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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Lamont Stephens

I'd been sensing something was missing in not only my own program/products but other courses I'd taken. I wasn't sure what to do create the right experience with my program. I joined the Experience Product and discovered the "10 Experiences" needed to include in my program. I started to implement the Core Experiences into my MVP but also existing program. From the conversations I shared, it landed me two Workshop in different states.

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Abhinav Girotra

I was having problem with not able to market my EPM product. I have created a wonderful product which can help people top navigate stress, but I had no clue how to let people know that this type of product exists. I was not able to do any marketing and consequently no sales. For me this was the hardest thing to be done. Then when we were told about the wonderful approach of creating a list of 300 and doing "chatter boxing". This was a life saver, I was able to talk to people , make people aware about the product, and also got to know about my audience. I was not only marketing my product but have become much better at talking to people and enjoying the process. During one of these conversations, one of my prospect found the product relevant to his needs and we had detailed conversation about it reaching the closing stage. Though the prospect has not yet closed it, but is highly likely, all Thanks to the EPM and Chatterboxing that not only I have been able to create my MVP but also market or effectively.

Inception, creation, then marketing and selling It has given a new direction and new mission for me to help people overcome stress and help humanity overcome the evil of stress Iterate - Use MVP and proceed step by step, progress over perfection is the mantra. I am able to go ahead and start selling the product which I have created in EPM and help people come out of stress.

Thanks to Wonderful coach Uwe, my Podmates, Marissa and complete EPM team.

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Michelle Pas

I am now organized with content, strategy and I am ready to launch my Experienced Product I have the confidence I need to launch my product successfully! It's hard to articulate the depth of the modules and content we learned to help launch our businesses. I feel that the possibilities are endless. It's now up to me to get out there and market my product!

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Rueven & Zafiyah

Simply put...the process of creating an experience really works, and now that we have this knowledge, we will continue to build upon this framework, improve, and discover more opportunities to help others.

We can take this EPM framework and apply it to all of our products. From our front-end products all the way to our backend high ticket programs that we want to create based on the needs and feedback we discovered through this process.

We can use the EPM framework to confidently create experience products that are high value, which helps others get what THEY want out of life so that we can get what WE want out of life, which is above all peace of mind and autonomy.

EPM has helped us change the way we look at product creation. Giving our students an "experience" instead of another product really sets us apart from our competition. The sky is the limit!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
when you can create the ultimate experience that positively impacts the lives of others, you can design your life how you want it to be.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
all of my products will use this framework

What has been the biggest change in your business?
learning how to create experiences instead of regular courses.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
peace of mind and autonomy

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Nancy Anderson

Tonight I am graduating, however I am still marketing and hoping to get a minimum of two more registrations before midnight tomorrow and get to "mission accomplished." New areas focused on: making a logo; making sales page in a new format; seeing the limitless options (squeeze pages, CTA buttons, logos, Canva, tech, FB groups, ideas for gifting participants, Copy headers, different kinds of email options, doing a survey etc. ). I found that many of the chosen quotes given throughout the program were inspiring and spoke to me. Direct Q & A with coach was most helpful rather than waiting 72 hours for a response. My coach gave me some practical ideas, wording, and encouragement and was always upbeat.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Just do it. Keep asking for help as needed. Some participants are making great progress with their products. Many people have great talents: Marissa with "wordsmithing" mission statements and endurance and being prolific in many venues; Matthew with tech and Emily with branding etc....

How did EPM help you become successful?
Being more intentional in defining the specifics of my product. And more often deciding it's 'better done" than perfect. Also, doing a survey and receiving helpful feedback that informed my 7 week workshop series.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
"I have learned much and realize how much more there is to learn... life long steps.
Prompted me to assert myself more and speak up about my product so others can benefit. "

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Telling more people about my product and beginning to shift my focus on the benefit to others and let the word "marketing" fade into the background. Not pushing what I have on others (marketing) but helping others. Focus on others.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Doing a sales page that links to my web and intentionally use "winning" moments each week to keep the momentum going . Beginning to learn to use google docs.

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Brigitte Michaels

Up until I took the EPM course, I had never created a course from scratch before.
This was a great lesson for me as am super proud of my success in completing this and graduating from the class. Even though I dread video trainings but I was glued to the computer each day!
I looked forward to the sound of my “boom chicka wa…waaahhhhh “???? every time I complete each lesson and doing the activities. I was like a kid in a play garden.
Although I didn’t hit mission accomplish to make my $2k, the trainings with Marisa and the team is worth more than my investment to me (yes that includes the many hours of investment).
Guess what? The lesson from the training has showed me that I can be flexible with my content which is exactly what I am going to be doing from the sale I made, as I will teaching it as a 1:1 to the one person who signed up! ( Note to myself -I will teach the class as if i had 100 paid registrant just as Marisa has shown me ) BOOM????
My coach applauded me for my sales script I sent out as email to my list . I couldn’t have done this before EPM .DREAMS DO COME TRUE!

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Mandisa Reid

The last two years made it clearer than ever that I needed to change my career in a big way. I was a massage therapist for tourists who suddenly had no clients and could no longer see anyone in person much less, touch anyone anyway. I came up with some ideas and started one but it wasn't fully thought out and while it helped many people it wasn't sustainable for me so I had to go back to the drawing board. Thankfully I got an email from Sheri Rosenthal (who teaches how to create, launch and profit from retreats) which had a link to Marissa's 5 Day Challenge and Dopamine Button webinar. I accepted both and as they say, the rest is history. Marissa is impressively thorough, insightful, spiritual and fun - a tough combination to come by. The EPM provided training on EVERYTHING that anyone could possibly want to know about launching and profiting from an online course or coaching. The program was structured in such a great way and to top it off I had the BEST support from Coach Emily who was responsive with excellent advice. Even when I was MIA (missing in action) for one and a half months out of the 3, she welcomed me back in with open arms and picked back up like I never left. Not to mention that I got an email from the EPM encouraging me to keep going because there is light at the end of the tunnel. And they were right. I had a strong limitation in making an offer to strangers using social media. That fear is now so far back in the rearview mirror that I can barely see it anymore. #iteratetoawesome is real. The more you do something, the better you get at it. I have done my chatterboxing and made every possible mistake I think. From asking too quickly for the sale to speaking to the wrong people in the first place. Only with practice do you figure it out. While I have not actually made any sales but instead got a beta client to test my product, I see this as a big win - a big win for my confidence, a big win for my process of getting clients and a big win for providing transformation for my clients. Thank you so much EPM. This is one I would recommend over and over. There is nothing negative I can say about Marissa, the program, the coaches or the support team. You guys are the BEST.

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Roberto Delanese

It all started with a dream of creating an online training program based on my recently launched book. As I had no idea how to do it, I searched for some leads and almost immediately hit the jackpot: I found Marissa! I watched one of her presentations and decided to try EPM. Quickly, I understood the concept of starting with a “paper plane” and not the “supersonic” I had in mind. So I decided on a narrow focus and created an MVP to fast-track the career of professionals working in mid/large size corporations. It has been an incredible journey; the quality of the material, the build-up of concepts on small bite sizes, and the idea of an “experience product” are just perfect. Although I still have to become more effective in marketing and sales, I was able to have my first sale this week by following the techniques presented in EPM and I still have two other people confirming that their employers would sponsor them. A fantastic result for someone that three months ago had no clue what and how to create even a small product. EPM has been a memorable experience for me. Thanks, Marissa and coach Paul, I could not have done without you!

There is no better feeling than continuously achieving our goals in life! Those twelve weeks were more intense than I expected but proved to be just the right speed to keep us all moving toward the finish line. Congratulations for providing us with a perfectly orchestrated experience; the first time I´ve seen this level of organization, quality, support, and genius. ? Looking back, I realized that I should have talked and listened to “potential clients” and my “hot list” much earlier on, as it does take time to “take off” and get results. I achieved my first sales earlier this month and another two this week, achieving my target goal! I still have a few others pending. It does not matter how many significant goals you have achieved; each new one, even if a small one, brings satisfaction and reassurance that We Can Do It! Thank you, Marisa, for masterminding this fantastic experience, and all of you in the EPM team for making all of us look good and winners! See you in Momentum….???? Roberto

As I mentioned in my previous update, there is no better feeling than achieving each of our goals in life. May it be a small goal, or a big dream. Even more rewarding is the journey to get to our goal, not only the endpoint, the realization. And EPM was no different. It was new to me. I have never launched a product before, so it was a path full of discoveries, uncertainties, and realizations. The EPM process is impeccable, with the ideal amount of information and work in each step, that we do not even realize the complexity of what we are doing. It seems to be easy. Almost at the end, I hit my blind spot! How to sell the product! I was expecting a “magic” formula, but it was not provided, instead, I was faced with the chatterbox, and Facebook and they were not aligned with my expectations. I was not successful in starting conversations in groups. So decided to focus on where I thought the “low hanging fruits” were, and started heavy traffic of emails to people that I know asking them if they knew anyone that needed my product. It worked, I got my first sale hitting my minimum goal ???? One more week and two more sales, hitting my target goal ???? and then confirmation of four more, barely going over my stretch target of $10k. ???? It is “interesting” that we generally achieve what we expected. That's why it is important to be careful and not establish “small” goals as they do limit how much we can do. I established $10k as a stretch and got $10,479. Probably if I had established $20k I could be close to that. It is all in our minds! I do realize that I should have started my marketing way before the product was fully defined, and gained valuable time on reaching my network. It would also have allowed me to explore other options for marketing and sales. I ended up not doing many of the Supercharge lessons, as I needed to dedicate the time to sales first. Next couple of months I will test the other options. I have a lot to learn. Thanks for giving me the privilege of being a part of this fantastic journey, with an outstanding EPM team and coach (Paul), and be able to have my “memorable moment” celebrating mission accomplished. See you all in Momentum!

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Breindl Dreyfuss

It was nearing the date which I wanted to start my first session but no one was signed up. In fact, I hadn't even had ONE conversation! But I kept plugging away with the chatterboxing and finally, someone agreed to have a call with me. It went way better than I expected! I was able to get all the way to the closing pivot!

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Aimee Britten

I have a full time job and wanted to launch a side hustle that I could grow into my next full time venture. I had a problem considering the style of business to launch as an entrepreneur who used to be a 1:1 business consultant, wanting to help other entrepreneurs overcome economic challenges and a looming recession. My past practice of building a referrals-based practice and only responding to referrals is now impractical, slow, very difficult and inappropriate. I joined EPM as part of researching different business-building models. I realized that there was a totally new landscape available through the internet. Everything changed and I am pivoting into a totally different direction. I could deliver my expertise and service more effectively through the internet than face to face. I also could serve many more clients with a repeatable system. The potential also exists to scale with automation. I have new knowledge and learned new internet-related processes that will enhance my business strategies.

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