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Lorna Whiteaker's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Lorna Whiteaker

"I had a very successful summer doing 1:1 coaching helping entrepreneurs navigate the financial obstacles resulting from COVID but I was maxed out. I simply could not take on more clients. I had always wanted to offer an online course and knew I could help more business owners if I made better use of my time teaching to groups.

Years ago I put together an online course but it was a disaster. I really had no idea what I was doing. When I saw the offer for the Live Your Message I knew it was just what I needed. I committed wholeheartedly to doing what it took to complete the course and it has been so worth it - HUGE!

I came to this course with tons of skills but I have learned so much more than I ever expected. How to create course materials people can actually benefit from. That perfection is not a requirement to bringing my course into the world and that a minimum viable product that gets done is better than something that sits on the shelf and gathers dust. I learned that I can expect challenges to my effort, frustration, discouragement, and a whole lot more and that it is completely NORMAL.

I had three sales for my program during my early bird offer and then... crickets. Nothing. When registration closed and my course was starting in two days I still only had 3. Frankly, I was crushed. There was no way I was going to hit mission accomplished. However, with Marisa Murgatroyd's coaching, encouragement and wisdom I kept asking the question "How can I still make this happen?" So I continued my social media marketing efforts. Now get, normally I would have stopped, accepted my disappointment, and maybe even allowed doubt to keep me from making any future offers. However, one of those who were signed up and taking my course saw a post and said "please tell me more." I called her and engaged in chatterboxing... and ... she said YES... I need one-on-one coaching with you. Because she got such great value from the course in our very first hour together she was excited to do more to make her 2021 a much, much better year than she has had in a very long time.

She could see how working with me 1:1 would allow her to make more money with her business, to get out from under debt, to stop worrying about how she was going to make rent, and to build the kinds of revenue streams that would allow her to travel and play 8 weeks a year with money in the bank and without guilt.

Since this sale would not have occurred except for my EPM program this put me at MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Whoo-hoo."

What specifically did you do to experiencify your program? Give us an example of a core experience you implemented in your product.
normalized challenges, shock, and awe of the ease and pattern interrupt

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The deeper understanding of what my audience cares about when it comes to having a profitable business. I had dozens of iterations of my mission statement which helped me refine my offer.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
My work is life-changing for entrepreneurs. Being able to share it with more of them brings me so much joy!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I deeper understanding of what my audience wants. How to communicate more clearly with them. How to show them their future selves in a powerful way. Now having a clear path to helping more people have profitable businesses so they can have a life they love.