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Zdeslav Hrepic's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Zdeslav Hrepic

As a physics professor, a longtime spiritual seeker and personal development junkie, I have been noticing a lot of parallels between the laws of physics, the principles of success and wisdom insights from a variety of secular and spiritual traditions for a good chunk of my life.

About four years ago I structured it in the framework which I consider my greatest life project. I offered it after that as a college course for honors students twice with really good success. My hope was to offer it as an interdisciplinary college course for all students, in which they would learn physics principles in parallel with success strategies, but the course proposal was not accepted.

Things stagnated for a while and then in August 2018 I fractured a vertebrate which made me realize that life is way too fragile to wait another minute to get this out and I signed up for two programs to learn about business style online course delivery.

Even though the healing process slowed me down as well as an absence abroad from mid-December to mid-January, I still lifted the whole project off the ground. I started inviting friends into Start with an Experience Campaign and was really encouraged by the feedback I got from every single one of them, whether they thought they did or did not like physics before.

But then, something extraordinary happened which I have to ascribe to a whole lot of different things coming beautifully together that resulted from the few decades of work, but were certainly catalyzed by a number of practices in the Start with an Experience Campaign.

Namely, while abroad, I gave an invited presentation related to school reforms and the role of pen-based educational technology in them. One of the attendees was the chief editor of the largest publishing house in the country. We connected and next day I decided to call and see if I can schedule a meeting to present the framework. In short, she accommodated it and within an hour I was giving her an one-on-one presentation.

Delight, she offered to publish the book and that’s now in the process of writing. I heard many stories about how somebody got the publishing contract, but I don’t think many people first thought of even giving a presentation about the book to a publisher at 7:45 AM and had a verbal agreement for publishing at 11 AM of the same day. As I said, way too many things coincided for this to happen and they were building up into this event for few decades, but EPM was definitely a catalyst that came in at the perfect time.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

It is all figureoutable and doable

How did EPM help you become successful?

It got me going again calling people, presenting my framework to them, feeling inspired by their feedback, I even transcribed one of such calls into what I’m now turning into an e-book.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Through these start with an experience sessions, I got a tremendous share of validation for the concept and the content. The coach Debra was great. Marissa is fantastic. I am taking away few great friendships that might even turn into future business collaborations.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I was at a point when when there was little or no activity around it and I got it back off the ground again. This is not my source of income and is more like a life project/mission than (still) a business.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Each video has a treasure trove of fantastic information. I’ll write the way start working on it again. Also, although I was not able to make it to the live class in LA, I signed up for next year.