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Tripp Hanson's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Tripp Hanson

I spent years in the 'product creation rabbit hole'. I've had all kinds of exceptional experiences & loads of training in vastly different arenas- from performing in 5 Broadway shows, singing on concert stages all over the world, to owning and running a successful acupuncture practice in NYC, along with certifications in Functional Nutrition, Functional Medicine, and as a Life Mastery Consultant.

I felt like a Jack of All Trades, but with no clear way to translate all of this into something that would speak to others, that could allow me to access my knowledge and experience and bring it to the world in a way that made sense. I was LOST.

Enter Marisa Murgatroyd and EPM! There's nothing like having a dynamo coach, a crystal clear program laid out in juicy-but-bite-sized pieces!

EPM and the ongoing connection to Marisa and all of the coaches as well as our online community, led me step-by-step to the excavating I needed to do to create my very first COMPLETED PROGRAM- and was born!

Through EPM's processes and strategies- on a schedule that kept us MOVING and ACCOUNTABLE- I was able to dig in, do the work, make decisions and follow through. And guess what THAT turns into?

A completed product! A launch date! My first clients signed up to work with me!! I'm so grateful that I found Marisa and EPM. The engagement of this community is a reflection of the incredible care with which this course has been created and implemented. And in modeling how to create a product, engage a community, and cheer ALL of the players across the finish line, Marisa and her team are second to none in creating a process that I could finish. And if they could get me- with all of my mental noise and confusion- to that point, I believe that they can do the same for ANYONE!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

So many… 1st, EPM showed me that I DO have the answers I need, I DO know what I'm doing, and all I needed to implement all of that was a clear, well defined path, led by our fearless leader (Marisa) and her team of coaches!

2nd, I also learned- and experienced- that the value of community engagement cannot be underestimated...there was so much support from everyone at LYM, as well as our Facebook group...and it took every bit of that to support me to keep going when I was tired, and gave me a place to turn to when I felt lost.

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM was not just another 'learn at your own pace' kind of so many that I've done and never finished! What blew my mind during this time was the energy, the vitality that came out of being in such an engaged community, with such specific goals, cutoff points, well-defined actions to take.

Moving through this program was like having a coach running BESIDE me on the track to keep me moving; yelling in my ear when I was flagging or losing my way; cheering me on when I was tired and feeling overwhelmed or wondering if I had it in me to complete the tasks. (I did, and I did!)

There's so much that made it doable: the clarity of teaching points, the worksheets to remind me where I was heading, easy access to the training, the frequency of the coaching calls, the engagement our EPM community- and especially the weekly access to Marisa and her amazing team of coaches...all worked together so synergistically to keep me on track, moving forward- at times faster than I thought I could- to hit my milestones.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

EPM has given me a new way of looking at my working process. I know that I can now return to any of the steps that we took, any of the coaching I received, and continue to refine, review, revisit and reiterate...and more importantly, NONE of those things need to stop me from presenting what I have NOW. As a recovering perfectionist, that's been a huge growth for me.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I had been beating around the 'product creation bush' for YEARS. Thinking about...wondering if maybe...ALWAYS stopped because I didn't feel like I had the criteria or clear feedback to know if what I was thinking about was viable or clear or...or...or...

But now, with the help of Marisa and Coach Susan, and my team- along with the generosity of this entire tribe of my fellow EPMers- I now have a completed product! And I can talk about it. I can define what I do, and how I do it! I now have a process that I can take people through, to support them to do the inner work that will move them from where they are to where they want to be, bringing their work into the world in a way that feels almost sacred to them.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I'm so excited to take my current clients through my beta version in a 1:1 format. This was something I was so afraid to do before...I always thought I'd be marketing to groups, so that I could stand back and let people take themselves through 'at their own pace'.

But now I realize that this is going to be the most exciting way to go through my process with these clients, and take their feedback and incorporate it into the next iteration of my course. I'll get to learn what's good so far, and what I can do even better. I don't have to have all the answers!

I can continue to learn and grow, and NOT put the pressure on myself to be perfect; instead I get to get better. That's the most exciting thing- that I'm allowed to grow through this process!