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539 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2021

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Mistelle Vicencio (class of 2021)

I was having doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, self-sabotage and instead of sticking to one program and actually finishing it, I would look for another course. I would rationalize it as, it's not me, it has to be the course. Then I found EPM, I can't even remember how I found it but I might have stumbled upon SWY first actually. I believe things don't happen coincidently. I was meant to find SWY and EPM. I'm so glad I did. SWY helped me unlock what I already subconsciously knew and EPM helped me move forward with real action. The videos and steps on EPM with Marisa's guidance were so clear that I didn't feel overwhelmed. I believe what kept me going was that even though there seemed like a tremendous amount of videos to watch, everything was broken down into bite-size pieces. The assignments did not take a long time to complete. Some of them were short so I was able to keep my momentum going. This is why EPM was so perfect for me. I always felt like I was making real progress. Granted I was off to a late start because I was still in SWY while EPM already started. SWY assignments took a little longer for me because they went deeper into who I am. After I was done with SWY, I went into full-blown EPM mode and was racing against the clock to catch up and make it to the end so I can get Coach Uwe's feedback on all my assignments and I did! I never completed another course program. I'm so grateful for EPM, the LYM team, and Marisa's excellent teaching style.

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Catherine Connolly (class of 2021)

I have been wanting a structure and marketing system for my online learning and coaching framework. I have tried so many times with so many marketing people and have been feeling completely frustrated and had given up, even though clients have experienced incredible transformation in their life with this system. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass and actually started working through it with a completely different idea, that's how over the whole thing I was. Then I realised that my program does have true value and the opportunity to change many lives so I started again to work the project through EPM and am thrilled that I can see what was missing. and the first conversation I had about it which was really just explaining what I was working on, I was told "I would buy that" and asked "does it have continuing education credit for coaches?" This is so thrilling as it worked. Also that question lets me know that the second tier level I had in mind could actually be a good idea.

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Cindy Shigekuni (class of 2021)

Until I found Maris Murgatroy's EPM, I was having a problem figuring out what to do in order to scale and grow my Intuitive Life Coaching practice to include group sessions because I wondered how to keep it geared toward personal transformation for each client. Then I discovered during EPM that I don't have to give up the intimacy of having 1 on 1 sessions. EPM showed me that it's possible to have MORE intimacy in a group setting because there is a deep sense of shared community in larger numbers. Listening to others share their own experiences is a great way to learn more about yourself. I am thrilled to say I used the Chatterboxing technique to share my paper airplane version of my product until I got it just right and made my first sale - while on a massage table - in the nude! So if I can do it unclothed, then I can do it anywhere!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The biggest change in my career, I believe is that I now have a master plan to model myself and my business. I don't have to reinvent the wheel or start from scratch. Every little thing presented is bite sized and easy to digest. Perfect for busy people who have short attention spans!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has given me the confidence to grow my business without having to go it alone. Having a personal Coach and weekly live coaching calls via ZOOM has been a valuable part of my experience and Coach Debra is a Godsend!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
No matter what, you can always pivot even the slightest in order to tweak your product and make it even better! Nothing is set in stone so there is no way to get stuck!

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Having gone through the steps for my MVP, I now have the tools to create other programs even after EPM is over!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thanks to Coach Debra for being there in my corner throughout my EPM journey! And for the side door coaching I enjoyed throughout - with Mondays with Marisa and Get It Done Fridays!

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Leslie Russell (class of 2021)

So.... drum roll... I started EPM with one idea, The Energy of Money, which I still believe is a fantastic topic, but it totally flopped during my marketing efforts... I became very discouraged, as I was also entirely behind in my EPM modules. I had put the cart before my horse...I knew I was at a point in my career where I wanted to create and roll out an online program, so I re-examined my goals. I changed my idea midstream which was recognizing that the great majority of my potential client base were women who yearned for love... Calling in Love had been an idea that my daughter and I have dreamed of creating together forever, and signing up for EPM has provided the platform and creative initiative to align my business with my soul's purpose .... to Call in Love for myself, my daughter, and soooooooo many others!! It is more aligned with how I want to live my message. I got our first three sales in the retreat we are leading to Ecuador next week!!! Now my problem is that this is all happening way too fast. LOL. I now need to become a masterful time manager.... I want to go back and complete all of my modules, which I have every intention of doing, just this all happened in its own Divine timing. Which I suppose is a good omen, since I am Calling in the Divinity in life and LOVE.

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Claus Simhart (class of 2021)

For me the topic I wanted to step into was clear. I wanted to offer a training program for technicians who are in their first management role. So it was easy to find a niche.... For the rest it was not that easy. Many iterations for the target audience - even I thought that this was a little too picky. Mission statement was a big step. I understood that it is important to distinguish from the mass out there in the net. So I was thankful for the coaching we received in this regards! And then there was the guidance to make a precise plan how to prepare the product including what is needed if there is really the first sale. Great guidance and advice! Coming to the motivation to try to get the first sale. Offering a detailed stepwise approach how one could be successful. Again great advice - even when I did not succeed finally. But still it was a great journey and I feel confident to succeed at a later time with all the information I received within the program!

Graduate story: For me the topic I wanted to step into was clear. I wanted to offer a training program for technicians who are in their first management role. So it was easy to find a niche.... For the rest it was not that easy. Many iterations for the target audience - even I thought that this was a little too picky. Mission statement was a big step. I understood that it is important to distinguish from the mass out there in the net. So I was thankful for the coaching we received in this regards! And then there was the guidance to make a precise plan how to prepare the product including what is needed if there is really the first sale. Great guidance and advice! Coming to the motivation to try to get the first sale. Offering a detailed stepwise approach how one could be successful. Again great advice - even when I did not succeed finally. But still it was a great journey and I feel confident to succeed at a later time with all the information I received within the program! Update mission accomplished: In difference to the graduate story I shared before my huge struggle in launching is the marketing. It is really difficult to start the real marketing process. But I found a work around to launch and prove my MVP: My first "sale" is one without getting money. It is a young colleague in my company who is willing to do the program as Beta-tester and give feedback. In the meanwhile I will try my best to improve my chatter boxing and do conversations outside my comfort zone.

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Revadean Quastad (class of 2021)

I’ve wanted to put together a program to help parents with postpartum for a long time. I have never been able to get the product completed and get it marketed. I joined EPM 2021 to create a coaching program, but in the process realized this is not an MVP. I transitioned to the concept of a one day workshop for planning for the postpartum. EPM is the best program I have taken by far and feel that once I can get it marketed it will be possible to move forward. I feel good about the workshop content, but completely failed to market it as I do not know people in my market and was unable to get more than 1 referral with my chatterboxing who did not respond. Sadly I did not even qualify for the guarantee. My niche groups are too niched to gain followers as I wasn’t able to join most of them as I am not pregnant and I could not identify a side niche that was workable. I will work on growing my own social media group for this market and retry chatterboxing in a month or two as well as developing relationships with allied professionals to refer to my program. I am still hopeful that I will be able to see fruit from this program.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Don’t see much change.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Feel more of a failure than a success right now. I couldn’t even qualify for the guarantee since I failed chatterboxing.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Keep moving forward and try new iterations for marketing over the next 3 months. If these are ineffective, I may give up on this business and look for a niche in which I have more of a network and go through EPM on my own again with a different idea.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Can add a few more failures to my list of things that don’t work.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
It is the best program I’ve taken to date. There are many great things about it. The coaching with the dopamine training were good. I just couldn’t figure out how to make chatterboxing work with my current microniche and network. Comment on the program. Never did really get my points straightened out so I just gave up on them. They would disappear and sometimes not show up after I clicked them. When I got to module 4 and it asked for evaluation, I just gave up as I never managed to launch.

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Anita Lubosch (class of 2021)

I was having trouble figuring out how to offer my Intuitive Transformational Life Coaching services in a way that would really help my clients to transform vs giving them a band-aid. I wasn't sure where to begin or even how to start finding clients because doing this work professionally was a new beginning for me. I joined EPM and learned a step-by-step process that challenged me to get really clear on who my ideal customer is, exactly how I can help them with a 12-week coaching program, AND how to position my message in such a way that my ideal customers know I'm speaking to THEM. I started chatterboxing with a few contacts I'd had who I sensed were ready for some big life-change and one of them was very interested in speaking with me to learn more about my program. We had a phone conversation on Jan 27th and are going to speak again this week discuss enrollment in my program. He has also reached out to a friend of his who is going through a hard time so I will ask for a referral now too as he told his friend about me. I love this!! Thank you Coach Debra for all your support and guidance and thank you Marisa for this amazing program! It works!!! :)

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June Ellis (class of 2021)

I have always had a problem with perfectionism and had tried creating online courses before that never made sales because I stayed in a perpetual state of CREATING, without putting much time into marketing. I joined EPM and immediately resonated with their "progress over perfection" philosophy. In keeping my eyes on the prize, I just kept moving forward, creating as I went but marketing AS WELL, until I got to where I am now, which is having proved my product with $2k in sales and a handful of promising leads to speak with this week!

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Carolina Vasquez (class of 2021)

I created in the past a high-ticket, 9-week, which I thought was a very “complete” training loaded with all the information possible to connect with the soul, align body-mind-spirit, balance the energy centers and create a plan for the long run. I didn’t have sales. I wasn’t sure what to do; it was frustrating to see the amount of time, effort and money invested in creating high-quality material for the training -including slides, workbook, email automation etc.- and not having a group to give it to. I joined EPM and realized my past training covered too much information trying to accomplish too many results. Therefore, the messaging was long, confusing and not what my audience really needed. I discovered that my extensive training was an undigestible brick of information and what my audience needed was one little bite at a time. As I went through the EPM modules, I gained clarity on my service and who I enjoy working with. It then became clear to me the reason why my old messaging was carrying some heaviness in my heart. My new clarity allowed me completely redesign the messaging about me and my services in a way that feels right. I created an MVP that fits my audience better, used minimal development optimizing time and money and I successfully made my first sale.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The biggest change is the clarity I gained. I pivoted 180 degrees the business messaging of my service and the audience I enjoy working with.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It reignited the fire of the business and brought hope to my life.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My biggest takeaway is specificity, directness and simplicity are the most powerful marketing tools and the best allies in business.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
It is possible to continue growing the business, serving and creating the life I want to live.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

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Bian Tan (class of 2021)

For years, I had a desire to take all the lessons I learned and successes I have achieved as an immigrant to Canada, and teach new people settling here (I am in Vancouver, Canada). I helped people who needed information, helped people make financial decisions, helped people who needed mortgages, tax help, business set-ups, even Airbnb set-ups and many more. I got certified in bookkeeping, taxes, mortgages, and even started on a course to become an immigration consultant. Through it all, I knew I could do more, reach more people. But I didn't know how. Then I joined Marisa's Experience Product Masterclass and I finally saw that it is possible to do what I desire -- package all the financial information that's in my head and create a coaching program. I have learned so much -- figuring out who my customer is, what my program is about, building only a basic structure of my course, validating my idea, and starting to talk to people. Working with my coach has been most valuable. Ditto all the side-door coaching I received when I attended all the live sessions (even through watching replays for those I couldn't attend live). I have gained confidence, which was my biggest hurdle. I am overcoming my fears -- of judgement, criticisms, failure and even success. Graduating from EPM and reaching Mission Accomplished by talking about my program with 6 people (and counting) have been my biggest achievement so far.

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