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Cindy Shigekuni's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Cindy Shigekuni

Until I found Maris Murgatroy's EPM, I was having a problem figuring out what to do in order to scale and grow my Intuitive Life Coaching practice to include group sessions because I wondered how to keep it geared toward personal transformation for each client. Then I discovered during EPM that I don't have to give up the intimacy of having 1 on 1 sessions. EPM showed me that it's possible to have MORE intimacy in a group setting because there is a deep sense of shared community in larger numbers. Listening to others share their own experiences is a great way to learn more about yourself. I am thrilled to say I used the Chatterboxing technique to share my paper airplane version of my product until I got it just right and made my first sale - while on a massage table - in the nude! So if I can do it unclothed, then I can do it anywhere!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The biggest change in my career, I believe is that I now have a master plan to model myself and my business. I don't have to reinvent the wheel or start from scratch. Every little thing presented is bite sized and easy to digest. Perfect for busy people who have short attention spans!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has given me the confidence to grow my business without having to go it alone. Having a personal Coach and weekly live coaching calls via ZOOM has been a valuable part of my experience and Coach Debra is a Godsend!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
No matter what, you can always pivot even the slightest in order to tweak your product and make it even better! Nothing is set in stone so there is no way to get stuck!

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Having gone through the steps for my MVP, I now have the tools to create other programs even after EPM is over!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thanks to Coach Debra for being there in my corner throughout my EPM journey! And for the side door coaching I enjoyed throughout - with Mondays with Marisa and Get It Done Fridays!