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Linda Fabe 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Linda Fabe

I was basically taking a 2 year "time out" from my previous efforts to create a program that would help me get my message out around how to forgive, accept, grieve and heal. Actually, some of this was because of having not done the greatest job at the most recent past seminar I led, which was very painful. (Oddly I got back in touch with the sponsor of that training through my chatterboxing for EPM and that contact invited me back to deliver another training! :-) So ... This year I was ready to pick myself up and have another go at it. And yes, I have been taking stabs at how to get my work out, and have made many different attempts for close to 30 years. Confession, I have been "growing myself" and working my way through some very difficult issues in that period so really, this timing is right for me to now be back working on the Gift I have to give to the world.

Well, now I am in motion using the Front door approach suggested by Marissa, after having made 1 large pivot from an Assertiveness program, to the offering I am still marketing which is a personal development program around Clearing the Barriers and Opening Your Heart Back to Dating and Love, that also included a smaller pivot. I HAVE NOT REACHED MISSION ACCOMPLISHED AND HAVE NO IDEA IF I WILL OR WILL NOT. I am still in the marketing phase, and am doing a 1/2 day Introductory program in a few weeks, from which I plan to sell the full 10 week program. It feels good to be getting the sign ups for the 1/2 day program, that are beginning to occur (4 so far).

My biggest internal shift is that I need to get up off my butt, and into motion, so I can actually talk to prospective clients, primarily through chatterboxing. I continue to get clearer about what the market wants, and also how to talk about what I do. I also have a much better idea of how to go about designing and marketing a program that people will want, without going through the work of designing the whole thing in advance!

So... we were told to put our story into the before and after format, but I my story is far from over. I cried when I could see that I would not make mission accomplished, and had to get those feelings out of my system in order to regain my equilibrium, which I did. Also, my mom died during the course of this class. As recently as 3 days ago, I was asking myself: "What am I doing, doing a front door program when maybe I could apply the EPM principles to offer my Emotional Healing Training more directly to therapists? So... I am going to simultaneously be applying all that I have learned to this other idea, as I continue to market my current Training! I have been given a process to hang on to as my mind, which is forever full of ideas, is forced to take one - or so- thing at a time.

Thank you Marissa, for all of your giving and your care. You have said that your gift is to "turn essence into form." You are also an igniter who is enabling many change agents, points of light on the planet, to manifest our gifts and transform the planet into what it is meant to be. That is huge.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Many!! Setting a problem in a specific situation, since my superpower and what I want to bring into the world is a greater understanding and use of methods for emotional healing. More specifically, the idea of the front door and the back door, and how to write a strong mission statement, future self picture, and birdseye view.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Many ways! Having a coach was very important re. feeling the personal support, and guidance. Tho I didn't ask a question, listening to Marissa's coaching sessions was very helpful. I felt like this program created a culture, and a different way of thinking that i hope to keep strong around. Every module helped me become successful, and I loved the niche down, profits up bonus module. Also, the Facebook chat added another place to get input and support. It all worked together.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Just having the 4 sign ups (waiting for payment in the mail) for my Intro workshop, feels supportive. EPM has impacted my life a lot, because it has provided a solid frame of reference for every aspect of business building around my passion and strengths.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I am in new motion around offering training and personal development group. I am in on-going conversations with people about my offering, which I expect to do forever! Before, I was on "hiatus" from actively working to get my work into the world. In other words, my one on one counseling business has been doing well, and there are other things I am called to do, and this program has jump started the process. I hope i keep up the focus and momentum.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am most excited about refining my ideas, and creating my message - I'm going to MtMLive. I'm referring to my product and ideas around both the "get started choice" of a training program I have been working on in EPM, and the prospect of applying the tools from EPM to teach forgiveness, acceptance, grieving and healing processes more directly. So I am excited about refining my message and products in both areas.