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Mistelle Vicencio's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Mistelle Vicencio

I was having doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, self-sabotage and instead of sticking to one program and actually finishing it, I would look for another course. I would rationalize it as, it's not me, it has to be the course. Then I found EPM, I can't even remember how I found it but I might have stumbled upon SWY first actually. I believe things don't happen coincidently. I was meant to find SWY and EPM. I'm so glad I did. SWY helped me unlock what I already subconsciously knew and EPM helped me move forward with real action. The videos and steps on EPM with Marisa's guidance were so clear that I didn't feel overwhelmed. I believe what kept me going was that even though there seemed like a tremendous amount of videos to watch, everything was broken down into bite-size pieces. The assignments did not take a long time to complete. Some of them were short so I was able to keep my momentum going. This is why EPM was so perfect for me. I always felt like I was making real progress. Granted I was off to a late start because I was still in SWY while EPM already started. SWY assignments took a little longer for me because they went deeper into who I am. After I was done with SWY, I went into full-blown EPM mode and was racing against the clock to catch up and make it to the end so I can get Coach Uwe's feedback on all my assignments and I did! I never completed another course program. I'm so grateful for EPM, the LYM team, and Marisa's excellent teaching style.