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Elizabeth Armstrong, PhD's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Elizabeth Armstrong, PhD

"Living in the outskirts of Washington DC while attending high school drove me to drop-out of the high school. It was easier to walk in the front and out the back as a hippy during the racial riots that dominated the halls. I had no interest or desire to communicate through the written language.

Traveling throughout the United States and Hawaii as a waitress satisfying my need to grow, learn and make money. Sailing across the Pacific as a cook filled my sense adventure that did not require developing my writing skills.

A pivotal moment came when I became a single parent, functionally illiterate high school drop-out. Waitressing no longer served my ability to sustainably manage my life and family. Going back to school was my best option to move forward. Little did I know that moving from the heart to be there for my children after school, during holidays and through the summer may result in me obtaining a PhD in Biological Sciences.

What I did not know was that I was 1 in 3% of women to graduate with a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) degree. The other 92% were men. It was a time when environmentalist were considered to be terrorists. Bush became president, I was put on a terrorist list and become homeless.

Confusion and emotions challenged my survival. I was able to effectively communicate in a scientific arena. Yet the social expectations were not effectively set up for a smart woman scientist with a big heart. I was able to follow instructions on how to perform at work. Yet at a fixed salary.

A light bulb went off when I had a seasonal job as an Enrollment Coordinator. As I was being laid off, my manager walked up to me and said “We hope you come back next year since you made us a lot of money”. I was able to convert yet not able to make my worth.

Dabbling in owning a business for a few years I decided to sell the world on loving the environment. My communication skills hindered my Entrepreneur journey since the language was science jargon. Seven years and over $5,000 in investments left me very unfulfilled and struggling to keep my business open.

Fortuitously, Marisa Murgatroyd’s Live Your Message entered into my life. Her compassion and ability to provide the business language has allowed me to create my first viable program. Marisa’s generosity with marketing content and genius has ignited my success. The joyful Live your Message community provided me with the uplifting attitude to be a Champion.

As a result, my home-free lifestyle is on its way to becoming history. I am converting my clients, able to help others with what I have learned, and creating content that I am passionate about. Thank you Marisa and the Gang for all of your heart felt desire to help me thrive.