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Susanna Wailes's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Susanna Wailes

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM? Before I started EPM I was struggling to establish myself as a Business Coach. I had spent the last 2.5 years absorbing every offline and online course I could get my hands on trying to find a way forward. Nothing worked. I abandoned every program before it finished, floundering in failure and disillusionment. Until EPM…when everything changed.

My biggest sticking point through EPM was establishing credibility. Why should people buy from me when I have no results to speak of? Although I had spent years developing my ideas, I had never developed a consistent client base.

My clients came and went because I wasn’t clear about what I was really offering. It’s the old chicken and the egg syndrome. To attract clients, you need results. To get results, you need clients. I was stuck on that treadmill and losing money fast.

It wasn’t until the FINAL group coaching call that I realised what I was supposed to be doing. I have been consistently co-creating extraordinary results for my Meditation and Spiritual Coaching clients.

When I started to speak up about the benefits of this kind of work, my spirit came alive. The Universe itself altered on its axis for me. A whole world of possibility opened up.

All of a sudden I realised, I had all the credibility I needed. I had the desire to share this work with the world. And I finally had the passion and confidence to sell myself, my stories and my program.

If I hadn’t persisted through the discomfort of establishing credibility, I would not have been able to see the light when it exploded into my consciousness. So, I basically developed my program, AFTER all the training was over. Marisa was right, having done it once, it was easier the second time.

My biggest, and most unexpected, takeaway from EPM has been finding my true path, my authentic business. The business that will not only profoundly impact the lives of my clients, but will sustain me emotionally, financially and spiritually.

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM has changed my life. I finally have direction in my business. I have the knowledge and tools to be able to deliver an outstanding online program. No other training has been able to deliver these results for me.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Having the confidence to sell myself and my work has brought about the most fundamental change in my life. Even though I haven’t launched yet, I just know that my program will be successful. I know that by incorporating the Experience Formula into every aspect of my business, my clients will be blown away by their results.

Experience Products are a real game-changer and having the expertise to be able to deliver one makes me feel successful already.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before EMP I was lost. I was trying to establish myself as a Business Coach, completely ignoring the fact that the clients who were finding me organically were looking for Meditation and Spiritual Coaching.

Post EMP, my business has completely transformed. I have direction and purpose. I am excited to be marketing myself as a Happiness Guru.

My business is aligned with my life’s purpose: to remind people that they are loved, deeply loved. I am living my message. My signature system The Gratitude Phenomenon™ has the potential to unleash incredible happiness for my clients.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am super excited to launch my product and start seeing the results my clients will experience