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Raquel Devillé's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Raquel Devillé

I’ve been struggling with marketing and making money since I’m in business. I wasn’t sure what to do to overcome my fear of talking to people about my activities. Or market them. Or sell anything. The word marketing had me shivering in terror! I had a business and I didn’t even had a niche. I joined EPM and I got clarity. I’m at ease. I’m making money. Again, I have clarity. I have a business to develop, I know how to do it and I know where I’m heading.

It wasn’t like this in the beginning. As I wouldn’t be going to M2M, I didn’t care about being on the leaderboard. Then, on Saturday morning, my name was tagged in the Facebook group. I looked for my name in the end, the last places. I wasn’t anywhere. I searched… and there was my name, first place! That changed my way of doing things. I started to work. Mind that I’m not competitive. I decided I wanted to be on that leaderboard all the time. It made me work. Then I decided (well, my husband offered) to go to M2M.

I was in my senior year in college when my life changed. One day, as I was having breakfast, it struck me, like a bad awakening: my father was sick. Really sick. My father provided us with a very comfortable life, but he worked too much, he smoked and had to deal with too much stress. He had not been well in the previous days, but in that morning everything collapsed. He burned out. Almost simultaneously, we found out he suffered from heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. A very unhappy period of my life began. And I had never been unhappy before. He died 6 years after that morning.

What I lived in seeing my father’s struggle and suffering, while dealing with the burnout after-effects, could have motivated me to become healthier, start exercising and quit smoking. But it didn’t. Instead, when he died, I was a heavy smoker dealing with work issues. Because of the financial crisis, my job basically consisted in firing people. I was almost in burnout myself. 5 months after my father’s death I had the opportunity to move from Lisbon to Brussels for a short period of time. So I took it and moved to Brussels. In Brussels I met THIS guy. We fell deeply in love and I moved to Belgium permanently. We got married and had two wonderful kids. We’re still married, working on making it “happily ever after”.

My daughter was born in 2007. I had always been thin but I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. Along with the extra weight came lack of self confidence, which made me struggle every time I had a job interview.

Long story short (it’s really long, trust me), I decided to start my own business. I had many different projects. Never made any money. Did a lot of business and marketing online courses. Good ones. No help. By the end of last Summer I had my aerial yoga studio to develop. Offices and consultation rooms to rent... How would I find people? Attract them? I revisited all of my previous marketing online courses. Not enough.

One day I stumbled on Marisa’s Experience Product. Looked good. Looked fun. Looked really good. Reasonable price. I felt tempted... Would another marketing course be the way to go? I had tried it before with no results. Then I saw EPM’s Facebook Ad for the second time. Clicked. Felt tempted again. Felt like that could work. I had the money, thanks to my aerial yoga classes. I needed to make more money. To market my offices. To market my aerial classes better. I enrolled.

EPM hadn’t even started and I was already so full of clarity! I found my niche in less than two hours. Something I had never managed before! I found out I could sell. I could be good at marketing! As my separate activities didn’t match all of EPM criteria, I decided to create a weight loss program for EPM. As I got asked (a lot) to help with weight problems, this was the perfect opportunity to share my knowledge with others. With a product I could make money with.

Just after launching it I got really frustrated. Cried. Vented on Facebook EPM group, feeling I was doing it all wrong. Nobody subscribed my program. So I decided to try and sell the whole package to another professional, a nutrition coach that rents one of my offices. And guess what? I did it! Then two persons enrolled on my program. Then some more. And then the last place to my Et puis mince program was taken! I accomplished my mission with the program I created for EPM!

I had accomplished my mission with my other activities, while creating the program and using all the things I learned with EPM. I made more than 6000€ thanks to EPM, that’s almost $7000. My goal is to make a steady 2000€/month this year. I’m already developing more experience products so, for next year, I’m raising my goal for 5000€/month.

This is my story. My products story. My EPM story. This is what EPM has done for me. Click for the video version, the one I made for EPM Partner Mastermind.