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Jackie (Jacqueline) Foskett's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Jackie (Jacqueline) Foskett

Your Graduation Story
This was an intense program. More than I thought it would be! Working through all the video trainings, completing the Milestone docs and attending all the coaching calls took an amount of time that was greater than I had imagined when I signed up for the program.
I signed up because I knew my program that I did a pilot program on 4 years ago needed to come out big. I took a big chance. I never pay that much for a course in all my years of doing business, but I really really wanted to learn what I could do to make this product be a hit! Marisa's energy and authentic-ness pulled me in so I could say a big YES to me!
I loved the support of the community on FB and on our smaller coaching groups. I loved my coach Samara-her energy and coaching was contagious!
I learned new aspects of creating a product that I hadn't thought of in the same way before. I do regular workshops-based on my book: The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care Of Everyone But Themselves, so I've been accustomed to delivering content, but those are always for a short hour presentation/workshop. This was really putting meat into it-more than what I had in my pilot program years ago. All that was awesome.
I appreciated the honesty about marketing and how we were going to go into the mindf**K and that helped a lot. I kept my spirits up and kept doing my launch during launching. I did find some times it was easy to get discouraged when my efforts in my campaigning did not have people jumping up and down and ready to buy.
I think my big take aways from this-#1-glad I got 2 people enrolled. They are treasures! #2-I would have liked to spend more time on learning more about warming up my marketing almost from the beginning. In the future, should I do this campaign again, I will plan it out more so that I have workshops right before the program. I want to nurture my online community more as I move forward. I love my Escalation Plan by the way-it's a wonderful reference for me for all the components I will include in my program/product. It has been a ride...felt I missed out on the Christmas spirit a bit, but I did my best to get in on it somewhat-after all, I'm all about life work balance-which I really did need more of doing this program. Way intense on time. But, thank you for the trainings. I will keep using them as I go forward in my business.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That I can add in more value when I add in components such as wins, normalizing challenges and simply creating a bird's eye view really helped me.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The focus on the process

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Got me very focused on my business in a new way.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My focus on my business so intently seemed to work in the Law of Attraction-other clients for private sessions found me in December & January.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I can "rinse and repeat" and hopefully get more people enrolled each time I do.