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Joella Bower's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Joella Bower

When I first started EPM, I was a little lost as to where to begin to reignite my stagnant, on life-support coaching business. I was doing lot's of things but lacked a clear direction. Working through the EPM modules gave me a focus and clarity that I had been lacking and forced me to zero in on one offer instead and continue to clarify it until it became crystal clear.

Although I didn't hit Mission Accomplished, I definitely made an impact and I have people reaching out to me much more now than before EPM. I can only assume that it is due to my upleveled clarity. I've always believed that if you get one client, you can get 2 and if you get 2 you can get 4 and so I'm just going to keep iterating my way to awesome until I have a program that people are begging me to join.