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2958 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Abby Rohrer

Less than an hour ago posted my free Money Karma Diagnosis offer in 3 places on facebook. I have 5 signups so far! :-)

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James Bottone

EPM came along at the perfect time. My wife and I knew that we wanted to create something different--something far more engaging and effective than most of the programs we'd purchased over the last couple years. We'd already spent weeks trying to figure out how to move forward with our ideas, but we didn't know where to focus our energy.

We had a niche in mind and a product idea, but it was just raw concepts. I knew that without external direction and guidance we'd probably just stay stuck in the brainstorming phase. I had some vague ideas of all the things that had to happen to bring a coaching program to market, but I had no idea what do do next. We were spinning our wheels and it was clear we needed some help if we were ever going to get this thing off the ground.

Although I'd become jaded to all the marketing hype and programs for sale out there, as soon as I saw what Marisa was offering it was clear that Experience Product Masterclass was the way to go. It was like she read my mind and had created a program just for me. Pretty wild!

Going through EPM gave me the exact steps I needed to quickly gel my ideas into something coherent and compelling. It cleared the fog and helped us understand what we should be doing (and not doing) at each step in the journey. This helped us relax into the process and focus our energy where it was most useful. Now I know how to take any idea I have in the future and bring it into existence without wasting tons of time and energy.

EPM helped us move forward quickly and decisively with our product idea. Marisa took the stress out of what to do next and created a clear and fun path to progress from product idea all the way to marketing and selling. I enjoyed the ride and had a few breakthroughs along the way. The momentum we gained through the early part of the program carried me forward when I ran up against resistance to reaching out to potential clients. Now that I've had the experience of getting out there and talking to people about my product and ideas I feel like it's no big deal.

Marisa really is brilliant--her intelligence and creativity shine through every aspect of this experience. She has given us a powerful example of how to serve and create the ultimate experience for our clients.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It's better to get something done "good enough", move forward, test it with your audience, and adjust rather than try to guess and get things perfect from the beginning. If you don't get feedback from real people then you could spend a lot of time and energy building something really cool that no one wants to buy.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM helped coax me out of my comfort zone and start connecting with other people in my niche. I was able to meet other influencers in my space and learn valuable insights about how to better serve my audience. I made some new friends and am now collaborating with one of them.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM helped me move forward quickly and decisively with my product idea. Marisa took the stress out of what to do next and created a clear and fun path to progress from product idea all the way to marketing and selling. I enjoyed the ride and had a few breakthroughs along the way. The momentum I gained through the early part of the program carried me forward when I ran up against resistance to reaching out to potential clients. Now that I've had the experience of getting out there and talking to people about my product and ideas I feel like it's no big deal. Marisa really is brilliant--so smart and creative. She's given us a powerful example of how to serve and create the ultimate experience for our clients.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before EPM I had a niche in mind and a product idea, but it was just raw concepts. I knew that without external direction and guidance I'd probably just stay stuck in the brainstorming phase. I had some vague ideas of all the things that had to happen to bring a coaching program to market, but I had no idea what do do next. Going through EPM gave me the exact steps I needed to quickly gel my ideas into something coherent and compelling. It cleared the fog and helped me understand what I should be doing (and not doing) at each step in the journey. This helped me relax into the process and focus my energy where it was most useful. Now I know how to take any idea I have in the future and bring it into existence without wasting tons of time and energy.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
What I'm most excited about moving forward with my experience product is being able to use Marisa's methods to stack the deck in my clients' favor for maximum success and enjoyment of the process. I'm looking forward to watching my clients' confidence grow while having an amazing time on their way to achieving their goals.

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Annie Murray

Seriously improved my teaching style. Loved every lesson. I know I will go onto do a million dollars this year. I was slow to release as after learning how to teach better I started re recording a lot of my lessons. Absolute life changing course. Thankyou!

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Jackie (Jacqueline) Foskett

Your Graduation Story
This was an intense program. More than I thought it would be! Working through all the video trainings, completing the Milestone docs and attending all the coaching calls took an amount of time that was greater than I had imagined when I signed up for the program.
I signed up because I knew my program that I did a pilot program on 4 years ago needed to come out big. I took a big chance. I never pay that much for a course in all my years of doing business, but I really really wanted to learn what I could do to make this product be a hit! Marisa's energy and authentic-ness pulled me in so I could say a big YES to me!
I loved the support of the community on FB and on our smaller coaching groups. I loved my coach Samara-her energy and coaching was contagious!
I learned new aspects of creating a product that I hadn't thought of in the same way before. I do regular workshops-based on my book: The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care Of Everyone But Themselves, so I've been accustomed to delivering content, but those are always for a short hour presentation/workshop. This was really putting meat into it-more than what I had in my pilot program years ago. All that was awesome.
I appreciated the honesty about marketing and how we were going to go into the mindf**K and that helped a lot. I kept my spirits up and kept doing my launch during launching. I did find some times it was easy to get discouraged when my efforts in my campaigning did not have people jumping up and down and ready to buy.
I think my big take aways from this-#1-glad I got 2 people enrolled. They are treasures! #2-I would have liked to spend more time on learning more about warming up my marketing almost from the beginning. In the future, should I do this campaign again, I will plan it out more so that I have workshops right before the program. I want to nurture my online community more as I move forward. I love my Escalation Plan by the way-it's a wonderful reference for me for all the components I will include in my program/product. It has been a ride...felt I missed out on the Christmas spirit a bit, but I did my best to get in on it somewhat-after all, I'm all about life work balance-which I really did need more of doing this program. Way intense on time. But, thank you for the trainings. I will keep using them as I go forward in my business.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That I can add in more value when I add in components such as wins, normalizing challenges and simply creating a bird's eye view really helped me.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The focus on the process

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Got me very focused on my business in a new way.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My focus on my business so intently seemed to work in the Law of Attraction-other clients for private sessions found me in December & January.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I can "rinse and repeat" and hopefully get more people enrolled each time I do.

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Rebecca Scott

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Techniques for how to price and market my product. What questions to ask when developing product.

How did EPM help you become successful?
As above. Staying motivated. Go to help from facebook groups.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
A bit early to tell. Improved my confidence and dialled in my direction.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
To create a product out of nowhere.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
That now I have the tools to use for more product creation.

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Benta Bye

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Putting things together. Better structuring of the development of the product

How did EPM help you become successful?
Finally setting up an online product, not selling hours

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Moving closer to my overall plans of being self sustained

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Finally creating a product to sell. As opposed to consultancy and scientific research

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Developing more products to enhance each product.

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Christine England

Your Graduation Story

EPM is a product I will recommend very highly and was well worth the investment. Even though it was necessary for me to delay my product launch due to prior commitments, I'm very confident that I now have the blueprint and insights to launch successfully and reach Mission Accomplished within the next four months. I have two potential Customers from Chatterboxing and have a list of businesses I have identified as needing my product, and will be making an offer directly to them soon.

The first pod coaching was really encouraging, though I had not realized I would need a camera set up to take part fully in this as I had assumed it would be a traditional-type webinar so I really like Zoom which I had never heard of before. A nice part of this session was logging into Zoom early (because I got mixed up re time zones) and chatting with several others before the formal start, so I do regret that I was unable to attend the following pod coaching sessions.

One delicious takeaway from this was another participant's term "Comparanoia" (sorry I can't recall his name just now). Oh yes, I definitely used to relate to that feeling back in those days, pre-EPM - nowadays, I'm happily iterating my way to awesome without any "compare-anoia"", because I know that my product is uniquely valuable and nobody else could create and deliver this in quite the same way as me.

Facebook was a bit of a challenge for me because although I use it for several business and charity pages I run, I have always found it rather overwhelming for personal use so avoid spending much time on there. So I didn't use it very much, though when I did I found it very supportive with some good tips and I enjoyed giving feedback on other members' polls and names too as it does build a very nice community. I hope this page will remain available after the course end. I happened across a very short coaching video by Coach Deborah when I first ventured onto Facebook and I keep her "ladder" lesson in mind.

The very friendly personal email to check I was OK after not logging in for a while was a nice touch. A few weeks after that, I filled in some of the Milestones Document but never heard back from my Coach so I must take responsibility for not understanding correctly how to request feedback and for not following up on this with Support, as I was very late getting started so I felt a bit awkward about asking at such a late stage what I was doing wrong re tagging.

It was at this stage that I became a little confused about the direction I was going in with my product idea and had intended to ask a question in the coaching pod but then had to deal with other priorities and missed all the coaching sessions, though I have started watching the replays.

Although my own first product can be experiencified, I'm still uncertain about whether EPM could be adapted for use in selling a one-off physical product or for a product which has only 2 or 3 modules but that is because I missed the coaching sessions so when I watch replays and look in the Facebook community I'm sure that will become clear. My impression is that it is designed really pnly for coaching-type or instructional products though I thought I heard Marisa mention using EPM for all sorts of surprising products when I watched the initial enrolment webinar.

The Niche training was excellent in helping me decide which of several product ideas to pursue first and to combine two of them.

Normalising Challenges was an eye-opener because I admit I had not given any thought previously to doing this for my future Clients as until then I was focusing more on how I can prove myself to them (and naysayers in my life!), and I found the Carol Dweck quotes in this training really helpful.

"Done is better than perfect" is a challenge I've been working on and I really liked how Marisa emphasised this throughout the course and the ""iterate your way to awesome"" motto with reminders to simplify, also the training on marketing strategies made it much less daunting and very do-able.

The training modules, the coaching, the practical resources and tips, and the support have all been excellent so I'm looking forward to hitting my own Mission Accomplished before long and will update my testimonial then - with a loud ker-ching!

Thank you to Marisa, Murray, and all the Supporters (I only know Jhaymie and Brandee by name) who have made EPM really enjoyable and I know it will be profitable too.

PS See you eventually at Message to Money!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Done is better than perfect

How did EPM help you become successful?
Simplified the process of what to do, what tools to use and most of all in changing mindset

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Given me the tools and confidence to get my products out of my head and into the real world so people can benefit from them

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Putting my ideas into practice

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Making money for me and helping others make money who need what I can teach them

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Kynthea Love

Beautifully organized / CLARITY in all areas

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Granville Edwards

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I have learnt that I should allow my customers to provide input while I'm developing the product. The community I intend to serve know what they struggle with and help they need. I now have tools through EPM to understand the pain points of my customer base.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I have not reached mission accomplished but have confidence that it is only a matter of time when this will happen. I am implementing what I've learnt and will soon share my successes.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have an expectation that I will succeed and the guess work is out.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I'm still a start up but I know that if I follow the blue print provided by EPM, success will follow.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have a track to run on and I have success stories from my fellow that I can draw from. I have also first hand knowledge and experience on how to connect with the people you serve.

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Andrea Haverinen

I'm graduating! and moving on to the next chapter in my life. Thanks to Marisa, my coach Mike, and the LYM team for supporting me during the Experience Product Masterclass.

I didn't reach Mission Accomplished for the second year in a row. It's time for me to rethink what I've been spending my business development time on. I believe my biggest struggle is reach. It's a numbers game. I will be working on reaching more people at a time, and building stronger relationships with my current client list.

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