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Barbara Ingrassia's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Barbara Ingrassia

I was overwhelmed and discouraged. I knew that what I offer is important, but I couldn't find the people who knew it was important AND were willing to pay for it. What was I doing wrong? I was always looking for "the answer, the system;" I was a victim of Shiny Object Syndrome. I was afraid to charge what the results were worth because it was so difficult to quantify the results; every client was different. I loved facilitating workshops and teaching, but those weren't generating business. Should I just "pull the plug" on the whole business--save my time, energy, and money?

I took one of Marisa' free webinars that described EPM. Hmmm..."adding experiences with rewards along the way" made sense to me. The components of the program were puzzle pieces; they were all important. There was not one "magic answer." And there were steps to follow; don't try to skip some. The module content, worksheets, live coaching on Mondays and Wednesdays, FB family, and Get it Done Fridays--with milestones and due dates and rewards along the way-- provided the structure I needed.

I have a well thought-out plan, mission, direction, steps, and the skills to complete them. I can identify various other products that can compliment my main offering. I am moving forward.

Thank you!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

1. Give Them What They Want (Survey) Campaign (tweaked. Added "gift" for leaving email address)

2. Application Campaign (developed the application from the survey "gift.")

How did EPM help you become successful?

The components and steps laid out in EPM helped me clarify my idea and develop my program step-by-step. I knew what to focus on at each point. It moved me from "overwhelm" into "action." Action is more important than perfection. EPM provided the all-important components to consider to "experiencify" a product. I feel more confident about asking people what they want. EPM is a living example of how to apply the EPM components!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

EPM has helped me focus on the steps needed. I have learned so much from "Get it Done Tech Fridays." Those skills are enriching all aspects of my life. Thank you!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

BEFORE I was floundering in "overwhelm, perfectionism, and doubt" ready to give up. NOW I have a clear mission and future self statement to guide me in the development of my products. I have the steps and tools I need. I now can visualize different products at different price points that serve my target audience at their various stages/needs.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Completing the essentials (sales page, etc.) and launching. I learned from the coaching and FBook community that people do understand the mission and are interested in the program. THEY DO EXIST!