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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023


Pivoting to create an EMC to convert a 90 minutes volunteering activity into 1:1 coaching to offer a deep-dive opportunity Looking forward to positively impact the lives of my syudents. Iterate to awesome! More effectively spreading the knowledge with an experience product.

Rather than abruptly turning off, the gradually tapering down the access to AINSLEE would deliver better success to EPM alumni.

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Susan Silva

This was my second round of EPM, the first time I didn't make the goal. I felt I did everything (and I still do) but doing EPM a second time, I was able to take the things I didn't really do well (what I call my failures) of the first time. In my first round, I feel I did not effectively chatterbox, and I made a mission statement that had results that was actually trackable). These two changes, plus reinforcing all the other great information, from the first round, I was able to ... pretty easily make two sales, that resulted in 6 students! I have a commitment for 5 more later this year! (and this is just the start! ) I am seeing what is working and know I can repeat the wins and grow! It is a great source, of not giving up and making some changes and succeeding!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The amazing power of chatterboxing, and how just talking to people (even just online) can be more powerful than expensive campaigns that don''t work!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Word can not express my gratitude for Marisa, Murray and their team. It feels like this will truly be a turning place in my life, from working just to help others and not really making a profit, to still helping but being able to stress less and financially survive. It is not... a golden road.. but I have the skills and the knowledge to keep moving foward.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
It is now making money :-) amazing!

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can replicate the information learned, and apply it to the next steps.. then the steps after that... and then.. :-)

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Elizabeth Armstrong, PhD

"Living in the outskirts of Washington DC while attending high school drove me to drop-out of the high school. It was easier to walk in the front and out the back as a hippy during the racial riots that dominated the halls. I had no interest or desire to communicate through the written language.

Traveling throughout the United States and Hawaii as a waitress satisfying my need to grow, learn and make money. Sailing across the Pacific as a cook filled my sense adventure that did not require developing my writing skills.

A pivotal moment came when I became a single parent, functionally illiterate high school drop-out. Waitressing no longer served my ability to sustainably manage my life and family. Going back to school was my best option to move forward. Little did I know that moving from the heart to be there for my children after school, during holidays and through the summer may result in me obtaining a PhD in Biological Sciences.

What I did not know was that I was 1 in 3% of women to graduate with a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) degree. The other 92% were men. It was a time when environmentalist were considered to be terrorists. Bush became president, I was put on a terrorist list and become homeless.

Confusion and emotions challenged my survival. I was able to effectively communicate in a scientific arena. Yet the social expectations were not effectively set up for a smart woman scientist with a big heart. I was able to follow instructions on how to perform at work. Yet at a fixed salary.

A light bulb went off when I had a seasonal job as an Enrollment Coordinator. As I was being laid off, my manager walked up to me and said “We hope you come back next year since you made us a lot of money”. I was able to convert yet not able to make my worth.

Dabbling in owning a business for a few years I decided to sell the world on loving the environment. My communication skills hindered my Entrepreneur journey since the language was science jargon. Seven years and over $5,000 in investments left me very unfulfilled and struggling to keep my business open.

Fortuitously, Marisa Murgatroyd’s Live Your Message entered into my life. Her compassion and ability to provide the business language has allowed me to create my first viable program. Marisa’s generosity with marketing content and genius has ignited my success. The joyful Live your Message community provided me with the uplifting attitude to be a Champion.

As a result, my home-free lifestyle is on its way to becoming history. I am converting my clients, able to help others with what I have learned, and creating content that I am passionate about. Thank you Marisa and the Gang for all of your heart felt desire to help me thrive.

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Amber Mirza

I am a business strategist who loves to geek out on marketing, finance, sales and distribution channels to get entrepreneurs with an expertise and a desire for impact ethically profitable and energized as quickly as possible. I really appreciate the value Marisa and her incredible team have added to my own process. I love her teaching style, the EPM coaches, and the way this coaching program is structured. Thank you!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The way your team comes together to deliver. and Chatterboxing :)

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM showed up when I was talking myself into making time for my own offerings being more visible. It helped as an added valuable step in that process

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Adding more awesome people to my life who are doing their best to bring their gifts to people, and building my own skill set ALWAYS make me feel Great! Thank you!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
my comfort level with speaking of my own products and events

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
More doors opening

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After having struggles with my own health, being prescribed medication and finding out the possible side effects can be worse than the illness itself, I found myself faced with a decision - the illness or the medication -both prospects were depressing. I learned the answer was not in the medication, it could not cure my illness. The key was to use a holistic approach to rebuild my body through a diet that removed processed foods, and replace it with Whole Foods, which gave me the nutrients I needed. I also added movement and a mindfulness practice. As I changed my habits I began to heal until I no longer had the illness, all without taking any medication or surgery. Now I am an advocate for others to get on the road to healing by changing their lifestyle.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The greatest thing was creating a product that really expressed the message I wanted to share. Helping me to verbalize my message and giving me the tools to create an amazing experience.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I can see how I can use this formula to create other courses and I can imagine how my course will be very helpful to others as well as being able to create a group course as well

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Really seeing this whole process through the clients eyes. I still have to work hard at not telling my story the way I think it should be heard but instead based on what the client is thinking and needs to hear.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I feel like although I am a new health & life coach I have a product I am proud of and I feel like it's a professional, well put together, creative, life changing program. The possibilities of continuing to create additional programs are endless.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I needed more time. I realize that I had a lot of things on my plate and could not utilize half of the meetings that were provided. I also fell into the details more often because I had a pilot student giving me feedback which was great but that slowed me down from completing my MVP as quickly as possible. But actually I have the first few sessions all figured out and now I'm working on the remaining sessions as I work with my pilot clients.

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glenna malleau

with all the Covid lockdowns, in person teaching and tutoring become unfeasible. I was presented to Marisa Murgatryod and the EMP program via Anthony Morrison. I realized I could get my art teaching in front of a larger global audiences using webinars and marketing techniques the EPM processes. I have built the course to take advantage of the Xperiencify platform ...and the results are yet to be seen... I have spoken to dozens of people who are interested in the MVP live interactive courses in the comfort of their home... however I have not yet made the ""proof of concept " sales ... still working on that... Finally I spoke to Ms Shirley Leonard who was super enthused to join and also mentioned she would refer me to 3 other people. Yahoo!

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Christie Morden

I previously hired a coaching team, and they didn't deliver on their promise, so I was leery and prepared to give up on my desire to build online mental health programs. I joined EPM and knew right away that it was different. I learned the importance of taking small steps. I kept to the schedule which allowed me to not get overwhelmed, to complete my tasks, and to graduate!

I had known for a while that I wanted to create a program to support more people on their journey toward better mental health, but I had no idea how to go about it. I had so much going on in my mind, but may attention was scattered. I joined EPM and learned how to focus my energies on one aspect of product building at a time AND the order in which to do it. I followed the steps and found focus. My product is designed and launched. And it's starting to sell.

I would tend to get tongue-tied trying to talk about my program and end up feeling like an idiot who didn't know her own s#!t. EPM taught me chatterboxing, and, through practice, I became so comfortable talking about what I was offering, I could/would do it everywhere. On my last day at my day job a woman I don't didn't work intimately with asked about my future plans. I chatterboxed my little heart out - but in a very natural, conversational way - and we set up a Zoom call to discuss her needs and see if my product was something that would serve her. She bought it immediately afterward.

What's been the biggest change in your business?
My ability to talk about it

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have gained confidence and retired from my day job!

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
"The importance of building a solid foundation. That's important for me as I create but vital to incorporate into the experience products I build.
Create a product people actually want to engage with!"

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
The sky's the limit!

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I was having a mindset challenge in my business, thinking I couldn't go further because I couldn't find the way to sell my knowledge instead of other people's products. I wasn’t sure how to go forward and change my thinking then after I joined "live your message" and learnt how to make a program I have been unstoppable. I did the course and surprisingly finished it with a paper plane model of my own Program to help people change their lives where Chronic Pain is concerned.

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Jacquilla Smith

I was having problems creating an online courses. I joined EMP and I learned so much about how to clarify my niche and course mission and how to do rapid product creation so that I could get my product to market faster and connect with my ideal clients quicker ( to find out what they need and how I can provide that for them.) I was to do well in all of my milestones as well as attending the group coaching which was also very beneficial for all f us involved.

I was having problems trying to get online course ready to open up for people but I was so long of that dream as i had self doubt and perfectionism standing in my way . I also did not know much about which platform would be good for my course .I also did not know about how to find ideal clients and how to market to them effectively and how to have enrolment conversations. I EPM I learned all these skills, strengthened my mindsets to help me with success . I am so proud of myself that I was able to finish this EPM course (because there's been many online courses that I've tried and never finished so EPM is extremely successful and engaging in that respect. So I managed to finally launch my course (later than I had hoped for ) I also made it to the final pivot in a few enrolment conversations even though I still have not made any sales .Having those enrolment conversations and asking people to buy my course still feels very awkward and very unnatural to me as I've never tried to sell anything before doing EPM. I have the first parts of my course which are pretty solidly but after talking with my types of clients I have realised that I do need to pivot the course material a bit in one way to serve my clients even better wit a source of stress support that I had not included in my previous course planning. . So will have research more of this to include later in my curse pr as a bonus topic . I have loved doing the EPM flight deck and leaned more tan I ever could have imagined and I am well on the way towards living y dreams as a course creator. Although t was not possible for me to deliver the course on xperiecify the first time I'll definitely have the videos reedy for xperiecify to turn it into a membership site so that people can do the course on xperiecify from that point onwards!

That I was able to overcome my procrastination and perfectionism and get momentum reaching my goals. I have also now got a business name It has taught me so much and been an amazing journey . I helped me step out of my comfort zone .It has helped me to recognise sand pinpoint some of the things that were holding me back before from succeeding at creating an online course. It also helped me to see where I was making mistakes or doing things that would make my chances of failing more possible ,Then EPM has helped me overcome some of my internal and external barriers and obstacles in order to still make progress towards my goals and online course creation to market and sell. I am a more competent and confident person now and because I have changed my life is improving all the time. I have had so many takeaways. But one huge takeaway for me was that it was possible to earn while I learn and that it was not necessary to finish my entire course before beginning to sell it. I also learned how important the experience product components are and why for my customers . It was also the experience product of EPM that kept me engaged and having momentum to be able to complete the flight deck in EPM .(which is different to many other online courses that I have not been able to complete )The experience product meant that I not only learned a lot from the EPM course but I also thoroughly enjoyed the process It is now possible for me to see a future for myself running an online business creating experience product courses.This means that I'll know how to iterate my way to awesome improving my online courses more and more and will eventually be able to give up my day job teaching (which I have wanted to do for a long time)

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Pam Waters

I was having problems deciding how to build my passion into a business. I wasn't sure how to reach my audience, how to do Facebook posts effectively or how to organize and manage my business once up and running. I joined EPM for guidance as a new solopreneur and soon discovered a make-sense roadmap to building my business from the ground up. I'm still working on some challenging aspects that I am facing in engaging my audience but am hopeful that my business will stick, grow, and I can help many!

I have an organized plan to get me beyond the paper plane version of my business. I have accomplished a lot in EPM and feel I can move forward. I have a much better understanding of the phycological things that I am going through now. The mental challenges are mostly just that, mental challenges. It was comforting to not feel alone as other solopreneurs have the same struggles. I am normal, lol. Now the monsters don't look so big and scary! I will continue to gain support and sign up for the lab. Having coaches and someone to talk me through the process is what I need right now as I do next steps

Thank you for all you do! EPM is like drinking through a fire hose....sometimes you feel like you're drowning, sometimes you feel refreshed, clean and renewed. The journey was amazing!

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