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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023


After joining EMP, I struggled get complete all my milestones on time, but I did. I was determined to show up for the training sessions and worked hard on my offer. At times I had to work on building my product while waiting in doctors offices and the waiting rooms for my husband in surgery. The last time I spoke to my sister who passed away days before Thanksgiving she helped me realize I can see this through and not to give up.

I have something to fight for and what I’m learning and applying is giving me hope for my future.

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM is showing me I have a voice & an product that is impactful. I’ve got my eye on my finish line.

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I’ m glad I was told “prevention” products are hard to sell. So I’m attempting to reposition and refine my message using the Supercharged training. I feel like more direct coaching on how to sell “preventative” programs like mine would help me clarify my marketing message.

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
To keep trying, learning and fine-tuning my offer.

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Dan Adkins

I had wanted to develop an on-line course for several years. I wasn’t sure how to go about it. I talked to one coach who said forget it if you don’t have 10,000 followers…..I don’t. So I shelved the idea until I saw Marisa Murgatroyd talking about the Experience Product Mastermind. She said it didn’t matter how many people I had following me at this point, as the numbers can grow. She also said that I could accomplish my course in under three months and earn money from it as I was completing the first version of it. This caught my attention and I immediately signed up. I now have a course for non-profit organization management and am creating more coaching clients as I seek out the students for the course. It’s fantastic!

I was having a challenge developing the various modules and sessions that I wanted to cover. It seemed a bit overwhelming. I believe that I bring value, but organizing the ideas was very frustrating. I joined Experience Product Mastermind and found that my perspective became considerably clearer. I developed my on-line course and have 3 interested prospects before the Mastermind is over. I have also added 2 prospective coaching clients in my efforts associated with EPM. The potential financial gain is thousands of dollars from these prospects alone...and it's the tip of the iceberg!

I was having a problem understanding how I could sell my product when it wasn't fully developed. I wasn't expecting to be able to engage people with a course that still needed some administrative work to be added. In the course of EPM I decided to let my limiting ideas drop away and just start talking with people. While I haven't currently made a sale, after talking with about 40 prospects, I have 5 pending contracts, totaling about $15,000 if I can close them all.

I was having a problem understanding if my course would be an idea that people might want to buy. I felt that the course had valuable information and that it would be well-received, but my research wasn't giving me solid answers on whether organizations would pay for it. I was frustrated, hoping I was addressing the needs of my market. As I started talking with prospective student organizations, they were quite encouraging. They said that it was a definite need they had. Some were not in a position to afford it and others are considering joining the course as I write this.

My challenges were many as I worked toward creating my online course. Would I have the right material that will help my market? Would I have the knowledge that is needed? My experience told me I was hitting the mark, but my initial research didn't fully confirm it. After I started "Chatterboxing" with potential prospects, my conversations helped me realize that the need is so great that I need to create 2 more courses of a similar type. One less advanced and at a lower price and one that goes deeper and has more advanced topics and additional personal interaction. I'm really excited about all the possibilities!

Fleshing out the details to have a consistent direction and path. It has made me think about different ways that I can positively impact others. While it has required thought and action, it has helped me to work smarter as I have been working harder. It's been hard at times, but really exciting to get these things accomplished and it has become more of a habit to focus and do, rather than working in a more scattered manner. Prepare the details and you can work considerably smarter. And the details may change as you continue, but that's the growing process. I believe that making a very good income and having more time for other projects is now not only possible, but highly probable. It's a paradigm shift with a few sprints here and there and considerable leisure between sprints. That gives me a great opportunity to help more people and organizations.

While I haven't had a sale yet, I anticipate that I'll have many sales. I think this is an amazingly simple step-by-step process that leads someone to understand their business inside and out, which helps them use the business to its fullest extent. However, simple does not equal easy. So it's imperative to put in the work, challenge yourself constantly and be coachable. It's a great course!

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Jane Costagliola

I was able to stay connected to the program for most of the time but at the end I became very frustrated because it was so much work and I felt discouraged and overwhelmed that no one bought the program but I am going to pivot and continue to work to create a program that helps others create better lives.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Learning the application process

How did EPM help you become successful?
It has helped me to know I am able to be successful

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The way we market and sell. I was going to pay for ads but EPM teaches to chatterbox, etc

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Everything is possible, I am able to create a program by putting the right campaign together.

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Vanessa Nixon

When I joined EPM, I had a couple of online courses that were making very few sales. I had many other ideas for turning in person classes that I've taught in the past into online courses, as well. Working through the EPM materials I was able to settle on one course and re-vamp it from the ground up, creating short, engaging trainings and developing a concise bird's eye view for my system. Even though I did not make any sales for the launch of my EPM online course, Vibrant Mid-Life Revolution, I did learn much about the creation of an experience product, various marketing strategies and systems to keep everything organized.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My biggest takeaway is that it's important to explore several different strategies and methodologies until you find the ones that resonate with you and your clients.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM helped me to become very specific on my niche and provided a path forward.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Now, after graduating from EPM, I have a path forward in my business.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Through the process of engaging in several different marketing strategies, I was able to narrow down very specifically which ones would be useful to me.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
It is now possible to approach my next launch with the lessons learned from EPM.

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Kaipo Ho

This was the GREATEST investment I've made to get my business off the ground! I was laid off from my corporate executive job in March 2020 and struggled since with conceptualizing and actualizing a self-employment opportunity. I needed structure to take my business idea from concept to launch. While i didn't make it to launch, this was the perfect model for me! Huge thanks to the EPM team!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
STRUCTURE! EPM provides me with the perfect template for my first EPM offer as well as future experience products.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I HAVE CLARITY, PURPOSE AND CONFIDENCE - exactly what I'm promising my clients with my EPM!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I can do this! I can create an EXPERIENCE PRODUCT! And make it better and better with each new product! Most of all, THANK YOU for my new mantra - Progress over Perfection!

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
A successful new chapter in life! From retirement to REMAKE!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Marisa, your beautiful! Your team is beautiful! Coach Debra is beautiful! /Coaches Matt and Emily and Murray are beautiful! I AM SO EXCITED!

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Shayne McKenzie

I have been a successful therapist for many years, helping my clients get to the root cause of their emotional, relationship, mental health or chronic pain issue. Given there are so many people that need this help, I wanted to create online courses to get this work out to more people but marketing is not my key strength. Joining the Experience Product Masterclass gave me a step-by-step process for creating the online course and lots of marketing strategies. I got 2 clients for my first PMS Freedom Masterclass by just focusing on the basics the first time around. I will view and implement other marketing strategies for future online courses and now have a framework to create many more online courses.

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Emily Waymire

I was uninspired by the online courses I saw and not motivated to create the ones I had lined up, for YEARS. I needed direction and an approach that matched the new highly experiential models of therapy I was offering. I joined EPM and IMMEDIATELY felt uplifted. By Module 2 my course was out of the gate and within the first week of my launch, I went from zero programs and only 1:1 clients to 20 people in a 4-month hybrid training. They are already asking for the next one.

I was stuck in 1:1 mode and just not moving forward, in spite of having proprietary therapeutic models gaining interest. I joined EPM and JUST DID IT. I set the date, followed the very well described path and my first hybrid training got 20 people, with new people asking to join almost daily.

My clients have been waiting years for me to create trainings. I just couldn't find the right path. With EPM I found EXACTLY what I needed especially because it is written for people at any level of business. The ongoing encouragement and set by step process inspired me to simply set a date and offer a training (that I did not even have written). 3 clients registered the first day.

Using a survey early on in my process showed me immediately that people wanted what I have. It also showed ME I have what they want! EPM was what boosted my confidence enough to meet my clients needs. Only halfway through the program my course filled and I had to tell people to sign up for future dates.

BY the end of EPM my online hybrid training was up and running and I went from $0-$25,000 I simply went for it! And people are asking about my next training.

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Jennifer (Tate) Nadeau

I've been in search of a way to go from enthusiasm to action. Alone I was developing a habit of excitedly beginning and not following through because I didn't really know where to begin. I was getting pretty down because although my ideas and spirit were bubbling over I had too many directions and started getting really confused about what direction to take. I finally invested in myself with both time and money to take a leap and learn from a master through the EPM program. I learned that the process can be simple when you stop being a perfectionist, believe you actually have something others need to learn from you and you have a simple step by step blueprint that makes sense and takes you from one step to the next seamlessly. Not just that but the learning is modeled for you so that you can quickly realize how motivating the system EPM gives you works. Because it worked for me. Chipping away at my goals became simple and fun. I utilized coaching, assignments, deadlines and that all important motivating kaching to keep me plugging along. I was able to easily complete the course and launch my first EPM product but I really gained so much more. I feel confident I can now launch any future project I desire. I feel sure that I now have tools to repeat and refine what I can bring to people who need exactly my guidance and a great way to present it to them.

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Nicolette Kousoulas

"I've had an idea for a course for awhile now, but I had no idea how to put it together and market and sell it. I came across Marissa's Experience Product Masterclass and I fell in love with the idea of gamification. By nature, my product is very interactive and therefore very much an experience product in and of itself. However, I love the idea of competition among students to motivate them to stay on track, so I knew EPM was the perfect course for me in terms of building my own course. I plan to use Experiencify to host my course!

I just graduated and I am in the production mode right now. I've already been chatter boxing and started posting about my course on social media and I have at least 6 people interested in going through my program when it launches.

Because I work full time as a personal trainer in a gym, and I have 3 kiddos, I don't feel comfortable launching before the product is done, but I am very confident from chatter boxing that this will be a hit. So I am going to finish all 7 modules and then launch, so I can focus my limited time on the launch and marketing and running the program. After my first launch, I will then go back to modules 4 and 5 and any recordings I may have missed as well for an even bigger and more successful launch.

Thank you to Marissa for creating such a detailed product that allows us to not miss a step in our product creation. Thank you to Coach Kanu for all of your great feedback! "

What's been the biggest change in your business?
I finally have a product to sell! Or at least I will very soon! It's outlined in great detail.

How's EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has given me the foundation to launch a successful group offer so I can get out of trading time for many as I do daily in my 1:1 personal training job.

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I know how to plan and organize digital product creation.

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can potentially leave the grind of trading time for money. I have something I can scale my time with.

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Deirdre Donchian

I was hoping to get further along but many unforeseen life demands got in the way. This has allowed me to slow down a bit and get my product to a point where I feel comfortable promoting it. I am proud that I didn't give up and despite set backs I keep coming back to the process. I have been a self employed entrepreneur for most of my life and I feel prepared to further develop my product to the point of sales.

None so far. More of a change to my mindeste and confidence. N/A There is room in the world for what I have to offer, even if many other are in the same pond. I have more clarity as to what I am offering and why. It will be possible for me to sell this product.

Thank you for you and your teams 1000% committment

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