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Helene Thituson's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Helene Thituson

Before I joined EPM I was so tired of creating websites. Once the website was finished I ended up having one on one coaching and teaching lesson, for free, for all these clients on how to monetize their websites.

They kept asking me on how to do it, how to get leads, how to market, how to….. over and over again. I worked extremely hard to please them and deliver the best content possible. YES many of my clients are doing extremely well and a couple of them have become millionaires. And me???

So several years ago I decided to create courses and bought several programs (from the very best) on how to do it. But I ended up even more exhausted and overwhelmed and did not finish any of them. I WAS STUCK

Then I joined EPM and everything changed, I mean everything, my mindset, my energy, my approach and after the first week, I began to charging money for my one on one coaching calls. And I told my clients when they called me, “I am sorry I no longer do it for free and if you want a course I will have it up and running in the near future. Are you interested? “
Lo and behold – it worked ?

Today I have the confidence in creating and I know how to deliver a course, how to show up, how to market myself in a way I never did before.

What specifically did you do to experiencify your program? Give us an example of a core experience you implemented in your product.
After each module, there is a button that plays a personal recorded message from me that cheers them on. Until I have it up and running on Xperiencify, I deliver the modules inside Google drive.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Soo many things, but one thing that really stood out for me was the Ladder. You can always teach other no matter where you are in life.
If you are a kindergarten teacher you do not have the same knowledge as a high school teacher, but you will still have the capacity to impact and teach a whole lot of people from where you are right now.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am a happier and confident person when it comes to value myself and I have no problem asking for the transaction.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My business has changed in so many ways, I have set up a studio where I can shoot videos, I have found new joy in my business, I see my clients differently.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
The number of people that I can help is not limited anymore. I love what I do <3