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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Cindy Cyr

As a professional copywriter I've written for industry giants such as Zig Ziglar and Dan Kennedy (Magnetic Marketing) and although I've helped create products and written copy for these companies, I've wanted to have my own product in my own voice. For years I struggled to figure what that should be. About two years ago, I figured out who I wanted my audience to be. I started testing ideas, and while there was definitely interest, I was moving extremely slow. I struggled to have a clear plan of how to bring it to market. I was overwhelmed with the technology and funnels and all that I thought I needed. It was affecting my motivation and kept me up at night trying to figure out how to move the needle. I had done small in person events and could see the potential but didn't know how to translate that extremely great experience to online.

Then I saw Experience Product Masterclass and knew this could be the solution. It was so much more than I could have hoped for... For starters, in the past I've struggled to finish courses because other distractions, doubts, life... got in the way. Despite having ALL of these during EPM, I was able to stick to this. I 100% attribute this to the design of EPM. Breaking it down, having milestones to turn in with feedback and coaching helped me stay on track. The coaching sessions with our pod were so valuable... just showing up was encouraging to see other people doing it. Even though I'm a writer and marketer, I find it difficult to critique writing for myself. To have objective feedback was FANTASTIC! I discovered how to really strengthen my mission and positioning. This gave me confidence and I found my excitement grow. At one point I found myself struggling and I missed a milestone. Doubt crept in. Normally this is where I would give up. But not with EPM. My coach encouraged me to keep going...and although it took me a bit, I did get back on the horse and hit my goal to prove my product by making at least 3 sales. I'm only three days into chatterboxing and of the 7 conversations so far, I've booked 5 into the program and still have more conversations and contacts to go. I am ecstatic. EPM helped me to see and believe that I can iterate my way to awesome. This is soooo powerful and has changed my thinking in a way that will impact the rest of my life. I also never would have realized how amazing chatterboxing is... I LOVED that this is broken down and explained and templated so well... it makes it easy and gives you confidence. But more importantly, it gives you valuable insight in what your prospects are thinking. Because of all that I discovered through EPM, I feel confident in my offer ( and even doubled what I'm asking). I can see the future and it's bright. Thank you!

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David Newman

I joined this programme originally to kickstart some online training as I'd been doing synchronous corporate work + university work to date. I pivoted, however as I was also planning a trip back to Vietnam and my focus was split. So, I focused on a high-end bespoke offering for universities. I'm not there yet. Institutions move slowly and Tet holidays came in the middle of January. But, I am still hopeful that this will evolve into a viable business I can then replicate back in North America.

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Laura Zimmerman

I was having information overload about trying to start a business building a course based on a book I'm in the process of editing. I wasn't sure how to start the business without spending too much or focusing on the wrong things (and not knowing it) and when I found EPM it resonated with me because it not only focused on mindset, which I teach, but also how to build a course, quickly and test it before moving on to bigger, more expensive versions. I showed up and did the steps as Marisa taught, keeping to the schedule, and built a course in 8 weeks I'm proud of and can be tested in the real world.

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Josiah and Tiffany Kuenzi

Talking to people and proving the idea - pivoting based on real world pain points. Given us a blueprint for successful online eduction business Keep on. If you aren't failing you aren't taking enough risk! Keep creating and selling till we find success to make a living to support our family!

Thanks Coach Shayla, you're the best!

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joan rosenberg

While having the content available to create a course, I was consistently challenged by a schedule that was upended by a variety of other work commitments and demands. I joined EPM to guide me through the process in a more linear and structured manner - which helped me focus my efforts much more effectively and efficiently. This structure helped me understand how to break down course development step-by-step, removing the initial confusion and sense of overwhelming attempting to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. The result is getting literally started with a course that has germinated in my mind for a very long time.

What specifically did you do to experiencify your program? Give us an example of a core experience you implemented in your product.
Participants to complete Emotional Awareness and Emotional Experience Grids re 8 unpleasant feelings

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
As above, re: creation and delivery of courses

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
The impact is recent so I'm unable to describe it fully yet and signups remain underway.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The knowledge that I can create and deliver this course and likewise create and deliver other courses.

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Krista Maxwell

The experience product masterclass is the best course I have ever taken. Although I did not hit mission accomplished but the things that I have learned far exceeded my expectation. I was able to apply all that I've learned in EPM in my full time job as well, which is well worth more than hitting mission accomplished.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That I have it in me to be successful. Marketing and chatter boxing are the key to my business. I just need to get out there and make it happen. I have all the tools that I need.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM really addressed all the fears and marketing mind f**k that I need to overcome to become successful. I feel more confidence in engaging with my ideal clients that I wasn't able to do before.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I find more meaning in my life knowing that what I teach can impact others.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I established my LLC right at the beginning of starting EPM and I now know how to engage and chatterbox with my ideal clients.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
That I can make an impact to the world one person at a time.

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Raquel Devillé

"I just had a HUGE breakthrough. I finally found my framework watching Crafting the Perfect Experience - Video 13"" (10x checklist).
So obvious, there for a while and it took all this time to understand that the names I've found for my courses are my framework.
Basically, it is something like ""spread your wings and fly ahead"" (déployez vos ailes et volez en tête). People come from basic aerial yoga skills or none, they start by spreading their wings as we fly, and they move on to become teachers by flying ahead in front of their students. Then they can also fly higher (volez plus haut) if they want to keep studying with me.
The move from one step to the other. So simple!
(EPM is just great moments of clarity all the way, this is the best program all over the internet)"

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Tracy McMillin

EPM was so much more than I expected. Not only did I get a massive amount of marketing savvy in the best business training I’ve ever taken. I also got deep insights into myself. I loved the group coaching and support offered by EPM. It was comforting to me to see so many creators with great ideas and loads of passion all feeling struggles similar to mine. I no longer feel isolated and alone on a difficult journey. Instead I’m inspired. I suffer the perfectionist tendency and use it to avoid putting myself out in the world. When I saw other people launch their imperfect minimum viable offers and succeed it gave me encouragement to lean into the place where I’m not comfortable. I found ways to avoid leaning into the sales process. I am challenged by all the technology so I let the technology be my excuse. I love the way EPM coaches and trainings continue to remind us #ProgressOverPerfection. The replays are a life saver. Now that I’ve gotten over my fear I’ve been able to go over the Get it Done Friday’s replays and actually embrace the training. For me my fear was so overwhelming during the live call the tasks around tech seemed impossible. Another month in the group coaching pods, sharing experiences, hearing how others got around the obstacles. I was finally able to move forward. I am forever grateful to the Live Your Message team. This is truly an experience like no other.

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Nyrelle Bade

I was in the Momentum Program for 8 months and I really wanted to develop a 1:few program but I didnt know how. I had plenty of ideas but I wasnt sure what to do to ground my ideas and prove there was a market for my product. I joined EPM and I learned so much! From how to get clear on your niche, develop your marketing messages, how to map out product deliverables - everything. It was amazing because the whole process was mapped out step by step. I followed every step that was mandatory for success and to my suprise I actually sold 7 tickets to my program. I exceeded my expectations. I loved the motto of #progressoverperfection. This really helped me to overcome my difficulty of getting stuck in writing or designing the program. I really feel like knowing the steps to developing one program will be a game changer for me and my business going forwards. I can't wait to convert other ideas into programs!! :)

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Sheri Peterson

I have improved my 1:1 program through EPM!

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