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649 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2020

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Gordon D (class of 2020)

It's been tough keeping momentum, mainly due to the length of the videos, but the content was complete and thorough.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Success is a process

What has been the biggest change in your business?
more clear thinking

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Cheryl Congrove (class of 2020)

"Despite not getting to hit the “Mission Accomplished” button, I consider my EPM journey a great success. As a therapist adding coaching to my practice, and knowing the neuroscience that drives human engagement, I knew that an experience product was the way I wanted to go. What I didn’t know, or expect, was how my course creation process would turn into my own personal development and therapeutic journey. The enemy was real, and the enemy was me! Who knew that so much could be revealed from rewriting my mission statement over, and over, and over, and over!

Thank you Marisa for honoring the meaning and intentional use of words. I believe in iterating my way to awesome, but without the focused time on planning, I most certainly would have lost myself in the rabbit hole of content creation and missed learning how to truly capture the attention of my ideal client (and course-profits!). My future course participants will also thank you for saving them from the firehose of content I had been preparing…and a bonus for me is that I now have at least 5 more experience product courses in my creation-queue!

Because of my EPM journey, I am now far more in touch with who my ideal client is, her problems, and the results I offer; How to speak her language; How to ""nail my offer;"" I am comfortable with chatter boxing: And, I experienced how incentives, encouragement, and working step-by-step alongside like-minded participants is the secret sauce or course success.

Due to unexpected life circumstances that impede my ability to lead my course for a few weeks, I have given myself permission to launch my course a little later than planned. Nevertheless, I have been inspired by my fellow EPMers from day one through today. The content learned during this course has been invaluable. Thank you Marisa and the EPM team for a great education and experience! "

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Go step-by-step and iterate my way to awesome!

How did EPM help you become successful?
It caused me to slow down and spend time on my mission before rushing into product creation.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has boosted my confidence about what I have to offer.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My clarity around my niche and how I market my services.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I will be able to offer additional courses that will all feel connected under the brand I am creating.

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Gail Clifford (class of 2020)

While I haven't made a sale, I know I keep hitting the same bumps that I have for the past 12 years. But, with the help of the Doers Way out of Australia, and a VA, I remain optimistic that I'll make sales with this very worthy product in the next week or two - would love for it to be by Feb 1 but can't confirm and don't know if I'll have internet - better to graduate than to miss it all. Thanks for all you've taught us.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
take the next step to completing the action

How did EPM help you become successful?
stick with the next step you can do - probably didn't utilize the coaches the way I should've - didn't really understand the "unlimited email" portion with Jordan

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
confidence to keep trying

What has been the biggest change in your business?
clarity on what should be included

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
maybe sell a product - hope to, and get away from medicine and Covid death and destruction

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Irving Yee (class of 2020)

I got clear on my message for my product, I made about 30 videos for my training course and learned a ton of stuff along the way. Thanks to EPM. This is the farthest I have been able to get to building my first product and I am happy to get to this point.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I am a perfectionist by nature. I now know it’s more important to show up and help people along the way than to make the perfect product.

How did EPM help you become successful?
In a short time, I am able to now see the big picture and bring all the things I’ve learned in the past several years into this program, whether it is branding, marketing or selling.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I’ve started to connect with people more on social media, email and zoom. I kind of came out of my shell.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I realized that my website catered to no one specifically and that I needed to make some changes to it. I am finding ways to deliver my message to my target audience.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
It is now possible for me to have my first product delivered in Xperiencify so I can start helping others and change the world.

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Kristina Cichy Kovacikova (class of 2020)

"My big sister Ivana Brutenic started business when she was only 22 (that was 15 years ago????). Since 2013 we have been creating and implementing LinkedIn strategies for so many huge companies. Once a client told us that his business can only be done through contacts. After the implementation of our strategy, this company increased their revenues in half a million... ;)Now it is the time for us to support WOMEN SUPER POWER???? .
We wanted to create online product for about 3 years. But there was always something - new clients, launching the biggest LinkedIn event in Slovakia, brand new education format.
We joined EPM to learn how to create this product from technical and sales point of view. And to be honest, we needed DDL and someone who would kick our asses till we make it.
And we did :)
We learned how to our existing products more effectively. Mostly using urgency and adding bonuses.

With our new course we want to show women that LinkedIn is not boring and they can achieve their goals very effectively. They only have to rely on our knowledge and we teach them how to do that, be successful, confident and still have fun.
With Beyonce singing my mind: ""Who run the world, GIRLS!""

PS: it was my birthday when more and more clients said YES to our product or other service. Best gift :):):)


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Judy Wong (class of 2020)

This program has been in the making for about two years. I have been an entreprene ur for many years and have never felt it was the right time and the right place for this. When I saw Marisa's Xperiencify platform, I finally felt this would be the right place and the right time. As a veteran marketer and commercial artist, I have to say Marisa knows her stuff! Even though I did not make the minimum $2000 by Feb 1 ( I actually was not expecting to because I was not in a rush) I am confident that when it begins on Valentine's Day (because love lifts the light of life) I will have much more than the minimum. I am grateful to Marisa & gang for motivating me to move this along to fruition. This is a program from the heart to my peers in need. This is the right time and the right platform and my son will be happy I have entered the 21st Century! I have watched Marisa for years. She has come a long way and, as I told her, she reminds me of me in my younger days! I look forward to connecting more and I plan on creating more courses using this fun platform because us older folk like to have fun too! In Love and Light...Many Blessings to Marisa and her crew and this tribe!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I love that it reawaken the marketing skill set I forgot I had because it has been so many years since I used them.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It motivated me to finally get it done and bring it to my peers in need.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I believe I have found the right venue to move my message forward.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I upped my game as a vibrational energy healer /transformation coach

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can bring my message to greater number of people.

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Liz Bucknor (class of 2020)

I received a ton helpful information during this program. It was great to have the guidance and group energy to get moving on launching an experience product. Even though my product launch may not have been a success, the process of taking action on something helped me get one step closer on defining my ideal niche market. I realized what I was building wasn't really where my heart was on who and how I most wanted to be serving and making a difference in the world.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Honed marketing skills

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me take action on a path to see more clearly it might not be the niche for me.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I definitely feel more confident in following the EPM model for the newly honed niche I want to pursue.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The number 1 has been reaching my target audience of recent grad and young professionals. Out of my current social media network of 1500, maybe 3 fit the age range and only 1 has a desire to build an international career. My chatterboxing within my current network seemed to fall on deaf ears, likely because they didn't fit. With the pandemic, a goal focused on international travel may not have been as timely too.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I feel confident that I'll still reach my first 2K; it might just be 9 months instead of 3 months.

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Renzo de Almeida (class of 2020)

I’m graduating. Did my first sale today! .. for a fraction of my goal price, but still it is a sale! Happy for this big step! and looking forward to meeting again at the LIVE event.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Bird’s Eye View and just start and iterate

How did EPM help you become successful?
Gave me the framework to be confident on what I have to do

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
With Confidence that this is possible and making an income

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Create an online business

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Build my course and continue selling it

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Christina Graziano (class of 2020)

This has been a great experience for me. I learned so much from everyone. Even though I did not officially launch my program (I am in the process of starting my business) the information was so useful. When my business is up and running I will have the experience and the knowledge to successfully market my product.

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C.J Lee (class of 2020)

"I have started so many classes like this, and never finished them!! Because of the way the course is broken up into do-able little bits, I was finally able to finish. Also because: pandemic lockdown. I would sometimes watch the video, and then be about to walk away without doing the worksheet. Then I would check myself: ""It's a pandemic. I literally have nothing else to do right now. What am I going to do that's more important than this? I'll just *look* at the worksheet."" If I could get myself to look at the worksheet and gauge the work, I would usually do it. A couple times the worksheet was a big job, and I'd have to think about it and schedule time to do it later. But--I did!! and it felt sooooo good to finally complete those things that seemed really big and difficult. I remember being in my office after clicking the button one night, feeling that sense of accomplishment from doing something I had been putting off, and thinking, now I can do this from my to-do list, and now I can do that, but then I thought--""no! This is enough."" I almost never feel like I have done enough in a day, so that was freeing. And usually--the assignments weren't that difficult or time-consuming.

I was always a little unclear about exactly who to market this to however, which Marisa finally nailed for me on our last laser coaching call! :-) It's weird how it seems like maybe you're not getting the level of attention you want, but really--the universe gives you what you need when you need it.

I actually launched the workshop to my networks, which is a step I've never taken before. I am ready to make sales calls to English departments, and used to have a list of these--which of course I couldn't find now! I spent a few hours looking for it and was disappointed, then realized I just have to build my own now. Which is fine, it'll just take a bit more time to get actual clients...


What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Have patience and break up the big goal into many, many small goals. Actually give yourself credit for doing those smaller tasks, and feel some satisfaction.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I haven't really achieved any outward success yet. But--I can see it coming!!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
This experience has totally transformed my sense of what I'm capable of, and my ability to stick with long-term projects. I have a little ADHD, so this is hard for me, and I am learning to work in bursts that suit me within a framework like this, with meaningful deadlines and lots of support and inspiration.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
No more 9-5!!!

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