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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Juliandra Jackson

EPM helped me in so many ways, but will focus on the internal/ emotional changes within myself and the external/organizational changes to actually have something to offer the world. First, internally I have the confidence that I lacked prior to the program. I was feeling burnt out, confused, and overwhelmed at the process of marketing and sharing something on the online space. The confidence I've gained-that I have something of value to offer the world with my skill set and that people will actually purchase it at the price that I want- is actually there now! I have confidence to talk, "chatter", and put myself out there in groups. This is a true shift that I sense within myself and I am grateful for the process of EPM. Which leads to the second part of the huge changes I see that I know I was missing before EPM: organization and marketing skills. The scripts for communicating, the knowledge that I am constantly shifting and iterating my way to awesome, the fact that this doesn't have to be a one and done thing, but a series of micro changes and growth over time as far as building out my program is all there. I felt before that if I didn't get it right the first time, it was a failed experience. I now know that's not true. That there are external things that will constantly be transformed as I get to higher levels of success with my experience product course. And that marketing plans and scripts are in place that I didn't have before. I've made one sale. And I've chatted with about 35 people and counting. (Amazing for me!!) Though the sale wasn't at the price point I had in mind, or the duration, it's still a win because if someone wants coaching in what I offer and they want to commit, I know I'm on the right path and things will improve even more as I make those 15 degree pivots. If there is one major lesson I could boil down my experience to is that PROGRESS over perfection is what counts. Thank you to Marissa for the program, that is well organized and well supported, and my coach who never tired of our questions and offered advice even with tweaking our experience products.

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Peggy Davilmar

I have been dealing with health Challenges since the start of the course. Yet I came in with excitement and completely committed. I had high hopes of making it all the way through the MVP track but I only made it to graduation at the wire!! I had surgery and it really had me doubting that I would complete. It's now 4 days since surgery and 9 min to midnight PST on Jan 30th, 2023 as I write this. I can't believe it but against all odds, mental roadblocks, physical pain and constantly talking myself out of finishing. I finished anyway!! Words cannot express how good it feels to Graduate! Thank you EPM team and Coach Mike for being available at the last minute to help me across the finish line. Persistance and Perseverance is everything!

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Elsa Schieder

"Here is the story in my own words, before I came to this formula. Below is the story following the formula.

What’s my story, about my LYM course? Determination. I will do this - I will complete every assignment on time, not overdue.

That’s my most common inner hurdle - I’ve often found it hard to get things done by a deadline.

Not this time, actually. The deadlines would look like they were looming, ever too close to get everything done. And then, things were done, usually well before the deadline. I think everything got handed in at least before the deadline.

I looked at some of the assignments. How will I ever do this? And then I plunged in. Everything all laid out. Marisa has put an enormous amount of effort into laying out a blueprint. Step One. Step Two. Step Forty-four.

Yes, a lot to do, but very do-able, especially with a good coach (@LucasSeipp).

An interesting part of the journey. The topic. Once I settled on it, it became ultra obvious: Awake in a World Gone “Woke.”

But there were a couple of other topics that pulled me initially.

What got me on my track was one of the early questions: where do I find my target audience? Well, my core audience is the AWAKE - no injections (or if injections, regret at having been scammed or pressured into taking them). Loads of other interests - song-writing, for instance. But being AWAKE - and often frustrated at what’s going on - is what most defines my audience.

My program. I’ve bought the domain name - (.com was taken)
My inner experience. I’m proud of my achievement. And then chatterboxing. A bunch so far. A couple to completion. Until now, no buyers. Lots more conversations in the works.

That was as far as I'd gone, when I wrote what's above. Now, over 30 conversations. Lots of learning on following something like the script while staying flexible. Also needing more inner strength on feeling my price is right for what I'm offering.

My coach has been great on this, as on very much. Lucas Seipp.

Now, as I write this (Feb 22): 2 sales, full price - but payments monthly, rather than at once. 6 people at lower rates - I like offering sliding scale (down to free). And another 5 people probable. Plus still doing lots of reaching out.

And now, as I am writing again, 3 full price sales, 10 sliding scale (50% down to zero), 1 possible.

Launch date, of the program: Feb 5.

I am looking forward to delivering, including making sure to include stuff like the ongoing wins (which has actually been part of my teaching style as a college prof). I have started my emailing the people, as of today - Jan 25.



I watched a webinar with Marisa about her course-creation course. I had a lot on my plate, but I didn't have a money-making project (my problem/challenge - pain/frustration). I hadn't been planning to do anything about this because I was doing so many other things, but I was caught by what Marisa outlined. It felt right. So I enrolled in the LYM course (name of program) and learned (new thing) how to follow the instructions for the jet plane version of Marisa's course creation course. I was determined to get everything done, done excellently, done on time (what I did). And I did that. The result: a one-year program, Awake in a World Gone Woke (specific result). You can see it here:"

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I was having students not completing my course(though FREE), I wasn't sure what to do to get them get to 100%. I joined EPM and loved the experience based points. I enrolled and built my own course in parallel, created a mini FREE course and got 160 students enrolled and guess what? ( More than 50% are at 99-100%!). I saw engagement went up , and these students then enrolled to my paid one. It was a great way to show them what they can experience before they pay. This is the best way to attract students in 2024.

I was having challenge of not enough motivated students though I created the best product which gave results to the ones who were committed. I wanted to share the message that it is possible once they get themselves ready. I liked the chatterbox idea as I saw that whoever wanted to reach out and talk about what they want, I was able to convince them that it is possible and so far all my students talked to me 1:1 before they paid to enroll for my course. It works!

My first sale was a student who loved the mini free course I created using Xperiencify platform. I quickly learnt and built and published while I was still doing EPM Module 3 sessions. This got me started and students got to experience what they can when I launch my Big Course. Immediately after completing the free course, one student purchased the course on the same day I launched it!

Though EPM stretch goal said 3 sales, I stretched it to make 10 as my personal goaI. I have already 9 in 2 weeks of launching the course!

Students not completing the course. EPM is great, it gives me step1 to my financial freedom. Experience and fun is what is seeked my students especially in my domain - as it is considered complex and boring subject to learn. This platform helped me to give them the fun while learning and implementing making it a great experience. Financial Freedom is within reach.

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Eve Love Cher

"After barely surviving kidney failure and receiving a miracle of a kidney transplant, spending over a year of my life practically glued to my bed, I was compelled to make my second chance in life a testament of love, purpose, prosperity and generous giving.
In 2023 I have taken multiple coaching courses and struggled to implement my ideas into a tangible program that offers concrete results, which I would know how to market and monetize. Driven by a relentless mission to serve at a greater capacity I knew I could no longer sit still and just dream the dream. That’s when God led me to Marisa.
Attending my very first masterclass Marisa hosted online I was hooked. Hooked on her knowledge, her proven system, her industry experience and insight, the achievements in her own business and especially the incredible rate of success achieved by her students.
I was one of the first students to take the leap enrolling into her fall 2023 EPM program. And BOY AM I GLAD I DID!!
Now my course ideas that floated aimlessly in my head, not letting me sleep at night, have been laid out in a most proficient and organized way. I have completed my MVP and now have a clear roadmap backed by unwavering confidence in the success of my coaching program. I am planning a launch in February to begin in March and trust that with the power of knowledge, strategies, systems and techniques offered in EPM I am set for new heights in my coaching career. Let this truly be the launch of my new empowered life. I am deeply, profoundly grateful to Marisa, her husband Murray, Coach Jack and the EPM Team for this incredible opportunity.
And this isn’t goodbye! I’m you’ve got a devoted fan and friend in me."

A week before the January 29th deadline I had only 56 xps. By the end of the week I had tripled my xps and completed my MVP journey! Including watching all the videos and getting a thumbs up from Coach Jack for every milestone. I struggled with perfectionism and procrastination from the overwhelm of the amount of thinking and decision making I had to do. In the beginning I barely had an idea for my course outline. Today I have everything I need to launch my program! WOW

I have not made my first sale just yet but you better believe it that armed with all the strategies and content that I had just created - boy will I be racking it in!! Come them dollar billzzz!! I think I’m gonna need a bigger wallet lol… I anticipate to generate $14,400 in my first launch.

I have not made my first sale just yet but you better believe it that armed with all the strategies and content that I had just created - boy will I be racking it in!! Come them dollar billzzz!! I think I’m gonna need a bigger wallet lol… I anticipate to generate $14,400 in my first launch.

While I am brand spanking new to the world of entrepreneurship, having slaved for “big pockets” for three decades of my life, I am renewed and enthralled with hope and possibilities for my newfound career in Love and Life Coaching. I have coached for over 20 years but this is the first time I have the system and the confidence in place to create the career that will grant me the passion, fulfillment and abundance to create the life I desire and deserve. Whhuaaaatt?? Lol like majorly!! I feel like I just graduated from college with a new degree! EPM experience has been so eye-opening, so incredibly enriching, so deeply moving, so empowering, so insightful, so progressive and transformational that the impact has already begun to show up in every area of my life. I didn’t just learn how to create and market my new course, I just graduated from EPM “Harvard” business school! Lol Guys… Marisa - you have blown all my expectations out of the water. Bravo! Honestly I don’t even know how to answer this question. It’s like asking someone what was their favorite part of going to the moon. This entire journey is profoundly transformational and I wish I knew how to summarize all that I have learned and taken away. Learning the system, implementing the workbook exercises, getting clear on my mission, structures, messages, and ideas - all of this is a giant takeaway, I am profoundly elevated as a coach and businesswoman. Oooh Baby! The possibilities are endless!! Even the sky is not the limit! I feel a new world open up to me. I will begin with this course, and will not stop. Failure is not an option because every bit of “failure” is simply a stepping stone to SUCCESS! I feel limitless and frgn amazing to begin my journey! Thank you and big bear hugs to you all who created and facilitated this tremendously transformational experience!


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Mary Denise Mitchell

Prior to EPM, I was floundering with my offerings and how to get them set up. I had no idea what went in to creating engaging content - content that had my clients coming back for more. I struggled with how I wanted to approach my clients based on other teachings I had paid for; watching Marisa during the coaching sessions, really opened my eyes to what good coaching was and what it meant to be true to myself and my own style. EPM taught me how to write a solid mission statement - one that truly conveyed my passion and what I wanted to help people with.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Just be true to yourself; don't be afraid to take a chance. Courses don't need to be long and boring.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me step out of my shell. It helped me be true to myself so that I could truly help the people that needed to hear my message. I would say that EPM helped me be successful with my messaging.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has made me more visible. It has allowed me to stand up, and stand out to make the difference I was meant to make in the world. It allowed me to fully step into my God-given purpose without fear.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My self-confidence and accepting that what I had to offer was needed.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can confidently create courses. I have actually been able to outline 4 different courses because of the trainings I received through EPM.

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Tawnya Schultz

Exciting news! I got another presale for my course today! That's now 2 and I'm up tp $600! Thanks for all your help last week on my mission. I am still refining but it's getting clearer by the day and the content I've been watching in EPM has me taking all kinds of notes...hello 80% benefits, 20% features...genius.

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Debra Shafer

I was having a hard time getting launched. I've been developing my ideas and my course experience for a long time but had a hard time bringing it all together. I originally took EPM in 2016 and decided to dive into the 2021 round ready to go. I ended up moving across the country, getting covid, and many other life surprises happened as well. I kept getting further and further behind. I had been chatterboxing all along the way telling everyone that would listen what I was up to and what I was creating. But EPM was coming to a close and I just had a rough outline towards my MVP. Still I kept chatterboxing and submitted to the fact I had to get over "perfection". I was going to move forward without my product being perfect. Someone approached me with a question about getting private coaching from me and I hit them with the new experience course I was creating and they said they were in! Didn't blink an eye at the price or ask any big questions. I love that EPM has taught me done is better than perfect and has given me the launguaging and organization to be able to tell people what I'm doing and how they can benefit from it. It's really wonderful when it's all about my client and not about me. Thank you Marisa and team for all you've done here for us in EPM. Even though I still only have a rough outline I have my first sale and I know there will be many more to come.

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Linda Lee Smith

I launched a similar program to my Raise your Vibration - Slow your Aging coaching program one year ago with absolutely zero success. I wasn't sure what to do and was quite frustrated since I am very experienced in creating new programs. Mat Boggs with Brave Thinking Institute recommended Marissa Murgatroyd's training. Once I entered into Marissa's epm program, the light bulb went on - I was going about marketing the program completely wrong. Once I settled into the structure she presented I was able to reframe the program, identify my target audience, survey my audience, then start chatterboxing. After making only 10 calls, I had signed up 5 people making $10,000. I was scheduled to do 2 presentations at a conference in FL the last week of January and signed up 27 people for strategy sessions where I will present my new program along with my other coaching programs. I know with a certain amount of faith, I will come much closer to my stretch goal of earning $30,000. I can't think you enough for giving me a structure and accountability that will serve me more in the future.

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MaryJoan Kashapata

"My Graduation Story
I was having a LOT of trouble getting the Sessions in the Modules done, while I was out of town for 7 weeks caring for a family member and then returned to a house full of family visiting through the holidays. Though I was able to attend most of the classes or watch the replays, I fell WAY behind! I wasn’t sure what to do and I was afraid that I would not be able to finish the course/Mission! I heard Melissa tell us “It’s not too late!” several times, but I was falling further and further behind and I was worried that I would not have enough energy and time to finish.
Coach Melanie reached out to me and offered me encouragement and to support me through to the end - if I put in the work. With her help and guidance, through a few marathons and several sprints, I was able to complete all the required modules and start to Launch my MVP this past weekend! I am still chatterboxing towards getting my first of many sales to come! I’m also looking forward to going back to the Supercharge Sessions and learning more strategies to help grow my new business, helping young adults to overcome their career and financial challenges and enjoy #adulting! I am proud to say that “I completed all the modules and associated actions in the MVP track, and am submitting my story to officially graduate!”

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