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Anne Ducroquetz 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Anne Ducroquetz

I created my website,, about 10 years ago. I had started to become successful (but never sold a product) but I got scared and backed away.

Deep inside, I felt like Houdini : bound in chains, locked in a trunk and submerged in a water tank, trying desperately to get out! I knew I still had something to create and I wanted to get back out there, but I would overthink and change my mind, over and over again. And do... nothing.

Back in May, I decided to take another info course, and immediately started falling into the 'Deadly Death Spiral'. By the second week, I wasn't even attending the coaching calls, because, even though the information was pertinent, it was lackluster and hard to digest, and I felt disgusted with myself for having once again spent money on a course that I knew I wouldn't even finish.

Several months later, I received an email in my inbox and opened it (miracle in itself!) and was intrigued by what I read. I had never heard of Marisa Murgatroyd, but what she said, struck a cord in me. Somehow I knew that what she was saying was true, and although I kept trying to talk myself out of it (what? buy ANOTHER product??), I ended up clicking the button and signing up for EPM. I was excited and scared... but I was reassured immediately.

First off, EPM was FUN! The videos are great, not too long, and really hit home! I loved coming home from my day job and watching my assignments, and attending the live calls and being able to participate with the others in the group.

The support is great... where else do you get all of this information, as well as your own personal coach??? There was technical support, moral support, and new-found friend support from the other EPMers on our FB group. What a great group! We helped each other through thick and thin, creating our product, asking questions... it really made me understand how to present MY course and the importance of group support.

My greatest takeaway has been that I don't have to be perfect to get out there and do it! In the past, I would have weighed the pros and cons, overthinkoing everything, and finally ending up saying to myself, 'oh well, I'll do this next year!' I had never heard that I could just go out there and sell, find new customers, and THEN create my product. But it is really the best way to go! I have 10 new customers (and I haven't even started my internet campaign) and they have all inspired me to create a great experience product! I can't let them down, and that is great motivation, believe me! Can't wait to let you all know how it goes, but I feel confident that I've got this, and that this is just the beginning of my new career.

My goal was to be able to quit my day job by the end of 2018... we shall see. But no matter : what I have learned in EPM has been priceless, and I know I will be coming back again and again to all the points that I have learned.

Thanks y'all : you've given me a whole new start. I can't wait to see what the future brings!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My biggest takeaway from EPM? Stop overthinking and wanting to be the perfect (presenter, coach, course designer... you name it!) before getting paying clients.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The fact that the videos were short, the support incredible, and the fact that I really had to do it!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I'm excited about creating my EPM product! And have more money in the bank ;-)

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Just getting out there and DOING IT after years of thinking about it.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am excited to help the people who have signed up... they have inspired me to make the BEST COURSE EVER! They are depending on me, and I will come through!