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417 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2022

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Verena Gale (class of 2022)

For years people would tell me how well organized I am and that I am an inspiration for them. When I had the thought that I would change my career path, I thought I should make my natural gift for organizing my next career, so I joined the EPM program. I was doing the steps I was supposed to in the program, but I felt overwhelmed at times. Nevertheless, I kept going and have reached graduation and I have accomplished more than I would have imagined. I learned a lot in a rather short time and I feel a bit more confident moving forward.

My original idea was to help people declutter and organize their homes, but by going through the EPM program, I realized that the task was to big for the first minimum viable product. Therefore, I had to niche down. It is more manageable for me now and I realized that I need to create something manageable for others too. Instead of increasing overwhelm, I am here to help overcome the initial resistance to decluttering and set people on a path to reach the desired goal.

I was scared about the idea of chatterboxing, but I called up a former neighbor, who was the person I based the program on. She could be called the ideal client. I had not spoken to her in a couple of years and it was nice to catch up. Naturally, the conversation came to what are you up at this time and I told her, I am creating this course. She immediately inquired if it will be in person or online, since she now lives far from me. I told her that I might start out in person, but move online when I am closer to having everything ready. After hearing that, she said, "Sign me up." I could not believe what I am hearing. It seemed so easy and early in the conversation. This has convinced me that I can do it, I just need to keep doing it.

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Mary Amara Lelle (class of 2022)

I had been feeling fear about teaching a course for 15 years, because I wasn't sure what to do in order to start and accomplish that goal. I joined EPM and learned how to create my MVP by following each module and lesson, doing my homework, and completing each milestone with a resounding thumbs-up from Coach Uwe (the thumbs-up emoji never before looked so satisfying!)

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Ishtar Dobler (class of 2022)

I was having problems with bringing my first very own program to live as I didn't have experience in how to name things, finding the right words for my message and gift. I have worked for 9 months intensely to find out what my audience wants, what they need, but I was frustrated with not being sure if I'm on the right track and which specific steps are needed to bring the product to market fast. I joined EPM and got a huge motivation boost, because I realized that I'm actually on a right track just having to adjust some important things like getting more specific and narrow with my target audience. I also benefited a lot from the coaching and side-door coaching. Coach Uwe helped me overcome my blockage for chatterboxing, that was a huge gift! I got out of bed so enthusiastic and full of power each day within these weeks of EPM, I didn't experience for years. And I made 4 sales for now having had only 6 enrollment conversations. I already made almost double of my investment back and I'm confident that there'll be more. I just reviewed the very first module where we had to set our goals and see that my target goal was to make 10 sales within 12 weeks... bold me... LOL! so I would say I go back to chatterboxing ;-)

What's been the biggest change in your business?
I feel more free to talk about my products with confidence

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
I'm super motivated to keep track and keep iterating my way to awesome

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
to being guided in this very new process of bringing a product to market, being vulnerable and it's ok, being encouraged to being curious and risk fails

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have my very first own program on the market and can reach customers with confidence

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for your amazing work. I love your contagious enthusiasm, loving challenge and natural connection with each one of us.

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Graciela López (class of 2022)

I wanted to start my coaching business online and had invested time and money in several digital courses, but had not taken any action. I wasn´t sure what to do to get started. I joined EPM and for the first time, I was on my way to creating my first course online ... I got all my Milestones completed on time and approved ... and in 10 weeks I was ready to launch my online course!

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Mary Bouras (class of 2022)

I was having a hard time feeling like I could grow my business. I felt like I was limited because of our military lifestyle (moving every 2 years, being stationed overseas, etc.). I wasn’t sure what to do with the business I started before we received orders to move overseas. I knew I didn’t want to dissolve it or put it on hold. I decided to pivot in my business and offer more services than just life coaching. I decided to offer etiquette and protocol training and utilize my training and experience. I joined EPM and learned how to create a course. When I heard Marisa speak at a conference, I knew I wanted to work with her and learn from her! And, I did just that! I created the blueprint for my MVP, the Open Doors Masterclass. At this present moment, I’m still putting on the finishing touches to send to Xperiencify. I learned exactly what I needed to do and how to do it, while having fun along the way. I haven’t made any sales or proven my product, YET. But, I will. And, I won’t stop until I do!
Thank you, Marisa, for a phenomenal experience learning with you!

What's been the biggest change in your business?
My business and my attitude towards my business has been reenergized. I know I can do it. I know I can be successful because I have been successful.

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has reenergized my business. I know that I have a lot to offer people. Learning from Marisa has been amazing. I feel like she has definitely Marisafied my product. :) The blueprint we've learned and all of the bonuses have taught me so much! The amount of knowledge from this one course is priceless!

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Be consistent. Keep the momentum going. MVP is just the first iteration.'

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
My business will grow. I will help people become their best version. And, perhaps along the way, the world will benefit from more people learning about etiquette and respect for ourselves and others.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Even though I haven't made a sale yet, I have not given up. I may have my moments of second-guessing myself, but this course has taught me so much!

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Rei ( Barbara) McColley (class of 2022)

I was stuck for years .. I actually owned a holding company for 20 years that developed small business... but was retired for over 20 years .. I was overwhelmed at the prospect of learning online marketing in my 70's ... I did so many programs that got me even more overwhelmed... the EPM program has given me everything I need ... plus the support to move through and claim that I really do have something of value to put out into the world.

I was overwhelmed by technology and social media... and how to message online ... EPM gave me every tool I needed to move through and overcome my perfection paralysis and move into action.

I used the chatterbox technique to have conversations with people I met in other courses...and made 2 sales.

I proved my idea by running a beta group for free with coaching cohorts from another course, got great feedback and am excited to do more

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Kowsalya Sugavanam (class of 2022)

I was having problem with Course Creation because of too much Content.I was not sure what to do with creating and selling the course in a structured pattern.I joined Lovely EPM course and benefited a lot from step by step process ,Even though it was overwhelming and afraid to take action,i tried and tested everything by winning Sound..I couldn't believe myself as i always procrastinate and now wohoo! I am working with my clients

I was having problem with chatterboxing and even normal chat is even big deal for me..I wasn't sure about anything but tried and come out of my comfort zone.I wish this platform make me a better version not only in Course creation but also trying different possibilities,searching new ideas and fine tuning and got amazing results

I was having problem with" is it possible with people believe me through my conversation"..But i tried..i just randomly call to every person i know...i just talked with one of friend to suggest a referal for my course..but to my surprise she was interested and she enrolled to me immediately..It was an pleasant surprise to me...Thank You EPM

I won't believe in Chatterboxing and that too with Strangers,but i opened my possibilities and end up with chatterboxing a lot! PIVOT points made me how to start and end an conversation easily

What's been the biggest change in your business?
No to Procrastination,Live conversation with people,Feel so many people need my course...wohoooo

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel whole and so proud of me and see Life in my own terms and loving souls who believe me in my works..tears rolled down a lot

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I am the Change, Change my perspective about people and living my dream life

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Creating my own content and always feel there is guide to overcome my obstacle

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Love you all

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Jessie Scott (class of 2022)

I had the training and course outline from the certification training which is for high end sales, but I wanted to target parents fighting with teens / street kids. I liked the EMP idea of Gamifying as would engage parents and teens with dopamine hits to complete the course and get them talking. There was so much information but learnt I needed that lean and to the point is much more impactful.

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Mandie (class of 2022)

I was having difficulty completing and launching my coaching program. I had been tinkering, revamping and starting again from scratch for over 3 years with no success. I wasn't sure how to wade through the volumes of content I had created and start sharing my message with the world. In October, I joined EPM and learned, committed to and was held accountable to the MVP Mindset. With guidance and encouragement, sideline coaching and tips from Coach Lucas, Mondays with Marissa, GIDF, other pod members and FB group, I took daily action towards my goal and graduated the MVP program. Next step: launch...stay tuned for the next chapter of my journey to successfully launching my first (of many) programs. Thank you EPM.

What's been the biggest change in your business?
I have a product to launch (and a repeatable process for doing it again).

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
Momentum...for as you do one thing...daily action towards a goal with measurable and time specific outcomes is my MO.

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Get a mentor...anything is possible (and easier) with the systems, supports and people around you.

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Unlimited possibilities, speaking, speaking, performing, hosting retreats...helping bring more light into the world on a larger scale, one person, one group, one community, one event at a time...ripple effect

Is there anything else you would like to add?
This is the first course (and I've taken many) that kept me engaged the entire time, through the ups and downs, the challenges, the lulls and the successes. One of my desires for 2022 was to find a mentor who truly spoke my language, delivered content in the way I teach and has similar (fun) ways of landing a message and I found that in Marissa.

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Mark Olmstead (class of 2022)

Thankyou so much Marisa (and Murray) (I LOVE your synergy!!) for this amazing course, and the experience of finally actually making it "through" a course, though I'm still in the works to the ultimate mission accomplished.
I am feeling more confident about getting my Raising Resilient Kiddos course out there and hope to be able to get back into my songwriting a little more dedicatedly (?) soon as a result of the impending mega success of the course and business that is being launched as a result of your amazing program and my amazing intelligence to go for it with you.

Thankyou both for the wonderful light you shine in the world, the example you are to all of humanity and the gift your brilliant dedication has been to me.

If there's anything I can do for you... write a theme song, open a show with music...(we recorded a pretty good 'theme song" potential for you I wrote called "Rise and Shine" at I think the end of the 2nd to last of CoachMike's Wednesday calls), whatever you need,

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