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208 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2017

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Linda Fabe (class of 2017)

I was basically taking a 2 year "time out" from my previous efforts to create a program that would help me get my message out around how to forgive, accept, grieve and heal. Actually, some of this was because of having not done the greatest job at the most recent past seminar I led, which was very painful. (Oddly I got back in touch with the sponsor of that training through my chatterboxing for EPM and that contact invited me back to deliver another training! :-) So ... This year I was ready to pick myself up and have another go at it. And yes, I have been taking stabs at how to get my work out, and have made many different attempts for close to 30 years. Confession, I have been "growing myself" and working my way through some very difficult issues in that period so really, this timing is right for me to now be back working on the Gift I have to give to the world.

Well, now I am in motion using the Front door approach suggested by Marissa, after having made 1 large pivot from an Assertiveness program, to the offering I am still marketing which is a personal development program around Clearing the Barriers and Opening Your Heart Back to Dating and Love, that also included a smaller pivot. I HAVE NOT REACHED MISSION ACCOMPLISHED AND HAVE NO IDEA IF I WILL OR WILL NOT. I am still in the marketing phase, and am doing a 1/2 day Introductory program in a few weeks, from which I plan to sell the full 10 week program. It feels good to be getting the sign ups for the 1/2 day program, that are beginning to occur (4 so far).

My biggest internal shift is that I need to get up off my butt, and into motion, so I can actually talk to prospective clients, primarily through chatterboxing. I continue to get clearer about what the market wants, and also how to talk about what I do. I also have a much better idea of how to go about designing and marketing a program that people will want, without going through the work of designing the whole thing in advance!

So... we were told to put our story into the before and after format, but I my story is far from over. I cried when I could see that I would not make mission accomplished, and had to get those feelings out of my system in order to regain my equilibrium, which I did. Also, my mom died during the course of this class. As recently as 3 days ago, I was asking myself: "What am I doing, doing a front door program when maybe I could apply the EPM principles to offer my Emotional Healing Training more directly to therapists? So... I am going to simultaneously be applying all that I have learned to this other idea, as I continue to market my current Training! I have been given a process to hang on to as my mind, which is forever full of ideas, is forced to take one - or so- thing at a time.

Thank you Marissa, for all of your giving and your care. You have said that your gift is to "turn essence into form." You are also an igniter who is enabling many change agents, points of light on the planet, to manifest our gifts and transform the planet into what it is meant to be. That is huge.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Many!! Setting a problem in a specific situation, since my superpower and what I want to bring into the world is a greater understanding and use of methods for emotional healing. More specifically, the idea of the front door and the back door, and how to write a strong mission statement, future self picture, and birdseye view.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Many ways! Having a coach was very important re. feeling the personal support, and guidance. Tho I didn't ask a question, listening to Marissa's coaching sessions was very helpful. I felt like this program created a culture, and a different way of thinking that i hope to keep strong around. Every module helped me become successful, and I loved the niche down, profits up bonus module. Also, the Facebook chat added another place to get input and support. It all worked together.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Just having the 4 sign ups (waiting for payment in the mail) for my Intro workshop, feels supportive. EPM has impacted my life a lot, because it has provided a solid frame of reference for every aspect of business building around my passion and strengths.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I am in new motion around offering training and personal development group. I am in on-going conversations with people about my offering, which I expect to do forever! Before, I was on "hiatus" from actively working to get my work into the world. In other words, my one on one counseling business has been doing well, and there are other things I am called to do, and this program has jump started the process. I hope i keep up the focus and momentum.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am most excited about refining my ideas, and creating my message - I'm going to MtMLive. I'm referring to my product and ideas around both the "get started choice" of a training program I have been working on in EPM, and the prospect of applying the tools from EPM to teach forgiveness, acceptance, grieving and healing processes more directly. So I am excited about refining my message and products in both areas.

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Lauri Mckean (class of 2017)

Ten months before finding EPM, I had invested $11k in a year-long mentorship program that I thought would teach me the nuts and bolts of creating my online program. And while this program was pivotal in my personal and spiritual development, it did not come close to delivering the practical information and structure I needed to have an online presence.

Thus, when the chance to join EPM came along, I jumped right in, knowing that the guarantee afforded me a safety net. I kept up with the lessons and assignments (partially so I could ensure I'd be eligible for the guarantee) up until the last few weeks when the other obligations in my life encroached. The day before my last required assignment was due, I considered pushing myself through the night to complete it. However, I realized then that the guarantee really didn't matter anymore. I had so much faith in myself, the process and my evolving product that the money was no longer a primary consideration. I also realized that I had received WAY more value from the program than the $2K I paid.

As the program ends, I am still in the process of finishing my marketing materials - at my own slow pace that fits with the other commitments in my life. However, I have no doubt that I'll be enrolling students in another couple of weeks and will make at least $2K on the first run of my class. I also know that I'll be referencing the EPM class, structure and materials for years to come.

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Komi Agbodzie (class of 2017)

Before EPM, i had an idea i knew could help people and change lives but i didnt know how turn into a strutured process that delivers result. I have a few clients but they were all non paying friends who came to me for advice.EPM helped me get clarity on my mission, my avatar and their pain points, the actions i needed take to get my first paying client. It has been a game changer and now i have a plan that i can continue to execute in order to grow my business

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I can go out there and speak my message and find my tribe.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Prior to EPM I had an idea but didnt have a clue how to turn it into something tangible that I can market and sell to help others

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Life altering impact for me: Being able to create something that another person finds value in and is willing to pay for.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
just being able to turn an idea into a tangible product. I went to $0 earned to $494 in 10 weeks. Thats a huge confidence booster

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have a path I can follow to improve my service, better understand my client and tailor my service to their need.

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Kelly Daring (class of 2017)

I was struggling to find my niche and signature product. Then I found marisas EPM program and my clarity and focused became like a LAZER!

I am now able to articulate exactly what my ideal premium clients are looking for, making my service business a big draw and distinguishing myself from the competition.

I'm ever so grateful to marisa for taking the time to develop the framework for EPM and commiting to delivering above and beyond coaching support! Thank you so much!

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Katarina Bulic (class of 2017)

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I learned the HOW and had support

How did EPM help you become successful?
it gave me tempo otherwise I was taking to long and of course the tools

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I learned the discipline and improved on all aspects

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I will see in a couple of weeks

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Making the webinar and start selling and helping my peers

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Karen Musson (class of 2017)

I was at a low point. Having a tech background and the help of some other trainings, I had managed to wing a 'get started' membership site, do a little Facebook promotion and deliver a first on-line product: a different approach to equine partnerships that does not rely on dominance or food rewards. But after the first 50 students, I realized something was missing. I had some wonderful thank you emails, but something struck me about them - each one expressed a deeper form of transformation than I expected, but in between the kind words they didn't really have enough specifics to implement the practical side of the experience as intended. My course both over-delivered and under-delivered. I had under-estimated its transformative and in some cases transcendental value and under-estimated the detail students needed to create their own experience more fully. I wasn't sure how to fix it, lost confidence in it and stopped offering it. Even though I had received good feedback, I felt I wasn't serving my students in the way I had hoped. It just felt wrong to continue without a shift. I had been struggling away for a year or more, while my business continued in a way that did not allow me to expand my reach. I'd figured out some aspects but then I saw EPM. I was familiar with Marisa's work from her other training courses and knew this was in her genius zone and she had nailed what I'd been trying to pin down - in far more depth. It was a no-brainer.

When I signed up for EPM2016, I hoped finally to create my follow-on offering. But that's not how it went. It was disappointing to find out that despite a lot of care and thought already, it really wasn't where it needed to be to be viable. I started falling, then decided to stay in the game, pivot and experiencify an existing offering, which was an in-person mix of 1:1 and 1:Few coaching with students and their horses. I made it past mission accomplished, but felt no closer to my real goal of a viable on-line option - yet this strong calling I had to expand my reach had not faded. My tribe is spread across the globe, rather than in small, regional pockets - so bringing horses together in a live group is often not practical. As the dust settled from the intense EPM "sprint", I realized two important takeaways. First, my first product was just an iteration, not a wasted effort or failure but an absolutely necessary step along the pathway to awesome. Second, while I had plenty of experience delivering my offering in a 1:Few setting in person, so it was natural to think I could do something similar on-line, I hadn't truly dialed into some of the real differences between helping someone iterate to awesome in real-time with their horse when we are in person, vs. after an on-line session. To do this they must a) remember what we discussed accurately as they go out to work with their horse and b) be able to assess their own efforts as they practice. Aha! Smaller steps and clear ways to measure the outcomes were needed. But what were they?

This question led me to focus on "Remote Student" Call Me through the following year. You could say I combined "Give them what they want" and "Chatterbox" within my work with those students. I ran four 1:1 video coaching courses. This was an existing offer I modified with what I learned from EPM. Instead of just offering video coaching, which students tended to use more like a "life-line", sending in a video sporadically, I enrolled 5 students in a 60 day program with 1:1 coaching and bonus 1:few group sessions in which we shared highlights and insights.

This strategy proved valuable on three counts. First, I gained a super clear picture of the challenges specific to students taking guidance from our coaching call out to their horse vs. working with my guidance in real-time. This was a tremendous feedback loop that inspired the very specifics and details that had left my ultimate offering feeling less than viable. Second, doing more concentrated, "contained" coaching within the on-line session format highlighted significant advantages that are not tangible in real-time coaching. It was truly serving in a different, unique way. Yay! Third, the new program structure inspired more action and more progress among students. Students were finishing asking when the next 60 day series would be. So I ran 4 that year, mostly with repeat clients, which meant they made more progress, and we continued to cover more specifics I needed to dial in. A win, win.

With this "remote student Call Me" phase in hand, I chose to do EPM2017 "The Sequel" with the specific intention of clarifying and nailing down every aspect of my 1:Few on-line course, from the new methodology it embodies, to the course birds-eye view, list of trainings, marketing and delivery plans. EPM is like doing a degree in 10 weeks, if you fully engage in all the videos, actions and make active use of the coaching. I wanted to walk through and truly "consume" the process itself for a full iteration. I knew that for me this likely meant not meeting Mission Accomplished within the set time, but my horse-owning clients tend to hibernate in January anyway and preparing content with horses is not quite the same game as writing PowerPoint presentations. A later launch would made more sense for me. I Chatterboxed anyway and enrolled two new clients into existing offerings that lead to my new offering.

I leave EPM2017 with a clear plan for my offering and precisely how to implement it - including key copy and other assets, the exact campaign and even a list of the training video segments I need to create. Meanwhile I now know how to test and pivot where needed to ensure I'm on track. I have new skills which will continue to evolve and the tools to repeat the process for future offerings. For me this is the strongest What, Why and How strategy I've ever had for my business, along with the sureness that it only gets better from here. No more walking around in the fog!

And one last minute takeaway occurred when Marisa mentioned in the last coaching session that she'd almost given up with EPM. What?!?! What if she had! The answer we were all seeking wouldn't have been here to find. I'll remember that in the challenging moments that are no doubt ahead!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I was amazed how something as "silly" as taking the time to identify our "super power" served as a compass in the layers that followed. It made everything just that bit easier, and helped sort through and anchor developing ideas with more confidence. Some ideas expressed the super power more than others and it is interesting how this provided a built in guidance system in the challenging process of nailing down a product offering.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I signed up for EPM because it was so obvious that Marisa is operating from her genius zone when it comes to the Experience Product Formula and EPM. I had identified a few of the elements for myself but lacked a well thought out, tried and tested method within a start to mission accomplished business framework. I had taken other trainings to improve my business skills and gained something each time but only some ingredients, not what you need to actually bake the cake! EPM delivers rich content covering the entire process in a way that focuses on implementation. I have gained immediately applicable skills and clarity about how to build on these: just return to the EPM content as it will take a few times to consume all the value.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Make no mistake, EPM takes commitment. This is my second EPM. In the first EPM I lost a lot of traction at first. I found myself quickly getting stuck because all the other steps depended on a higher degree of clarity about my offering than I actually had. EPM is a sprint and you can find yourself left behind. I wanted to stay in the game, so I pivoted and decided to deliver an existing program so I could apply the EPM principles as best I could. I reached Mission Accomplished, but only completed about half Marisa's content, with very little progress on the product I intended to offer. However, I left clear that although I had delivered my course in person to groups many times, it needed another evolution before it could serve well as an on-line offering. That changed the course of what I did in my business the following year, as well as highlighting some personal blocks I knew needed my focus. I found what I needed to move those in a course I discovered through Marisa's I'm Powerful bonus. This combo brought me to the right place at the right time to make quantum leaps with my original idea in EPM 2017.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I would say the biggest change to date is that before EPM I always had several ideas, but was never sure if they were "right" for my customers, nor which one to focus on - which inevitably meant a lack of effective action and follow-through. Having a tech background had allowed me to wing a 'get started' membership site, do a little Facebook promotion and deliver a first on-line product, with the help of some other trainings. But after the first 50 students, I realized something was missing. I had some wonderful thank you emails, but something struck me - each one expressed a deeper form of transformation than I expected, but in between the kind words they didn't really have enough specifics to implement the practical side of the experience as intended. The course both over-delivered and under-delivered. I had under-estimated its transformative and in some cases transcendental value and under-estimated the detail they needed to create their own experience more fully. I wasn't sure how to fix it, lost confidence in it and stopped offering it. When I signed up for EPM2016, I hoped finally to create my follow-on offering. But that's not how it went. It was disappointing to find out that after a lot of care and thought, it really wasn't where it needed to be to be viable. I experiencified an existing offering, which was an in-person mix of 1:1 and 1:Few coaching with students and their horses. I made it past mission accomplished. But I felt no closer to my real goal of a viable on-line option, yet this strong calling I had to expand my reach had not faded. My tribe is spread across the globe, rather than in small, regional pockets - so bringing horses together in a live group is often not practical. As the dust settled from the big EPM sprint, I realized important takeaways. First, my first product was just an iteration, not a wasted effort or failure but an absolutely necessary step along the pathway to awesome. Second, while I had plenty of experience delivering my offering in a 1:Few setting in person, more specifics were needed in greater detail and smaller steps when I am not there to help students iterate their way to awesome. This led me to implement a modified Call Me serving remote students through the following year. I ran four 1:1 video coaching courses, which was an existing offer I modified with what I learned from EPM. Instead of just offering video coaching, which students ended up using more as a "life-line", sending in a video sporadically, I enrolled 5 students in a 60 day program with 1:1 coaching and 1:few group sessions. This proved valuable on three counts. First, I got a clear picture of challenges specific to students taking guidance from a call to the field to work on their own with their horse vs. working with my guidance in real-time. This was a tremendous feedback loop that inspired the very specifics and details that had left my ultimate offering feeling not viable. Second, doing more concentrated, "contained" coaching via student videos revealed significant advantages that are intangible with real-time coaching. Third, the new program structure inspired more action and more progress among students and most were asking when the next 60 day series would be. So I ran 4 that year, mostly with repeat clients, so they made more progress, and we continued to cover more specifics I needed to dial in. A win, win. With this "remote student Call Me" phase in hand, I chose to do EPM2017 with the specific intention of clarifying and nailing down every aspect of my 1:Few on-line course, from the new methodology it embodies, to the birds-eye view, list of trainings, marketing and delivery plans. EPM is like doing an undergrad course in 10 weeks, if you fully engage in all the videos, actions and make active use of the coaching. I wanted to walk through and truly consume the process itself for a full "iteration". I leave EPM2017 with a clear plan for my business and precisely how to implement it - including the exact campaign, list of training video segments I need to create. Meanwhile I now know how to test and pivot where needed to ensure I'm on track. I have new skills which will continue to evolve - and the tools to repeat the process for future offerings. For me this is the strongest What, Why and How strategy I've ever had for my business, along with the sureness that it only gets better from here. No more walking around in the fog!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I leave with the strongest What, Why and How strategy I've ever had for my products and business, along with the sureness that it only gets better from here. No more walking around in the fog!

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Natalie Hill (class of 2017)

I had a great online program that people loved. It's Called HIPS, or High Impact Program System. When I asked for their testimonials my students were delighted to give them to me. BUT, when I asked who'd sold their program, who'd actually made money from the HIP they created, no one had anything to report. I felt like I'd failed. Yes, they loved what they learned, loved taking my program. But for me, if no one got results from HIPS, what good did it do?

EPM showed me how I could offer a bold guarantee, set people up to succeed with a point system and incentives along the way, give them coaching to help them create their own programs, and most importantly, get them out there into the world offering their gifts and delivering their brilliance.

I wasn't at all sure it would work. I had this fear that half the people would claim the guarantee and I'd have to pay back thousands. I'd even set up a savings account so I'd be sure to have the money. But what happened instead blew me away. Out of 20 students, 19 were totally engaged in the program from start to finish.

Some made money on their business for the first time ever. Others switched from a 1:1 model to working with groups. One woman came out of retirement and last I heard, enrolled 7 in her $1997 group program. An executive coach changed his niche from business to personal development and reported that he'd made $24,000 on his new 1:1 program.

One woman created a program to help isolated men, get back engaged in life. Her program generated so much buzz, women asked her to create the same program for them!This time, by just making a few small switches to experiencify a model that was already working, my students took courageous action and got results that were elusive before. I realized that the courage and action-taking was in my students all along. They just needed a little nudge, in the form of a plan, the tools and the support to make it happen.

And EPM gave ME the plan, tools and support to learn how to do that and to implement it in my own online programs. Now I've got 2 experiencified online programs. But what I've done won't stop there. Because what I've learned in EPM is so impactful, so effective at helping my students get great results, I can never go back to the old way - without using the 10 Experiencification keys.

I'm an EPMer for life!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Simpler is often better. It was the simple 1:1 methods that converted.

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM helped me become successful by providing the tools, training, support, motivation, rewards and timeline to launch and deliver a program in a compressed timeframe. Plus it was FUN!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

EPM has helped me witness that if I want something, I can make time for it and I can succeed at it.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before EPM, my entry-level online program was just about creating a high impact program (HIP), but not about selling it and getting it out into the world. I didn't know all the ways that experiencifying my course could inspire, motivate and empower my students to be successful at not only creating their HIP, but also at marketing, selling and delivering it. Knowing what I do now about the 10 ways to experiencify my programs and products has already boosted my confidence, results and the results of my students. The ripple effect of this into the future is nothing short of magnificent.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product? I'm most excited about putting all I've learned together in more diverse offerings. I'll bring the 10 Experiencification methods into workshops I lead, into my private coaching - everywhere!

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Amore Vera (class of 2017)

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Following a solid methodology, I create a defined structure advancing consistently in various fronts and embedding experiences along the way.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It shifted simultaneously my entrepreneurial "Mind Set" and my entrepreneurial "modus operandi." A
How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
The satisfaction of arriving to Mission Accomplished in the exact time, manner and amount that I set myself up to do initially is HUGE! I finally overcame paralysis, procrastination, and more than anything "fear of giving birth" to my new creations (as my shaman said).

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Me! I feel more of a business woman that I have ever before. I feel more confident and competent in my business creations. Creating a "program package" and "getting well paid" for all of it...Feels so good! Now I have this cellular memory deep into my bones. And I know I can replicate it in the future.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have a proven method...or rather an "infallible formula" to create "any product" I want
in the future. Is that empowering or what?

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Recently, Marisa, you said that it doesn't matter how many projects you start but how many you finish" Somehow that resonated deep in my consciousness and it was a kind of "marching order" to my mind to move into action. And so I did! Like this, you gave us SO many gems of wisdom -business wise, mindset wise, personally wise, soul wise, best-practices wise. And that is the most precious of the generous gifts you gave us! An "integral transformation!" a "simultaneous advancement in all fronts!" Only then we can really grow personally and as entrepreneurs. In our life and in our business! Now I know it cannot be otherwise. And I promise to myself that I will do the same with my clients and students! And I promise it to you, for I know you will be so happy! Because your deeply care for all and each one of us! Thank you, Marisa, from my heart & soul!

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Bob Frissell (class of 2017)

I was having problems marketing myself. Marketing was completely new to me, previously, all my clients came to me as a result of a best-selling book I had written. However, that well began to dry up about 3-4 years ago. I tried other programs, only to get lost in the confusion of it all., I wasn’t sure what to do, it all seemed so overwhelming..

I joined EPM because everything Marisa said about it in her promos rang true to me. I learned more about marketing and about putting myself out there than I ever believed possible in such a short amount of time. I am only a beginner, however, I have much more to learn. Having made $8700 so far, lets me know that I'm on the right track.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Clarity replaced confusion in a number of ways, especially when it comes to marketing myself

How did EPM help you become successful?
I am learning how to be more effective in my strategy sessions, as well as learning how to market myself in general

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am gaining in confidence with respect to my ability to generate clients

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I was making around $2000/month. Now I have made $8700 in 3 weeks

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Being able to create my ideal clients with more confidence

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Jasmin Kettenbach (class of 2017)


I've learned so much by going through this program and am very thankful for Marisa's awesome way to help you to iterate your way to awesome ;-)

A few weeks before this program started I've set an intent that I would like to take my business to the next level. I've already written 3 bestselling books, Online programs and sold beautiful feng shui paintings to start-up businesses. But something was missing, because I felt that I would like to work more personal and intense.

When I've got Marisas Email I didn't even know how I've got in her Email list ;-) But when I saw her salespage in the middle of the night - I just decided to buy - just because of the guarantee *laugh* I felt right away: THIS IS THE NEXT STEP IVE ASKED FOR

After 10 weeks I can say WOW BÄM AMAZING BOOM BANG - !das war der Hammer! ;-)

I made more than 20.000€ in exact 8,5 weeks (and the campaign is not over yet!)

but even more, I want to say: now I have a more profound basis to create programs that transform my even yet great costumers into the best I could ever imagine!

Some Greetings, from Jayc Jay // Germany Stuttgart

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
changing my pricepoint

How did EPM help you become successful?
getting to know my products and serve only what helps people only create a program when it already sold! make beta versions

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
What has been the biggest change in your business?
more trust in what I do. Seeing how easy it can be to make money fast and also help people in a GREAT way!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
creating all the beautiful online programs ;-)

Is there anything else you would like to add?

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