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649 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2020

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Kelsey Chia (class of 2020)

"I started out EPM with nothing more than an idea, but I am graduating with 100% increase confidence and a CONCRETE blueprint of how I can translate my idea into a business. Not only that, I have a mentor that I can emulate. Marisa Murgatroyd is a truly leader that does inspires others with her heart and her capacity to care.
While I have not hit Mission Accomplished, I am glad I have invested in EPM. I am amazed that such a supportive community exists in the online world. Thank you #coached for all the Wednesday Wisdom. I would not have continued in chatterboxing if it had not been for you.
As an introvert and quiet/shy person, I would not have imagined to put myself out there on social media or chatterboxing with random strangers. But I did! I challenged myself to go on Live on Instagram and chatter with more than 60 strangers over the past 3 months.
I have no sales yet but I know that's because I still have some imposter syndrome and I have not perfected my sales pitch. The environment in a reflection of yourself. I've been working on confidence and my sales skills every day and I can see myself closing my first ever sale soon! Can't wait to hear the *ka-ching* on my paypal account!
I resolve to reach Mission Accomplished by Live Your Message Live! "

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Iterate your way to awesome! The key is to take imperfect actions, fail forward, and fail fast. There are no failures in life, but lessons. I'm so inspired by Marisa and the way she conducts herself!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Monday and Wednesday coaching sessions were really helpful in pulling myself out of the downward spiral whenever things get tough, especially with chatterboxing. The JUMP contests and the xperiencification of the entire journey also made it a lot easier for me to get through the slump and complete most of the course.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has given me the confidence to make my dream of starting a school/ academy seriously. I have had this dream for years now, and I have finally taken the action to ask for my first sale because of EPM. If I had not joined the program, I believe I would be stuck in the "dreaming" state, or I'd have given up just a few months in. It's difficult to do this alone. The community and support from the coaches normalized all the negative feelings I had about my failures and my abilities.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Sales and money mindset. I haven't been able to deliver my sales script in a convincing manner YET. But I know I will get there.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have the confidence to make my dream of starting a school come true. My dream has become so much clearer in the last 3 months, and EPM has given me the conviction to pursue this dream. I am mapping out concrete blueprint for myself to leave my corporate job eventually.

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Heather Fox (class of 2020)

I have been in business for just over 6 years. I have spent most of that time learning how to train dogs, and how to teach people to work with their dog. Three years ago, I knew it was time to learn how to market my courses. I tried two other programs before EPM and while the content was amazing and there was lots of it, I just couldn't get any traction. I consider myself to be a self-motivated individual but I just couldn't get any forward momentum. I need a lead magnet, I need a list, this should work with wordpress but it didn't work with, let me try writing an avatar statement, emails...I need to write some emails, just spun my wheels. When I came across the marketing for EPM, other people's testimonials echoed my experience and given their satisfaction with the program, I decided to give EPM a try. My first time through the program was amazing (2019/2020). I ended up with a great sales page for my flagship course 90 Days to a Well-Behaved Dog and a path forward. I spent the remainder of 2020 putting key pieces into place in my business: I moved my website to Heroic, I simplified my existing course offering, I add a free Discovery Session button to my website and even produced a lead magnet! When EPM 2020/2021 came around, I signed up again. I wanted to created a sales page for my Confident Puppy class and I wanted the help of this great community and access to a coach. With much of the marketing foundation in place from last year, it was an easier process creating the sales page for my puppy class. The coaching feedback was invaluable and by the time the program was finished, I had sold three separate on-line classes. One class had 7 students, one had 3 students and the third class had 2 students. This was the first time I had been able to fill that many spots in my class in a one month period!

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Philip Larson (class of 2020)

Approaching this workshop was frustrating. 2020 meant taking three successful face to face workshops and giving the participants better value online. The participants are folks struggling through probation and at risk families. Bad internet, short attention spans, low personal esteem, and more challenge the concept. Anger workshop has been a defiant monster that just would not come together for me. Prior success was working in our Life Skills/CBT THINK! Rider on the Elephant. Parenting was okay. Anger was high center. So I enrolled in EPM to see if it could get me through.

We did it! I am building the workshop week by week and started with 6 participants. The potential is huge. By going through this beta with this group and one more round with an alpha group, I expect to be able to build a fully mentored but automated approach for thousands. Right now, we do a weekly zoom with the participants doing another 1.5 hours of work online during the week. The sessions are broken into short video, workshop, reading, and more to keep the motion and allow for start and stops to match the chaotic lives.
Principles applied from EPM are effective and allowing us to deliver the life changing content.

Every week someone is healing a broken relationship or resolving some inner angst or settling in at work and family. Some even are getting their children restored to the home. Money is not my big deal here. But money keeps us in motion. Life change. A chance at a better life forward. Thanks.

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Sue Rouillard (class of 2020)

I have had this idea in my head for years and I know it would be incredibly helpful for families dealing with the chaos of ADHD. I decided that I should try to get a program together so I started searching for trainings that were supposed to get me to this goal. I'm not sure how I did it because I am not a person who has money to spare, but I ended up spending thousands of dollars on other programs. Those programs were not helpful, assumed I had a high level of computer skills and none of them did anything for me and I still had no idea how to create a course and make it successful. . However, Marisa's program has lead me to my goals. I have designed a program that I know will be successful! I have learned how to market it properly and how to maintain personal contact with those who enroll. Marisa's program has helped me step by step to create a course, which none of the other trainings have done. I am proud of what I have accomplished and I now have an online course that I know will help hundreds, if not thousand, of families across the country. This training has brought me to where I know I will reach my personal goals of helping hundreds of families, making enough money to get off disability and support myself, and giving the type of retirement that my partner has always dreamed of. I am forever grateful for Marisa's program. She is the best at teaching trainings that will help you to succeed.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It does not have to be perfect to put it out there to your audience.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I had a personal coach. None of the other trainings I have taken provided such help. Three times a week we had trainings and Q & A sessions that were priceless.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have a course and I am proud of what I have accomplished. I have had an incredible level of positivity that tells me I will reach my goals and oh, that feels fantastic!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The biggest change in my business is that I have a program to offer that I know will be successful in helping families who are dealing with the chaos of ADHD.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I will make enough money to get off of disability, help hundreds, maybe thousands of families and give my partner the retirement he deserves.

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Susan Silva (class of 2020)

This was my second round of EPM, the first time I didn't make the goal. I felt I did everything (and I still do) but doing EPM a second time, I was able to take the things I didn't really do well (what I call my failures) of the first time. In my first round, I feel I did not effectively chatterbox, and I made a mission statement that had results that was actually trackable). These two changes, plus reinforcing all the other great information, from the first round, I was able to ... pretty easily make two sales, that resulted in 6 students! I have a commitment for 5 more later this year! (and this is just the start! ) I am seeing what is working and know I can repeat the wins and grow! It is a great source, of not giving up and making some changes and succeeding!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The amazing power of chatterboxing, and how just talking to people (even just online) can be more powerful than expensive campaigns that don''t work!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Word can not express my gratitude for Marisa, Murray and their team. It feels like this will truly be a turning place in my life, from working just to help others and not really making a profit, to still helping but being able to stress less and financially survive. It is not... a golden road.. but I have the skills and the knowledge to keep moving foward.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
It is now making money :-) amazing!

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can replicate the information learned, and apply it to the next steps.. then the steps after that... and then.. :-)

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Elizabeth Armstrong, PhD (class of 2020)

"Living in the outskirts of Washington DC while attending high school drove me to drop-out of the high school. It was easier to walk in the front and out the back as a hippy during the racial riots that dominated the halls. I had no interest or desire to communicate through the written language.

Traveling throughout the United States and Hawaii as a waitress satisfying my need to grow, learn and make money. Sailing across the Pacific as a cook filled my sense adventure that did not require developing my writing skills.

A pivotal moment came when I became a single parent, functionally illiterate high school drop-out. Waitressing no longer served my ability to sustainably manage my life and family. Going back to school was my best option to move forward. Little did I know that moving from the heart to be there for my children after school, during holidays and through the summer may result in me obtaining a PhD in Biological Sciences.

What I did not know was that I was 1 in 3% of women to graduate with a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) degree. The other 92% were men. It was a time when environmentalist were considered to be terrorists. Bush became president, I was put on a terrorist list and become homeless.

Confusion and emotions challenged my survival. I was able to effectively communicate in a scientific arena. Yet the social expectations were not effectively set up for a smart woman scientist with a big heart. I was able to follow instructions on how to perform at work. Yet at a fixed salary.

A light bulb went off when I had a seasonal job as an Enrollment Coordinator. As I was being laid off, my manager walked up to me and said “We hope you come back next year since you made us a lot of money”. I was able to convert yet not able to make my worth.

Dabbling in owning a business for a few years I decided to sell the world on loving the environment. My communication skills hindered my Entrepreneur journey since the language was science jargon. Seven years and over $5,000 in investments left me very unfulfilled and struggling to keep my business open.

Fortuitously, Marisa Murgatroyd’s Live Your Message entered into my life. Her compassion and ability to provide the business language has allowed me to create my first viable program. Marisa’s generosity with marketing content and genius has ignited my success. The joyful Live your Message community provided me with the uplifting attitude to be a Champion.

As a result, my home-free lifestyle is on its way to becoming history. I am converting my clients, able to help others with what I have learned, and creating content that I am passionate about. Thank you Marisa and the Gang for all of your heart felt desire to help me thrive.

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Amber Mirza (class of 2020)

I am a business strategist who loves to geek out on marketing, finance, sales and distribution channels to get entrepreneurs with an expertise and a desire for impact ethically profitable and energized as quickly as possible. I really appreciate the value Marisa and her incredible team have added to my own process. I love her teaching style, the EPM coaches, and the way this coaching program is structured. Thank you!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The way your team comes together to deliver. and Chatterboxing :)

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM showed up when I was talking myself into making time for my own offerings being more visible. It helped as an added valuable step in that process

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Adding more awesome people to my life who are doing their best to bring their gifts to people, and building my own skill set ALWAYS make me feel Great! Thank you!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
my comfort level with speaking of my own products and events

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
More doors opening

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Connie Green (class of 2020)



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Jim Zboran (class of 2020)

I was facing a challenge in creating a flagship program for my hypnotherapy practice that would deliver excellent value both in results and also in terms of being an excellent experience in line with the mid-range price point. The results were no problem, but I wanted to ensure it was put together and packaged in such a way that my clients know without a doubt that they had made a great investment in themselves. This is important for both their purchase of my flagship product and also to open the door to future investments in themselves with my services and products. I joined EPM2020 to really get a strong handle on how to overcome my challenge while also in creating the product at the same time in a setting the allowed for coaching and also deadlines to keep me on track toward completion. The experience I had with EPM was excellent. Everything was broken down step-by-step, and presented in a highly actionable and entertaining way. The coaching was excellent. About half way the program 'perfect storm' of obstacles came up that put me about 4 weeks behind. I had to play catch up from there on out, so I didn't fully develop the marketing materials and campaigns as I had envisioned. But I had such a solid base from the first half that I had full confidence in my offer and my product so I easily started selling it in person with just a bullet-point flyer printed on my company letterhead. I launched late, so I still have a few more sales in the pipeline that I think will close. I did manage to get two sales in 'under the wire' of the deadline, so I'm very happy with that! I realized that with the solid product and offer developed in the EPM steps, I was easily able to sell a compelling product with ease. I'm looking forward to going back and working through the advanced track materials and bonus as I continue to iterate my product to awesome!

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Dan Redlack (class of 2020)

I felt strong in how I was developing my marketing system but wasn't entirely sure how best to delivery my product. I feel like this program helped me create a really strong delivery system for my product.

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