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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Stephen Lesce

It's over and not yet done. This is the first leg of a long journey. Having come out of a 6-month illness, my new coaching business was no more. I had to find a way to revive it and get back to work. For months I was failing to find my way and decided to dabble in creating an online course. I went through course creation training and I was still lost and doubted myself at each turn. I was invited to an EPM Webinar and was fascinated by Marissa, the message, and the program. Due to my indecisiveness, a result of being burnt by other companies promising the moon, I started the program 2 weeks late, what a mistake! There is so much information, all the information, and support I need to develop, promote and sell any course I want ever to produce. My only regret is that I made up my mind earlier before the program started. I received so much guidance, support, and information that all I have to do is implement (Where the tire meets the road). When I explain the program to my family and all the support I received, they are amazed at how comprehensive the program is. I am so proud of myself for completing the program and overcoming the self-doubt, hair pulling out of frustration, and the back and forth with my coach to get to the point of graduation. I am grateful for this program and Marissa, Luke, Emily, and Mathew.

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Katie Schuelke

Prior to EPM, I was struggling to actually launch at an MVP level. Primarily around the idea of outlining the course in a way that felt organized, without actually creating the full course! Yesterday at a sales conversation I handed out an outline of the modules/lessons and only a couple of them are written. (Written prior to joining EPM)

There's so much information out there, much of which is contradictory! Having a more linear, stepping stone process took a lot of pressure off around having to figure out and decide what to do, on my own. Trust the process. Just do it. Progress over perfection! I'll keep moving forward and iterating my way to awesome!

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Silvina Layani

"I have been consulting on Organizational Transformation through my own company for 2 years now (following a 25 years experience in this domain as an in-house expert within MNCs), and I had been focusing on Small enterprises. It has been difficult to gain traction and COVID has definitely not helped as many of my projects got canceled in 2020.
I decided to join EPM to refine my niche and develop a program that I can offer as a lower price point to get my foot in the door. Very early in the program I refined my niche and decided to focus on medium enterprises needing to undergo a transformation.
EPM has allowed me to identify a more appropriate niche and also how to reach out to them with a promise that is clear and to which they can relate. Through EPM I was able to learn different approaches to finding prospects and getting them to want to work with my company.
The combination of marketing strategies that I learned allow me to obtain a project for 65k, that includes a 1:1 mentoring of the HRD in the organization while supporting the organization as they prepare and navigate through the change."

What specifically did you do to experiencify your program? Give us an example of a core experience you implemented in your product.
"I will be starting with a pilot program where I will help participants establish their own clear (SMART) minimum, target, and stretch goals before they start the experience.
My approach is to start with a pilot session to be able to adapt the content and delivery to what participants need and be able to offer the best product possible that responds to their real needs.
The whole program will include recognizing milestone achievements, making sure that I keep the momentum from the time the participants buy the product until the content and delivery starts, create a community so that participants can learn with and from each other, and be accountable to each other as they advance through the experience and, last but not all, making sure that I anticipate challenges that participants will face through the process to be there and support them as they move past these towards mission accomplished.
I have also decided to use Xperiencify as the LMS for my programs once I go through the pilot. Given that my pilot will be part of a larger project with one organization, I will do two pilots before moving to the final design of my experience product. "

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
"I have learnt also from my cohort and coach, networked a lot, and found out a huge amount of tools and tactics to overcome "death by technology" as you are getting started with program creation. This has been a TOP-NOTCH experience for me and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take their business to the next level.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
"EPM is a unique program. I have participated in several other programs in the past and I never was as engaged and committed as with EPM. I have participated in all of the live sessions, do all of the self-learning and homework (and trust me! there is a lot to do in EPM), and all of this after completing my daily job.
However, I believe that this is what has allowed me to understand how to create programs that get my participants feeling the same way I have been feeling for the past 12 weeks. "

What has been the biggest change in your business?
"Not only have I obtained and kicked-off a new great project in 2021, but I am now:
- clearer on my niche and how to explain the transformation that businesses go through by working with me,
- able to include compelling experiences that engage people in the process
- and started on my path to offering new experience programs that will help me upskill Human Resources teams as they lead organizational change initiatives within their organizations."

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I’m so thankful that I decided to take the leap and participate in EPM. This is the most I’ve invested in a program and it was absolutely worth it! I had a huge unexpected life challenge arise just at the start of the program, and unfortunately, I didn’t reach Mission Accomplished or even come close. However, I am finally clear on my product, I have a clear path to generating income and I feel more confident in my business than ever before. I’ve tried so many methods to create my product, but I’ve always gotten stuck. Learning how to iterate while building and selling has been life-changing, even though I haven’t truly put it into practice yet. I’m so grateful for everything I learned from the program and from Coach Jennifer. I plan to keep studying the program, and I expect to reach MA in the next 6 weeks! I truly feel that I’ve unlocked a powerful future for myself by joining this program.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Iterate! I’m the type to get stuck trying to make everything perfect, and that’s held me back for years. It won’t anymore!

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM helped me get out of the endless perfection seeking cycle! I’m even seeing this change beyond my business life. I know I’m forming powerfully good habits.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My biggest change is that I’ve started giving myself permission to be imperfect.

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Jonita Dmello

"Hello, I am Jo-Nita and I am really excited to create my experience product for my Funnel services. There is so much content, but I love how Marisa Murgatroyd has put this all together. Finally, I have got here introducing myself to the group because in the back of my mind I have to get those XP's (Xperencify in action is working, I must note that here) ????
?Done with sharing Milestone #1 with coach Debra Lindegren.

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Aura Lee Besse

I am an abstract painter who dreams of quitting my unfulfilling day job and pursuing a career as a full-time artist. I discovered, however, that this desire causes me to hyper focus on the product, i.e. a finished painting, rather than on the process of creation. As a consequence my paintings feel like they're missing something, that I've not given them time to say what THEY want to say. It dawned on me one morning that I could focus my business - in other words money making - attention on creating an online course for artists instead. The Universe responded by showing me an Instragram ad for Marisa's program, "Experience Product Masterclass". I signed up before the webinar even ended. Fast forward 12 weeks and while I successfully launched my program, I did not make any sales. In times past this would have stopped me. I would have thought, "This doesn't work. I've failed again." But I didn't do that. Instead I revisited my course idea and admitted to myself that the market demand just wasn't there using "Minimal Viable Marketing" - also known as free marketing. Again, the Universe reached out and presented me with a FB thread where artists wrote told me EXACTLY what their pain points were. I still haven't made any money from my product, but that's OK. I am 100% confident that it isn't a question of "if I can sell my product" but of "when I'll sell it".

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Phyll Pascoe

I wanted a change of direction in my life now that I have hit the official retirement age. I don’t want to sit on the couch all day for the rest of my life and for a long time I have wanted to do something to help people with their dogs and make a difference in the world. I came across the Experience Product Masterclass and joined immediately, because I could see that I could reach a lot more people than I ever would in my small town. Wow! What a steep upward learning curve! I have never done anything remotely like this before so I found it challenging. It brought up a lot of fears about whether I was good enough and whether I deserved success. However the program is set out so brilliantly that I was able to grit my teeth and work through it, especially with the help of the coaching. I decided I was going to just trust the process and I’m so pleased I did. Part way through the last few lessons of Module 3 I realised I was actually going to make it! I was achieving every milestone and the clarity I got from the way the lessons were worked out helped so, so much! I still have technical things to learn because technology is definitely not my forte but I know I have created a course that will help people and their dogs. I feel very proud of my achievements and can’t wait to see the results my clients get. Thank you Marisa for your wonderful course, and thank you Jennifer for your encouragement, ideas and super support!

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clemi boubli

I have a ton of valuable knowledge and experience but was at a loss as to how to monetize. Heretofore I've always done these things for free. But one of my jobs broke my brain so here I am needing to have a business to pay for elusive medical care.
I was also much more clear on what I don't want. it was going through the modules and having spectacular coaching support - direct and sideways - that I gained clarity. My teaching experience had me already thinking in terms of activities for this map delivered live before I got to that module - but the structure of class putting the pieces together into a coherent whole has been invaluable. could not have come this far without your help!

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Greg Nicol

When I finished MVP Track I had finally developed my Active Meditation Adventure to help clients to start the self-knowledge journey to and through themselves. A kind of a guided Shamanic Journey. I put it out there and talked with a few very trusted people for reaction and feedback because I knew they would be honest about it. The reviews are promising and the even ecstatic. We felt that the copy needed something more, closer to the answer of what I do and what it would do for them. Something short and compelling to those who understand the metaphor of the music of life.

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Jan Toles

I had created a program (that accomplished what I said it would) but it was a brain dump (one client even said it should have been a college course! - as a praise though not a criticism as she was a school principal). BUT, I needed to revamp it, and simplify it or streamline it so the path to "Mission Accomplished" was clear and not encumbered with a lot of unnecessary "education" so that MOST of my clients actually finished the course. When I joined EPM, I realized it was possible to take a "heavy subject" like a chronic illness and craft it in such a way that most of my clients would look forward to the lessons, be excited about their "implementation opportunities" and more of them would actually finish it. This would give them better health and a fun learning experience at the same time.

The biggest change has been in ME. I am an educator at heart and I wanted to create a course that appealed to the different learning styles. The coach that I hired previously had us basically create an audio course and I hated it (even though it worked). Now, I'm excited to get my clients from point SICK to point WELL, and have them enjoy the journey! The holidays provided a necessary mental break, but it crippled my momentum. EPM has just renewed my faith that even "heavy" subjects can be fun and engaging, while accomplishing a serious mission. Run MY race... Be true to ME. Once I actually make a few sales, I can better answer this one.

This was a great experience. Coach Carolyn is INCREDIBLE and Marissa is a gem; but I CANNOT imagine how people who've never created a course can get a good product done in the time given, with all the videos to watch, etc. unless they do not have a job or otherwise demanding life.

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