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252 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2019

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Jean Rockefeller (class of 2019)

Your Graduation Story
I am motivated and charged with the knowledge that I not only have a mission and purpose but now have the tools necessary to share my teachings with others and received that it doesn't have to be perfect. I just need to do it!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That I don't need my classes to be %100 complete and perfect before offering.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Motivation and information. I thought I was technologically challenged but I found that I knew more than I thought I did which was empowering.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It gave me confidence and I now feel I am armed with the tools and knowledge to succeed

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I know that my knowledge and 20 years of experience are valuable and I am now pricing my products and services to reflect that without hesitation.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am able to reach more people and share my abilities in an authentic way without hesitation or concern. EPM has set me up for success and I only need to follow through and launch my ideas and make them a reality.

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Nicole Parks (class of 2019)

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I was stuck, I wasn’t sure what to do in my business. I joined EPM and the course gave me a step-by-step process for product creation. I made the minimum goal with my old product and used EPM learnings to experiencify it.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Make it fun!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Side door coaching

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Enjoyed the course

What has been the biggest change in your business?

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Building a course platform on Xperiencify.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

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Carla Armour (class of 2019)

Your Graduation Story
When I signed up for the Masterclass I really had no idea what a seriously deep and immersive program it would be. I had seen a few videos and an interview with Marisa and was intrigued by the experiencify concept applied to online or coaching business.

From the first bonus Niche down Profits up module I found the tasks to find my micro niche was the biggest revelation and completely changed my approach to the product I was initially thinking of developing. Writing my product origin story was also very emotional and brought up many past situations that have shaped my program in ways i didn't realize I should have incorporated. Then each subsequent module not only gave thorough templates and tasks but also went really in-depth into each area of the training again pushing me to delve deeper, and iterate my way to my mission, my new business product. It was like a university education in 13 weeks.

I look forward to launch as I put all my final pieces together and will definitely reach Mission accomplished by the end of February.
My approach to all my business activities has change and I am already implementing these changes even though I have not yet launched my actual product developed for this Masterclass.
I have also learnt invaluable coaching approaches from all the group sessions. Marisa and the entire EPM crew have made such an impact on me and my approach which has meant a complete turn-around for how i will serve my clients and will always play a role in how I operate every aspect of my business.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
"Done is better than perfect". Best motto for a 'recovering perfectionist'

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Laura McSharry (class of 2019)

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I started a business teaching 15 - 16 year olds to get their best GCSE biology, chemistry or physics grades. This is a UK exam all students have to take. I had completed a couple of courses but hadn't got the answers or direction I needed to know how to market, deliver and focus on the business.
This course has been amazing! I now understand the step by step process that is required to market, produce a course, understand my value, word my adverts etc etc. My biggest shift has been my change from writing adverts from a ""I think this is a good idea' process to knowing why and how to deliver my message and feel good about it.
In short I have struck gold with this course. And the experiencify platform is the icing on the cake!
I am now considered an authority in my field based on my change in understanding of my value. Thank you Marisa, thank you team EPM and thank you Murray

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Do the work you will be successful

How did EPM help you become successful?
Understanding the power of the chatterbox campaign

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I know the way, I know what I need to do achieve

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Niche down

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have the vision, I will always know how to make money using my skills

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you!

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` (& Joe Wilkinson) (class of 2019)

Your Graduation Story
I'm about to officially launch my product in the next week with a kick ass (in my opinion because I am using Marisa's advice) marketing plan and a totally awesome Xperiencify membership site. And none of it would have been possible without EPM. Even though I did not get my product out into the market during the EPM timeframe to earn $2,000 by 2/1, I feel like I have won 10x over due to all of the valuable lessons I've learned and resources that EPM provided. The coaching and the content modules provided exactly the direction and guidance I needed to go from spinning my wheels in the mud to speeding in the fast lane into the world being an Entrepreneur! I can't wait to see where the journey takes me next...something tells me the Live Your Message Tribe will be a part of future successes.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

How did EPM help you become successful?
It got me started and propelled me faster than I could imagine. It gave me great clarity and direction.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I'm committed to having a good time with whatever I do, and EMP made the process of building my first ever product for my first ever business FUN. I am living my message.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
In mid-November the "a-ha" that The NastyMind Escape Plan was "the" front door for the business. The direction was different prior to that and it was a struggle.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

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Kelly McClymer (class of 2019)

Your Mission Accomplished Story
After 20 years of success as a published novelist, I was stuck for 2 years transitioning from a writing instructor to a writing coach with my Hack Your Muse coaching brand. I spent too much time designing courses to help writers finish a book, but rarely launched or marketed them because I could feel there was something missing. The lightbulb would go on, I'd start designing, and then it would flicker off. I'd seen the disappointing drop off rates when I taught before. I'd been a student who didn't always finish a program myself.

I didn't want to create a program that would leave writers with unfinished books. With 40 years of experience, I knew anyone could finish a book, and that I could help them do it. But how to design a program that would impart 40 years of knowledge and still leave writers with time to write the book?

I joined the Experience Product Masterclass because Marisa expressly shared her own desire to design courses that people finished, and enjoyed. Through the EPM coaching and coursework, I realized three key things: I needed to simplify my offer, I needed to clarify my offer, and -- most importantly -- I needed to begin having conversations about how to finish the book with prospective members of the ""finish-the-book"" tribe I want to grow.

Unlike in my previous two years of struggle to design exactly the ""right"" offer (spoiler alert...there isn't one), I started asking my (small) email list questions about them, about their books, about their struggles. I reached out to writers I had talked to personally in the past.

As I reached out (definitely not in my personal comfort zone), I talked to everyone with a growing confidence that my program would allow writers to finish a book -- because I could help them do the one thing they most needed -- sweep all the mind clutter away and keep them focused on solving every problem and making every decision on the path between ""Once upon a time,"" and ""happily ever after."" I had (finally, with Marisa's help) designed a program that would speed a writer through her first draft. At last, the lightbulb had stopped flickering and was shining full on.

Ironically, I hit Mission Accomplished from a totally unexpected direction, but directly related to the Chatterbox outreach I did because of EPM. I'm confident that I'll be taking 1,000 writers through ""Win Your Writing Game: Finish Your Book"" in 2020. I know what to do to make it happen, and I'm ready to roll up my sleeves, stick my iPhone on my tripod, and get the necessary conversation between my finish-the-book tribe and me going.

Thanks, Marisa, Murray, Don, Coach Matthew, and all the generous members of EPM. I could have done it without just about a hundred years from now.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I've been doing a lot, through Teachable and Ask, to make this coaching brand happen, and shift my mindset/focus to building a successful Hack Your Muse brand. But EPM helped me reframe my mindset in a game-centered way. We (my students, Marisa, and ME) all stick with what is both enjoyable and is clearly leading us to our objective for much longer than we stick with anything that leaves us confused or going up blind alleys in the dark trusting we're going to get where we want to do. So, in 2020, I'm focused on the most important two metrics -- are my students enjoying themselves while they make progress? If the answer is no to either of those questions...time for me to pull out the EPM core experience toolbox and get to work.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM helped me reach Mission Accomplished because it didn't let me off the hook. I needed to choose which campaigns I was going to run...and RUN them. EPM gave me very clear guidelines on what it looked like to run them, and how to know if a particular campaign was working for me or not. But I couldn't hit that little circle and hear the sound of success until I'd not only created, but RUN the campaign.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Having developed so much that will help me build my Hack Your Muse branding during the 10 weeks of EPM, I feel a little gobsmacked. I have a brand new website, two brand new lead magnets, a sales page, six marketing campaigns, and a value-added curriculum built that I can use now and in the future. I didn't just create a program, I created a machine. Best of all, I can visualize my goals for Hack Your Muse for 2020 and I can believe in them, so I'm finding it easier to share my goals with my husband, friends, and family (something I've rarely been willing to do before).

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The biggest change in Hack Your Muse is that it is now real, instead of hidden away on my author website. It has its own brand website and soon Google will know it is a force to be reckoned with.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
The Core Experience elements of my Experience Product have me really excited. I look forward to developing more of them. This kind of program development aligns with my core beliefs (from raising two unique children with unique learning challenges, and other life experiences). We can all finish our books, meet our goals, or make our dreams come true. Discouragement and confusion are the true enemies of dreams, not time and money.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I didn't have the time or money to take EPM. But I'm so glad I did it anyway. I want writer who take my programs to feel exactly the same way I do, as I hit mission accomplished, and look to the future.

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Myca Brown (class of 2019)

Your Graduation Story
When I started this program I had ZERO confidence to do any kind of an online business. I've been out of the work force for nearly two decades as a stay at home mom and so much has changed! On top of that I had spent 5 years dealing with severely debilitating illness but doctors could find nothing wrong with me so I was labeled depressed and told I needed anti-depressants and that I was causing all my illness. After so many years I started to believe them. My husband left me, and my family and children all believed the doctors. I lost all motivation to do anything. Finally a well known naturopath discovered I had toxic mold poisoning and I was able to heal myself, but left feeling betrayed, resentful, insecure, and with no idea what to do next.

The psychological messages you deliver in this program have brought me to tears countless times! Every time I feel like giving up, ""There You Are"" inspiring me and ""normalizing challenges"" and helping to make us all less afraid to try and fail and keep going even when we're not perfect. I am believing in myself again and that is the greatest gift you have given me. Thank you!!

Understanding all the internet marketing techniques, learning social media, learning all the new technology is definitely my biggest challenge. It is very slow going but I am perservering and looking forward to learning Heroic this month and Xperiencify and continuing to gain clarity around my super powers!! I still feel awkward marketing myself and continually second guess myself. I know once I get traction and some successes I will take off quickly and t's only a matter of time.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It's better to be Done than Perfect! Iterate your way to Awesome! Feedback Loops, Learn by Doing and keep tweaking as you go along. Failure is not the opposite of success. Each failure is a stepping stone along the path to success. This all is all a complete mind shift for me and has changed my life in so many ways, in every single aspect of my life. Thank you!!!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Gives so many great mental models for developing the products and helped me visualize what my successful future self looks like; more confidence; ability to take action with less fear and doubt; technical / marketing knowledge is outstanding! There's so much great content I plan to go back through the entire course again and know I will reference many of the tools provided for years to come.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Feel more excited to get out of bed everyday and have more faith in myself and in a successful future. Have a new desire to learn and keep learning. Feel like a new chapter of my life is beginning.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Helping people, expanding product lines and making money

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Xonna Clark (class of 2019)

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I have learned the power of persistence, patience, and continuing one step at a time. Right before Christmas, I started feeling that the program I had been working on for the prior 6 weeks was not really what I wanted to start off the year with, although it would still be one that I'd offer this year. So even though I told myself to just keep going with it, I just couldn't build up enthusiasm and so right before Christmas made a decision to put that one on hold and create a different kind of program that I thought would be better suited for my potential clients. So I started from square one with niche down profits up and finally after 4 weeks, I had the right concept in mind, but now it was time to get ready to launch and I was still on step 2. Oh my, so I just kept working each day on it, and eventually told myself that I could be flexible on my original launch plans and date of 1/29 and create a new launch strategy and date that would be more reasonable, so I chose 2/1 as my official launch date and 2/15 as my program start date. However, I decided I needed to warm my audience first since I had been incognito for a whole month as my new idea was birthing. So I started a free challenge on facebook on a topic that was close to my program. Then I created a survey as part of both my research on the concept but also to warm my audience on the topic. It took me a whole month to get the survey to production, but I did it last week. The survey invited them to a free consultation on the challenge they highlighted. I have received about 50 results out of that survey, yet the first person who signed up for a free consultation actually ended up buying into my 1-1 program on my EPM topic, and this enabled me to get to MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! Yeah! It was a person who had been in the wings but never purchased anything from me, but my EPM program concept caught her attention and now she is a client! So the moral of the story is to just keep going, no matter what the process looks like, and you will achieve your goal!!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I can do this!

How did EPM help you become successful?
I am creating programs that are more aligned with both what clients want and what I want to do; I know how to create a program experience that keeps them engaged, something I had struggled with

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Well, there's been a lot of stress over the past 12 weeks, but I've grown a lot and I believe this is opening me to more ideal clients and more fulfillment and prosperity. My thinking is bigger

What has been the biggest change in your business?
refined ideal client and niche

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Actually delivering the group experience and seeing the results, and using this model in the rest of my programming.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you!

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Donna Ficaro (class of 2019)

Your Graduation Story
EPM has been a great experience for me. It has pushed me to my limits.

I have had a couple of challenges during this adventure. I fell down some stairs on December 26th and fractured 2 ribs, sprained my left knee and my right foot. I couldn't sit comfortably; I couldn't stand for long. And laying down was not a convenient way to get thing done.

This was only one of my challenges. The other one has been both a fear of and not knowing how to work with all the tech stuff.

So, the program has frustrated me; but, It has also excited me. I have learned a lot about putting out an online offer and the marketing tools and effort it takes to be successful. The tech support has really helped. And although I haven't made any sales yet, I am confident that I will.

I have felt a burning desire to complete the program, and I have. Hurray!!!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM has given me the tools that I need to feel confident in making my offers

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
My success so far is completing the program.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I haven't seen and big change in my business at this time.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Continuing to promote the product and exploring new means to achieve success.

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Morgan Toombs (class of 2019)

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I have wanted to create a course for nurses regarding the medical use of cannabis for some time. Even though I’d created many successful offline courses, I wasn’t sure what to do for an online/virtual course so I explored my options to learn this skillset.

I wanted a program that wouldn’t waste my time – meaning would get me to where I wanted to go. What drew me to the Experience Product Masterclass (EPM) was their guarantee. Since they were willing to put their money where their mouth was, I figured they must know what they are talking about.

I joined EPM and learned how specifically to frame my Cannabis Competent Nurse Level 1 course for online delivery and sales.

The course could have been delivered in half the time. I also would have appreciated more care with content curation. There was almost an equal amount of “extra credit” work as core content work and, after searching for something I really needed in the core content, I ended up finding it in the extra credit section.

Regardless, from what I was taught in EPM (intentional and accidental), I created my first online course and whittled it down from a 30-day completion timeframe to an easy 6 hour (max!) completion timeframe. My audience is busy nursing professionals and I learned how important it is to ""get to the point"" and help them successfully cross the finish line in as little time possible.

I primarily used the “give them what they want” campaign to market it and sold 250 seats to my beta launch.

The majority of the first few weeks content was not very relevant for me, as I was already crystal clear on my audience and what I would be delivering. The value came in the middle few weeks where we were given not just the steps but also the thinking processes to create a strong online course: “the why” in addition to “the what” and “how.”

Moving forward, I like having a road map to create more online courses in the future, which is a natural addition to my current online business.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Less is more. Trust myself. Pay attention to red flags. Good can always be found when looking for it. Too many "selly" emails interferes with the sellers perceived integrity.

How did EPM help you become successful?
the online marketing elements with exact steps and examples was very helpful.

I re-did the give them what they want campaign -- had 45 respondents my first try (with 94% saying they would want to take my course) and 464 respondents my second time (with 99.4% indicating they are interested in taking my course)

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
get to go to LA with a GF in march - so that will be fun.

have an online course that is ready to go - which will help us as we break into bigger national and international markets.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
my business is still the same. running on auto with my amazing team.

this course and being positioned as THE cannabis competency trainer in the world will add extra opportunities for media etc. I would have done this without EPM though --

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
proving concept with the content and then creating a course for prescribers and industry professionals.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

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