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Kelsey Chia's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kelsey Chia

"I started out EPM with nothing more than an idea, but I am graduating with 100% increase confidence and a CONCRETE blueprint of how I can translate my idea into a business. Not only that, I have a mentor that I can emulate. Marisa Murgatroyd is a truly leader that does inspires others with her heart and her capacity to care.
While I have not hit Mission Accomplished, I am glad I have invested in EPM. I am amazed that such a supportive community exists in the online world. Thank you #coached for all the Wednesday Wisdom. I would not have continued in chatterboxing if it had not been for you.
As an introvert and quiet/shy person, I would not have imagined to put myself out there on social media or chatterboxing with random strangers. But I did! I challenged myself to go on Live on Instagram and chatter with more than 60 strangers over the past 3 months.
I have no sales yet but I know that's because I still have some imposter syndrome and I have not perfected my sales pitch. The environment in a reflection of yourself. I've been working on confidence and my sales skills every day and I can see myself closing my first ever sale soon! Can't wait to hear the *ka-ching* on my paypal account!
I resolve to reach Mission Accomplished by Live Your Message Live! "

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Iterate your way to awesome! The key is to take imperfect actions, fail forward, and fail fast. There are no failures in life, but lessons. I'm so inspired by Marisa and the way she conducts herself!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Monday and Wednesday coaching sessions were really helpful in pulling myself out of the downward spiral whenever things get tough, especially with chatterboxing. The JUMP contests and the xperiencification of the entire journey also made it a lot easier for me to get through the slump and complete most of the course.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has given me the confidence to make my dream of starting a school/ academy seriously. I have had this dream for years now, and I have finally taken the action to ask for my first sale because of EPM. If I had not joined the program, I believe I would be stuck in the "dreaming" state, or I'd have given up just a few months in. It's difficult to do this alone. The community and support from the coaches normalized all the negative feelings I had about my failures and my abilities.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Sales and money mindset. I haven't been able to deliver my sales script in a convincing manner YET. But I know I will get there.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have the confidence to make my dream of starting a school come true. My dream has become so much clearer in the last 3 months, and EPM has given me the conviction to pursue this dream. I am mapping out concrete blueprint for myself to leave my corporate job eventually.