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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Linda Palmer

"After running my own, very busy massage practice for over 25 years, I was injured and became ill and could no longer work the way that I had been working and still need to work to be able to support myself and my two rescue cats. I received extensive training in an amazing way to release and heal trauma, which I am incredibly effective at, but since my old business was built by word of mouth, I needed to learn marketing strategies in the digital environment to be able to promote myself. I am very glad that I found Marisa and joined EPM. The amount and quality of the information and phenomenal help, especially from coach Jack and the other coaches in the bonus videos is incredible!
However, the program was quite different than I expected. My head injury made things much more difficult than I ever imagined, and caused me to have to work very long and hard for very slow and painstaking progress. I assumed that it would be as easy as building my old business which was a walk in the park compared to this experience, so I had no idea that this would be so challenging. Coach Jack was absolutely fantastic and incredibly helpful and motivational and inspiring, but even with his help, I hit the wall about a quarter of the way through the program.
Even though I lost my faith in my ability to build my business, I was determined to graduate, so I persevered and was able to complete each milestone by the due date. I did chatterbox with over 40 people, but contrary to what I was told by Marisa and others in the program, everyone that I spoke with, who was interested in what I do, asked for my website. I had planned to build a website, but went with this program instead, and was told throughout EPM that you don't need to build a website, you just need to follow this program. I am now looking for the best way to build a website for as low a cost as possible. I am very short on funds since I am barely able to work due to the injuries and illness, and since this course has not gone the way that I had expected. I was going to request the refund, but due to my head injury, I still need to watch and re-watch the videos since there is so much information there that I really believe will help me in the long run. I do believe that I will still be able to learn quite a bit from this program, but because of my limitations, it will take me much longer since I need to go so slowly.
Unfortunately, I made no sales, but I have hope that once I set up a website, and watch some of the marvelous videos about how to market using social media and glean more magnificent information from Marisa and the other presenters, I will be in a better place than I am now. Even with my new loss of faith in my ability to build my business, that hit me really hard during this course, I believe that there is so much great information in this program that the value is there. I need to redo the course much more slowly and gradually due to my head injury. It has been very difficult for me with my situation.
I was very surprised with the profound doubt and discouragement that I felt during the EPM program, because I have not felt that type of thing before. But perhaps it is because of the extent of work that I was putting in and not seeing the results that I have had previously. I assume that a great deal of that is due to my injuries and illness. In general, I do see how much value this course has, and I look forward to gleaning more information and using it to help me build my new business over the long run. Thank You!"

Unfortunately, I have not accomplished my mission yet

Unfortunately, I have had no sales yet

I have yet to prove my idea

I have not make any money yet as a result of the EPM program

My injuries, especially my head injury and my prolonged illness With EPM, I now have deep doubts and am more discouraged that I have been before, but I believe that with working on myself and over the long term, I will be able to take the wonderful information that EPM provides and improve my current situation. I need to work on myself more, and I need to go much more slowly and easily. I can no longer push myself or do what I used to be able to do. EPM has shown me that I need to focus more on what has worked for me in the past, and I have new drive to set up a website. I am also realizing that my injuries are more limiting than I wanted to believe. However, I have always known that I possess intense resilience and perseverance, and I will utilize this information at my own pace and in my own time, and am sure that it will be of great help in building my business in the future.

Marisa and the team are marvelous! The information is bountiful and very valuable! I think that it will help a great many people.

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Verin Mackenzie

Between the start of EMP and now, I have juggled running my existing sole proprietorship, moving 6000kms to our new home, and extreme stress to the point of hospitalization, all while being a Mum to a 3 year old and a new baby. These factors have meant I haven't been able to apply myself as much as I would have liked, and so I have not yet hit Mission Accomplished, but I am not giving up. My experience product is beginning to take corporeal form now, and I will hit MA sometime soon. The lessons and knowledge I have learned during this experience have the capacity to change my life as I know it, and I'm excited to continue to apply them as I transition into focusing on Momentum. Thank you for everything, Marisa, Murray, Coach Sean, #daheroes, and the rest of the wonderful people in EPM 2020.

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Anna Herremans

For me, EPM came at a perfect moment. I was locked up in my house for months due to COVID, feeling increasingly miserable and empty in my day job. At the same time, it was clear to me that working from home and being there to see my daughters grow up is priceless. I have been going at building my online group coaching business for years. Did a pilot 6 years ago and dropped it. Made many other attempts over the years, with no lack of ideas but was never able to gain traction. And then EPM came along and it sounded right almost straight away, perfect timing, perfect content, step by step, accountability, support and in the middle of a Pandemic and in lockdown so much fewer distractions. And I came so far. I have total clarity about my niche and the transformation. I have a fabulous course platform that is so different and unique, I have all my tech ducks in a row and my program is all outlines. Marketing campaigns are mapped out and I know think serving instead of selling. I haven't made mission accomplished yet but what do have is a vision, a pathway, and confidence. My online business is real, I feel it I breathe it. It will be a way to get my message out, to help so many women to find joy and inspiration in their careers and in their lives. And with the women I work with, we will together create that ripple effect that will change leadership culture so that people feel seen and appreciated at work and free to give their best. I will be able to do the same for my own life. Create space to breathe, have fun and provide for my daughters financially in a way that is aligned with who I am and the footprint I want to leave in this world. I would have liked to see this big financial breakthrough and leave my job sooner rather than later but it will happen, I will keep moving and I WILL GET THERE

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I now think of selling as serving which makes all the difference in the world. Getting my product in front of people now feels not scary anymore with this mindset

How did EPM help you become successful?
It provided me with an incredible flow of creativity and at the same time a structure to get things done step by step. An irresistible combination.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has made me set up my very own online business real for me It is now what I am and what I do. I know this is my future, what I want to and what I need to do.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before EPM my business was a dream and now it feels real. That is huge. I know my next steps, have the confidence I can do it, and look forward to keeping moving.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I am so very close to launching and I know I will get my program filled soon with many more to follow. I know I am on track to financially sustain my family by doing what I love and what I meant to do. Throughout EPM I had such a sense of all the pieces of the puzzle coming together.I am unleashed and it does not even matter if I hit mission accomplished on the 1st of Feb. The ongoing inspired action continues and I am unstoppable.

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Donovan Dreyer

Not only did I hit Mission Accomplished- the magic happened from right within this vibrant community because Kery O'Neill entrusted me to serve her son and family with my Teen Takeoff program. What an amazing community where trust and respect abounds!
Thank you so much Marisa for creating a program so irresistible I couldn't pass it up. I am glad I went for it even though I already coach coaches on program creation and business! The chatterbox conversations led to a couple new business clients from Coach Ed's suggestion to keep it as simple as: ""would you like some help with that?""
The mission accomplished approach to a lesson with kindergarteners worked brilliantly too! Xperiencification is the wave of the future. Generation Z is going to be the greatest generation of all-time because they will benefit from this and other breakthroughs. I am excited for the future!!!

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Shonna Vaughan

For two years I was making little progress towards my goal of creating and launching a group coaching program around the barriers to living with abundant joy. As time pasted I began to doubt my ability to accomplish this goal. I discovered EPM and without hesitation I joined because I felt confident EPM would be my solution to creating and launching a profitable program. I have never paid for a program with EPM before as I always thought I could simply do it on my own. Other programs similar to EPM seemed empty to me, therefore I never invested my money or time in them. EPM seemed different from the introduction of the Million Dollar Online Course Blueprint webinar. What really drew me in was the level of commitment for my success built in to EPM. During EPM, I successfully completed Mission Accomplished and am now positioned to launch The Joy Solution. I've never felt so prepared, confident and equipped; not to mention the unexpected self improvement I have experienced. Thank you Marisa, Coach Lucas and the entire EPM team.

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Vijay Sharma

I have never created an online course before, and had no idea how to go about it. I joined the EPM course and it guided me step by step through everything I needed to do. I feel passionate about helping clinicians to build research into their careers. I realised that I don't have to get everything perfect right away. Progress over perfection. I built the first version of my product and, by using the chatterboxing method I learned in the course, I made my first sale! I feel inspired and elated.

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John Sweet

I could not seem to get a suitable product done and out there. Joined EPM and with Mark's help crafted something acceptable. I think it gives me something that I can use to adapt to make 1:many that is fully automated

I have a passion that I wish to share but did not know how to do it online. With EPM I am so far part of the way to having a product that will help others self-develop without my direct contact and interference. Exceptions will occur where personal help and coaching could be useful to them but this must come at a premium

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Breanna James

I was having lots of problems getting things complete with my program and I wasn't sure how to talk about what I do or how to fully map everything out. I joined EPM and I have full clarity, a structured program, and I know what to say when talking to women about it. I followed the system, did the work, and now my program is ready to help transform the lives of many women.

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Roz Kelley

"It all started with an email from Coach Matthew on January 22, 2024, asking, ""Have you got your first yes or no yet? Hit reply and let me know, one way or the other ASAP! I replied, ""No, I have yet to do a single chat; I have two in the pipeline, but I am not confident about my enrollment convo (conversation).

January 24, 2024, Coach Matthews response. ""Hey, Roz. Congratulations on even having a pipeline! The best thing to do is to jump in, drop the ball, pick it back up, and keep going. That's how you get confident in your enrollment convo."" That was ALL the nudge I needed. I had to send a text immediately to schedule a phone conversation for the next day, January 25, 2024. They both said ""YES"" to my 6-week beta and sent me the payment. My Beta price is $197, and total sales in 3 hours are $394. All I need is one more sale to prove my MVP.

I'm offering one-on-one Coaching that I will expand to an online course. OMG!!! Marisa's stuff works."

Proving that women are interested in what I have to offer. Confidence to have the conversations because I really know what I'm doing and my approach to fitness is unique. Courage keep moving forward. Trust the process. I followed the scripts and just tweaked them for my product. I can see myself developing a online course using my expertise.

I'm so excited and hopeful. I have done many programs, and Marisa's EPM program is the ONLY one I have made money from. Honestly, I didn't think it was possible.

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Gargi Singh

"I've never been much for the rat race or bought into the success stories sold by a highly corporate culture. Since I graduated high school in 2011, I knew I always wanted to be my own boss and envisioned a lifestyle free from societal race and toxicities. Since then I searched on and off to look for a business I could start that would lead me to the desired lifestyle - one independent of location, or set times, one a person from a middle-income family could begin with no godfather in business to guide them. Since 2019 my search intensified and I explored all that Google threw at me from freelancing to product-based e-commerce businesses. None of these came naturally to me. In 2023, when I happened to be exploring online course creation and selling from various instructors the advertisement for a quiz on identifying 'what type of entrepreneur are you' came at me on Instagram. This was my first exposure to the Live Your Message company. From there I joined the 5 day free challenge of coming up with an online course idea.

In those 5 days and 3 sessions, Marisa had engaged me more than anyone ever did and guided me to crystalize an idea that felt right, for the first time in all those years since 2011 - all without taking a penny from me. From there it was an obvious decision to dive deeper into what she had to teach. I am in the process of applying all the MVP strategies and for the first time, a business of my own is around the corner. A real product I can offer to people that won't bind me to a place or a time every day. It will enable me to step away from financial anxiety into financial security for the long run. The structures that EPM provided are so thorough, engaging and effective in creating a course offering that I can apply it to so many more ideas. All the ideas are gold for people with no Godfather in business. Its made running a profitable business an accessible dream for all of us. "

Its at the brink of actually existing as a product I can offer others to elevate their marketing game. Its given me immense confidence to launch and profit from my experience product and provided me with a structure to build many more such products to impact people's lives. The MVP mindset - that you don't need something fancy to charge for it. Its the transformative value in your offering that people buy into. The dream of financial security, geographical independence, the ability to be with my family more has transitioned from a wish to a work in progress.

Just a big, teary THANK YOU filled with a lot of gratitude for the immense value this program provides. It goes above and beyond to give so much guidance that you aren't left wanting more. It leaves you with a sense of security in knowing where to come for guidance when your business is at the next stage of growth.

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