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Tia Stabenow's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Tia Stabenow

Before EPM, I realize I had no confidence in my online course. I was afraid to be vulnerable and share my knowledge and story with the world. I had a bunch of "what ifs" holding me back. I was terrified of email marketing and couldn’t overcome that hurdle which resulted in me missing out on potentially hundreds of clients. I didn’t really know what a real launch or marketing campaign.

I was terrified of social media and afraid to put myself out there. I had the “build it and they’ll come” mindset. I thought if I build it and if my product is good enough, surely the clients will come knocking down the door. Needless to say, I was greatly disillusioned.

EPM allowed me to gain confidence in my product and why I needed to share it with the world. I also learned that no one has my gift. I have been given a special gift that I am responsible to share with the world.

I learned that email marketing and social media are powerful tools that allow me to share this gift with the world. Once I understood that, I was determined to learn how to use these tools and am still learning. There is only a small percentage of people where things just happen for them.

The real fact is that most people must make things happen for themselves. I had to get over myself, my insecurities, fears, and doubts and start making things happen. That was the clarity and confidence I gained while being a part of EPM. I ran a 3-week campaign and made $0.

But I gained so much more than money can ever buy. I gained confidence, courage, and clarity—all areas I have been lacking in for quite some time. I know it's only a matter of time before I hit mission accomplished. I am already seeing where I can improve and things I need to do differently.

Frankly, I don't think I was ready. I think I launched premature. But, that's okay too, because it's a part of the learning process. I'm grateful to Christ for this experience and can't wait until I can see my experience product in action with a full class of women. Patience, persistence and perseverance will keep me moving forward! Thank you for this extraordinary journey and life changing experience!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Realizing that success takes many different shapes and forms. Every successful entrepreneur has a "genesis" a beginning backstory. Most if not all tell the tale of persistence, patience, and perseverance. I signed up for EPM three months into the start of my new business.

I was hoping EPM would be my "success story", my breakthrough after months of trying to figure it out on my own. While I didn't make one dime after trying to Chatterbox, or launch my first email campaign, or create my first fast result freebie, or run my first FB ads; I learned a lot.

Before EPM, those things I just mentioned wouldn't have been possible. I have been struggling with email marketing for years. So to see that I was able to set up my own sequence was a major breakthrough along with being vulnerable and putting myself out there while marketing my product. I believe my "Mission Accomplished" is right around the corner. My goal is to keep moving forward no matter what it looks or 'feels' like.

How did EPM help you become successful?

While there has been no monetary gain to date, my mindset has been renewed in regard to my product.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I really gleaned a lot from coach Jennifer Rada and am thankful for her personal investment into the success of my product and me personally. I learned a lot from all of the training.

Even though there is no tangible result I can cling to, I know there have been many breakthroughs in me personally. I didn't realize 'I' was the biggest person I had to overcome. Once I got out of the way and learned to trust the process, that's where the growth began. Hoping to continue that growth...

What has been the biggest change in your business?

My mindset shift has helped me to overcome obstacles I didn't even realize were there. Before EPM, I was afraid to talk about my business/product. After EPM, I have full confidence in my product and believe it's only a matter of time.

I know my product will help many women and families and will be looking at how I can leverage multiple marketing strategies to get my product out there to change families across the globe.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Well, this was the first time I have ever invested in myself and especially that amount. I am disappointed that I didn't even make $1 and followed the formula to a tee and did ALL of the work. The one disqualifier for me was how many people saw my offer. I came close but couldn't get to the numbers outlined in the guarantee. This has led me to turn my focus and efforts on building an email list. This is the only way I think I can move forward at this time. Maybe Amy Porterfield's list building masterclass is the answer. Not sure, on the lookout ????