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Mark Burns's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Mark Burns

I believe from seeing so many people struggling to fix a simple issue orYour Graduation Story
My graduation story- I started EPM with no business niche or ideas. I have been struggling to find the right fit for an online business for me. I'm an introvert in real life but can easily jump in online to help out someone I don't know with website issues. Doing the Niche Down Profits Up helped realize that I could be a great web/tech coach and the EPM course will help me create the right course with constant wins and normalizing challenges.
My specialty is WordPress website builds for solopreneurs and one-person business blogs. But this course helped me realize that I could help people get to know WP by coaching them through the basics in a 1:few group coaching sessions. Personalized (small groups) coaching was my missing piece, the thing that nobody else does.
do a small adjustment to their site or having a real fear that if they touched anything on their site they would break it. With some basic hand-holding from me they can eliminate the fear of getting in there and doing what they need or want without having to wait and pay some unknown developer, or their often busy ""Tech guy"" or ""fiverr guy"" to get to their site. Without some of the lessons in EPM I would not have identified this in me or a market need.

I'm not easily excited or impressed about anything. But when I realized the experiencify parts of EPM would allow me to connect with solopreneurs and their fears of tech and make them feel better about themselves and get back to working on their business instead of in it, made me feel well ""Excited"". The course material alone is overwhelming, but it was delivered in a way that easy to get into.

My niche is not an easy one to get people to ""chat"" about -just out of the blue- (I get a lot of blank stares when I mention Wordpress???) so connecting my product to a need in a normal conversation is a little harder work on the marketing side. Most people don't want to deal with tech because they can't take the time to practice the most basic/common tasks they will need to keep their site working.
I think after I test a beta group I'll have a better idea of how to reach more people.

This course was hard for me in the beginning because I felt I was starting without a clue of what business I was going to create. I'm still trying to digest it all. I really didn't think I had anything better/different or worthy to offer, but EPM set me on a way more focused path and now i have a Mission To Accomplish where there was none before. I am a ""Whole Picture - 30,000 foot"" kind of guy and I did struggle not knowing all the pieces, but my coach helped me move through it along with all the great people in the FB group.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Biggest takeaway is how well the coaching helped me, even though I didn't ask any questions in the calls. Mostly side door coaching and the suggestions in the milestone doc.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I now have a clearer vision of what my business can and will be as I iterate my offering over the next few months. Success for me is just getting past roadblocks that have stopped me in the past and moving forward toward my Mission Accomplished.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has made me feel I can do this. I am breaking through all my silly resistance issues. Success (Mission Accomplished) hasn't happened yet but the clarity I now have has boosted my confidence that I can make money doing something I like even after years of trying and failing.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I didn't have one before the course now I do.
Finding a niche and business model to move forward with. I have always gotten stuck at the beginning stage with picking a niche.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am most excited about the impact I will have in helping other people and businesses break through the fear of web tech like WordPress etc.
I know people get stuck on web tech-related tasks and its not so scary if they just had a little hand-holding in the right areas. Not everyone has the same issues to a general tutorial type product is not that helpful.
With the coaching and guidance in small groups, I can make a difference, especially using some of the Exerencify techniques I am learning.