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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Alicia Willoughby

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

How to take my content that I deliver in person through my clinical practice and transform it into an online format. I learned methods and options that I never would have thought of on my own given I've never done this before! Ways to make the program an experience and set my students up for success.

How did EPM help you become successful? -

Clarity that my product can be based on my experience but can be a new way of working with people around business finances - not just being a bookkeeper. EPM helped me define my product's mission and get more excited about the expertise that I do have, helped me step into being the expert I already am with more confidence. It's helped me show up more in my clinical practice already and in my social media content.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

EPM has given me more confidence and drive to make my product really happen

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before I felt self conscious that I wasn't enough of an expert to make and market a product and now I feel confident that I am absolutely and expert whose product needs to be out there

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I'm excited about actually getting it done ???? The tech components have been a big hurdle for me because I don’t have the bandwidth to learn a new skill so I'm asking for help and outsourcing so I can get this thing out to the world

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Karen Musson

I was at a low point. Having a tech background and the help of some other trainings, I had managed to wing a 'get started' membership site, do a little Facebook promotion and deliver a first on-line product: a different approach to equine partnerships that does not rely on dominance or food rewards. But after the first 50 students, I realized something was missing. I had some wonderful thank you emails, but something struck me about them - each one expressed a deeper form of transformation than I expected, but in between the kind words they didn't really have enough specifics to implement the practical side of the experience as intended. My course both over-delivered and under-delivered. I had under-estimated its transformative and in some cases transcendental value and under-estimated the detail students needed to create their own experience more fully. I wasn't sure how to fix it, lost confidence in it and stopped offering it. Even though I had received good feedback, I felt I wasn't serving my students in the way I had hoped. It just felt wrong to continue without a shift. I had been struggling away for a year or more, while my business continued in a way that did not allow me to expand my reach. I'd figured out some aspects but then I saw EPM. I was familiar with Marisa's work from her other training courses and knew this was in her genius zone and she had nailed what I'd been trying to pin down - in far more depth. It was a no-brainer.

When I signed up for EPM2016, I hoped finally to create my follow-on offering. But that's not how it went. It was disappointing to find out that despite a lot of care and thought already, it really wasn't where it needed to be to be viable. I started falling, then decided to stay in the game, pivot and experiencify an existing offering, which was an in-person mix of 1:1 and 1:Few coaching with students and their horses. I made it past mission accomplished, but felt no closer to my real goal of a viable on-line option - yet this strong calling I had to expand my reach had not faded. My tribe is spread across the globe, rather than in small, regional pockets - so bringing horses together in a live group is often not practical. As the dust settled from the intense EPM "sprint", I realized two important takeaways. First, my first product was just an iteration, not a wasted effort or failure but an absolutely necessary step along the pathway to awesome. Second, while I had plenty of experience delivering my offering in a 1:Few setting in person, so it was natural to think I could do something similar on-line, I hadn't truly dialed into some of the real differences between helping someone iterate to awesome in real-time with their horse when we are in person, vs. after an on-line session. To do this they must a) remember what we discussed accurately as they go out to work with their horse and b) be able to assess their own efforts as they practice. Aha! Smaller steps and clear ways to measure the outcomes were needed. But what were they?

This question led me to focus on "Remote Student" Call Me through the following year. You could say I combined "Give them what they want" and "Chatterbox" within my work with those students. I ran four 1:1 video coaching courses. This was an existing offer I modified with what I learned from EPM. Instead of just offering video coaching, which students tended to use more like a "life-line", sending in a video sporadically, I enrolled 5 students in a 60 day program with 1:1 coaching and bonus 1:few group sessions in which we shared highlights and insights.

This strategy proved valuable on three counts. First, I gained a super clear picture of the challenges specific to students taking guidance from our coaching call out to their horse vs. working with my guidance in real-time. This was a tremendous feedback loop that inspired the very specifics and details that had left my ultimate offering feeling less than viable. Second, doing more concentrated, "contained" coaching within the on-line session format highlighted significant advantages that are not tangible in real-time coaching. It was truly serving in a different, unique way. Yay! Third, the new program structure inspired more action and more progress among students. Students were finishing asking when the next 60 day series would be. So I ran 4 that year, mostly with repeat clients, which meant they made more progress, and we continued to cover more specifics I needed to dial in. A win, win.

With this "remote student Call Me" phase in hand, I chose to do EPM2017 "The Sequel" with the specific intention of clarifying and nailing down every aspect of my 1:Few on-line course, from the new methodology it embodies, to the course birds-eye view, list of trainings, marketing and delivery plans. EPM is like doing a degree in 10 weeks, if you fully engage in all the videos, actions and make active use of the coaching. I wanted to walk through and truly "consume" the process itself for a full iteration. I knew that for me this likely meant not meeting Mission Accomplished within the set time, but my horse-owning clients tend to hibernate in January anyway and preparing content with horses is not quite the same game as writing PowerPoint presentations. A later launch would made more sense for me. I Chatterboxed anyway and enrolled two new clients into existing offerings that lead to my new offering.

I leave EPM2017 with a clear plan for my offering and precisely how to implement it - including key copy and other assets, the exact campaign and even a list of the training video segments I need to create. Meanwhile I now know how to test and pivot where needed to ensure I'm on track. I have new skills which will continue to evolve and the tools to repeat the process for future offerings. For me this is the strongest What, Why and How strategy I've ever had for my business, along with the sureness that it only gets better from here. No more walking around in the fog!

And one last minute takeaway occurred when Marisa mentioned in the last coaching session that she'd almost given up with EPM. What?!?! What if she had! The answer we were all seeking wouldn't have been here to find. I'll remember that in the challenging moments that are no doubt ahead!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I was amazed how something as "silly" as taking the time to identify our "super power" served as a compass in the layers that followed. It made everything just that bit easier, and helped sort through and anchor developing ideas with more confidence. Some ideas expressed the super power more than others and it is interesting how this provided a built in guidance system in the challenging process of nailing down a product offering.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I signed up for EPM because it was so obvious that Marisa is operating from her genius zone when it comes to the Experience Product Formula and EPM. I had identified a few of the elements for myself but lacked a well thought out, tried and tested method within a start to mission accomplished business framework. I had taken other trainings to improve my business skills and gained something each time but only some ingredients, not what you need to actually bake the cake! EPM delivers rich content covering the entire process in a way that focuses on implementation. I have gained immediately applicable skills and clarity about how to build on these: just return to the EPM content as it will take a few times to consume all the value.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Make no mistake, EPM takes commitment. This is my second EPM. In the first EPM I lost a lot of traction at first. I found myself quickly getting stuck because all the other steps depended on a higher degree of clarity about my offering than I actually had. EPM is a sprint and you can find yourself left behind. I wanted to stay in the game, so I pivoted and decided to deliver an existing program so I could apply the EPM principles as best I could. I reached Mission Accomplished, but only completed about half Marisa's content, with very little progress on the product I intended to offer. However, I left clear that although I had delivered my course in person to groups many times, it needed another evolution before it could serve well as an on-line offering. That changed the course of what I did in my business the following year, as well as highlighting some personal blocks I knew needed my focus. I found what I needed to move those in a course I discovered through Marisa's I'm Powerful bonus. This combo brought me to the right place at the right time to make quantum leaps with my original idea in EPM 2017.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I would say the biggest change to date is that before EPM I always had several ideas, but was never sure if they were "right" for my customers, nor which one to focus on - which inevitably meant a lack of effective action and follow-through. Having a tech background had allowed me to wing a 'get started' membership site, do a little Facebook promotion and deliver a first on-line product, with the help of some other trainings. But after the first 50 students, I realized something was missing. I had some wonderful thank you emails, but something struck me - each one expressed a deeper form of transformation than I expected, but in between the kind words they didn't really have enough specifics to implement the practical side of the experience as intended. The course both over-delivered and under-delivered. I had under-estimated its transformative and in some cases transcendental value and under-estimated the detail they needed to create their own experience more fully. I wasn't sure how to fix it, lost confidence in it and stopped offering it. When I signed up for EPM2016, I hoped finally to create my follow-on offering. But that's not how it went. It was disappointing to find out that after a lot of care and thought, it really wasn't where it needed to be to be viable. I experiencified an existing offering, which was an in-person mix of 1:1 and 1:Few coaching with students and their horses. I made it past mission accomplished. But I felt no closer to my real goal of a viable on-line option, yet this strong calling I had to expand my reach had not faded. My tribe is spread across the globe, rather than in small, regional pockets - so bringing horses together in a live group is often not practical. As the dust settled from the big EPM sprint, I realized important takeaways. First, my first product was just an iteration, not a wasted effort or failure but an absolutely necessary step along the pathway to awesome. Second, while I had plenty of experience delivering my offering in a 1:Few setting in person, more specifics were needed in greater detail and smaller steps when I am not there to help students iterate their way to awesome. This led me to implement a modified Call Me serving remote students through the following year. I ran four 1:1 video coaching courses, which was an existing offer I modified with what I learned from EPM. Instead of just offering video coaching, which students ended up using more as a "life-line", sending in a video sporadically, I enrolled 5 students in a 60 day program with 1:1 coaching and 1:few group sessions. This proved valuable on three counts. First, I got a clear picture of challenges specific to students taking guidance from a call to the field to work on their own with their horse vs. working with my guidance in real-time. This was a tremendous feedback loop that inspired the very specifics and details that had left my ultimate offering feeling not viable. Second, doing more concentrated, "contained" coaching via student videos revealed significant advantages that are intangible with real-time coaching. Third, the new program structure inspired more action and more progress among students and most were asking when the next 60 day series would be. So I ran 4 that year, mostly with repeat clients, so they made more progress, and we continued to cover more specifics I needed to dial in. A win, win. With this "remote student Call Me" phase in hand, I chose to do EPM2017 with the specific intention of clarifying and nailing down every aspect of my 1:Few on-line course, from the new methodology it embodies, to the birds-eye view, list of trainings, marketing and delivery plans. EPM is like doing an undergrad course in 10 weeks, if you fully engage in all the videos, actions and make active use of the coaching. I wanted to walk through and truly consume the process itself for a full "iteration". I leave EPM2017 with a clear plan for my business and precisely how to implement it - including the exact campaign, list of training video segments I need to create. Meanwhile I now know how to test and pivot where needed to ensure I'm on track. I have new skills which will continue to evolve - and the tools to repeat the process for future offerings. For me this is the strongest What, Why and How strategy I've ever had for my business, along with the sureness that it only gets better from here. No more walking around in the fog!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I leave with the strongest What, Why and How strategy I've ever had for my products and business, along with the sureness that it only gets better from here. No more walking around in the fog!

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andrea herran

What has been the biggest change in your business?

The biggest change in my business is creating an experience product that will give me a mission and method that will impact more people and grow my tribe. It's my determination that I will create a product that is done with solo business owners instead of developing around done for you controller work. I can see my product leading to the creation of an on-going network of solo owners who met through the initial product and stayed to have an owner's network group.

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Karen Musson

In 2015 I ran my first on-line course for conscious horse-owners 3 times. I received excellent feedback, yet struggled with the follow-on offering. I dedicated months to it. It was hard, a grind and I had that feeling of no traction. I wondered if I should throw in the towel.

In the EPM launch, Marisa spoke to several insights I had had during that struggle, yet offered so much more too - and a clear strategy about how to weave them together. Marisa talks about living in our “genius zone” and clearly with EPM, she is. I took the leap.

Genius Zone, Flow State and Why We Truly Must Deliver

As I watched Marisa breezing through hours of live Q & A, I found myself oddly resonating with her state of flow – odd because, as her student, I was in border-line overwhelm! It dawned on me that I recognized it from my own work with clients. It was a moment of clarity. What if she hadn’t followed through and delivered? I’d have missed finding this vein of gold I was seeking. Not delivering due to the dulling force of overwhelm leads only to holding back answers sought by others.

Aha! The Problem

EPM helped me see that my first course, or “front door” offering -which had proved to be a transcending experience, as hoped – was not grounded in a lower layer in Maslow’s hierarchy. My follow-on course had been a challenge because the first course also did not have a clear enough pathway to a predictable, tangible and measurable outcome to follow on from!

Sometimes Seeing is Believing

I smiled as Marisa showed us her unruly mind map of EPM and how that evolved into the course it is today. I had a similarly unruly one, sitting stagnant on my hard drive. I dusted mine off along with a Venn type model I had also set aside, with renewed faith as I shared it with some closer students.
“The last thing you learn is the first thing you need to know” (Ray Hunt)
Eventually it became clear that the follow-up offer I had been planning was too big to do within the 8 week time-line – and probably just too big. I was getting stuck, falling behind on the course and sliding into overwhelm. What could I do… right now to kick back up into a clear path forward?

And... Action!

I upped the EPM Factor in a video-coaching program I was already running. It was FUN. Surprise! This led to clearer feedback and accelerated my understanding of the specifics students really needed.
Next, I decided to offer a small group program in person. I’ve done many, but this felt like The Right Product at the Right Time. My goal was to exercise the EPM factor to better nurture these clients, meet my income goal and test-drive my Bird’s Eye Framework in a One to Few setting, live with the horses. This was the surest way to observe how it was received, how easy it was to DO and tune it up on the fly.

Mission Accomplished!

After a short email campaign to a regional group of students, five students signed up to bring their horses on November 4-6th for $495.00 for a total of $2475.00.

The Proof and Truth is in the Pudding

I “boldly” ran the whole event from my (newly dusted off and revised) Framework and coached my students with Mission, Future Self, Constant Wins, Feedback Loops and Community in mind. For 3 days solid. It was Fun and recorded on video.

I used rough cut (done is better) clips from the clinic to better serve existing clients in my video coaching program. Then in a live webinar, I shared more insights in an EPM inspired format. The recording of that is now ready to split into 10 min nuggets for future use.

The Final Impact

Marisa delivers, in volumes and through an experience that has a way of staying with you ;)
I accomplished the EPM Mission as well as gaining clarity about what and how to implement my next offering – and I have yet to complete the last module! I am stoked to discover what gems I will find.

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Angela Anderson

Before EPM, I had just experienced a "failed" launch for a group program, with zero enrollment after following the advice of another coaching program.

As soon as the doors for EPM opened, I watched Sales for Superheroes, and the Chatterbox training as soon as I could, then implemented the Give Them an Experience Campaign. Those trainings alone were enough to give me the tools to confidently share the benefits and value of my program in ways I had never been able to do. Even without a sales page or a single email sent out, I enrolled 6 clients ($10K in sales/6 months) within 2 weeks.

Now, I'm gearing up for an even bigger launch for the next iteration of my program next month, thanks to what I've learned in EPM.

The impact on my business has been tremendous because now I know if I can do it once, I can do it again. I can continue to help more women live their purpose and make money doing it. My biggest gratitude for Marisa, Christine, Kate and the team.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Focus on marketing campaigns that work for where you currently are in your business, not what all of the internet marketers are touting online as "the" magic solution.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me systematically approach improving a product (that I had previously created in an earlier EPM), and gave me step-by-step guidelines for how to create the marketing plan, the marketing language, and the tools to talk about my program in a way that shares the value and benefits with potential clients so that they buy.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has given me the tools I was missing to serve more people without feeling salesy or smarmy. It also gave me my first over $10k launch--without a sales page or even a single email. Amazing! And it's increased my confidence in selling my program without selling my soul.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The biggest change has been a growing sense of ease that offering my 1:few program doesn't have to be as stressful (and painful) as it has previously. Before EPM, I had just experienced a "failed" launch, with zero enrollment after following the advice of another program. As soon as the doors for EPM opened, I watched Sales for Superheroes, and the Chatterbox training as soon as I could, then implemented the Give Them an Experience Campaign. I enrolled 6 clients (over $10K in sales) within 2 weeks. Now, I'm gearing up for an even bigger launch for the next iteration of my program next month, thanks to what I've learned in EPM.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I'm most excited about creating an even bigger, more consistent income stream by genuinely being in service helping other women reach their potentials.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
EPM is a stellar model for WHAT to do in your own courses and business. From coming up with an idea, to selling the product, and even for creating a phenomenal fulfillment experience for your clients or customers, EPM is the whole package.

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Barbara Ingrassia

I was overwhelmed and discouraged. I knew that what I offer is important, but I couldn't find the people who knew it was important AND were willing to pay for it. What was I doing wrong? I was always looking for "the answer, the system;" I was a victim of Shiny Object Syndrome. I was afraid to charge what the results were worth because it was so difficult to quantify the results; every client was different. I loved facilitating workshops and teaching, but those weren't generating business. Should I just "pull the plug" on the whole business--save my time, energy, and money?

I took one of Marisa' free webinars that described EPM. Hmmm..."adding experiences with rewards along the way" made sense to me. The components of the program were puzzle pieces; they were all important. There was not one "magic answer." And there were steps to follow; don't try to skip some. The module content, worksheets, live coaching on Mondays and Wednesdays, FB family, and Get it Done Fridays--with milestones and due dates and rewards along the way-- provided the structure I needed.

I have a well thought-out plan, mission, direction, steps, and the skills to complete them. I can identify various other products that can compliment my main offering. I am moving forward.

Thank you!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

1. Give Them What They Want (Survey) Campaign (tweaked. Added "gift" for leaving email address)

2. Application Campaign (developed the application from the survey "gift.")

How did EPM help you become successful?

The components and steps laid out in EPM helped me clarify my idea and develop my program step-by-step. I knew what to focus on at each point. It moved me from "overwhelm" into "action." Action is more important than perfection. EPM provided the all-important components to consider to "experiencify" a product. I feel more confident about asking people what they want. EPM is a living example of how to apply the EPM components!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

EPM has helped me focus on the steps needed. I have learned so much from "Get it Done Tech Fridays." Those skills are enriching all aspects of my life. Thank you!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

BEFORE I was floundering in "overwhelm, perfectionism, and doubt" ready to give up. NOW I have a clear mission and future self statement to guide me in the development of my products. I have the steps and tools I need. I now can visualize different products at different price points that serve my target audience at their various stages/needs.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Completing the essentials (sales page, etc.) and launching. I learned from the coaching and FBook community that people do understand the mission and are interested in the program. THEY DO EXIST!

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Karol Clark

I have been an implementer all my life...BUT as an employee or helping others. However, I have always dreamed of "doing my own thing" and spent a great amount of time creating my goals, my logos, my plan and creating content. However, I was always p a r a l y z e d when it came to committing to MYSELF and I just kept thinking, planning and creating but never taking the MOST important step (we are talking for over 10 years).

In addition, I always want to HELP so I never want to charge what I am worth...I am committed to getting results for clients but hesitant when it comes to pricing...enter Marisa and her dream 8 week program that spoke directly to me and challenged (FORCED) me to further clarify, create and confidently act so I could launch not 1 but TWO new programs in 8 weeks...The clarity of the trainings, coaching and support was second to none and the content delivered just as I have dreamed of doing myself - providing a serious challenge and yet a safety net for "no one left behind" mentality. I have risen to the occasion and have a new found confidence, clarity of action and efficiency about me and best yet - I feel great!!!

I have two campaigns running for programs to launch January, 2017. Although I haven't made a lot of money yet (although I do have a new consulting gig), I am not afraid because I know not only my goals, but how to attain them. I have a clarity that will carry me through to additional breakthroughs and a knowledge base that is ACTIONABLE. The sky is the limit. are my 2 programs: for a course offered by myself and Liz Lawless for our company Your Best Seller Book – selling our new course $1,997 called 30 Day Publishing Accountability Course for my Weight Loss Practice Builder consulting business. The course is called 90 Day Profit Plan to Add 96K to Your Bariatric Program. Cost $7,997

I am over my fear of action, my fear of charging what I am worth (almost) and ready for this new chapter in my life. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

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Mary McLendon

In conjunction with my story from SWY, this is a continuation of a journey to start a business from scratch for the first time after leaving a corporate job. Along this journey of EPM, I got stuck in the "holy crap what did I do?" mud of making a change so significant in my life. I doubted everything - from my decisions on what product to use to what color my logo should have in it. I was really spiraling and fell off the grid a number of times during the program. It was the community and coaching that helped me see that I was not along, I was able to do this, and that I had really made great progress. I took the last few weeks to really push and drive over the finish line. I stepped into a chatterbox campaign that terrified me. I really struggled finding my voice, but as soon as I got out of my head and just started talking - I got a lot better at it. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Without EPM, I am confident I would be back on the job hunt and playing small - hiding my light from the world again.

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Linda Beeker

On January 1, 2018 I became purposefully unemployed. I took a leap of faith, and with my meager savings and my 401K as my only seed money, I quit my job as a physician assistant at the end of 2017. Using what I had learned from 23+ years in medicine, I had developed a 5-step process to teach people how to maximize their body's buillt-in energy systems, and thus their health!

However, I had no business experience, and I made every mistake in the book trying to get my business up and running. Ten months later, I had spent far more than I had earned and still felt like I was wandering in the dark.

Then a friend forwarded me the email about Marisa's webinar on the Experience Product Masterclass and all of that changed! I joined her program and within 2 weeks, I became clear about my niche and the mission for my product. Within 5 weeks, between the bonus material, the weekly content and the coaching sessions, I already felt like I had hit "mission accomplished". The value of what I was learning and the mind barriers that were being broken, were worth so much more than $2000 I had paid for the program!

Six weeks into the program, life threw me some curve balls. My mom came to live with me for a bit and my life got a little complicated. But Marisa's consistent message throughout this program is "Never give up!" So, even though my plans for how I was going to do this program were altered, I kept plugging along, and I reached the finish with over 75% of the modules done!

Yes... I am one of the people who did not officially hit "mission accomplished" by the end of the program. So, why do I still feel that this was one of the best and most successful programs I have ever invested in?

I now have a full outline and framework for my experience product I have a marketing plan I have full templates for the timelines for launching and running my experience product! I have lifetime access to all the content of this program so I can keep learning and creating!

All of the above was promised when I joined, but because of this program, I also now have: a more dynamic business name; a more authentic logo; the tools and knowledge to build a killer website; the support of an incredible tribe of fellow EPMer's; a pending trip to Message to Money Live and last, but most definitely not least, the ongoing influence of the very gifted Marisa Murgatroyd!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

To make my classes experience classes with constant wins and building momentum to keep people engaged and encourage completion.

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM taught me tangible ways to keep students engaged and create an email campaign.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It has encouraged me to not give up and to push further and longer than I normally would have.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before I was focused on giving my students content and now I am focused on giving them an experience.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product? I'm most excited about not giving up. When I began EPM it was with a commitment to my program, my husband, and myself, that I would do everything (plus some) in order to meet the requirements of the guarantee. I thought that this would ensure my reaching mission accomplished and I am sad that it did not.

Due to our current financial situation and my commitment to my husband, I did have to submit a claim for the guarantee. I put my heart and effort into EPM and met all of the milestones and while I appreciate EPM I need Marisa to have my back like the guarantee promised. Since this is the case, I completely understand if graduation is null and void, but I thought I better submit for graduation in case my guarantee claim is not approved or graduation is still allowed.

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Anthony Matchem

I am having a problem to have any amount of online marketing success. I joined the experience products masterclass hoping to get a better understanding and finally have success in the online marketing world. At times I felt the course and projects very overwhelming. I work very hard at every assignment and task that we were asked to complete. I completed every assignment but I still feel there is still a lot to learn and discover before I can truly be successful in my dream and passion of an online health and fitness business. I am determined to be successful and I will continue to work hard until I can live my dream.

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