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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Dondrea Beth

On January 1, 2018 I became purposefully unemployed. I took a leap of faith, and with my meager savings and my 401K as my only seed money, I quit my job as a physician assistant at the end of 2017. Using what I had learned from 23+ years in medicine, I had developed a 5-step process to teach people how to maximize their body's built-in energy systems, and thus their health!

However, I had no business experience, and I made every mistake in the book trying to get my business up and running. Ten months later, I had spent far more than I had earned and still felt like I was wandering in the dark.

Then a friend forwarded me the email about Marisa's webinar on the Experience Product Masterclass and all of that changed! I joined her program and within 2 weeks, I became clear about my niche and the mission for my product. Within 5 weeks, between the bonus material, the weekly content and the coaching sessions, I already felt like I had hit "mission accomplished". The value of what I was learning and the mind barriers that were being broken, were worth so much more than $2000 I had paid for the program!

Six weeks into the program, life threw me some curveballs. My mom came to live with me for a bit and my life got a little complicated. But Marisa's consistent message throughout this program is "Never give up!" So, even though my plans for how I was going to do this program were altered, I kept plugging along, and I reached the finish with over 75% of the modules done!

Yes... I am one of the people who did not officially hit "mission accomplished" by the end of the program. So, why do I still feel that this was one of the best and most successful programs I have ever invested in? I now have a full outline and framework for my experience product. I have a marketing plan. I have full templates for the timelines for launching and running my experience product!

I have lifetime access to all the content of this program so I can keep learning and creating! All of the above was promised when I joined, but because of this program, I also now have: a more dynamic business name; a more authentic logo; the tools and knowledge to build a killer website; the support of an incredible tribe of fellow EPMer's; a pending trip to Message to Money Live and last, but most definitely not least, the ongoing influence of the very gifted Marisa Murgatroyd!

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Christiane Mohr

All my professional life I’ve been switching between marketing and IT projects. I’m easily bored and I love to learn and grow. Thus, projects are a great way to have all of this. 18 months ago, my longtime marketing client had to shut down their business and my work was reduced to IT projects. Over the years I had done several courses to bring more clients and more creative work into my day, but none of it was successful for me. I either got stuck with niching or acquisition.

EPM changed that for me. The reason why I bought the course was the massive promise for personal support. And I was not disappointed. When I got stuck in the same spot again, my coach Kate helped me to overcome it. Whilst working on my target group I got stuck again in the acquisition phase, and I got help too.

Did I have moments where I just wanted to quit and kiss my investment goodbye? Hell yeah, but Kate just send a few encouraging words and the right questions – and then we worked through it. The level of dedication from the coaches to get us to mission accomplished is amazing.

I always believed that I was an acquisition idiot, but with EPM this changed. I now know how I can talk to a prospect and give them value just doing a discovery call. They might become clients, right away or later, but it feels good to just know that my expertise helps them in some way immediately.

I’m confident that I will use a lot of the strategies I learned long-term, but the one thing, that made the biggest change for me, is to have been forced to put my knowledge and my work with my clients in a signature system. It guides me, as well as the clients, and I get an unknown clarity from it.

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Mainebob Oconnor

At the age of 68 I have had a long and eclectic background and since 1987 I have worked from home on China Lake where I raised 4 children. For many years I have worked with one major client having created databased backed websites starting in 1998. My discontent accelerated in 2017 my second marriage was challenged along with an arduous 3-year long process of negotiating with my 11 brothers and sisters on the sale of the family property after both of my parents passed. In the meantime, my 17-year client who I maintained the website had health challenges and was in decline...

One highpoint was to win a $5,000 speaking academy spot by creating a 4-minute video that spoke to the ask... my Environmental work with the Pachamama Alliance as a facilitator for the Awakening the Dreamer Changing the Dream Symposium. This Speaking Academy led me to the 90Day Experiential Health Challenge. This was a very complete mindfulness and hunter-gatherer based program. It lead to stopping my high blood pressure meds and the disappearance of my joint pains and Ben and Jerry's belly. This all came about by my going back to a real human diet. I loved this program so much that I decided to become a Coach.

During the coach training, I felt I needed my own product. But What? EPM was the answer and even though I have "stocked" (followed) Marisa's work going back to the first time I heard her name and recommendations from Dan Hollings. (Ask me about my involvement with "The Secret" movie). Back to my story... EPM was to help me create my own program AND I was already in the Coach Training program. So I have NOT completed my own EMP program, THAT WILL COME. In the meantime, I have a plan to do my first training class in March and complete my certification and build my Health Coaching and Tech Consulting Business. So, I Graduated EPM with the knowledge but not the product,... Yet! Looking forward to Message to Money LIVE! Story to be continued. Thank YOU!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

The concept that people want, beyond the knowledge, The Experience and the Transformation.

How did EPM help you become successful?

The ongoing detailed calls, coaching and encouragement.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It has helped me become CLEAR about my Vibrant New Life and how to share that with those people open to hear my message.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

ME! and the distractions of life, my divorce, my eleven siblings and the challenging sale of "Heirship" property. 2018 has been a slow and transformational year for me.

The big learning is to stay focused, be forward looking and uplifting of all those I come in contact with. Looking to take my Ikinomics Entrepreneurial Archetype ALTRUIST and avoid the Kryptonite that has prevented me from developing a Financially THRIVING Business.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am most excited about building a thriving business that can engage people to hear my message about living a Vibrant New LIfe.

I am excited to be coming to Message to Money Live in 9 days and meet Marisa, Murry and the Team and the like minded Tribe WOW! I am expecting an Exciting and Productive Experience!

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Kat Walters

Marisa's teaching realWhen my friend told me about EPM I had just spent the last 3 years trying to grow a product based business. It had been hard going and I had not been making ends meet at all. I had invested in LOTS of courses and coaching and none of it was really making any difference. I even just spend £2500 doing a trade show in July with NO sales at the end of it!!

I was super hesitant to do "another" course. My savings were nearly at rock bottom and I decided that this would be the last thing I would try. If this failed I don't know what I would do.

I know I have lots to offer and had always had lots of ideas of businesses and courses I could teach but as a creative I found it hard to decide what to do.

Well I can tell you that EPM has changed my life completely....

As soon as we started I knew this was something special and different to everything I ly resonated with me and I just lapped up every training, going back through each video several times to make sure I had got everything she was trying to get across.... and I followed her instructions to the letter.

The first couple of trainings were incredible.... I now FINALLY knew EXACTLY what I needed to do.

EXACTLY what I should be offering as my first product and EXACTLY what my new business was going to be. I am so excited about the future, this business is actually something people NEED and WANT and I LOVE doing it!!!

Because of Marisa's trainings I have now created a product and business that is EASY to sell..........

It's just so much more fun and enjoyable to be working on this and I feel like I can finally start making a difference and supporting my children properly and everything is going to be OK. I mean it wasn't that I wasn't working hard, I was working my butt off for 3 years with no results. And now I can work hard and get AMAZING results....

I don't have a website, I don't have a list, I am starting from scratch and I now have a new business and I have literally just made $2500 in a week from just posting a couple of posts on facebook in different groups..... it's insane the amount of response I am having. I love the fact that EPM teaches you to start making money straight away and iterate your way to awesome and do your website later once you are making money, it's just so clever....

Yesterday I just put one post in 2 groups on facebook and got 46 people onto my email list in 24 hours!! And this is all because I now have all the elements of a great business in place and that is ALL thanks to Marisa's EPM..... seriously I'm blown away.

Things are looking so positive right now I'm very excited.... :)

And I am ONLY just beginning, wait until I have a website and more products in my suite.

Now I don't have to say no to the kids every time they ask me if we can do something. We can start to have a life again.

Thanks Marisa you have changed my life in 8 weeks.

Kat x

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Raquel Devillé

I’ve been struggling with marketing and making money since I’m in business. I wasn’t sure what to do to overcome my fear of talking to people about my activities. Or market them. Or sell anything. The word marketing had me shivering in terror! I had a business and I didn’t even had a niche. I joined EPM and I got clarity. I’m at ease. I’m making money. Again, I have clarity. I have a business to develop, I know how to do it and I know where I’m heading.

It wasn’t like this in the beginning. As I wouldn’t be going to M2M, I didn’t care about being on the leaderboard. Then, on Saturday morning, my name was tagged in the Facebook group. I looked for my name in the end, the last places. I wasn’t anywhere. I searched… and there was my name, first place! That changed my way of doing things. I started to work. Mind that I’m not competitive. I decided I wanted to be on that leaderboard all the time. It made me work. Then I decided (well, my husband offered) to go to M2M.

I was in my senior year in college when my life changed. One day, as I was having breakfast, it struck me, like a bad awakening: my father was sick. Really sick. My father provided us with a very comfortable life, but he worked too much, he smoked and had to deal with too much stress. He had not been well in the previous days, but in that morning everything collapsed. He burned out. Almost simultaneously, we found out he suffered from heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. A very unhappy period of my life began. And I had never been unhappy before. He died 6 years after that morning.

What I lived in seeing my father’s struggle and suffering, while dealing with the burnout after-effects, could have motivated me to become healthier, start exercising and quit smoking. But it didn’t. Instead, when he died, I was a heavy smoker dealing with work issues. Because of the financial crisis, my job basically consisted in firing people. I was almost in burnout myself. 5 months after my father’s death I had the opportunity to move from Lisbon to Brussels for a short period of time. So I took it and moved to Brussels. In Brussels I met THIS guy. We fell deeply in love and I moved to Belgium permanently. We got married and had two wonderful kids. We’re still married, working on making it “happily ever after”.

My daughter was born in 2007. I had always been thin but I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. Along with the extra weight came lack of self confidence, which made me struggle every time I had a job interview.

Long story short (it’s really long, trust me), I decided to start my own business. I had many different projects. Never made any money. Did a lot of business and marketing online courses. Good ones. No help. By the end of last Summer I had my aerial yoga studio to develop. Offices and consultation rooms to rent... How would I find people? Attract them? I revisited all of my previous marketing online courses. Not enough.

One day I stumbled on Marisa’s Experience Product. Looked good. Looked fun. Looked really good. Reasonable price. I felt tempted... Would another marketing course be the way to go? I had tried it before with no results. Then I saw EPM’s Facebook Ad for the second time. Clicked. Felt tempted again. Felt like that could work. I had the money, thanks to my aerial yoga classes. I needed to make more money. To market my offices. To market my aerial classes better. I enrolled.

EPM hadn’t even started and I was already so full of clarity! I found my niche in less than two hours. Something I had never managed before! I found out I could sell. I could be good at marketing! As my separate activities didn’t match all of EPM criteria, I decided to create a weight loss program for EPM. As I got asked (a lot) to help with weight problems, this was the perfect opportunity to share my knowledge with others. With a product I could make money with.

Just after launching it I got really frustrated. Cried. Vented on Facebook EPM group, feeling I was doing it all wrong. Nobody subscribed my program. So I decided to try and sell the whole package to another professional, a nutrition coach that rents one of my offices. And guess what? I did it! Then two persons enrolled on my program. Then some more. And then the last place to my Et puis mince program was taken! I accomplished my mission with the program I created for EPM!

I had accomplished my mission with my other activities, while creating the program and using all the things I learned with EPM. I made more than 6000€ thanks to EPM, that’s almost $7000. My goal is to make a steady 2000€/month this year. I’m already developing more experience products so, for next year, I’m raising my goal for 5000€/month.

This is my story. My products story. My EPM story. This is what EPM has done for me. Click for the video version, the one I made for EPM Partner Mastermind.

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Charisse Tyson

When I received the email from Marisa about EPM, I was done purchasing programs that were going to help me build my business. I was on her mailing list because I’d watched a few of her videos and liked what she had to say about living your message. But, I had sworn off taking even one more online course. I’m too embarrassed to tell you how much money I’d invested in programs that didn’t work by the time that email showed up in my inbox.

It wasn’t long into Marisa’s video message that I started thinking, “Maybe this is the one?” I almost closed the browser during the video on more than one occasion. “Quit watching!” I told myself. “If you continue you know you are going to want to buy this program.” But I couldn’t turn Marisa off. She struck a chord with me and my struggles. Then she made the guarantee offer. That’s when I hit the purchase button. Yes, many other courses that I spent big bucks on promised a guarantee. But they were wishy, washy, half-assed guarantees. The two that I attempted to collect a refund on both turned me down because they said I hadn’t worked the program. Neither of them had a clear-cut list of objectives. I despised the teaching techniques of one of the instructors, and I told him as much, albeit in a courteous fashion. I got nasty emails from his people when after a couple of back and forth correspondences I told them that I would challenge the charge with American Express. I’m still sorry that I wimped out and didn’t contest the charge.

With a guarantee that sounded like something I could take to the bank, I slapped yet one more online class on a credit card. Boy, am I glad I did. The courses first video with corresponding PDF’s told me that I’d hit the motherload. This was the course that would change the trajectory of my business. The clear and concise goals in place and the cha-ching that came along with checking off the box of a finished assignment was just what I needed. I’m very goal oriented, and when they are laid out in a way that I can understand, I will get them done.

The amount of coaching I received in EPM was astronomical compared to the other courses I’d tried. The weekly sessions with Marisa, Christine, Don, and Paul with bonuses thrown in from Murray about Heroic were priceless. I learned more valuable, usable information in the ten-week course than I ever could have imagined.

I was not able to hit mission accomplished by the due date, but I would never consider asking for my money back. I have no doubt that I will achieve my coaching goals because of this valuable course. I’m excited about what the future has to hold because of EPM. I gained direction, marketing skills, technological knowledge and so much more. I will be hugely successful and help hundreds if not thousands of people because of the EPM training.

Thank you, Marisa, Murray and all of the fabulous team members. You are making a difference in the world and helping others to leave their legacy’s too. I will be forever grateful for EPM. I can’t wait to experience Message to Money Live. I’m sure that when I leave there, I will be able to say, mission accomplished.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Success doesn't always mean that you reach the intended goal. Despite not being able to hit the "Mission Accomplished" goal button, which I so wanted to do, I've taken away so much valuable knowledge that EPM can only be called a success for me. I will use the tools from this course forever and will make back my investment. I may not have pulled it off in the allotted time frame but I KNOW that I will do it soon.

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM helped me to build a group coaching experience that I will use to help many women find the peace and joy that I am now experiencing. Even though I didn't hit mission accomplished I am completely at peace about it because I know that I am a success. I will use all of the tools in the EPM toolbox for years to come and they will drive my future success to amazing heights.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I learned how to offer an experience product and despite not getting any takers for my course I believe in what I have to offer. There are people out there that need my help and the knowledge and experience I gained from building a course, marketing it, and staying true to it will impact everything I do in my business from here on. My course was supposed to start tomorrow and even though not one single person showed up for my discovery call, I had two no-shows, I continued to market it today. I wanted to quit but I didn't. I didn't reach the right people at the right time but they are out there and I will reach them somehow.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before EPM I knew I wanted to help women through coaching, but I wasn't really sure how to go about it. I had a website that offered one-on-one coaching as well as my free discovery session for about two years with no takers. My website was built to promote my memoir in 2015 and needed a rebuild to reflect my new mission. However, I didn't even know where to start. I paid someone to build my Wordpress site and was so technically challenged that I had to pay someone to make changes every time I needed one. I paid for the Done-for-you website build through Heroic for my course before taking part in Murray and Daves webinars that showed me how easy it is to work in Heroic. I am in the process of moving my website to Heroic and building one that reflects my coaching goals. I am now equipped to make my business flourish.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product? I'm very excited to find out how to build on everything that I learned in EPM at the Message to Money conference. I believe that before I leave MTM, I will be able to say, mission accomplished. I'm excited to meet the people that I came to know through EPM there. I'm excited about watching all of the beautiful people I met through the class making a difference in people's lives and getting paid to do so. I'm thrilled that I will always have access to the course because I know that I will refer to it again and again.

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Kat Walters

My name's Kat Walters. I'm from lincolnshire in the UK and I'm doing Instagram makeovers.

Well my work matters because I love creating things and being an entrepreneur hour I get to create stuff every day and really enjoy what I do. So that's that's really cool. I get to make a difference by you know helping people better bettering their businesses which gives me a lot of satisfaction. I'm actually making a difference to people.

Our issue is for you. Promoting. Have you been trying to start a business group. Did you use. Well I've been in business for about three years already before I started doing epm and I had a product based business.

And it was getting really really hard going. So I wasn't really making ends meet. And I was really struggling. I had invested a lot of time and money into other courses and coaching. And that it just hasn't really got me anywhere.

It was like yeah I was almost thinking should I even stop doing this and just go and get a job. You know well I wasn't really thinking that but you know it was almost at that point.

Well actually a friend of mine found epm found that about it and she told me about her. But I was. When she first showed me I was like There's no way I'm doing another course. Absolutely not. As I've just actually even just the year before that I had just been doing a course for a whole year that cost me four thousand dollars and it had made no difference in my business at all. And this is from a really top person out there that you know the course so yeah I'd done a lot of causes already now was a bit feeling a bit burnt out and I was just wasn't really happy to do another course. But and also I had had did have hardly any savings left. And so I didn't have much money so I was really worried about spending. The money on the course. But you know.

Well the thing that drew me to it was the fact that it was going to be creating it was going to help me create a product that was going to really stand out in the marketplace and be something different. And I liked the fact that he was a guy that I was going to make back the money by the end of it. But I had invested in. Which was important to me. It was going to be practical it was going to get me going to make money straight away which is what I needed to do because my financial position wasn't good at that time.

Well epm was brilliant as soon as it began for me. I just just love the way Marissa teaches her all her modules are just so easy to follow it's all laid out step by step is just you know if you just geeky like me and you just follow things to the letter then you're going to just it's going to be so easy. But so even at the beginning Marissa has this amazing training that helps you figure out what she should do and what your business should be about.

Which I absolutely loved and it helped me so much because I'd spent the previous three years doing this other business plus kind of pivoting now to a new business but not quite knowing where to focus on because I'm a creative and I have loads of ideas so it was hard to choose which one to do. And this this changed everything for me when I did this training of mariss at the beginning and I have picked the perfect thing to focus on and to do. And since then things have been going so well for me just even getting I would have even done epm just to do that bit.

Another great thing is that Marie's just gets you doing the things that you need to do in your business. Now it's going to make you start making money and start actually having a business that is a functioning business.

Well my biggest break through in epm is the fact that I now have a business that is functioning that is earning money and I have the potential to do amazing things we can do so well and I didn't before epm like epm has changed my life so much.

Yeah. Well my faith that the products I created during epm I got five people signed up during the eight weeks and I made 3000 dollars because I had it at a cheaper price just to be to test it and launch it at that first which I was really happy about. So I made back all the money plus a little bit more that I'd invested in epm which I was really happy about. And since then I have been doing minimal marketing really because I've got such an amazing product. All I have to do now is post in groups about it and I get people signing up to work with me and to go on to my. So I've actually done any proper marketing yet I've just been doing very very low key marketing and that's meant I've actually earned sixteen thousand dollars since I did epm which I'm really happy about which is believe me a lot more from my end of the year before when I was doing my other big and as well as being able to earn enough money to support my family pay the bills and do all that.

I’ve already been I've been featured on podcasts I've been interviewed by people and I've probably about three or four times and this is just within a few months and I haven't even been hardly doing that much marketing yet. But my business is massive potential because I'm totally on the right track and my product is isn't really really good and I'm actually creating V2 of my experience products at the moment which I'm launching in August which I'm really excited about.

Well the best thing about having an online business for me is the fact that I can work around my kids so I can I can be fully present with them when they're home from school and they got homework or whatever with them and I don't work when they're around. I'm focussed on them. And then when they're not there I focus on work so it means I can live my life how I want to and I get to do really cool stuff every day.

Yes. Well my kids love what I'm doing they're really proud of it. And they tell all their friends and they are actually a little mini marketing department for me so they are like because I told them what I was doing when I was doing epm and they would help me come up with headlines. Mommy you should market it like this or you should do this so it's really cool. Yeah. They get involved as well. They're very supportive.

And since epm I am so confident in what I'm doing my business has got so much potential because I'm on the right track and I just know what I'm doing now. So I think epm gives you so much more than you think it's going to give you. It teaches you what to do. It teaches you how to do it to a really high standard and it teaches you how to function in your business and what to focus on.

I'm so excited. Yeah. Every time I every time I do anything like I tell anyone about my product is just like wild. It's like it's just like sparks going off because I've got such a great product now and people are really really into it. So it's just such a joy for me because I'm doing something that I'm getting such a great reaction from.I've

No question worth. What would you say. To them. I would say don't don't hesitate just do it because if you want if you're somebody that wants their business to actually start making money and wants to create an online product.

That people are going to really enjoy and that's going to be one of the best out there then there's no other choice really for me. Are they all the courses I've done. Hands down. Epm has been the best thing I've ever done.

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Karalyn Brown

Before I did EPM I was stuck. I had been working away on developing an online course but secretly suspecting that nobody would complete it because I had made it too hard. Hell, I would not have done what I produced alone (and I am pretty motivated) so why would I expect other people to do so??

The other challenge I was facing was that I wanted to serve my customers in a way that would make a true difference to them. Customers were coming to me for a CV/LinkedIn profile - but what they wanted out of it was a new job.

The service I was offering - writing a great resume or LinkedIn profile - was super helpful, but people still kept job searching by applying online - a method that big data shows is the least effective. So my clients were getting something new (a wonderful marketing document) but using it in an old ineffective way.

I was frustrated and wanted to give them something different. I wanted to give them something they would actually do in a step by step way that took all the guesswork out of what they were doing.

So Marisa, Debra and the team really helped me position my new experience product in a way that captured the pain point of my clients, and turn that quickly into a tangible, credible result - one where my clients could see themselves crossing the finish line. This process has been transformative in so many different ways.

My new experience product - Straight to Shortlist - is a product my clients need and will transform their experience and put them on a path to success. For my network of people who refer clients to me - they can now sell my product more easily as they can describe a tangible outcome.

I will have success stories I can share that my blog audience and potential clients can connect to – helping more people on a broader scale. For me the actual process of doing EPM was transformative as I could actually not only see but understand my own self-limiting beliefs in the way I worked and offered my service to the world. So that was an eye-opener for me.

There are many many things that are great about the program. I made mission accomplished - $2485 and counting. I have the prototype of a product that works. I have much more confidence. And I am now pivoting my business.

Thank you all so much!

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Caroline Ashbourne

What an incredible journey! I've gone through so many different emotions since the start of EPM. I started out with a naive enthusiasm that I was going to create a hugely lucrative 1:Many product that was going to be done easily by Mission Accomplished time. How wrong was I. After hitting overwhelm the moment I got to the part where we were to go out and talk to people in the Chatterbox Campaign, I realised I wasn't so ready to create the next blockbuster product after all. Well needless to say the humbling experience and emotions I went through, all resulted in me having a more grounded approach once I was out the other side. I can see so clearly now how starting small is best, and also the quickest way to get there.

I didn't hit mission accomplished, but what I did do is address my shortcomings and build in a consistently highly productive way of working on my business. I am so close to launching now, in fact it's going to be within the next 3 weeks. This is after the EPM programme finishes, but you know what... I feel like a winner! I'm so close now. I've done so much. I have all the info to hand. I'm gonna do this and do it right. Thanks Marisa and all at EPM. Great job! I really feel like an entrepreneur now... for the first time ever!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

I have all the tools I need to launch my product. I'm feeling confident to do this now, so despite missing mission accomplished, I'm happy as I know will hit mission accomplished in my own pace, in the next few weeks

How did EPM help you become successful? It made me realise where I had to do some hard work to catch up to where I wanted to be. I did major work on my credibility, by completing my Level 2 Fitness Instructor course.. BUT that took up more time than anticipated, meaning I lagged behind in EPM. I'm glad I did it though, as for me it was important. I realised that I'd decided to do an experience product on something I wasn't yet ready to do. But I'm there now and doing all the work outside and inside of EPM has forced me to establish consistent and highly productive work habits. I've achieved so much over this past 10 weeks

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It made me realise where I had to do some hard work to catch up to where I wanted to be. I did major work on my credibility, by completing my Level 2 Fitness Instructor course.. BUT that took up more time than anticipated, meaning I lagged behind in EPM. I'm glad I did it though, as for me it was important. I realised that I'd decided to do an experience product on something I wasn't yet ready to do. But I'm there now and doing all the work outside and inside of EPM has forced me to establish consistent and highly productive work habits. I've achieved so much over this past 10 weeks

What has been the biggest change in your business?

It's actually getting done now. I had no product, just an idea. I'd been stuck in that mode for several years. I now have all the marketing wording in place, info from the respondents of the first survey, some emails from the survey, 2 partners I can now work with via my Chatterbox Campaign. These partners both have followers in social media who fit my ideal client group and have offered to send out my updated survey. EPM has provided me with the steps and all the info I need to run my Perfect Email Campaign the moment respondents start filling out this survey. I feel ready to start my product launch now that I've been through all the EPM course material... and now that I've tackled the overwhelm I felt when first trying to do the Chatterbox Campaign, which was before I was ready.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product? I now know where I am and where I'm going with this product, but also within my online business as a whole. I can't wait to launch now. I feel sad I didn't manage to hit mission accomplished, but I can see clearly that it all went exactly as it was meant to, and that I'm way ahead of where I was when I started. It has been an incredible journey. Thank you!

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Sarah Janes

I had a business I loved for 25 years and was not looking for any big changes. I saw Marisa's webinar and everything changed overnight! I realised that although I was engaged and passionate about supporting my students, I was so busy working on the business that I wasn't 100% in the business. I started making changes even before the full program began and began to really engage at every opportunity directly with each and every client. Sometimes it is the small changes that have the power to make the biggest difference and I achieved mission accomplished in the first couple of days simply by truly listening and engaging with my students' needs.

EPM has changed my outlook and my business, I have so much more that I will be doing but I am not trying to do #allthethings but rather be focussed and meaningful in the changes that can lead to a positive experience. What a journey, and it's only just begun ????

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Make every connection count. You don't need a huge list to succeed, you just need to communicate on the same level as your clients and hear them!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

The success is not from the financial gain although nice, it is that reconnection with my clients and celebrating new ways to help them reach their goals and dreams

What has been the biggest change in your business?

personal engagement

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

developing more experience and ongoing relationships with my clients

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