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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

MARY Brinton

I invested in a lot of courses in 2020, and just when I thought I wouldn’t invest in another program here comes EPM. This is by far the best program I have ever invested in. My favorite parts of the program were the Wednesday Coaching calls and the ongoing support from Coach Emily. My next favorite part was the Implementation Friday calls. I’m very close to MA but probably needed one more week to hit the MA button. If it wasn’t for EPM, I wouldn’t have even gotten this close. Thank you ????

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Alice Siplin

I have been a part-time entrepreneur since the mid 90's, and obtained my first life coach certification in 2002. I have wanted to create an online program since then and could not figure out how to do it in a way that I felt comfortable. I had purchased many how-to courses that showed what to do, but there was something missing. In 2021, I was introduced to the EPM program through Eben Pagan, thankfully, and I realized I had finally found The One. I learned how to put together an online program that would represent my practice with honor - and allow me to impart the knowledge I've acquired over the decades in a way that would be engaging, interesting, fulfilling and memorable. This is the first time that not only have I completed a how-to program, but I've enthusiastically re-watched Marisa's videos, attended the pod calls, and completed the EPM Milestone Tracking Doc, anxiously awaiting Coach Mike's feedback. I have found the way to present my collection of energy elevation programs, in a way that will allow my clients to absorb the material through an experience, not a static lecture-type course. I learned how to make my program appeal to the mind's capacity and willingness to learn new material based on the way we learn now (with technology overload) - and not on the way we used to learn (slow, encyclopedia, library book borrowing speed). How freeing is that!? I chatterboxed with a friend about my program, and when I offered it to her, she was so thrilled that she was "chosen" to be be in my program. The magic I bring, plus the magic in the EPM material are what will bring my friend to her goals that will stick for a lifetime. Guaranteed.

I have spent many years preparing for the day I would feel so comfortable with selling, that it would happen naturally and and my prospective client would be excited to work with me. That happened recently - I wasn't sure of how to present my program in a way that honored the client, her ability to learn, and the shift in the way we learn that technology caused. Thanks to the EPM, I learned how to make my program an experience - something I realized about my favorite exercise programs: they are not just workouts, they are experiences. I am able to ensure that my client will not only learn how to reach her goal, but to stay engaged, absorb the material and apply it in real life. I shared my business at the EPM level, describing the benefits and less of the features and I got my first "ABSOLUTELY!" Another person asked me to be her coach, which is an amazing feeling. They feel my energy and love that my program will deliver a whole lot more than just knowledge. It will deliver a shift in their identity in a way that will be fulfilling and life-changing.

I became a certified life coach with the Napoleon Hill Foundation back in 2002. Since then, I've collected other life coaching certifications and training, but never felt confident enough to launch a program. I knew how to put one together, but I didn't feel comfortable marketing and launching. With EPM, not only did I find a way to put the pieces of my product together, but I became crystal clear about what it was I wanted create, for whom and how and even why! Not only am I ready mentally to launch my program, but my program is ready to be launched. I Chatterboxed with one person and when I offered her my program, so was beyond thrilled that I offered it to her! I loved Marisa's no-fluff approach to this - every sentence she spoke had a purpose and useful information. I have paid for many programs to help get my business started, and THIS is the best I've ever seen. I am so glad I took the last bit of money I had to pay for this course - thank you for offering the installments. When I attended Marisa's Live Class back in October, I knew Marisa was The One. Thanks to Eben Pagan, I found EPM. That's to Marisa and the wonderful coaches, and my coach, Mike, I am ready to finally become the woman I was destined to become.

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Susan Dansby

I signed up with thoughts of creating a simple workshop I could tape once and make an evergreen product. As I progressed through the training, the good news was my target audience became more specific (entertainment industry folks who were having challenges with their careers). The bad news was my product became unwieldy, with eight modules and several sessions within those modules. My reality check came when I sat down with a calendar and tried to figure out when I could get in front of a group of these folks live for eight modules. When (with the varied schedules in entertainment) would they have time to even take the course? Also, there was the problem of committing to designing eight modules when I hadn’t even proven the first. A teacher once advised me, “never settle for your first idea, and never be unwilling to go back to it.” What did I want? I wanted to teach a workshop on how entertainment industry folks could move out of their regular jobs and into a career doing what they loved. My path then became clear. And it must be said, going to the extreme with preparation was not a mistake. I revamped my new course in just a few hours because I understood the process. I booked it on EventBrite. Then, I built a lead page, promoted it on Facebook and LinkedIn, and (within two days) six people (all of whom I knew personally) signed up for the course. And those Chatterbox conversations? Those happened with at least ten people I knew who gladly referred me to their contacts. I’m thrilled I did this. I learned so much from the process; and am excited to have the time and framework Momentum will give me to grow from here. Although I didn’t reach my financial goals, I exceeded three sales!!! I’ll take that win to the bank (literally). Thank you, Marisa Mona Lisa, for creating a course that has given me all the tools I need to deliver products in an exciting and fun way. Also, thanks to all the fabulous coaches—especially Coach Mike with a tremendous shout out to Matthew and Emily—who encouraged and taught me. I know it will only get better from here and can’t wait for the next steps on this journey.

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Camille Deveault

I wanted to create an online course but I did not have all the know how to do it. I joined EPM and realized it was much more work than I anticipated. One step at a time I followed the program and worked on my project and watched it grow and become more tangible every week. I am now working on getting my first sale.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Your team is incredible, very nice, fun and devoted people: Marisa, Carolyn, Emily and Mathiew and the others! It was honestly a lot of content and work for a 3 month program (including the Christmas holidays) for me who is starting my CX improvement consulting business at the same time. I will definately continue the EPM supercharge trainings and bonuses at my own pace. Thanks for everything! By the way, I wanted to let you know Marisa, that If you ever need a hand with your CX improvement program, it would be an honor to work with you and your team. You have a beautiful product and are such a generous person, I would love to give back! It has been great getting to know you all. Thanks again and special thanks also to my coach Carolyn that has been very kind, always available and helpful!

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Roxanne Weselake

I've been spinning my wheels for a few years trying to figure out how I could design & market my very first online program. I wasn't sure how to go about it & was stuck in inertia & overwhelm. I joined EPM & although I felt like I was being shot out of a cannon & I went from breakdown-to-breakthrough so many times I lost count, I realized that I was supported every step of the way which gave me the knowledge, encouragement & confidence to keep moving forward. I've completed all the Modules & actions on the MVP Track & have designed & am prepared to launch my first Experience Product online program. WooHoo!! Marisa & her Dream Team of coaches made learning fun, motivational & inspirational. 100% ;)

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Connie Bonfy

Buy working EPM and learning from Marisa, I have learned I don't want to teach grant writing online or face to face, not really. But what I have learned is invaluable to me in several ways. 1. I have published my second book and am working on selling it ini bulk to help Creatives find grants. 2. I have offered the course to a regional community foundation, but they have not purchased it yet. If they do, I will offer it to other community foundations and to the Kansas Leadership Center who trains nonprofit leaders statewide. 3. I will continue to provide done for you services to larger, local arts nonprofits. 4. I am coaching a small arts foundation on building their profile, increasing their clout. If they accomplish their goals under my guidance, I will become their Grants and Programming Officer. Under my leadership, the foundation will provide strategic funding to arts nonprofits, optimizing donor's arts donations as a powerful force for cultural enrichment, social vibrancy, and economic growth.

I accomplished more than my goals by creating the above strategies for nonprofit service

My vision and step by step understanding I have confidence that I can help others develop strategies for financial success. Marisa's keen mind and flexible thinking is essential to her business. It is inspiring and worth watching every moment of. The technical support provided on Get it Don Fridays has been both fun and comprehensive and again, worth every moment of watching and learning. I was too advanced for my coaching session, they were boring to me even though my coach was very good. It. was hard to watch as people floundered in knowing what to do. I have been "at this" type of coaching, learning , class creating for three years with Dean Grazziozi, then Amy Porterfield, followed by work with Chandler's team at Self Publishing. Marisa's course is better and more comprehensive than any other I have ever seen. It is FANTASTIC. I Anything, but it always was.

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Kelley Brakstad

"I was having trouble with establishing a clear, engaging offer for a structured coaching program and was looking for ideas to gamify the experience.

I joined the Experience Product Masterclass (EPM), and through the program, I learned to let go of perfection and get more granular with my program as I was constantly stuck in the ‘ideas and concept phase’.

Not only did I create a paper plan version and grasped to the concept of iterating my way instead of perfection, I unleashed more action and stepped into uncomfortable action. I also discovered the power of personal connection and the importance of starting conversations just to build relationships. I learned how to overcome my fears of public posting and sales conversations, even though I was still nervous about delivering the enrollment script perfectly.

I committed to the process of 'Chatterboxing,' aiming to talk to 150 people to practice sales, handle objections, and gain valuable feedback. Through this dedicated effort and the supportive coaching in EPM, I not only am improving my ability to engage in meaningful sales conversations but also gathered insightful feedback that is helping refine my coaching program.

As a result, I becoming more confident in my approach to sales, more connected with my potential clients, and gaining a deeper understanding of their needs and how my program can serve them. This journey has been transformative, not only in developing my coaching program but also in growing my skills and confidence as an entrepreneur and coach.

opening myself up for different kinds of conversations and not feeling embarrassed about sharing on social media it has given me renewed confidence and excitement about my business the Biggest takeaway really is around not thinking you should launch the 747 version but to iterate your way and use beta programs as your refinement and testing like an experiment. the possibility to go an speak with potential clients with an offer rather than just being a coach (a commodity)

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Lorraine Duncan

I have sold courses before and I had one that I sold to 54 people but no one finished it So I wanted to learn how to create a course that people would finish. So hence I wanted to create an EP course. So I was nervous but I just implemented everything put in front of me, then I started chattering. At first, people were interested but didn't buy. Then one day before Christmas I got 4 sales. It was my aha moment because I was in this mastermind I belong to and you are not allowed to sell, it's really an accountability group. And this is what happened, the leader said "Lorraine, How can we support you and I told my mastermind about 13 minutes a day on Linkedin, and then I said this “if anyone in here knows anyone who wants to up their game on Linkedin then tell them about me and my course.” After I got off that call 4 people texted me and said they wanted to up their game. And I sold without even selling. I also was offering the course at different prices. So I started selling at $47 and then I went to $197 and then $497. The $47 dollar people all promised me a testimony at the end and any critiques. I hit a wall on Wednesday before I was starting delivery and then I sold to 7 more people. I have never made over 2000 in the course. And I'm so excited. Plus I have 22 students that are going through my course because it’s being delivered through Xperiencefy. When I got the 3 extra that brought me over 2000 I knew then that this course I created is a keeper. This makes me so proud of myself. :)

What specifically did you do to experiencify your program? Give us an example of a core experience you implemented in your product.
Constant Wins. I'm sending everyone who signed up and did the precautions a timer to use in Module 4 of my 13 minutes a day programs.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
There are no forever decisions.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Made me more confident

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Growth because of products

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have the knowledge to create courses but courses that sell and are dynamite.

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Kimberlee Middleton

What a journey. I thought this was going to just about the tech side of things. How to put your product online. But then I discovered the personal breakthroughs that occurred. Who I had to become. How I had to shift from a student mindset to a teacher/leader mindset. Wow the challenge to get up in front of your peers and lead was huge. But it lead me to a whole new version of me. One I knew existed but did not know how to find. Now here I am, climbing the mountain of my life. Facing fears in me I forgot existed. My business will change. Change forever and I will be leading it, more whole, more healthy and more healed. Through the process I had to deal with a big challenge of facing my mother's passing. Because of Covid I did not have to have a service to force me to admit it. I was allowed to hide and act like it didn't happen. So I did. I told no one. If they didn't ask about her, I didn't mention it. But now through this program I came to the place of courage. Courage to face the reality she could not come back, at least not in the way I hoped. She is a big part of my new direction. To help people feel again and not be afraid of it. To learn to hear their bodies, their minds and by listening they can have a better life. This program has given me clarity and direction. Thank You all. :-)

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I changed and by that my business is changing with me.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
It helped me realize that what I can do for others I can also do for myself

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Renzo de Almeida

I’m graduating. Did my first sale today! .. for a fraction of my goal price, but still it is a sale! I couldn’t hit the button cause it disappeared from my dashboard. Happy for this big step! and looking forward to meeting again at the LIVE event. #coachblue

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