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Amy Krymkowski's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Amy Krymkowski

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

My biggest takeaway from EPM is affirming how my fear of being successful, which in itself is a real challenge, largely exists in my own mind and that I can absolutely break this mindset and way of thinking by the shear mantra I continually heard throughout this program -- I can iterate my way to awesome. The past 10 weeks have been so revealing for me in that I quietly took steps to work the program and the milestones and as we got closer to the 2 week break in Christmas, I lost my moment and my fear of getting closer to potential success increased.

Fortunately, I found so much AFFIRMATION in the messaging that is offered in everything EPM offers. The "iterating" and Earn While You Learn" mantra has literally been a life saver for me and my mindset and self-identity. I know I have all I need to make the magic happen and although I have not sold a VIP (or future 1:Few program yet), I have envisioned myself doing it in my mind and had several chatterbox conversations where I felt myself doing it in the moment. This is my biggest learning because it has been a pattern in my life and largely what has kept in the same job for the past 8 years -- and which will change in 2019!!

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM has helped me in two ways that for me are signs of success. The first is it has afforded me the courage to hold myself accountable to a decision to quit my job of 8 years this Spring and become a full-time independent coach and consultant. This is a success for me because it means I am finally embracing my own value and worth in a way that is overdue. Second, it has helped me recognize that I have all of the ingredients in me coupled with the tools and wisdom of EPM to actually sell my skills and talents for a price that I never thought would be possible.

During my chatterbox campaign, I spoke with a former client of mine who I coached for 6 months 1:1 to help him reach his mission accomplished. When I shared my idea about my product and offer and the price, not only did he tell me he would pay it but said that once its ready, he would be happy to refer other executives that he knows to me and will give me a testimonial for my website. I realize this has not happened yet, but I believe and know that I can happen -- it does not seem like a mountain I can never climb or get around to reach my goal.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Not only has the clear messaging been helpful in helping me to shift my mindset but it has given me throughout structure that I can use and follow as I create products of my own for the first time in a way that I believe will set me apart from my competition. I was and continue to be excited about how I can be more creative, curious and thoughtful in designing a 1:1 or 1:Few coaching experience for my clients utilizing the Experience Product Formula. Based on what I have created thus far, and will clearly by iterating, my anxiety levels around this have shifted as I allow my thoughts and ideas to flow more naturally.

I have an example of how I have seen my success in learning the EPM Experience Product formula has impacted my way of seeing new opportunities in myself and in my work like never before. In short, a woman friend and I are in the process of designing a 4 hour workshop. We are expanding on a 2.5 hour workshop we designed and led last fall. We met just after new year to begin brainstorming our ideas, I found myself making suggestions that mirrored much of what I have been learning over the past 10 weeks and was amazed at how much I was retaining in my head and soul. This is huge for me given how much I was feeling unsure about my own understanding and wisdom gained in the course and the fact I could see I would not reach Mission Accomplished by Feb 5th. It means I will reach MA in the timeline that allows me the opportunity to see a true success (e.g. selling even 1 of my programs to one person).

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Well, I have not yet seen a change financially namely because I have not started the marketing my product in a timely manner. The biggest change for me is that I am committing to spending more time on my business beginning in April. Shifting from 5-7 hours every week to 20-25 hours. If I can build the business in 12 months that I hope to build, I will shift to 35 hours per week by 2020. My biggest opportunity is to instill the habit of working on my business everyday to be successful in reaching these goals.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am most excited that I am not giving up and will be coming to M2M Live next week to make sure I don't!! I am committing to myself without having much evidence of having made a sale yet. I know I can sell however since I have private clients right now in addition to a full-time job. I never knew that I could be more creative and design my own programs that feel more like a true expression of myself and that I can not only earn while I learn but that I have the potential to earn 6-figures (like I once did), working hard being of service to others but with an even deeper sense of purpose and clarity about allowing myself to build and cultivate my own greatness. I have a lot of work ahead and am grateful to be challenged by it.