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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Veronica Meeks

Your Graduation Story
I was on the fence about signing up for EPM cause I've been wanting to do something to generate income online, but I didn't have the faintest idea of what that could be. After chatting with one of the online coaches she assured me that it didn't matter if I had no product or idea, that the program would help me figure it out, so I invested money I didn't have and took the plunge, ready to do whatever it took to make this work. I started super pumped up, attended coaching sessions (which were great), asked questions and pulled out an idea out of thin air to create a program about parenting because I have small children and I thought there was some useful technique I was using at that moment that I thought was good and I could share with other parents.

The problem with this scenario is that I was literally creating something out of nothing, and while that might work sometimes, in my case it became quickly evident that I didn't have enough content or validation (after the technique I was using with my kids stopped working after a while) to have something of value to offer. Specially when I reached the last module with all the marketing/campaign techniques. I felt utterly overwhelmed and under qualified, and no, I'm not beating myself up.

I take parenting very seriously, you are guiding young minds/souls to become the best version of themselves that they can be, it's probably the most challenging job in the world and the responsibility is enormous. Trying to create just anything to throw out there without sufficient meaning or validation feels not only irresponsible, but also unfair to those who would be investing in the content. I wish I had known beforehand that the basis of EPM was interaction with customers, having to give talks or holding meetings online, etc., I would have then realized it was not for me. I think the content offered is great if you have a solid background to build upon.

When you are trying to come up with anything because of a deadline because it's the only way to qualify for the money-back guarantee you risk building on air, and that's what happened to me. If you are a coach or someone that has any type of offering that educates or supports people in any way, I think EPM is a fantastic medium to achieve greater results. I believe Marisa and her team are sincerely dedicated and committed to what they are doing and they have built something of value, but it's not a one-size-fits-all like I was lead to believe after attending the 5 hour sales pitch and chatting extensively with the online coaches before I signed up. I'm not putting the program down as a whole, I'm even recommending it to my friends who are coaches and work in marketing. But I would certainly not recommend it to everyone.

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Lucy Still

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

I was pushed out of my comfort zone. That even though I didn't reach my Mission, I have got a course together. That surveys get good results to build an email list. A structure that I can replicate

How did EPM help you become successful?

It made me feel more confident about my message.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I need time to look back before being able to reply to this.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

That I have a stronger voice and clearer objective which I will continue to build on. Before I had a dream of starting a course, now I actually have one.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

To continue with my FB presence. To really refine my mission even more.

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Donna Marie Hockley

Universal Career Institute

Really enjoying this so far. As a trained counsellor and a natural health consultant, I can understand how important these core experiences will be. Funny, I have been thinking recently about how to create a program that was not just information, but fun and engaging. If it is not fun, I don't want to do it (or for very long).

I am in group #2. I have a huge desire to create an online program and thought it was going to be about sharing how to get well from cancer the natural way. (as I had cancer as a child and then again in my late 40's), but more and more as I look back on who I truly am, I am an encourager especially for people to recognize that life's lemon can be turned into lemonade.

I love the words from a song "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". So I think it is much bigger than just cancer recovery, of embracing that they have survived other things in life, so to not let cancer stop them now. I love the concept of constant wins.

I know that my biggest challenge will be to not overload, so the small chunks spoke to me. Sure glad that even though I have felt antsy of not having "Launched", or even created the program as yet…

I am now glad that I don't have to start over, so that I can do it in a manner that is fun, engaging, and inspirational. (which is the way I have always strived to create and facilitate my live workshops.) I see now that my favorite workshops that I facilitate have those components in them, and the ones I get bored with easily, do not!

My vision for myself is to have both online and live programs, where the partipants come away with a sense of "I can do this". My husband and I will live the Spring - Fall on some secluded, tranquil acreage in a log cabin, steps away from a lake that he can kayak in and I can swim in. The atmosphere will be conducive for both of us to write. The winter months will be spent facilitating live events in a warm climate, and to offer 1 or 2 times a year, the online program.

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Kimberly Baydarian

Your Graduation Story
This program really helped me to figure out what I want to bring to the world. I now have my scaled offer and plan to offer it in a big way!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Be clear on the benefits

How did EPM help you become successful?
I realized I do not want to offer a live program. So important to learn what you want to do and what you do not want to do.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Given me hope that I can scale a product that does not require my 1:1 time

What has been the biggest change in your business?
More clear on my bigger mission

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
The thought that I can impact so many people outside of my brick and mortar practice and awaken them to the prescription-free option!

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Lukasz Jastrzebski

I really wanted to change something in my life, to have a job that I love and help others along the way. I wanted to start a business that will give me eventually financial freedom. I knew it must be something online but I personally never finished any of the online courses that I bought. So I really didn't know how to build one that people will really benefit from.

Then I found out Marisa's course and it all came together. The missing ingredient was an Experience Formula! I'm a newbie entrepreneur with no knowledge of creating and selling products. Luckily Marisa's course has it all covered and, thanks to video material and coaching,

I was able to produce my first course. I was able to discover my niche, my tribe, craft the course so that it is engaging and creates the constant chain of wins. I'm currently in the process of marketing and selling it.

Before, the whole sales process was a big enigma for me, now, thanks to all knowledge included in EPM, it is clear. I changed a lot during the course, grew past my limitations and my view on business is more mature.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

I've learned how to create an experience product from scratch. I implemented my idea of the course in a new product that is interesting and will, in fact, teach what I expected it to teach.

How did EPM help you become successful?

It made me believe in myself. It seems I'd be able to make and sell an experience product eventually. The only thing to master is the facebook marketing. I just need some more time to do it.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I grew a lot. I challenged so many limitations in myself. I created a course and tried to market it to totally unknown people on Facebook, the things I have never done before.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

It is my first business. The change is great. Before the EPM it was just the idea in my head.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I need to successfully market it and be able to eventually help people with my program. I truly believe it is a good program that can change lives the only thing that remains is that I need to make others believe it and buy it.

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Kim Harris

Dallas, Texas

Experience products work...I've experienced them, but never knew there was a formula. The psychological triggers in the doing kept me intrigued. I'm eager to learn more.

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Carol Nyambura

Your Graduation Story
I enrolled in EPM because I sensed it would make me take action, where before I could simply 'coast' by and learn things intellectually without taking action. I more or less had my product(s) done. The bit I felt I was missing was how to 'get it out there' and how to make it engaging. Through EPM, I learnt the elements of creating a program that not only delivers the "information", but also supports my clients in taking consistent action, enjoying the process, and winning. EPM was organized in a very logical sequence that allowed me to take one small step after another. By the end of it all, I had all the key pieces of my program, in an almost 'painless' process. I now have a program I can confidently 'share with the world'. I also have the tools with which to create future programs that are engaging and help my clients hit their goals. I've learned how to take consistent action and the importance of committing to my goals. I'll still continue my marketing campaigns and look forward to hitting 10 times my minimum target of $2000 within the next 6 months.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Get started idea - don't wait to get things perfect. Get things started, and take consistent, action (even if it's imperfect)

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Madelaine Coelyn

Sitting in the back of my mind, for years, was an idea for a course based on an experience I had. Even though I had started to outline it, the wording around it felt muddled and underwhelming. I thought, "Even though I *know* it works because I got results and a few friends

I taught also got results, based on how I'm describing this course... I wouldn't buy it." I was feeling stuck and defeated, like I'd never be able to explain what I offer in a way that did it justice and would inspire my audience to want to know more, let alone purchase it.

After taking so many courses that promise but often don't deliver, I was not about to sign up for another one. But I remembered Marisa from a video challenge she did a few years ago and knew that she was smart. Plus a friend of mine had great results with Experience Product Masterclass so I figured joining was a risk worth taking.

The level and caliber of support blew me away. Having individualized attention made a world of difference for me to work through what I was trying to communicate and the input of the group was thoughtful and helpful. It was such a relief and joy to know I was surrounded by people who want me to succeed!

The Persona Method will be launched soon, and only because I finally got the clarity around how to talk about it! I'm so excited for what's in store!

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Tai Ward-Holmes

Artist/Designer at Self Employed

Marisa...I am listening! I was blown away

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Mark Burns

I believe from seeing so many people struggling to fix a simple issue orYour Graduation Story
My graduation story- I started EPM with no business niche or ideas. I have been struggling to find the right fit for an online business for me. I'm an introvert in real life but can easily jump in online to help out someone I don't know with website issues. Doing the Niche Down Profits Up helped realize that I could be a great web/tech coach and the EPM course will help me create the right course with constant wins and normalizing challenges.
My specialty is WordPress website builds for solopreneurs and one-person business blogs. But this course helped me realize that I could help people get to know WP by coaching them through the basics in a 1:few group coaching sessions. Personalized (small groups) coaching was my missing piece, the thing that nobody else does.
do a small adjustment to their site or having a real fear that if they touched anything on their site they would break it. With some basic hand-holding from me they can eliminate the fear of getting in there and doing what they need or want without having to wait and pay some unknown developer, or their often busy ""Tech guy"" or ""fiverr guy"" to get to their site. Without some of the lessons in EPM I would not have identified this in me or a market need.

I'm not easily excited or impressed about anything. But when I realized the experiencify parts of EPM would allow me to connect with solopreneurs and their fears of tech and make them feel better about themselves and get back to working on their business instead of in it, made me feel well ""Excited"". The course material alone is overwhelming, but it was delivered in a way that easy to get into.

My niche is not an easy one to get people to ""chat"" about -just out of the blue- (I get a lot of blank stares when I mention Wordpress???) so connecting my product to a need in a normal conversation is a little harder work on the marketing side. Most people don't want to deal with tech because they can't take the time to practice the most basic/common tasks they will need to keep their site working.
I think after I test a beta group I'll have a better idea of how to reach more people.

This course was hard for me in the beginning because I felt I was starting without a clue of what business I was going to create. I'm still trying to digest it all. I really didn't think I had anything better/different or worthy to offer, but EPM set me on a way more focused path and now i have a Mission To Accomplish where there was none before. I am a ""Whole Picture - 30,000 foot"" kind of guy and I did struggle not knowing all the pieces, but my coach helped me move through it along with all the great people in the FB group.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Biggest takeaway is how well the coaching helped me, even though I didn't ask any questions in the calls. Mostly side door coaching and the suggestions in the milestone doc.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I now have a clearer vision of what my business can and will be as I iterate my offering over the next few months. Success for me is just getting past roadblocks that have stopped me in the past and moving forward toward my Mission Accomplished.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has made me feel I can do this. I am breaking through all my silly resistance issues. Success (Mission Accomplished) hasn't happened yet but the clarity I now have has boosted my confidence that I can make money doing something I like even after years of trying and failing.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I didn't have one before the course now I do.
Finding a niche and business model to move forward with. I have always gotten stuck at the beginning stage with picking a niche.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am most excited about the impact I will have in helping other people and businesses break through the fear of web tech like WordPress etc.
I know people get stuck on web tech-related tasks and its not so scary if they just had a little hand-holding in the right areas. Not everyone has the same issues to a general tutorial type product is not that helpful.
With the coaching and guidance in small groups, I can make a difference, especially using some of the Exerencify techniques I am learning.

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