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497 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2023

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Kristin Cavicchiolo (class of 2023)

I was in the midst of a career pivot... one part of me was looking for new marketing roles, but in vein, coming runner up in many interviews, and the other was exploring new business opportunities and partnerships.. Coming into EPM gave me the discipline and clarity to choose one specific area and go for it. Progress over perfection is a motto I will take with me for life, which is huge for me as a perfectionist, trying to overcome these ways which have historically taken me much longer than necessary to get things happening. I learned that people value experiences (something I knew but needed to be reminded of) and that I did not need to be an expert but that my lived experience would be most valuable to "my tribe". I put myself out there, started chatterboxing and being less uncomfortable in the spotlight, and launched my coaching program. I feel a bit sense of relief and accomplishment!

I had been putting off posting on my social media out of fear of judgement from those in my network, and finally did it over Christmas and New Years... two posts, going into depth about my story and my goals. The first email elicited so much support and encouragement and my old year 12 (1998) school coordinator reached out to me offering his help. We had a 70 minute video call and he has given me access to all of his learning resources. What a help! Then from my new years post, a woman I'd met 8 years ago at a mutual friend's wedding reached out, resonating with my message, and we had a discovery call today (my first) that went for 45 minutes and ended on a positive note. I offered a great launch price of $295 and explained that it is because I want to offer exceptional value to my clients, and as I am starting I am prepared to offer this high-value price right now. She said she will most likely join my program (5 week 1:1 coaching package) and will think about it and come back to me. She did mention, "wow, that's really cheap" so I know that this will represent great value and I can confidently offer a higher price moving forward... slowly but surely, as I want to build my own coaching confidence too.

I have a clearly defined business now. I had pivoted several times before joining EPM and now have a clearly starting point to launch my business and gain real world feedback to aid my growth and evolution. Given me confidence in my ability to create an experience product and to put my name on it! To feel value within myself and my abilities, knowing that my life experiences are more valuable than just having a degree without the practical life skills application. Knowing that people purchase at an emotional level and creating that connection with them, whilst being brave to put myself out there and promote myself will reap dividends for me now and into the future. To start somewhere, and reiterate my way to awesome! I had a tendency to get stuck in perfection mode and that never got me anywhere. So the progress over perfection mindset has also really made me get moving and making progress in my life and business! I will help so many women, mothers will by program and help them to feel much happiness and fulfilment in their lives, creating a positive ripple effect throughout their family, friendships, communities... and to give me more confidence and financial freedom into the future, for me and my family.

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Argent (class of 2023)

I just want to say that I interviewed two women in December. One woman, Katherine, attended the Aging in Community meeting in January where I talked about my program, briefly. I offered to give a complimentary set of sessions ( I haven’t done that before… any sessions). Someone suggested I present some more at an upcoming meeting. Katherine emailed me with support for my offer and I see that as a buy in, even though not monetary. So I’m seeing that as the first sale, Mission Accomplished. I dared to put it out there, and she bought in.

I also asked a question on FB and got several responses from people with concerns about aging, which helped me see the value of what I can offer.

Keep going, action over perfection Whatever else I want to create

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Felicia Kashevaroff (class of 2023)

I've been struggling to bring a course to life that helps couples to build balanced relationships. I went through a couple of other programs, but they were taking me off the path of authenticity and my product felt out of alignment. Through the course of EPM, I've gotten crystal clear on every element of my offering. Although I haven't gotten a sale yet, I feel great about my experience product and the change I can make in people's lives.

Customer acquisition I feel more focused and prepared to be successful than ever before. The importance of the big three The sky's the limit!

My only complaint would be the heavy focus on Chatterboxing during the holidays. It has been extraordinarily difficult to reach out to people and get them to follow through for conversations. I know this is a long game, but at moments it took the wind out of my sails.

I'm absolutely thrilled to have launched my experience product, The TEND Technique. This course had given me the structure and support to bring my expertise into sharp focus. I now know exactly what value I bring to clients and exactly who my ideal client is. And I have to say, that Chatterboxing has been a game changer in terms of my marketing strategy. For a long time I've been too focused on digital marketing and not focused enough on conversations with my audience. This concept was hard for me (and still is) but already I've had some amazing conversations that have given me critical insights. I still struggle to "close" in the conversation, but will continue to practice. I'm hopeful that the conversation I had yesterday will lead to my first sale

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Kerstin Speer-Bockelmann (class of 2023)

I am seeking to coach business leaders internationally - irrespective of their geographic location & relevant time zone - which requires a digital product offering. Whilst my track record as former Chief Financial Officer steering financial transformations and directing large teams of professionals in multinational/global organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe & America is my expertise, online course creation was my new challenge. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass ( "EPM") and fuelled by my passion to empower the next generation of decision-makers, I learned the step by step process of course creation using AI tools. I completed the MVP product offering ( milestone 16) and graduated on 11th December 2023.

I am seeking to coach business leaders internationally - irrespective of their geographic location & relevant time zone - which requires a digital product offering. Whilst my track record as former Chief Financial Officer steering financial transformations and directing large teams of professionals in multinational/global organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe & America is my expertise, online course creation was my new challenge. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass ( "EPM") and fuelled by my passion to empower the next generation of decision-makers, I learned the step by step process of course creation using AI tools. I have completed the MVP product offering ( milestone 16), graduated on 11th December 2023 and proceeded with chatterboxing to test my product offering.

No product sales yet ( status 29th January 2024 )

I am seeking to coach business leaders internationally - irrespective of their geographic location & relevant time zone - which requires a digital product offering. Whilst my track record as former Chief Financial Officer steering financial transformations and directing large teams of professionals in multinational/global organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe & America is my expertise, online course creation was my new challenge. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass ( "EPM") and fuelled by my passion to empower the next generation of decision-makers, I learned the step by step process of course creation using AI tools. I have completed the MVP product offering ( milestone 16), graduated on 11th December 2023 and proceeded with chatterboxing to test my product offering. Based on the feedback, I decided to pivot my product offering and target audience in the past 7 days and have created a new product offering.

I am seeking to coach business leaders internationally - irrespective of their geographic location & relevant time zone - which requires a digital product offering. Whilst my track record as former Chief Financial Officer steering financial transformations and directing large teams of professionals in multinational/global organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe & America is my expertise, online course creation was my new challenge. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass ( "EPM") and fuelled by my passion to empower the next generation of decision-makers, I learned the step by step process of course creation using AI tools. I have completed the MVP product offering ( milestone 16), graduated on 11th December 2023 and proceeded with chatterboxing to test my product offering. Based on the feedback, I decided to pivot my product offering and target audience in the past 7 days and have created a new product offering. I am excited to launch my new MVP and initial feedback from my new target audience is positive.

As newcomer to online business coaching, "getting started" is the biggest hurdle. As newcomer to online business coaching, "getting started" is the biggest hurdle. EPM has got me into the starting blocks and I am on my way.......and I will keep going and iterating my way to awesome ! After failed attempts with other service providers, EPM offered me the structure, tools and support to create a minimum viable product. I am fuelled by my mission to empower the next generation of business leaders and decision-makers. I will launch my new MVP to my new target audience by mid-March.

With your permission, may I please submit a separate Email after today's deadline ? Thank you

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Daniel W. Howard (class of 2023)

I had a lot of trouble seeing what my business actually was and the road ahead for my business. I would just randomly try ideas that I read about on the Internet and try to graft those onto my "mess". I joined EPM and it gave me a business path to focus around, coaching to clarify and push me to perform well on that path and a community to support me. I now see much more clearly what I am doing and what I need to do to be successful and that's made me feel more positive about my business.

I have a business plan to follow and a huge number of EPM content and other resources to call upon rather than just grabbing advice randomly from the Internet and trying to make it work. I have somewhat more confidence that I can do this and I have more clarity about where I'm going. I'm not really clear about this question: takeaway as in "opinion on EPM" or "what EPM gave me that I take away". I'll assume it's the latter. It's a strong plan for the road ahead and EPM content to review later to keep me on track. Time will tell but it may also be 4 other EPM students who I can collaborate with who have similar audiences. It's hard to find people who are at my same point and can think like a business owner instead of a customer. It's possible for my experience product to more likely become a profitable and viable business.

I really think that EPM should have a "System Requirements". EPM wasn't doable on a smartphone. I had to switch from Safari to Chrome to make some things work in EPM. I could cope but others couldn't. There were points in EPM where things got really confusing, especially towards the end. The "start chatterboxing" was rushed; the chattterbox sessions were released and, instantly, the contest started so it felt like I had to drop everything and do the chatterbox session immediately. The difference between "Graduating" vs "Launching" vs "Mission Accomplished" was unclear and seemed to change depending on the context. The chatterbox sessions pushed this confusion further: it seemed like I couldn't complete those sessions without completing a chatterbox conversation (and possibly 30). Chatterboxing coinciding with the holidays wasn't a good fit for me, plus I was torn between (1) properly finishing up Module 3; (2) skipping parts of Module 3 and focusing on Chatterboxing; or (3) attending and taking action on VIP sessions. I felt that Modules 1 and 2 were stronger than Module 3: in Module 3, the sessions had rather large, unclear tasks like "define all your modules and sessions", "create your production schedule", "(completely) plan your first few sessions" and "Chatterbox script". I marked "7" on recommend to others because, although EPM is a really good program, I feel that most people that I know aren't ready for it. I feel that it is inappropriate for people who don't have some experience trying to be a coach and some idea what kind of coaching that they will be doing.

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Charlene Brown (class of 2023)

I wasn’t sure how to create a product and then how to share it with those who needed it. I joined EPM and learned so many skills and strategies to put one foot in front of the other and start chatterboxing! I was able to talk to one of my elderly relatives who wanted to add strength training to her life. She is caring for her husband with dementia and needs to be healthy. It’s a rewarding experience to know I am going to help her become her healthiest self and take time for herself.

Starting something new and a bit scary! Pushed me outside my comfort zone to 1:1 and gave me the training and tools to create my course. You can accomplish a lot one baby step at a time! I have confidence to do the next product creation!

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Laura Distelrath (class of 2023)

I was having trouble figuring out how to systematically set up a coaching business and design a product, I wasn’t sure what to do because being new to the business world, I didn't even know what I didn't know. I joined EPM and from the very first moment, I knew I was in the right place! Every step I needed to take was broken down into its parts, thoroughly explained, and resulted in immediate action that moved me closer to my dream of establishing a product to send into the world. I consumed all of Marisa's videos - sometimes more than once - attended every coaching session, watched the bonus trainings and in just a few weeks I had learned so much that I moved from being completely lost in coaching sessions to knowing how to potentially approach some of the roadblocks others were facing. Xperiencify and the entire system Marisa designed is engaging, methodical, supportive, and sets you up to WIN!

I actually have one!! :) I now believe in myself and my ability to be an entrepreneur because I'm now equipped with knowledge, skills, resources, and a purpose to go into the world and change/save lives. My biggest takeaway is that after 27 years in a high school classroom as a progressive teacher who tried to break the old system and make room for a 21st century experience, I've found the tool I've always searched for! Xperiencify is a massive game-changer for me as I did not want to provide anything close to the ineffective platforms that students DREAD! It's not going to be possible to live out my dream of working for myself and do the work that no one is doing - being PROACTIVE as a way to reverse course on the mental health crisis that has overwhelmed our kids/teens - our future generation is being medicated or dying by suicide as a result of an outdated school system, social media's hooks dug into them, and America's achievement culture that demand perfection, doesn't allow failure of any sort, stifles creativity, and robs our future leaders of their souls.

I love the pep talks Marisa gives on Mondays to begin the session! It's always exactly what I need to hear in that moment and several times has been the reason why I push the doubt out of my mind and press on.

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Annette Rene (class of 2023)

It was hard for me to dedicate time to develop my program on my own, and I knew I would continue moving at a snail’s pace if I didn’t have outside deadlines to meet. I joined EPM and got the information, support, and accountability I needed to decide and develop my MVP for a launch within the 12-week program. I graduated from the program after completing the core modules and now have a clear product to offer to my target audience that will solve their biggest problems while successfully launching my new online business.

Although I originally chose a hybrid model for my MVP that includes a course (based on a book) and group coaching program, I now know my real MVP was first publishing the book. I launched my MVP on January 11, 2024, a few days before I promised to launch, by publishing my book, A Balanced Caregiving in 21 Days, on Amazon. I was ready to publish my book back in October but I’m glad I waited because each milestone through EPM bought me more clarity on my message that made the book stronger and I had to include everything in the book that my course will be covering and teaching to my ideal clients. My course is on schedule to launch in mid-February through Xperiencify and group coaching will follow along with it. My book is my paper plane model and the first iteration of my course and group coaching will be closer to the single-engine plane!

The biggest change in my business is now having a clear framework for my new course and group coaching program. EPM has helped me clarify my message and proven to me that I CAN put out a product that will help my ideal clients and be valuable enough for them to pay me for my product. My biggest takeaway was that 1:1 coaching through the Personal Milestone Document was extremely valuable for clarity and insight and to help me continue along my path to mission accomplished. Because I now have an Experience Product, it is now possible for me to have a solid launch for my new business.

Thank you to the Super M's, Marisa, Murray, Mel, Matthew, and Michael, and the rest of the behind the scenes team! Thank you, Coach Jack, you were the best! #letsdoit I loved it all - the modules, the sidedoor coaching, the personal milestone doc, the live trainings, and the bonus trainings. An all-around amazing experience!!!

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Afuah Agyekum-Hene (class of 2023)

Was finding it difficult to sell, I used EPM and now armed with knowledge of how to findmy ideal clients, how many need to approach to get sale and how to engage them towards getting a sale

Gettcloser to understanding what the market wants, how they want it, and how muwilling to pay None so far Just keep networking and put6yoyr service out there using various channels Keep going, give up

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Sarah Ulhaas (class of 2023)

I had launched a course before but struggled with students not finishing or not even starting the course. I did not know how to get them to actually study, and then I joined the Experience Master Class. I was intrigued by the experience and gamification aspect and started adding some of these in my revamped course.And so far, my 2 students love it and say learning is actually fun!

I feel motivated again and have new fuel to continue. The spark was lost when people did not finish the course I created previously. Now I have hope again. I can't say much yet because it's still early stages, but I feel much better equipped now to create awesome products in the future. The testing aspect was a huge takeaway. That it's not necessary to have a fully fleshed-out course when launching. It saves time and money to start with a draft and then create and iterate along the way. I can see an avenue to get out of my 9 to 5 and go all in on my own business with my Experience Product.

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