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Myca Brown's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Myca Brown

Your Graduation Story
When I started this program I had ZERO confidence to do any kind of an online business. I've been out of the work force for nearly two decades as a stay at home mom and so much has changed! On top of that I had spent 5 years dealing with severely debilitating illness but doctors could find nothing wrong with me so I was labeled depressed and told I needed anti-depressants and that I was causing all my illness. After so many years I started to believe them. My husband left me, and my family and children all believed the doctors. I lost all motivation to do anything. Finally a well known naturopath discovered I had toxic mold poisoning and I was able to heal myself, but left feeling betrayed, resentful, insecure, and with no idea what to do next.

The psychological messages you deliver in this program have brought me to tears countless times! Every time I feel like giving up, ""There You Are"" inspiring me and ""normalizing challenges"" and helping to make us all less afraid to try and fail and keep going even when we're not perfect. I am believing in myself again and that is the greatest gift you have given me. Thank you!!

Understanding all the internet marketing techniques, learning social media, learning all the new technology is definitely my biggest challenge. It is very slow going but I am perservering and looking forward to learning Heroic this month and Xperiencify and continuing to gain clarity around my super powers!! I still feel awkward marketing myself and continually second guess myself. I know once I get traction and some successes I will take off quickly and t's only a matter of time.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It's better to be Done than Perfect! Iterate your way to Awesome! Feedback Loops, Learn by Doing and keep tweaking as you go along. Failure is not the opposite of success. Each failure is a stepping stone along the path to success. This all is all a complete mind shift for me and has changed my life in so many ways, in every single aspect of my life. Thank you!!!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Gives so many great mental models for developing the products and helped me visualize what my successful future self looks like; more confidence; ability to take action with less fear and doubt; technical / marketing knowledge is outstanding! There's so much great content I plan to go back through the entire course again and know I will reference many of the tools provided for years to come.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Feel more excited to get out of bed everyday and have more faith in myself and in a successful future. Have a new desire to learn and keep learning. Feel like a new chapter of my life is beginning.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Helping people, expanding product lines and making money