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Paula W's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Paula W

I have made my very first online sale! A small step counting the amount of money (Euro 97.-), but a big step business wise. I now know what was missing in the past. I now know what I did to get this one sale. I know what to do from now on. I finally have a working basis for an online business! In 1999 I started a smoke free disco in Cologne.

The marketing was super simple and the thing a hit. In 2012 with “lunchbeat” I made an epic misstake with the marketing – media loved the concept of dancing your lunch break once a month, paying customers in Berlin did NOT. Having 45 journalists and three TV camera teams covering ones own f*ckup hurts.

Since then I've spent some $ 8000.- on various online programs, both more specific marketing but also general online businesses building … all costing time and money - and me failing with all.

Luckily it mostly felt like there are some important stuff these other guys assume that I already know and can apply. But I didn't, and thus I didn't get it working. But I didn't understand WHAT was missing, just THAT is was something crucial.

I was on Marisa´s list for years. Intuition / feeling told me that she is somehow different. But with too many emails generally, I had signed of some time ago. Then an email from another great online teacher came, strongly suggesting to check out Marisa and something called EPM.

WOW – here it is! A kind of immediate knowing that somewhere in this EPM these “missing links” will be hiding. And they are. Actually probably hundreds of “missing links” to succes.

Three things I´d like to point out:

1) by splitting a business building process up into detail, I could start to identity my weak spots marketing and business wise and over the program I experienced several tide turning break-throughs of clarification,

2) with the help of my coach and fellow EPMers I´d over and over re-work so that core weaknesses around “wanting to create something impressively grand” would melt down to something real,

3) and it is a lot ( L O T ) of work, but it is the necessary work.

The work that finally brought me a positive outcome.

I´d also like to point out the training part around marketing – also here in the past I had learned some of the “big” methods, but I hadn't learned the necessary smaller methods. That´s though where to start, isn't it? Guess what, the very most simple ones were the ones that worked for me. At ZERO costs.

Next to the actually sale, I also have seven great testimonials from free try out sessions. Thanks to EPM I now have fund a language and methods to present my service in such a way that people get what it is. These testimonials are true. People are seriously gaining form the healing I offer. The present “richness” may still not be there in money, but it is there in people.

I feel great – after my back story to get CONFIDENCE back in has been soo important.

It is the first program ever that I look forward to, to go back and work through it again. I´m already thinking of maybe doing EPM a second time later in 2019 .. it´s more of life style than a program and a training.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

I HAVE MADE MY VERY FIRST SALE through online business and marketing activities. To para phrase Neil Armstrong: It may be a small step to “only” make € 97.-, but as a first sale, it is a HUGE breakthrough step.

Confidence - I can do this.

How did EPM help you become successful?

By meticulously breaking a business process down into all the nitty gritty little details (and putting them in a workable order), I've learned so much about where things went wrong in the past (sometimes expensively very wrong).

I've been hanging there several times the last years after various trainings, wondering if I´m stupid or somehow not made for an online business. But now finally understanding what I did not know, what these other guys didn't cover (leaving pitfalls for me and other to fall into) has been and is very relieving. From which confidence returns.

So now I´m but by but building a business … not just hoping a business.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Enormous gain in clarity. Away from chasing the goals of the dreams of others, to boil my self down what I actually really want to do & that others also want & are willing to pay for.

I gave a few session for free to friends. I asked for a testimonial before the session, and by now I have seven really good testimonials.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

My very first sale. Simple and groundbreaking as that. Simplifying and aiming from where I am. Not trying to pretend to be elsewhere, creating castles in the air (maybe that´s a German saying). Suddenly people are interested.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I’m now building a basic website for “Healing for Awakening” (I have both the and the addresses). Quite some legal stuff to care for, since I do offer spirit healing, that slowed me down.

The connections with some fellow student will go on beyond this, and there are some seriously important “awakening and healing as a service” business friendships made.

I might be back for another round of EPM, if offered next autumn.