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Heather Fox's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Heather Fox

I have been in business for just over 6 years. I have spent most of that time learning how to train dogs, and how to teach people to work with their dog. Three years ago, I knew it was time to learn how to market my courses. I tried two other programs before EPM and while the content was amazing and there was lots of it, I just couldn't get any traction. I consider myself to be a self-motivated individual but I just couldn't get any forward momentum. I need a lead magnet, I need a list, this should work with wordpress but it didn't work with, let me try writing an avatar statement, emails...I need to write some emails, just spun my wheels. When I came across the marketing for EPM, other people's testimonials echoed my experience and given their satisfaction with the program, I decided to give EPM a try. My first time through the program was amazing (2019/2020). I ended up with a great sales page for my flagship course 90 Days to a Well-Behaved Dog and a path forward. I spent the remainder of 2020 putting key pieces into place in my business: I moved my website to Heroic, I simplified my existing course offering, I add a free Discovery Session button to my website and even produced a lead magnet! When EPM 2020/2021 came around, I signed up again. I wanted to created a sales page for my Confident Puppy class and I wanted the help of this great community and access to a coach. With much of the marketing foundation in place from last year, it was an easier process creating the sales page for my puppy class. The coaching feedback was invaluable and by the time the program was finished, I had sold three separate on-line classes. One class had 7 students, one had 3 students and the third class had 2 students. This was the first time I had been able to fill that many spots in my class in a one month period!