’ve created one week after this class ends.

- Envisioning plans for my future Finding IT Institute suite of experience products.

- Seeing the power of my students sprinting toward their own mission accomplished just like I did!

Thank you for reviving my future dreams! Once again my MY HEART BEATS FROM THE FEAT that I accomplished from this class.

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Lauri Mckean

Ten months before finding EPM, I had invested $11k in a year-long mentorship program that I thought would teach me the nuts and bolts of creating my online program. And while this program was pivotal in my personal and spiritual development, it did not come close to delivering the practical information and structure I needed to have an online presence.

Thus, when the chance to join EPM came along, I jumped right in, knowing that the guarantee afforded me a safety net. I kept up with the lessons and assignments (partially so I could ensure I'd be eligible for the guarantee) up until the last few weeks when the other obligations in my life encroached. The day before my last required assignment was due, I considered pushing myself through the night to complete it. However, I realized then that the guarantee really didn't matter anymore. I had so much faith in myself, the process and my evolving product that the money was no longer a primary consideration. I also realized that I had received WAY more value from the program than the $2K I paid.

As the program ends, I am still in the process of finishing my marketing materials - at my own slow pace that fits with the other commitments in my life. However, I have no doubt that I'll be enrolling students in another couple of weeks and will make at least $2K on the first run of my class. I also know that I'll be referencing the EPM class, structure and materials for years to come.

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Daniel Warren

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Hear it's NOT here I am - it's THERE YOU ARE. Applying that perspective every step of the way is huge as you work to zero in on the Mission to Mission Accomplished product, plan, marketing and delivery.

How did EPM help you become successful?

Clarity that I have something unique to share through the creation of my product within the framework of a marketing action plan.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It’s been encouraging to see that others care about my mission, being a reclusive person living in the middle of nowhere, my social life seems to be restricted to the internet. I have touched base with a lot of fellow EPM students who share a similar outlook. Its been very refreshing!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Helping Children to win in life, I know I can make a massive difference, but getting the word out there has been a very long expensive exercise, which to date has failed on every front. I feel confident now that I will achieve my life's purpose. And in the Near future!

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Komi Agbodzie

Before EPM, i had an idea i knew could help people and change lives but i didnt know how turn into a strutured process that delivers result. I have a few clients but they were all non paying friends who came to me for advice.EPM helped me get clarity on my mission, my avatar and their pain points, the actions i needed take to get my first paying client. It has been a game changer and now i have a plan that i can continue to execute in order to grow my business

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I can go out there and speak my message and find my tribe.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Prior to EPM I had an idea but didnt have a clue how to turn it into something tangible that I can market and sell to help others

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Life altering impact for me: Being able to create something that another person finds value in and is willing to pay for.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
just being able to turn an idea into a tangible product. I went to $0 earned to $494 in 10 weeks. Thats a huge confidence booster

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have a path I can follow to improve my service, better understand my client and tailor my service to their need.

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Rouan Kruger

My name is Rouan Kruger, I am Board Certified Pharmacist, who was looking for a way to transition from working full time in the corporate field to becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur. This journey began buying many courses on social media marketing, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, and digital publishing. This involved spending hours learning, however never really making much progress from a business point of view. The typical shiny object syndrome. The idea of creating my own experience product was something that I did not consider doing until my lifestyle brand was well established.

I have a big following on Instagram and came across the Experience Product Masterclass, on a webinar hosted by Marisa. I was intrigued by the differentiation aspect of the program, creating a unique experience for your ideal customer. What was different as well, was the idea of building your own product first, then building your brand around that. This was the opposite to the conventional route of building your brand first and then creating your own products or services.

The learning process involved many hours of going through training videos, technology coaching calls and coaching calls with your personal coach. When you learn and implement with a clear system, it gives you clarity about the next step. These constant small steps and wins along the way were the difference that makes the difference.

I was able to build my first Experience Product for Instagram. The Product was a 6-week program, on how to use Instagram to create your own passion-based business. This involved learning the skills of marketing, technology integration and rapid imperfect production creation.

I can truly say that this program has transformed me from dabbling to becoming a laser-focused product creator, able to use complicated marketing campaigns to scale my business.

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Jennifer Peake

I have been working as a paediatric dietitian for over 12 years now and I love what I do. Since having my kids, I realised that no matter how fulfilling this job was, I wanted to be able to spend some time at home with my kids which was not going to always be possible with the job I had. I have worked doing 1:1 consults with parents of kids over the past 6 years but not only felt that this was not necessarily going to give me the ability to leverage my time but I always felt that I never had enough time with the parents to really help them with their kids nutrition and feeding issues. For this reason I decided to start, my own online nutrition business with the ultimate aim to develop online nutrition programs for families.

I have spent the last 12 months learning wordpress and social media and lead magnets and email lists....the list goes on and on. I have invested in courses over the time which have greatly helped me to move my business forward. The next stop was going to be to invest in a course about designing online programs. I had almost signed up to a couple of different ones, but something stopped me. Not sure if this was fear or concerns about money, but there was something holding me back from moving my business forward.

I must confess, I had never hear of Live your Message before and it was an affiliate email that caught my attention and I signed up for the 3 part video series that Marisa had created. I was hooked right from the start and even though I had not planned on spending much money on a course about courses, once I sat through the first webinar that Marisa ran I was in. I was one of the first 20 people to sign up and I NEVER had any doubts about what I could learn from EPM.
I cannot even begin to explain the amount of work I have achieved in the past 10 weeks. I have designed my whole program and have even had a few people sign up for it. Without EPM there is NO WAY I would be this far along with my online program. If I had signed up for other programs it is likely I would have watched a few videos and then gotten discouraged. EPM has been different, the EP points and the support from Marisa, Murrey and the Coaches as well as the other EPM members has been amazing and has really helped me to work the hardest I have in a long time to enable me to complete my course.

Did I reach "Mission Accomplished"? Not yet, but I don't care, I am starting the beta version of my program with real people next week and I truly know that the next time I launch this course I will well and truly achieve my stretch goals. I also know that I will now have the ability to successfully help many more struggling families with their kids eating and allow their kids to grow up to be healthy and happy.

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Kelly Daring

I was struggling to find my niche and signature product. Then I found marisas EPM program and my clarity and focused became like a LAZER!

I am now able to articulate exactly what my ideal premium clients are looking for, making my service business a big draw and distinguishing myself from the competition.

I'm ever so grateful to marisa for taking the time to develop the framework for EPM and commiting to delivering above and beyond coaching support! Thank you so much!

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Alicia Mazari-Andersen

I was stuck in my business. We tried PLF and all of Callan Rush's trainings. We attempted a 2 launches 3 years ago and we got NO RESULTS, we sold NOTHING through these launches. We were going to close our company when I found EPM, and I decided to try it out.

We have never sold one program online, and although I have a full time job, I woke up one morning with a purpose. I am a University Professor, it is easy for the University to get students. Getting my own students is a different story. I am originally from Mexico, although I live in Canada.

EPM has allowed me to move out of my comfort zone. I have made very special connections in these last 10 weeks. We have 5 new affiliates, and I gave a program to a family who has a tribe of one million people in Latin America. They will try the program, and if they see it fits, they will help us promote our program. This is just the beginning of something that might have exponential growth.

I am also, as promised, educating people in the most remote and poorest regions of Mexico, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. I will be able to get to these families in need through the migrant workers that come and work in Canada.

This journey with EPM has impacted me personally, and I can just imagine what Living My Message will be able to give to the WORLD! Let's change these statistics together: "Mexico has the highest children obesity in the world." "This is the first generation of children that will live less than their parents."

Thank you Marisa for getting me where I am right now. Thank you Murray for your help with Heroic, I truly love "your baby." Thanks Christine for all the silly questions you answered for us. Thanks to the most amazing and brilliant coach, Samara Stone, and to my tribe. I wouldn't be here without you.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

AND everyone has the potential to create a unique product and become the super hero to their tribe IF they will take ACTION and talk to people about their idea to get them interested and excited.

How did EPM help you become successful? and personal development mega niche and creating a tribe of solo business owners through my micro-niche.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I knew I was close but I was not there yet, I was not conveying what I needed to in the mission yet. Marisa gave me another opportunity for feedback on her last Monday call. After the powerful first 30 to 40 minutes I wasn't sure I was ready but I had vowed to get Marisa's feedback. It was so helpful but so much for me to process during and after the call.

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Juliet Le Breton

Did I accomplish my mission? Not yet. Do I feel certain that I'm on the road to success? Yes, yes, yes.

Confession time. I've been a wannapreneur for two years. Two long years on that emotional rollercoaster. Two years of hoping, praying, needing, pushing like h£ll to get to success, of relentless enthusiasm, of exhaustion, of burnout, of desperation, of fear - and at the end of it, all I have is a five figure debt and a broken heart.

For days now I have got up - full of bubbly excitement, rushed to my desk to begin to have an impact - make sales, share my message and genius with the world. Some days I have succeeded in doing this. Most days I've allowed myself to get pulled off track. And there have been many, many days when I have been furious with myself - I know I can do it. I want to do it, I can help people, I have helped people before, all I need to do is figure out how to do a tiny shift of what I was so successful at before and I'll find my tribe, my genius, my success. And there have been days when I've felt so bleak I didn't want to get out of bed. Or so excited as I invest another crazy sum of money I don't have and am secretly not sure I can make - on the latest magic bullet solution to all my problems. Each time my hopes spiral to the stratosphere as I think I have found "the answer".

And the irony is, that I've known the answer all along. "The answer is within," so the gurus say, as many of them (not Marisa) gleefully extract charge another 4 figure sum from credit card. "You know what to do, I'm just breaking it down for you - making it easy. All you need is my super duper wooper secret success formula which hypnotises your clients into buying your service and gets them screaming for more." The crazy thing is, in my heart, I knew most of them wouldn't work. I don't want to hypnotise anyone into buying my service or product, nor do I want a formulaic business in a box.

Actually all I want is impact. And when I say impact, I don't mean a million dollars in the bank. I'd much rather make a difference to a million lives - help lift people of poverty and despair. You see, I'm lucky. I may have a five figure debt, I may be living on the edge of burnout, I may be frustrated and stuck - but I have a house, and food on the table, a beautiful garden, and my health. And I live in a country where over 90% of people don't. And they are the ones I want to help.
So then one of those days when I was so frustrated with myself, and my choices and fed up with not making an impact, and not having success and not being able to make ends me - it struck me. I'd actually rather go broke than that run a business with the same morals as many I have seen around me. I have no desire to feed off people's fears and bamboozle them into parting with their hard won last resources. If that's what it takes to run a successful business, screw that, I'd rather go broke. And so that's exactly what I'd done. Oh crap.

And the worst thing was - I'd been a success in the past. Go back one more year to three years ago-- I was making 6 figures a year as an independent international development consultant, working with the United Nations and governments to help their citizens make good healthcare decisions so that they wouldn't put themselves at risk of diseases such as HIV. cholera, malaria etc. I'd invest 20 years and worked in 26 countries trying making a difference, and had got disillusioned when so much of my best work had been mired down in government bureaucracy, or political wrangling, and very little of it implemented. And I realised that the best way to develop a country is empower women entrepreneurs - people with a small business are already striving to improve their lives and development data shows that women invest 90% of their income in their families, communities and nations which leads to an upward spiral of development and growth.

So that's how I identified my target niche for my new social enterprise two years back. It had an incredible vision of working with mid level women entrepreneurs, helping them to develop their enterprises beyond subsistence to sustainability and growth, and then empowering them to turn around and mentor/coach their peers to follow in their footsteps. I wasn't just going to change a few lives. By the time I'd mapped out my vision trained women entrepreneurs were supporting each other, consumer campaigns where urging the public to buy products and services that were made by women-owned companies, even the governments were coming on board to support the plan. In my head, at least! I couldn't just change a few lives, or even a country, I could revolutionise women's lives all across Africa. And perhaps even beyond. OMG. This became my new raison d'etre.

And even though I am incredibly shy and loathe the public eye, I realised I was going to have to be a leader. And leaders are visible. So I screwed up my courage and did a TEDx talk - it was the first public speech I'd ever done. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? If I've got to make a leap, it might as well be a huge one. So I started with a TED talk and I was made a Global Ambassador for Empowering a Billion Women by 2020 the week before and I was so excited to launch my new business on Women's Entrepreneurship Day, two days after my TED talk, with a fanfare of pride and delight. Hundreds of people signed up to come to the opening workshop. I worked all night to perfect the training materials, and rushed to the venue early to set up.

Long story short, not a single person showed up. Apart from the caterer, with a bill for $400 and lunch for 20 people. On the way home, I got stopped by a police officer who fined me erroneously for not stopping at a Stop sign - I did but the line was so far back from the corner of the road that I then had to creep forward to see if the road was clear before making my turn. That was the great and glorious start to my new enterprise.

And two years later, as I learned about the Experience Product Masterclass, my enterprise had held a number of training events, which barely broke even, given away a lot of useful training material and advice, consumed every waking hour, and was still not able to make ends meet. A business-to-business company I consulted for through my husband's company had just increased their revenue by a factor of ten based on some marketing advice I'd given them - so I knew how to do it. I just wasn't doing the right things in my enterprise. In my head that made me a fraud, a fool, and the world's worst entrepreneur. And so I'd kept searching for the answer, kept signing up for webinars to see what I could find. I'm on about 400 mailing lists. I was drowning in good intentions, half completed projects, and debt. Despite my big smile to the world. I was miserable.

And then EPM came along. And it made so much sense. A revolutionary way of teaching, to make it fun and motivating to students so that they will actually watch all the training and a way of incentivising them with fun rewards so that they keep on showing up and doing the homework. I'd done a course with Marisa before - Call to Adventure - and had been deeply impressed with the quality of her training, depth of her insight, and her ability to make things fun. And this offer, well it cut through my cynicism. This was something different - not run of the mill internet marketing hype. This was a new way of learning, of teaching, of sharing and of helping confused and stuck entrepreneurs (like me) break through, get results and finally, finally shine. And there was a no-brainer guarantee. Make your money back or we'll give it back! Who offers that?! Only someone with deep integrity, someone who totally believes I can get the result she's promised. No switch and bait here, no phoney claims of incredible results, no default option to blame me if I don't get the results even if I had done the work. Finally, a person of integrity. Offering something of huge value, with all the extra support I needed.

I signed up and committed fully to the course. The classes ran til 1am my time, but I was doing them anyway. I did what it took. And yes I procrastinated, and got sucked into fear and perfectionism and distraction. But I kept showing up. Kept doing the work. Did my best. Emailed the coach, even though I hate asking for help (I used to say I was culturally impaired to ask for help - I think its true, but if you don't ask for it you won't get it. I had to get over that as much as possible. And I had a great coach who instantly got the measure of me and made me feel comfortable - thanks Mike!)

Nine weeks later, here I am - an impact entrepreneur. I finally have confidence, direction and momentum. I honestly have more progress in 8 weeks than I have during the last two years. I have tested an offer, developed an opt-in, done a high ticket offer to potential clients - something that I know they will love, and I'm so thrilled to deliver. And the biggest difference is in my mindset. I've always known I can do it - I can make a difference - and I can have this huge world changing impact I've dreamed of. I've never been afraid of hard work, and I love to work all night to meet a deadline and then feel proud of myself for not compromising my exacting standards doing it. (Excellence drives me - another reason I was attracted to work with Marisa!). But now I believe i can do it. I've figured out how I can offer something of incredible value to people I already know - and use that to help the people I want to help who can't afford me. I had an idea of how to do this before - but now I'm actually doing it. I have practical strategies that I can follow - and adapt - and the clarity and confidence of knowing how long to keep going and what criteria to evaluate whether a new service or offer is going to work or not a good fit with my new market segments. It has a been a long journey to get here but I know success is within sight. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

The biggest lesson to me is that I can't change the world on my own. I knew this of course, which is why I'd worked with UN, and governments and aid agencies for so long - I thought they were the best lever for eradicating poverty and bringing about sustainable development. But for me they take too long. The best lever is through working with entrepreneurs. And the irony is that I get to combine my two weirdly disconnected worlds that I can expertly navigate and bring them together to create a revolutionary new kind of service and to make revolutionary changes to people's businesses, and lives around the world. I get to work with high level entrepreneurs - women I love and look up to -who have successful 6-8 figure businesses, and I get to link them with women back home in Africa who are trying to get by, trying to survive an incredibly hostile business and social environment - trying to take their business to the next level. And through this process I get to help business leaders around the world discover how to tap into their longheld dreams of changing the world - of making their own huge world changing impact for a social or environmental cause they love. And this makes my impact so much more than I could ever do - ever dream of - this is way beyond little old me. It's a revolution. for business. For lives. For social change. For the world.
And it all began with the EPM.

You'll laugh because "Oh crap!" has become my new rally cry. I say it every time I go into the fray, as all my excuses fall away and I know I'm going to have to do whatever it was I've been worrying about and putting off. If I want to make a difference, and make a dollar, if I want to increase my impact, my influence and my impact. I'd better get on with it then. And every time it gets a little easier. I just smile, saddle up the war charger, shout my rally cry and off I gallop, superhero cape streaming behind me and my clients, coaches and entrepreneur besties (BFs) beside me. Or so I'd like to think. We're allowed to have fun when changing the world, right?

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Katarina Bulic

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I learned the HOW and had support

How did EPM help you become successful?
it gave me tempo otherwise I was taking to long and of course the tools

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I learned the discipline and improved on all aspects

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I will see in a couple of weeks

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Making the webinar and start selling and helping my peers

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