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497 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2023

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Rebecca Guarino (class of 2023)

I have fully engaged in this program for three months. I felt that I was really learning how to speak to this audience and make this product seem worth while. I had been chatterboxing and I created beautiful marketing. I launched my product and haven't received a single inquiry. I have no idea why. I have asked for feedback from coaches and no one can speak to what it wrong.

None It hasn't yet the psychological reasons people buy a product. Nothing yet

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Lisa Birnesser (class of 2023)

I created my first coaching product to take to market I was able to focus in small chunks to create an MVP signature coaching program Feel the fear and do it anyway. I learned to be a faster action-taker and break through long-time barriers. #Progressoverperfection! To help more women entrepreneurs break through the effects of stress

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Eva Goulette (class of 2023)

I was having a problem with the language to promote my program, I wasn't sure what to do and was consistently having small enrollments. I joined EPM and with the help of Ainslee, I discovered a much more powerful way to talk about my program. I embraced working with Ainslee and have a much better plan for how to show up in the world with my product.

I was having challenges converting sales in my webinars, I wasn't sure what to do to close the sale. I joined EPM and discovered a whole new way to talk to people (and listen). I started listening more and made a sale immediately.

I was having difficulty closing sales, I wasn't sure what to do to as I kept thinking I was "so close" but what was I doing wrong? I joined EPM and learned how to talk to prospective clients in a new way. I approached the sale the EPM way and made the sale!

I was having an issue making sales of my program, I wasn't sure what to do to attract more clients. I joined EPM and discovered that I can make me program so much more interesting! I am super charging my course, but before I've even made it that far, I've made three sales!

I was having challenging with conversions after my webinars, I wasn't sure what to do to increase sales. I joined EPM and discovered ways to engage potential clients with things like taking about their "Future Self" with them. I started integrating EPM phrases and descriptions of my program into conversations with prospective clients and made three $1750 sales in the past 30 days.

Generating enough visibility to drive dozens of prospective clients to my webinars. Ainslee! EPM is wonderful, but Ainslee really took it up a notch for me. I benefited so much from how Ainslee took the information about my program and created descriptions and much more that I can use on my website, in brochures and flyers, and on social media. I love Ainslee! :) I need to put my courses on a platform so I can scale my business. I've been teaching live for four years - and my program is 42 hours long. I teach it 4x a year. That's a lot of hours on Zoom. By moving it to a platform like Experiencify, I can scale and decrease the amount of time I am sitting on live Zoom calls. About 75% of my programs could be taught by video, and I could do 25% live calls. I discovered that the secret to scaling is to get my program onto a platform like Experiencify. Growing my business and income. I had to take a part-time job in the past year because my business wasn't making as much money as it did during Covid shutdown. It was time to learn how to teach my programs in a different way to scale it and generate more income.

This course is so much more time intensive than I thought it was going to be. I have 2 jobs, (my business and a part-time job). At times, I felt like EPM was another part-time job requiring 15-20 hours a week. I had no idea what I was getting myself into and didn't know if I would be able to finish.

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Jenevieve Lenz (class of 2023)

I was dreaming of helping more women with financial education and creating a course that provides the educational value I already provide 1-1 as a financial advisor. I discovered that all my chatterboxing made women excited and willing to look into my course - they were excited to hear about my course and bigger vision of giving back.

I accomplished an outline and a couse that resonates with professional women who need financial clarity and support.

I've know that my idea had merit when I've heard women who I coach 1-1 say things like "this is so valuable" or "I love the way you think and get me organized." When the course crossed my email box I knew that my time had come. (especially with the bonus offer of money back if the course did nto deliver) Wow - has the coaching and support and motivating "keep on target" course material been helpful. It helped me to prove my concept thus far and gives me the desire to keep going.

Chatterboxing and "pre-selling" my course made me realize that women were excited about my idea and told me when it launched officially to let them know. One woman said my idea and concept of giving back from your educational sessions "gave her goosebumps

."More women are coming into my world as I open up and share more Its given me confidence and the knowledge to know that I can do this - Support and belief is everything! Keep moving forward and don't over analyze. It does not need to be perfect - it just needs to get done. Kill your darlings and move on! To know my idea has merit and that women are excited about my idea, product and course. oh and of course the goal of earning 30k per year so I can fund my daughters college tuition.

Big thanks to Coach Jennifer! I hope I'll be seeing you again soon.

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Adam Levine (class of 2023)

I was having trouble to launch my product and wasn’t sure what direction to take. I wasn’t sure what to do. I felt lost and confused. I joined EPM and learned how to take a step by step approach to successfully launch my product. I completed the MVP track and with guidance from Marisa, the weekly coaching calls, and my coach I was clear on my product that I want to launch. As a result of taking this course I have a clear path to launch. And know exactly the steps I need to take in order to make my first sale and beyond."

Understanding how to take a step by step approach to building and launching a course EPM is amazing and finally has given me the runway to launch! To realize perfectionism can be a blocker that was hindering me from moving forward realizing that a great product is one that is always iterating. To launch

I am clear on my path to success. And I can always refer back to this course when I want to iterate or even create a new product.

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Gina Tiritilli (class of 2023)

I was challenged by the change I made from general life coaching to a Spirit Life Mentor program, I wasn't sure how to handle the shift in conveying such a different message to help other women uncover their Spiritual Purpose. I joined EPM and it was the first time I was able to see each component so clearly. Breaking down the elements to the simplest form helped me build it back up gave me confidence and courage to speak to groups and individuals about it.

I was challenged by making a shift and believing it could fly in an online course. I wasn't sure I could convey my heart and make the leap necessary to produce a sufficient course that could inspire others. I joined EPM, receiving a plethora of support from Coach Lucas and attending live sessions with Marisa, I learned how making a small pivot can make a big difference. After simplifying my iterations, I'm more able to tell my story and connect more quickly with my audience on a deeper level.

I have more confidence that I'm qualified and equipped to move forward, identifying and speaking with people who are looking for what I offer. EPM has proven the importance of establishing habits of simplicity and clarity that support my vision will lead to more success and freedom. Take the leap to do the big, scary thing and take the small steps to develop solid skills along the way. It's not complete yet, however it's helping me establish a solid foundation of autonomy and financial freedom for me and my children.

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Alyson illiams (class of 2023)

I have had the content for a course already in the bag, meaning a couple of years ago I created a 3-week course on Self-love that can easily be developed into 12 weeks or more. However, I had not made it a priority to do the necessary revision. Then along came EPM and I decided to undertake the development process as part of my MVP. A conversation with a friend, however, caused me to do a 15% pivot and refocus my content from the more generic topic of 'self-love' into the closely related, yet much more specific topic of 'imposter syndrome'. As I've been talking about imposter syndrome in my social media posts, I have received so MANY MORE responses than before. The 15% pivot has taken the months of my previous efforts and rebranded it into a whole new and more viable product. And now I also have knowledge, strategies and tools to support promotion, marketing & sales of not just this product in my business but my business as a whole! Thnx Marisa, Murray, coaches, LYM team and my fellow EPM-ers for your love and support in getting here.

Isn't this the same as my Graduation Story? Anyway, here goes. The steps in the EPM process helped me to put my whole MVP concept under a microscope by identifying specific aspects of the offer that I either had not thought about (ie Credibility statement, Bird's Eye View, and Special deliverables in addition to the Core deliverables, to name a few,) or had not taken the time to create & develop (ie Bonuses, Onboarding schedule). Additionally, while I have always loved the idea of a money-back guarantee, which is tricky in the coaching space, I had not considered the possibility of an initial trial period within the program itself, such as in the "Private Coaching-Consulting Satisfaction Guarantee". Thank you, once again, Marisa. Your genius never stops to amaze & gratify me. Love your work!!

Not yet!

I made a 15% pivot from the generic 'Self-love' niche to the more specific problem-focused niche of 'Imposter syndrome'. The significance of the pivot is that while to content is roughly the same, needing only some more specific info on imposter syndrome, the significant difference is that everyone feels (or knows) they should increase/improve their self-love, they don't identify it as a specific pain point, whereas they do with imposter syndrome!! 15% of POWER!

Not yet!!

Getting warm leads I now have the knowledge, strategies and tools to grow my business into a successful venture, starting with a repeatable process for a now fully finished product. My confidence from the creation of products through to the sales process has soared. Thank you again!! Slow and steady is the way to go, especially with a proven system that has been broken down and simplified into the components of getting products to market. I now have a fully complete package that's Bloody awesome, thnx to EPM & I'm going to run this course multiple times in the year!! Only just getting started..........!!!

Love the tempo of online content, Marisa's coaching, tech coaching in GIDF & pod coaching. The complete support package.

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Gina Tiritilli (class of 2023)

I was challenged by the change I made from general life coaching to a Spirit Life Mentor program, I wasn't sure how to handle the shift in conveying such a different message to help other women uncover their Spiritual Purpose. I joined EPM and it was the first time I was able to see each component so clearly. Breaking down the elements to the simplest form helped me build it back up gave me confidence and courage to speak to groups and individuals about it.

I was challenged by making a shift and believing it could fly in an online course. I wasn't sure I could convey my heart and make the leap necessary to produce a sufficient course that could inspire others. I joined EPM, receiving a plethora of support from Coach Lucas and attending live sessions with Marisa, I learned how making a small pivot can make a big difference. After simplifying my iterations, I'm more able to tell my story and connect more quickly with my audience on a deeper level.

I have more confidence that I'm qualified and equipped to move forward, identifying and speaking with people who are looking for what I offer. EPM has proven the importance of establishing habits of simplicity and clarity that support my vision will lead to more success and freedom. Take the leap to do the big, scary thing and take the small steps to develop solid skills along the way. It's not complete yet, however it's helping me establish a solid foundation of autonomy and financial freedom for me and my children.

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Olga Adamska (class of 2023)

Hello Marisa,

Thank you for your message and thinking of me . And thanks a lot for sharing amazing knowledge and tips and never ending motivation to create and be creator of life and live the message! I learn and lot and I haven’t learned st motivation and desire to succeed . I just slightly was diverted last few weeks as I went back home ( Ukraine) and Healy and listened my friends who embracing challenges of war and still expressing optimism for brighter future . Before i left uk I realised I chose my EPM product for wrong reasons and it didn’t work as should be. However , I think indirectly I achieved a lot participating and learning how to create online program which will fly ; what ingredients required to launch it in 12 weeks . I met do ever helpful , wise and humorous Coach Matthew and I am very grateful for all he shared and done for us ! Although my product only turned to be a Pilates program Balanced in One masterclass which I am offering to my clients who do balance training I gained so much clarity how to create right product. And…. Last thing to share , organically I come up with new idea Body Mind Unwind online class which more resonates with my heart and passion about healing on energetic and physical level that I am launching it tomorrow evening ! It feels right and great ! I wouldn’t done it without you and Matthew!Thank you guys a lot !Let our paths cross again !Warmly Olga

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Brenda (class of 2023)

"I always knew I wanted to offer a blended online and face to face programme for women over 50. I found that once I turned 50 that I was seen in a different way by society, family and work. Younger people want to do things their way and it sometimes goes against the values I was brought up with. I also felt invisible and that all the skills and experiences I had gathered over the years weren't seen as useful to a lot of people. After a career in learning disability nursing and adult education, and being used to giving, sharing, training and supporting, it was difficult to take more of a back seat. However, when I reflected on life I realised that this was an amazing opportunity, that there is a place for women like me, and I could use my skills in a different way. So I retired early from nursing and let go of the need for things to be done based on my own experience and knowledge (which no one was listening to anyway) and change my perspective on life. I started a blog, completed NLP and life coach training and felt that an online course to inspire women over 50 who have had a career and are finding it difficult to change direction, with 1:1 support, was the way to go. However, I had no idea how to do this, despite having reasonable computer skills. The only way I could see this happening was to display a bunch of PowerPoint slides and talk around them. I doubted whether this would be tempting enough for discerning women of my age. It even sounded boring to me! I wanted my clients to feel a change within them as they completed the course, an experience that would make them excited for the future.
I languished for YEARS, procrastinating, planning to offer my signature programme but feeling that I would be wasting my time. Then came a life changing cancer diagnosis. Following treatment I knew I had to make a decision. It's now or never. I actually put together the course or live to regret it as I get older. So I decided to go for it. However, I didn't know how to structure an online course. It's different from face to face where you are flexible with the content based on the responses the client gives. An online course needs structure and modules. Then came along Marisa and EPM. I have spent money before on programmes which weren't necessarily poor quality, they just didn't give me the specific help and support I needed. I deliberated some time before deciding to invest, as it was a very large investment for me, especially as I wasn't earning. The attraction of EPM was that it offers my clients an EXPERIENCE rather than simply information and guidance and it was the missing part of my original idea for an online course. EPM was also VERY structured, step-by-step with a proven plan to get from where I was to an online saleable course. Another big benefit was real coaching by real people who knew how to develop and deliver experience courses - this is sadly missing on many courses and when I am on my own in my little home office with no one to bounce my ideas off it's easy to be discouraged. I completed the course and now have a concrete plan for my experience product, with a mission, structure, modules, content and goals. I have passed my ideas through a clear process and a real person has given it the thumbs up. But I think what has been an excellent bonus - and that I wasn't even expecting - is additional information on setting a clear mission and result for clients, branding, sales, using social media, how to talk about the programme to everyone, how to continue to develop it with feedback from participants - the list is endless. Without doubt this is the most value I have ever received on a course and I will continue to use the instructional/motivational videos and worksheets for years to come as I develop my offerings. I now have a programme that I believe will change the future path of women over 50 and inspire them to make their mark in the world and their own lives. They will be able to picture a bright future with adventures ahead rather than living a life without purpose. They will be able to make choices aligned with their own dreams and values and not what society expects from them. And my dream of sharing the journey with them is changing my own future as I contribute to society in a positive way.

I have merged my graduation story (above) with my Mission accomplished story. However, I would like to add that I was really struggling to to put together an online course as I had no proven steps to follow and no structure to my thinking and ideas. I felt that I would maybe be better giving up - I'm in my 60s and time was passing me by. But I felt that I needed to use my experiences and skills to help others and make a difference to the lives of other women going through their next life chapter with some purpose. After seeing Marisa on Facebook and joining her course creation challenge I instinctively knew that EPM was for me. I needed some persuasion (thanks for all the emails, videos and inspiration Marisa!) but knew it would be the right programme for me. It held the missing key for my prospective clients - experience. I completed EPM and achieved my Mission, to graduate with a MVP. I am officially launching the product on the 15th February (although I have been chatterboxing with friends and some of my target market), to give me time to put together a social media strategy and email marketing as I have zero followers on zero platforms and zero email subscribers. At least I am starting fresh from nothing so I haven't anything to lose!

I don't have a business but the programme I developed will hopefully be the start Given me lots of confidence in my own abilities, given me invaluable tools and techniques, given me my own life purpose Always move forwards and trust the process and your instincts even if you start having second thoughts #progressoverperfection I can trust my abilities and create anything (as long as I follow the process). I can really change lives and motivate and inspire women over 50

Thank you to Marisa, Coaches Matthew and Mel, Murray and the team behind the scenes for an excellent programme, providing exceptional value above and beyond what is promised, and thank you for allowing lifetime access to the materials so that I can continue to develop my programme and release and sell an experience product. I'll miss you all.

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